Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, March 04, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 4

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    Tuesday, March 4, 1924
S), 1924, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
'TH HERE- Is ntwuys some fly In tne
ointment. So it was with the mari
tal affairs of the Biiseonibs. Henry
and Agatha were an ideal couple ex
cept for their different viewpoints on
tobacco, and the burning of it.
Every little while, in spite of him
self, Henry was inspired to mention
the eoziness of his home. Praise
would escape him and then he would
immediately regret the words that in
variably brought on the oire argu
ment. "The Douse would lie even better if
it weren't tor the small of that messy
old tobacco," Agatlia would protest.
"That's win re you are wrong,"
Henry would point out. "This place
is as perfect as a puhice could he. It
is so immaculate and precise that it
seems unreal like a picture, almost.
It is just the smell of tobacco that
gives it the reality and makes it
"How can that messy old pipe make
this place homelike V" Agattiu would
come back.
"Now you said it," Henry would ex
claim, turning from the cozy fireplace.
"Take this pipe"
"I wish I could."
"Be serious, Agatha. Now, as I say,
take this pipe. You would have it
looking nice and new and shiny. But
what makes this pipe so attractive is
that it is all stained und seasoned.
It's aged."
"Then I suppose I should stain nil
my furniture and curtains and draper
ies and things."
"Not exactly ; but they have to get
atmosphere "
"They certainly do. I Have to leave
the windows open nearly the whole
And Henry would quit in despair.
Eventually Agatha won a temporary
victory and Henry consented to ab
stain from smoking at home. It meant
a great sacrliice on his part and a
sacrifice that Agatha could not fully
appreciate. She could not realize that
it meant a great exertion of will
power to stop the habit of years.
Home had been about the only place
he could smoke, unless he went for a
walk. But it was not alone the sooth
ing effects of tobacco he missed; it
was sitting before the fireplace and
. calmly enjoying his pipe which rest
ed and delighted him.-
Henry could not but show Hie effects
of l(ls abstinence. His nerves be
came jumpy and he became more and
more Irritable. Henry understood him
self and his wife better' than did
Agatha. He realized that his nerves
were on edge; and he knew his only
cure was to win back his privilege
of smoking.
' Fortunately, one day Agatha over
came her customary aversion lo an
swering salesmen who went around
from door to door; but by peeking
from behind the curtains she decided
that Hie man waiting on the porch
was of a higher type than the or
dinary peddler.
"Good morning, madam," declared
the salesman with a genial -smile. "I
hope you will pardon what I have to
say, for I can see you are an ex
ceptionally good housekeeiior ; but uiy
business makes me rather keen of
scent and I believe I am correct in
stating that at present (of; at least
very recently) some miUe member Of
your family-has smoked considerably."-
"Can you smell it?" gasped Agatha.
"But he doesn't smoke now."
"Surely, you haven't stopped him?"
exclaimed the man in such a tone that
Agatha was alarmed. "Why you must
not understand 'what an effect that
has on a man. It disrupts his nervous
system, makes him petulant and may
lead to general physical and mental
"l don't know," defended Agatha,
"and I did to -hate the smellj" i . - ...
. "Of course, and that is why it Is so
fortunate tnat I am able to come to
your assistance. I alii bringing "you
a boon to humanity. A smokeless to
bacco. Think of it, an invention tlrtit
will supply your husband with to
bacco and- not stain your curtains.
"Now, of course, being new, It is a bit
expensive, This special box . Is $10.
Afterwards your husband can get it
wholesale at much cheaper prices.
But It Is economical and I am sure
the contents of this package will last
him as long as would $10 worth of
smoking tobacco."
The gentleman made a sale. Agatha
was so enthusiastic with the new In
vention mat she did not break the
seal on the box, but waited until
Henry came home. Tljen she told him
how he now had her permission to
use tobacco to his heart's content and
she presented him with the box. .
There was something peculiar. about
Henry's expression as he Examined
the contents, and wltirtiutterlng of
heart Agatha questioned him.
