The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 13, 1912, Image 3

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    C. E. WOODSON.
Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon
Sam E. VanVactor.
Office on west end of May Street
Heppner Oregon.
S. E. Notson
Offlceln Court House. Heppner, Oregon.
lone, - - - Oregon
lone. - - - Oregon.
Only complete Bet of abstraol books
in Morrow oouuty.
Justice of the Peace.
Oilioe with E. Van Vactor
Permanently located in Heppner. Office
in the new Fair building. Gas ad
Dr. Atartha S. Arledge, D. 0.
Dr. J. P. Conder, M -T- D.
Treatment of all diseases
99 per cent, of crises successfully treated
without operation
1'IIVM1I A , & Sit' KUKON
Graduate of:
Lenox C 'lippe, 1335.
Chicago Homeopathic Med College
Ruxk .Medical College, 1892.
F. E. Boyden, Al. D.
Physician & Sirgkon
Office in rear of Patterson & Son's
Drug, Store.
Three Doors South of PostofEce.
Shaving 25c Haircuttlng 35c
Bathroom In Connection.
2 Doors North
Palace ilotel
Finb Baths ..... Shavin25c
Merchant Tailor
lone, Oregon.
Real Estate
Farms and City Property forSale. Farms
to rent. Correspondence solicited.
Made A tlsvt Man Of Kim.
I was Buffering from pain in my
stomach, head and tack," writes II.
T. Alston. Kaleigh. N C"aT)d try
liver and kidneys did not work right, I
but four bcttlis of tiecinc uiuers
made me feci like a new man."
The Craze For Litigation la Amerioa'a
Most Costly Folly.
If one were naked to name the cost
liest folly known In this country he
would not bo far from the mark If he
should sny It was the American craze
for litigation.
In some communities, especially the
small ones in rural districts, a man's
importance seems to he measured by
the number of lawsuits he has on
hand, and ho who has none is often re
garded as a person of slight conse
quence. -
Put the habit of going to law Is not
confined to small neighborhoods nor
to persons of trilling affairs, as a sin
gle instance will show. There is now
in process of settlement in-a neighbor
ing state the estate of a man which at
the time of his death was valued at
$1,000,000. Rival claimants to the
property engaged in litigation, whicn
has extended over a period of several
years, and now, as the end approach
es, it is said the estate. has dwindled
to about $23,000.
Manifestly the parties to this litiga
tion have ;uade a heavy' investment in
experience; hut, unhappily for them.
,t is not what financiers call a "liquid
asset." Docket.
Besides Our Own Luna Twenty-five
Others Are Known to Exist.
There are in all twenty-five moons
besides our queen of night, Mars hav
ing two, Jupiter eight, Saturn ten, Ura
nus four and Neptune one, says the
Philadelphia Public Ledger. Of course
new lunar additions are likely to be
discovered at any time, although it is
improbable that Mercury and Venus
have any Riitellites or that Mars has
more than two.
The two known moons of Mars are,
indeed, very minute, neither being over
fifty miles in diameter. On the other
hand, Jupiter's first four satellites, as
well as Ganymede, are each larger
than Queen Lima, Ganymede having a
diameter of about 3,'mO miles. Titan
of Saturn possesses a diameter approx
imating 3,(M miles, while that of Nep
tune's sole satellite is njiout 2,000 miles.
As respects our own moon, Queen
Luna has only one-forty-iiinth the size
and one-eighty-first the weight of our
earth. Luna's distance from us varies
a good deal, from 221.000 miles to 252,
000 miles. Her mean or average dis
tance is about 23S.00O miles.
AU With Tears In His Eyes.
On one occasion General Scott at
tended a banquet where all the states
of the Union were represented by a
dish in some way characteristic of
each commonwealth. Pennsylvania
was represented by a bowl of sauer
kraut, and in speaking of the fact the
next morning the general remarked, "I
partook of it with tears in my eyes."
This fondness of Scott for. the good
things of the table, taken in conjunc
tion with the famous "hasty plate of
soup" incident, gave point to the name
of "Marshal Turenne," with which he
was once saluted by the Rev. lr.
