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About Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1924)
Tuesday, April 15. 1924 THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Page Three NOTICE OF TAKING I P AM) SALE OF HORSE Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the state ot Oregon, have taken up the animal hereinafter described, while running at large on my premises in Morrow county, Oregon, about 6 miles northeast of Lexington, Ore gon, to-wit: One sorrel mare about 10 vears old, weight about 1S00, branded TJ connected on right shoulder. That I will on WEDNESDAY, APRIL Ifi, 1924 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A M unless the same shall have been re deemed, at my ranch 6 mile3 north east of Lexington, Oregon, sell said animal tor cash in hand to the high est biddetf for the purpose of paying charges incident to taking up, hold ing and selling such animal, together .with reasonable charge for injury caused by said animal running at large on said premises. Dated and first published this 1st , fiay of April, 1924. 49-50 B. F. SWAGGART. NOTICE OF TAKING VP AND SALE OF HORSE Notic.e h hereby given that I, the undersigned, under the laws of the stat of Oregon, have taken up the animal hereinafter described, while running at large on my premises in Morrow county, Oregon, about 5 miles east of Lena, Oregon, to-wit: 1 bay horse about io years old, white spots on sides, white face, weight about 1050, shows saddle marks, no visible brands. That I will on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1924, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.. ' M., unless the same shall have been re deemed, at my ranch 5 miles east ol Lena, Oregon, sell said animal foi cash in hand to the highest biddei for the purpose of paying charges in cident to taking1 up, holding and sell ing such animal, together with rea sonable charge for injury caused by said animal running at large on said premises. Dated and first published March 25, 1924. VERNE PEARSON. t muth Beauty linked with power that stays yousrj that's the Willy s Knbk? Tac quiet Wtiiys-Kmffht usz a I .J , V v. George .A. Mansfield 1 t;v:v'--I 4 I a sr.. 0 m Hi DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR THE NOMINATION FOR V. S. SENATOR Orator, Statesman, Farmer and Friend of the Common People. SLOGAN "Rack to Honesty and Government By the People." Mr. Mansfield will be at Hotel Heppner, Monday evening, April 21st, where he desires to meet all democrats of Morrow county. never a Wiilyc-Kirsht engino to wear out! Xouriiig $1195, Coupe-Sedan Standard $1450, 5-pass. Standard Sedan, now 01695, f. o. b. Toledo. I COHN AUTO COMPANY, Heppner, Oregon ? ' . Without You can land the John Deere Steel Gang instantly; you can maintain full width cut on hillsides and around curves and corners, and you turn the corners without tipping. The landing lever is handy and control is easy. Furrow wheel is set well forward; the land wheel, well back thus turning is made easy and the proper balance of the plow is maintained. Jolm Beere Steel Gang The Plow for This Section heavy for the John Deere Steel Gang. Genuine John Deere steel or chilled bottoms, fam ous for good work and long wear. Quick cletachable shares: Loosen one nur to remove share, tighten the same nut and share is on tight. Indestructible steel eveners. We can furnish this popular plow in two-bottom or three bottom size. Seat and rear wheel furnished, if desired. Strongest plow of its type. Practically all steel. Beams are guaranteed not to bend or break. Heavy steel braces at front, middle and rear keep the plows rig idly in alignment. Great clearancj every one of our customers using this plow is especially pleased with its clearanceadvantage3. Twenty -two inches under the beam; 24 inches between bottoms no stubble is too Be sure to come in and Gauj next time see the John Deere Steel you are in town. PEOPLES HARDWARE CO. s. G and Service ' SINCE TAKING OVER THE BUSINESS OF MINOR & CO., INC., VK ARK COMMENT- ING TO RE - STOCK OUR SHELVES WITH NEW AND SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE I The attention of discriminating shoppers is directed to recent' arrivals in TISSUE GINGHAMS VQILETS JAPANESE CREPES WINDSOR CREPES MAGNOLIA SILK CREPES RATINES IN ALL THE NEW SHADES And Many Other Seasonable Attraction ALL THE STAPLES IN GENERAL DRY GOODS OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT KEPT STRICTLY UP-TO-T1IE- MINUTE, IS' WHERE YOU WILL FIND DAINTY THINGS IN SEASONABLE FOODS MALCOLM D. CLARK At the Old Stand in the Blackman Building PHONE 152 HEPPNER, OREGON ! PAINT-UPTIME S HAVE YOUR Painting, Papering and Decorating Z DONE BY AN EXPERT WORKMAN I guarantee all my work and my prices are reasonable, either by the day, hour or job. LET ME FIGURE ON YUOR WORK LEAVE ORDERS AT PKOW.E8 HARDWARE COMPANY S A. E. HUFF ' 1 Announcement Studebaker Automobiles LIGHT SIX SPECIAL SIX BIG SIX i Uphold Studebaker's 72-year reputation for honest V CI t LI V. Charter number 3774 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT or CONDITION 07 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Heppner in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on March 31stl, 1924. RESOURCES Luang and discounts. Including rediscounts, ac ceptances of other banks, and forelKn billB of exchange or drafts sold with indorne ment of this bank (except those shown In and c) $549,896.14 Total loans , . Overdrafts, unsecured V. a. Government Securities Owned: DeposJteil to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 25,000.00 All otnvr I nited States Government securities (including premiums, if any) 17 450 00 Total Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.: Hanklnp: House. $26,000.00, furniture and fixtures $5,500.00 Kenl estate owned other than bunking 'house.' Jiawuil reserve with Federal Reserve liank . . . Cash in vault and amount due from national banks Amount due from Stnte banks, Itankers, and trupt companies in the UnUod States (other than included in last two Items) Checks on other banks in the same city or town as roportinff bank Total of last three items Chcckfi and drafts on banks (including Federal Reserve Bank) located outside of city or town of reporting bank Mi wellaneous cayh items Redemption fund with IT. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer Other assets, if any 79,912.37 250.00 341.35 TOTAL. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits $ 11,017.' Reserved for interest and taxes accrued. .862. $ 10 7R0.5H 7 6 7. 35 0,082.53 NOW REPRESENTED BY MAURICE A. FRYE Studebaker Sixes Less current expensos. interest and taxs paid. Cir ulatin? notes ouistnndinir Amount due to Sttite banks, bankers, and trust companies in the Ihiilod Slates and foreign countries (other than included in Iatft item) Certified checks outstanding C'i'Si.iT's checks outstanding Total of last thieo items Eomand deposits (othov than bank deaonttB) sub ject to lieaerve (deposits payable within 3(1 days): Individual deposits snblect to check I'crtifii-ales or deposit due in less Hum 30 day:? (oilier than for mniiry borrowed) State, eouniy. or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of asset of this bank or surety bond Other demand deposits Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, last four items 1 Time deposits subject to reerve(payallo after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates ot deposit (other than for money bor rowed) State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, lait threi item 231,5)0.17 Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for cash and outstanding $519,890.14 $1,002.93 52.450.00 "2,279.76 31.500.00 4X,484.ll) 48.133.57 75.709.Sfl 3.900.02 1,250.01) 7,761.34 $853,261.56 $100,000.00 60,000.00 5.013.1S 22,900.00 7.501.63 16.10 2, 041. 80 350.1 7 I. SS 20,000.00 $.131,010. OS TOTAL 98,106.10 30,641.14 11)5,762.93 145.00 9853,261.56 State of Oregon, County of Morrow, ss: I, W. E. Moore, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. MOORE, Cahier Correet Attest: . W. P. MAHONEY, JOHN KILKENNY, FRANK GILLIAM, Directors. Subscribed and sworn before me tlilH 12th day of April, 1924. (SEAL) KUBINA F. CORRIGALL, Notary Public. My commission expires Aufftiwt 18, 1925. 4. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 4- .j. .j. j. .j. .j. j .j. 4 'I' ! ! l- I 4 DH. A. H. JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon Odd Fellows' Building Graduate Nurse Assistant Office Phone 933 Home Phone 492 ' Heppner, Ore. DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTIST ODD Fellows' Building Heppner, Oregon THK VILLAGE COMPLETE Stopping in a small town a travel ing man said to a prospective cus tomer: "It has been twenty years since I was here hist. Many buildings gono up since then?" "No," oplipd the resident, "nono that I know of." "Any gas or electric company here?" "No." , , . "Planning for niiy?' ' "No." "Well," said the traveling man, I ve been all over this country, and this is th,e first town I have seen that Is what you might call actually finished." S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEI-AT-LAW Office In Court House HEPPNER, OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Masonic Building HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DcLUXE ROOMS Summer Rates 75c & $1.00 Over Case Furniture Co. Same E. Van Vacor R. R. Butler Van VACTOR & BUTLER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Suite 304 First National Bank Bldg. THE DALLES, OREGON. GILLIAM & BISBEE'S COLUMN A car of poultry supplies Just nr. Hved. Anything and everything for the Hen. Lots of Mill Feed and Dr. Hesse'a Stock Tonic for your Live Stock. Sheep Dip and Lice Exterminators and other Remedies for Live Stoclc and Poultry. Our Spring Stock of Single Trees, Lead Bars, Wagon Tongues, Coupl ing Poles, Plow Beams and Handles, Clevises, etc., Just arrived. WATERS & ANDERSON ; FIRE INSURANCE Successors to C. C. Patterson HEPPNER, OREGON Gilliam & Bisbee Everything in HARDWARE and IMI'LEJIKNTS "We have it, will get It or it Is not made." Bargains in Wagons Everything Electrical