"Why, you've only, paid ,$10 for
about 20 cent's worth of tobacco."-' -,
"But It is smokeless."
"Kighto. It's chewing . tobacco,
course, if you prefer to have
acquire the habit of chewing
bacco " t ' '":
"No." . . .
"Exactly. I prefer to smoke my
.self." That evening Henry paid a call
unaccompanied by his wife.
"You can keep the $10. Joe. It was
worth It. She'll never object to my
smoking again, lest I should remind
tier how she was stung. It's rough on
the poor ?irl. but absolutely necessary
for our mutual happiness."
f -0".
If v ' 'y
Miss Margaret Markley of Emporia
college, In Kansas, has started n date
bureau that already does a tbrhing
business. Miss Markley advertises
herself as "Miss Cupid" and by means
of her bureau she brings timid coeds
and bashful suitors together. A nom
inal charge of 25 cents Is mnde for
male students, while the girls nre
charged 50 cents. Miss Markley says
she charges the girls more because the
Investment Is a good one with them.
Any fellow who will pay a quarter to
make a date, will spend at least tvo
dollars to make it a good one.
To the Voters of Morrow County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of County Judge
on the democratic ticket, at the pri
mary nominating election, Friday,
May 16, 1924. It. L. BENGE.
4 5-3
(Paid Advertisement)
To the Republicans of Morrow
County: I hereby announce myself
a candidate for the nomination at
your hands for the office of County
Judge at the primary election in
May, 1924. My experience of many
years as County Commissioner
makes me conversant with the duties
of the office I seek, and I shall great
ly appreciate your support in the
primary; and for all past favors, I
thank you kindly.
(Paid Advertisement)
For Morrow County
Lawrence A. Perry,
I Plaintiff, i
vs I
John J. Kelly, P." T.
Murphy, Eugene Moli
tor, Mary E. Gorman
and G. W. Gorman,
to be"a real "property mortgage li,en
upon the lands described, therein, to
wit: The NW of Section 19; the
SV4 of Uy; Stf of Section 20;
the SW of SW4 of Section
21; the NEM, of NW of Sec
tion 28; all of Section 29, ex
cept the N of NE ; the S
of NVi, and N of NE'A of
Section 30; the SEofNWU,
the SW of NE, the N of
SE, and SE of SE4 of
Section 31; tlys E, the N
of NW14, SW of NW!4, S
of 8 W 14 and N W of SW Vt of
Sec. 32, in Twp. 4, S., R. 24, E.
W. M., in Morrow County, Ore
gon, and the SE of NE of
Section 2 5, Twp. 4 South,
Range 23, E. W. M in Gilliam
County, Oregon. That the de
scription therein, and said con
tract, be reformed so as to in
clude therein the SEV of
NW14, and NE Vt, of SW4 of
Sec. 32, and SW of SE and
S of SW of Sec. 31, in Twp.
4, S., Range 24, and to Exclude
therefrom the NE V of SE Vt, of
Section 31, in Twp. 4, S., R.
24, all E. W. M.
That as so reformed said mortgage
be foreclosed and said land sold, as
upon execution, and as by law pro
vided, and that the said defendants.
and each and aU of them, be barred
all right, title or interest or
in or to said premises, ex-
For Morrow County
Cecile M. Dempsey,
Thomas V. Dempsey,
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
plaintiff's complaint filed herein,
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the office of Sheriff, sub
ject to the will of the Republican
voters, at the Primary Election to be
held in May, 1924.