Smith Pyne, an inveterate punster. It
was Dr. Pyne who once exclaimed
after hearing Ole Bull play, "If honor
ary degrees were conferred upon mu
sicians Ole Bull would be field. e I). P."
Marian Gouveneur in "As I Remem
ber." Blackjacks.
The earliest drinking vessels for
wines and ales were those made from
skins of ahlmals, and these vessels
still retain their popularity in the east
and on the continent. In England
these vessels were made of carefully
tanned hides which were unbreakable
and possessed everlasting properties.
The blackjacks, famed in song and sto
ry, were shaped like pitchers and were
fashioned from one large piece of
leather, which was curloU in the neces
sary manner. Pitch was smeared over
the inside. These old blackjacks gave
their name to the heavy riding boots
worn by cavaliers, which came to he
called jackboots. Owing to the popu
larity of the blackjacks the French de
clared that the English drank out of
their boots. London Globe.
The Seeing Eye.
I know a man who has lived on one
farm half a century. He sleeps in
the room In which he was born. He
knows every rod of his farm in the
dark. Yet his lambs and his pigs, the
velvety roll of new sprouting wheat,
the procession of the seasons, the ap
ple trees he planted and lias watched
for years all are new to him each
day. ' I have seen him stand and look
at his sheep as if he were a city man
long shut out from Mich sights. A
sunset or a sunrise is to him a miracle
new performed each day. That man
has the seeing eye. Detroit News.
Not What He Expected.
'Darling," he murmured, "whatever
induced you to .care for a fellow like
"I really don't know, George," she
replied. "Pa has threatened to send
me to a brain specialist." Bostou
t'ranst ript
Old Time Vintners.
In the city of London at the time of
King John every vintner was required
to hang outside Ids shop an iron ves
sel with pests marking the different
quantities sold.
Easy Prediction.
"I have often predicted that my
wife's hair would le nice and curly at I
right," Mild the clever one. "How did
T know? Why. I saw it In the niora
Ing papers."
Every man ha a rlcht to judge one
Individual only, and that is himself.
First Year Under Re-Organi-zation
A Successful One.
The Oregon Normal School la closing
its first year after Its reorganization
and t is felt that it has been a most
successful one, the total enrollment
reaching one hundred and forty-three.
Commencement week begins Satur
day, June 15, and closes Wednesday,
June 19, and the summer school 'will
begin June 24 and continue to August
The program for commencement
week follows:
June 15-8 p. in. the opera "Pina
fore" will be given by the Noma!
June 16 11:30 a. m., Baccalaureate
sermon by Dr. Fletcher Homan,
President of Willamette University.
June 17 9:40 a. m. Last Assembly.
' 8:00 p.m. Junior Prom.
June 18 During the day the athletic
contests will be given. 8 :C0 p. m.
Class Day exercises.
June 19-11:30 a. m., Commencement
exercises. Address by Dr. O. H.
Chapman. 8:00 p. m. Alumni ban
quet end reunion.
When your child has whooping cough
be careful to keep the cough loose and
expectoration easy by giving Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy as may be
required. This remedy will also
liquify the tough mucus and make it
easier to expectorate. It has bjen
successfully used in manv eDidemics
and is safe and sure. For sale by
Patterson & Son.
No Filth, No Flies.
"Swat-the-fiy" campaigns for 1912
are well on. The elimination of this
filthy and dangerous insect is a desir
able end. Th8 house-fly. in addition
to being a demonstrated agent in the
sureading of typhoid, is sronely sus
pected, on more or less conclusive ev
idence, with relation to a large num
ber o infections, including cholera,
dysentry, the infantile diarrheas, dip
theria and contagious onh'thalmia.
About a billion .flies were killed in
various campaigns of 191 1 a state
ment which seems impressive ontil
one considers the number of Hies whicli
escaped the slaughter. In Washington
D. C. alone, sonr.e 7,000,000 flies were
killed by the "swat," the trap,
drowning, sulphur fumes and even by
electrocution. Dr. Howard, of the
Bureau of Entomology, po:nts oat that
in the congenial climate of that city
seven generations of flies may be pro
duced in a sinle summer. One female
fly will lay on an average a batoh of
120 eges; and if all these egas from a
batch laid in the middle of April
should hatch and reproduce their kind
in like manner, there would be by
autumn, from a single female fly, a
orogeny of nearly six thousand billion.
