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About The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1912)
HERE AT HOME Ilrrpiicr Citizens tilndty Teallfy 4 Cniifldeiiitly Kecouimrn' Voan'a Kidney rilla. It is testimony like the following that has placed Doan's Kidney Pills so far above competitors. When poo pie right here at home raise thei Toicea in praise there is no. room left for doubt. Read the public statement of a Ileppner citizen : K. L. Berry, Main St., Henpner Ocfsron. eavs: "Yon are welcome to use mv name as one who has been rurcd of kidney complaint ty Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys were weak and my back was so painful thit I was ubliced to walk all stooped over. The contents of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills effected a cure and dur ins the past two years there has been no recurrence of the trouble." If your back aohes if youi kidneys fcotfaer yon, don't simply ask for a lidoer remedv ask distinctly for Doau'a Kidnev fills, the same that Mr. Berry had-the remedy backed by home testimony. 50c all stores. Foster-Milburn Co. , ProDS. , Buffalo, X V,. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short noticel to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : HEPPNER, - OREGON "Showing" the Boxers. An Incident of the Boxer rebellion, when l'uan Shlh Kul was viceroy of Chill, gives a suggestion of bis quail ty, notes tbe Outlook. A number of the Ikxer chiefs of bis province came to nsk him to take purt lu tbe leader ship of their movement. As an iu ducement they assured him that it was impossible that the movement should fall, because the Boxers were possess 1 of a mugic which mude them In vulnerable to foreign bullets. Express ing great Interest in this invulnera bility, Yuan Invited them to an excel lent dinner. When they bnd dined he declared that it would be a very simple matter to test the Invulnerability, be cause nls soldiers were equipped wltn foreign guns, fie tbereupou conducted bis guests to the courtyard, stood tbein up against a wall and, with a company of his own soldiers armed with foreign rifles, made a convincing test of the matter. Strange to say, not a single Boxer proved Invulnerable. UiViur Oil 1 HI. left me with a frightful cough and Terr weak. I had spells when I could hardly breathe or speak for 10 to ?.0 minutes. Mv doctor could not help hm, but I was completely cured by DR. KINC'S Jew Discovery lira. J. E. Cox.Joliet, III. en. iwn i on t m i noi'roicTC j A Great Clubbing Offer Sent-Yf eekly Oregon Jour- one year $1.50 Gazette-Times, one year SI -SO Toiaj S3.00 Doth Papers One Year - - $2.00 Oregon Journal Pcisfce (he latest and most complete teles; reptile news of the world; gives reli able market eports, as it is published fit PArUand, where tbe market news c-aj be ami H corrected to date tor each Is ue. It mLm (i as a page of speriil mptter for the funs uyi home, an entertaining story page . pure or more of comic eac-h week, 31 itfs'w to the subscriber t'ce every ; w?fc i Umei a year. i The Gazette-Times all the local news a d happenings tt4 twoH t,e in every home in this vi I'ii ity. Tic. pavers make a tciendid r ombi n.L& and you save II by sending your mfew-riiidon to the GAZETTE-TIMtK. ra "Lso give our subseribtrs a good d;iV;it off-r for the Iially and Sunday, nty Journal, in conn clion with the aze!te-Times Summer Range To Lease. S5.00T) gr-res of range for lease in Blue Mountains in the vicinity of VM-Atary and Raker, Orecon. at 8 oeoU wr acre if taken immediately. It is Eret -class ehe p ranee. Write or tc the undersigned for all or anj rl tVte land. FK INK GARDIXIER, Eater, Ore. 5vtV?b Ayerg and Edmord Gontv ar. foerslin a few days in the moun ts; rs on Willow creek, Ceiling. An English Ghost Story. The ghost of Lord Tyrone, It Is said, ppeared to Lady Beresford, the wife of Sir Tristram Beresford, who died in 11373, and announced that Lord Tyroue, of whose death she bad not heard, bud died a few days before. The ghost went on to say that Lady Beresford would be blessed with a long desired heir; that she would marry again and would die at the age of forty-seven. The first three things ranie to pass. and Lady Beresford was congratulat ing herself on approaching ber forty- lgbtb birthday when the clergyman who had christened her told her that she was really a year younger than he thought. You have signed my death war rant," she said. "1 ba not much longer to live." That afternoon she told the story to ber son and daughter and died, and on her wrist was the withering mark where the ghost had touched her. Storms That Beat About the Horn. The waters of Cape Horn have uever been unvlsited by storms for more than a week or two at a stretch with- tbe memory of man. Standing on the outpost of the world. Cape Horn tbe meeting place of ocean currents very different temperatures, from the Icy cold waters of the antarctic drift to the warmth of the Brazilian and Peruvian return currents. The prevailing winds are from the north west and west, and these, coming from the warm regions of the PaciSc, con dense Into fogs which the sailors call 'Tape Horn blankets" and which are the sure forerunners of storms. The extremely low levels to which the glaciers of Tierra del Fuego descend, the perpetual congelation of the sub soil, the meeting of conflicting winds of very different temperatures, are all direct or Indirect causes combining to make this the most constantly stormy region In the world. Emergency Rations. On active service every English sol dier carries what Is known as an emer gency ration, though its use Is forbid den except by the order of an officer or In extremity. When occasion for its use arises the center band Is torn off. and two tins are disclosed- One tin contains one-quarter pound of concen trated beef and the other one-quarter pound of cocoa paste. Thei t-;itlot:s can be eaten dry, but if w:iter is nvull able greater benefit can he derived An ounce of the beef boiled, for an hour makes a pint of. tea; by simmer Ing one ounce of the cocoa paste in n pint of water for a quarter of aa hour a liquid cocoa of good sti-pngth U ob tained. If the ration Is eaten in small quantities at a time it is calculated to maintain strength for thirty-six hours Not a Word From Washington. "I've Just had a new one sprung on me," remarked a man In a cigar store, "and by a kid too. The other day I was expecting a telegram from Wash Ington, where I've been negotiating a business transaction. Knowing I would be In a friend's office from 2 until 5 o'clock that afternoon, I left word lu the telegraph office to have my mes sage sent there. About 4:30 o'clock a messenger boy came in and Inquired for me. 