(Paid Advertisement)
TOR and G. W. GORMAN, of the from
above named defendants:- I claim
IN THE NAME OF THE STATE cept the statutory right to redeem
OF OREGON:- You, and each of you, and' that the money arising from said
are hereby required to appear and sale be applied to the payment of the
answer the Complaint of the plain-' costs and disbursements of said suit
tiff filed against you in the above to the payment of the attorneys' fees
entitled cause and Court, on or be-" allowed, and to the payment of the
tore six weeks from the date of first . aggregate Bum of $16,600.00, togeth
publication of this Summons, to-wit, er with interest thereon at the rate
on or before Wednesday, the 16th of 6 per cent per annum from July
day of April, 1924, and, if you fail 30, 1918, less the sum of $1000.00
to so appear and answer the Corn- raid thereon on Dec. 10, 1921, and
plaint of the plaintiff herein, for for such other and further relief as
want thereof the plaintiff will apply , may bp just and equitable
to the Court for the relief prayed fori This summons is served upon you
in Plaintiff's Complaint herein, to- by publication thereof once a week
wit:- I for six consecutive weeks in the
For Judgment and Decree against Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper
To the Republican Voters of Mor
row County: I hereby announce
that I will bve a candidate for the
nomination for County Clerk at the
Primary Election to be held May 16,
the defendant, John J. Kelly, in the
sum of $16,600.00, together with in
terest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from th,e 30th day
of July, 1918, less the sum of $1,
000.00 paid thereon on December
10th, 1921, and for the further sum
of $1,500.00 attorneys' fees, and. for
plaintiff's costs and disbursements
of said suit; that a certain contract,
particularly described in said Com
plaint, and made and entered into
on the 30th day of July, 1918, be
tween the defendant, Mary E. Perry,
now Mary E. Gorman, and the de
fendant, John J. Kelly, be decreed
Spring Rye
Bearded Barley
Beardless Barley
Hard Federation
Early Baart Wheat
Brown & Lowry
of general circulation in Morrow
County, Oregon, published at Hepp
ner, by Order of the Hon. Gilbert
W. Phelps, Circuit Judge of the
above entitled Court, made and en
tered on the 29 th day of February,
1924, and the date of the first pub
lication hereof is Tuesday, the 4th
day of March, 1924, and the date of
the last publication hereof will be
the 15th day of April, 1924.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residence and Postoffice Ad
",' dress: The - Dalles, Wasco
County, Oregon. 45-51
lows, to wit: That the bonds of mat
rimony now and heretofore existing
between the plaintiff and the defen
dant be dissolved and forever held
for naught, and that the plaintiff
have an absolute divorce from th,o
This summons is served upon you
,by publication thereof for the period
of six weeks in the Heppner Herald,
a weeltly newspaper of general circu
lation, printed and published at
Heppner, Oregon, by order of Hon.
W. T. Campbell, County Judge of
against you in the above entitled ( Morrow County, state or uregon,
court and cause, within six weeks made "and entered on the 3rd day oC
from the date of the first publication, March, 1924.
of this summons; and if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff wili ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
fer in her complaint, which is as fol-
The date of first publication is
March 4, 1924.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Address: Heppner, Oregon. 45-51
Geft This
wa? Thrill
A big, virile engine to send you
sweeping uphill big, sure brakes
to ease you downhill patented
Triplex Springs to melt the bumps
away! One hour's drive is fifty
minutes more than are needed to
open you r eyes to the bigger Overland
power, sturdier construction and
greater comfort. Champion $695;
Sedan $795, f. 0. b. Toledo.
lit 'lob
Heppner, Oregon
j Good Words About
i f& II
j I " ' """jlT A
NcuMtir L-J LJ I.ii.i J In 11 mi ml I
n Bros.
OUR STORE is head
quarters for seasonable
" We can feed and clothe the whole
!- family from oup to nut and
from hats to shoes
See our line of
Suits and Overcoats
for Men and Boys
The conclusions of a three-years investigation by Pro
essor Prescbtt, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol
ogy, are summed up as follows: 1, .,!. ...
Coffee is an efficient, harmless stimulant
Its quality depends on how it is made
The professor says: "Coffee promotes heart action
mildly, increases the power of concentration in mental ef
fort and increases the power to do muscular work and is
therefore an aid to sustained brain work. .It has no de
pressive after effects and is not habit forming."
How's that for a "clean bill" for coffee?
Our new term 5 per cent discount
for cash or 2 U-r cent for prompt pay
ment of niuithly bill are meeting
with approval