And as each female may lay four
batches of eggs, the figures for thoir
unchecked development through a
summer stagger the imagination.
To "swat the fly" bv the bililou'
therefore, means little, says "The
Journal of the American Medical As
sociation," so long as those that sur
vive have unchecked opportunity for
breeding:. There is even more weight,
therefore, in Stockbridge's statement
that during 1911 filthy breeding places
were cleaned up, which, if left alone,
would have given opportunity forUie
propagation of incaicnlale billions.
Better than "swating" the flv is the
prevention of its breoding by cleaning
up the places where it thrives the
insanitary nrivy, the dead dog and
horse allowed to lie nnburied until
nutiid. tiie dung-heap, the uncovered
garbage can and the snittoon. How
this can be done, can bo learned from
the health departments of many states
and municipalities, and from civic
leagues and like organizations.
makes The Nation Uii.
The awful list of injuries on a
Fourth of July staggers humanity.
Set over against it, however, is the
wonderful dealing, by Bucklin's Arni
ca Salve, f thousands who suffered
from burns, bruises, cuts, bullet
wounds or explosions. Its the quick
healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore
lins or piles. 25 eta at Slocum Drug
Wiley Wattenburger and "daughter
Miy who were guests at the V. J.
Wattenburger home, left for thier
home at Heponer Tuesday. Echoe's
Md A T. Avara rptrirnprl tn her
home in Heppner after a week's visit
with Mr and Mrs. J. A. vale.
Dallus Chronicle. 4
Mrs. Sam Carter and family left
Saturday morning for their new home
at Pomeroy, Wash
Ihere is no real need of any one
beinir tronbled with constipation.
Camberlain'a Tablets will cause an
agreeable movement of the bowels
without any unpleasant effect. Give
them a trial. For sale by Patterson
& Son.
Hot In Summer and Seldom Really
Warm In Winter.
The Engliilimnu is always surprised
by his climate. And you may find that
surprise on the face of the man who
never prepares for anything but mod
erate temperature. It is cold. It is
hot. The Englishman has built his
house on the supposition that it is
never going to be either just tem
perate. In hot weather he does not
think of electric fans, and in cold
weather he shrugs his shoulders and
endures the cold. But his house is sel
dom really warm. The Englishman
has never taken to Ills bosom the
question of cold. The fireplace is an
absurdity. It warms but a section of
the room, and few can afford to warm
a whole bouse with fireplaces in every
corner! '
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu found
In Vienna that life would be intolera
ble (in December) without furs and
stoves. And she is surprised at "our
obstinacy in Shaking with cold six
months in the year rather than make
use of stoves, which are certainly one
of the greatest conveniences of life."
So far from spoiling a room, they add
to the magnificence of it as shaped in
Vienna and Dresden. , says Lady Mary.
She tln'eateneS that on her return there
would be a stove in her chamber; but,
while the Berliner of en is still the
wanner of the homes across the chan
nel, we stick to the expensive and in
competent fireplace that warms only a
corner of tiie room and one joint of
the human body at a time. London
They Grow Twenty Feet High and Are
Armed With Great Thorns.
" Throughout the older parts of Mexi
co, Texas and New Mexico many of
the fences around the corrals and of
ten the gardens are made of "ocatllla."
This is a cactus-like plant growing iu
a stalk form and often reaching a
height of twenty or twenty-five feet.
It is completely covered with long,
stout thorns. -
The stalk is tough, hard to cut, al
most impossible to break, and, grow
ing to the height it does, it makes an
effective protection. It is planted usu
ally in three or four alternate rows
and is held together by buckskin
strings or with strong wire. It needs
but little water.
I believe this ocatilla fence would be
found very satisfactory to use on
country estates, and even the owner
of a modest plot of ground would find
it a jpod thing. It prevents stock
from breaking in, effectively keeps at
a distance all marauders and when in
bloom is a beautiful sight, for at the.
tip of tiie stalk there comes early in
summer a cluster of deep crimson, ball
shaped blossoms. I remember once
the astonished, almost horrified, , ex
pression of nn eiistern woman to whom
I mentioned the beauty of the corral
fence when in bloom. Country Life In
Push Out the Chest.