'You're expecting a wire?" be asked. I told him I was. 'Sorry, be said, -'but we can't get a word from Washington.' I Jumped out of my chair lu a hurry. 'What's the matter I asked. Tbe kid edged near tbe door and replied, "He's dead.' And then be ran out. But he left tbe message," Xew York Tribune. Ocean Currents. There are twenty-seven permanent currents in the oceans of the world, and there are nearly as many more of the semi-permanent variety existing at one time. Several causes tend to originate and maintain these drifts. Dniformly directed winds have the greatest influence, and differences of temperatures, storms, polar ice and eddies bave each some effect, creating rstially tbe currents of seml-perma-sent variety. i Reasons Obvious. "We will 6ing 'Awake. Ye Saints.' Im mediately before the sermon tomor row," announced the minister at choir lira ct Ice on Saturday afternoon. "Don't you think." Inquired tbe ob servant tenor, "that it would be mora appropriate to sing it Immediately aft ?r the sermon?" Wasn't at Home Much, lira. Floyle How much did ber hna band leave ber when be died? Mrs. Doyle One more evening a week than when be vat alive Judge. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias hcen in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of una has been made under his per- ' T ? . y ' CAnil eiin,tivtciii c3ts. ita tif',,w.- ZJtyY J-citiuZ Allow lirt one to !iv vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but lSxpcrinicnts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and. Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishness." For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. v GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THl CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY 8TRCCT. NtW YORK CITY. 3o Are You Boosting mor row County 1 Are You Patronizing Home Industry ? E ARE MANUFACTURING Flour and Feed superior to any : imported article. If you are not iisinj? our products call at our office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow County Bluestem Wheat. 1RI OE lie Noti l cei 01 Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. VAWTER CRAWFORD Notary Public Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Insurance Companies, including , The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The Pluenlx of London, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Ileppner, Oregon The Standard Machinery the World Over, .;"J-i,tV.nVv.ft,'.LM " 1,. ',i,w Vv.'tii'i''" VAUGHN & SONS, Ileppner O Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE mii 1 iivin m o IYIIL&-II 1VJ VVS M Z30EJ ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Tine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. MIKE HEAL Y, Proprietor Telephone Livery Stable - TELEPHONE 201 THE ' HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLAS8 SERVICE. PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. 0ioe 3oE T3I. Ilji. O-iSIES FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER MA&TEN H2NON Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me for any kind of work in these lines. LOWER MAIN STREET HEPPNER, ORKGON WE Z I i aHafTaflaTTdtaT THE CITY MEAT MARKET KINSMAN & IleVIvIv, 10 ids. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. Lost A yearling bay colt, with one white bind foot, branded :P on right shoulder. This animal was miaaed from the Andrew Kesl pasture at Lone 'tRock the early part of October 1 till. A reward of $5 00 will be raid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, 1 mo. Eight Miile Oregon. For Sale. Seperaor and engine, at a bargain. Pride of Washington separator, prac tically new baring been run only 30 days, wind stacker and self feeder. Advance engine. For further infor mation write Cooke Br-jg. , Condon Oregon. A handsome dinner set will be given free with every range old by us in the next sixty days. Call and e both. Case Furniture Co. 4 Ei IT WILL DO IT Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The fnitencr. which 1" lllimtrHtert here, Is dtnmped fTm sheet te-l, h ivirir two hm'li stnirk up from each jaw which are driven into the (lick when tue jaws arc set up. Thia bolila the stlrk as if in arise. There are no rivets olns; through the stick to weaken or spli It, We use the best No. 6 duck, straight grained ash sm k and tirst quality leather belt. We guarantee the quality and we guarantee tbe workmanship. These drapers will ost Ton no more than other makes and they will save you much time and annoyance. Ton' Jail to use one on your Harvester or Header this season. iouble Durpoie ol roKiiUtlng the depth of A NEW .INSTRUMENT An ttachment for hoe drills as illustrated here has two very val uable and impor ant features which eve-y rrotrresaive farmer will appreciate touce. loey are mane u in any nue, are enuy nu- liiKtcd and answer the dc lowing and at he same time presses the soil tirinlynroiindthe ((rain thus insuring: immed iate germination. Splendid results are obtained from their use, Manufactured by Pend!elon Iron Works. Pendleton. Oregon. We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment. We solicit your patronage. o O