Look at your figure iu the next full
length mirror you see, says the Wom
an's World. Nine chances out of ten
your client curves in, your shoulders
round like a bow, your stomach pro
trudes, and your chin is thrust for
ward like a prizefighter's. Now make
an experiment. Take a long breath,
push yonr chest out and hold it to that
position. Behold a miracle! Your
shoulders straighten till your hack is
like a line, your stomach retreats, and
your chin assumes a position of mod
est dignity. Now you are standing
correctly, and if you place any value at
all upon a good appearance you must
practice this position until it becomes
second nature. Remember that the
grand secret is. "Push out the chest."
The rest of the figure will take care
of itself.
Gave Him the Limit.
"I'm ticked!" sobbed the hobo, beat
ing an undignified retreat from the
back door at which he had bummed a
"How do you mean licked?" cho
rused his comrades. "Did she hit you
wid a brick?"
"Worser'n dat."
"What? She didn't Prow water on
"Worser'n dat, fellers."
"What? Not boilin' water?"
"Even worser'n dat yet."
"De're nin't nothin' worser."
"Yes, dere is. She t'rowed soapsuds
on me." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
You Can't Lose It.
"Of course," said the optimist, "if a
man gets into the halJt of hunting
trouble he's sure to find it."
"Yes," replied the pessimist, "and if
he's so lazy that he always tries to
avoid it It will find him. So what's
the difference?" Catholic Standard
and Times.
His Only Worry.
Grapbter I've got my hooks out for
a swell political office, big salary and
all that. Jenkins Do you think you
can fill it? Grapbter Never thought
of that. What's worrying me is wheth
er I'll be able to get it. Philadelphia
Something New.
"Your snowstorm made a hit."
"1 knew it would." declared the
proud playwright.
"Yes; they turned it loose In the
drawing room scene." Exchange.
Its Location.
Gladys Roxton And the duke is so
brave, papa! Why, he declares he In
tends to locome nn aviator. Papa
IPm! He does, eb? Wants to visit his
casfle, I suppose? Puck.
Wtatt 0011(10
ff a " DSamicIlD
DD iq Warn
Arc you interested in getting
hold of land for a home?
Do you want a place suited
to diversified farming?
We have bargains to offer
in the three tracts listed I
No. 1.
Consists of 1100 acres, divided into
250 acres of wheat land, 30 acres now
set to alfalfa, with 20 acres more that can
be put in, and all under good ditch; 800
acres grass land. This is an ideal dairy
and hoof ranch, Ivincr on the creek, with
plenty of water the year around. One of
Eastern Oregon's Best Propositions.
$14 per acre; $8000 cash; good
terms on balance.
No. 2.
Is a creek farm of 950 acres; . 500
acres of good wheat land; 25 acres now
growing alfalfa, and as much more can
easily be put in as it comes under ditch.
Small orchard, small house with water
piped in from good spring on place; barns
and other buildings.
$11 per acre; half cash; terms on
No. 3.
A BIG BARGAIN. 3800 acres,
on which is now growing- 65 . or 70 acres
of alfalfa, and 25 acres more can be put
in, making nearly 100 acres that come
under ditch. On this ranch three good
crops of alfalfa are grown each year and
but one irrigation is required; it is sub
irrigated by from 1 5 to 20 springs on the
place. There is a good orchard of 150
choice bearing fruit trees; 9-room resi
dence with water piped in from spring;
large sheep shed and ofher outbuildings.
About 1000 acres of this farm is good
wheat land with 600 acres now in cultiva
tion. 1 1 miles from Heppner.
Price $11 per acre; half cash; easy
terms on balance.
This is one of the best rural homes in all
Eastern Oregon and is certainlya snap at
the fk tire offered.
To the homeseeker or the investor there are no better
propositions offered than these; nowhere in the North
west can such land be had at anything like such fig
These farms join and can
separately as desired.
For further particulars, call or address
The Gazette-Times
Rea! Estate Office
be had all in one deal or