Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 22, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, Novcrr.bef 2g, tgst
S. A. PATTISON, Kditor and Publisher
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class Matter
Terms of Subscription
One Year $2.00
Six Months $1.00
Three Months $0.50
The Tangled Skein
Untangled by the Herald
Bell Hop
Federal System of Placement Training
for Ex-Service Men All Wrong
Hy COL. C. R. FORBES, Director U. S. Veterans' Bureau
From the investigation I have made on the sub
ject of vocational education, as now being conducted
by the government, I am convinced that our present
meiVinrt if Til 11 pfTnpnt f rti i n i n (T lino Kpon (1pm nri at rfl i p(l
pnrifl net viA v tn Kn all xvrrinnr Vttrrrtpr sprvir-n Tnpn
f -J "."0. ..... ,
who have been given medical attention in hospitals,
. are now being placed in many inKtances in sweatshops
and "mushroom concerns." They are not being given
, the training contemplated by the government, but on
't the other luind are being used as a source of cheap
i.Z, A liilior for flip rmrnotip of pnrninrr nrofiis for the man-
l 1 " O L
tigers of these institutions.
! urlliermorc, the government has furnished these privately managed
training shops with their machinery and equipment. I propose to close
every "mushroom" institution. There are 40 or 50 different types of
these. J figure there are 30,000 veterans of the total 100,000 now receiv
ing vocational training in places of this character. I doubt very much
if five per cent of the entire 6,000 veterans represented as rehabilitated
are actually engaged in the work assigned to them by the government.
They are accepted for certain classes for training in designated institu
tions, and all too frequently are assigned to some other class of work
which will make the proprietor more money for himself.
Jsn't it rotten on the face of it? It is nothing short of slavery to put
men in certain types of these institutions. We want to establish schools
bo the men will be honestly and properly rehabilitated instead of destroy
ing their morale. We are going to give better study to the physical, men
tal and moral side of each man given into our care.
lu addition to these schools there will be employment offices created
for the location of men after they have been thoroughly trained, and there
will be a follow-up system so that when a trainee after leaving the govern
ment schools shows a special aptitude in his work he can be given spe
cialized assistance. Graduates of the national schools will be given cer
tificates as journeymen under a guarantee of the government.
A Heppner man received notice
. from the "attorneys for the plaintiff
the other day that they had been giv
' en a judgment against him for $2,-
48 5 and wanted to know what they
should do with it. "Cash it" was
the word sent back by the defendant
i "and let some of the poor people of
the town use the money." We rise to
remart that the defendant was a
sure enough optimist.
A Minnesota man went into an
automobile smashup the other day
and both of his legs had to be ampu
tated just above the ankle. After he
had "come to life" following the ef
fects of the anesthetic, he said: "Say
I sure have something to be thank
ful for what if I had been going the
other way."
This is the week we keep wonder
ing who to pity the more the foot
ball players or the turkeys that have
had no better sense than to eat all
the feJd in sight. Death for one and
derailment for the other.
Our invitation to the disarmament
parley must have been miscarried a:
up to yet we have not received it.
May not have made any particular
change though.
! There is a rumor afloat that con
gress will attempt to pass a bill mak
ing it necessary for bootleggers to
I comply with the purefood laws. But
the undertakers are fighting the
j passage of the bill, says the rumor.
I Some big men want a little job
while there are a lot or little men
who aren't satisfied unless they have
a position that is bigger than they
Education is compusory here in
the United States but after taking
a walk around the block for a couple
of times one comes to the conclusion
that there is something to that o'
saying: "You can drive a hors to
water but you can't make it drink."
Prohibition is compulsory too ir
some places.
Santa Claus is going to sneak
on a lot of merchants throughout
the country who have been waiting
for 'business to pick up."
You can at least depend upon the
radical man as being honest in his
convictions. He also has a way o
telling things which shows him to
be a radical.
The man who does not smile when
it is time to smile has something on
his mind that should be separated
from it and a cream separator
won't do the work.
A lot of men are going to prove
they have something to be thankful
for by getting all lit up like the
great white way, while the wife sits
at home and wonders why Thanks
giving day is being observed all over
the country.
The dollar that does the business
today isn't the one where the signa
ture aprears on the bottom line,
while at the top may be found: "One
year after date I promise to pay."
What Women Think
By Mary, the Girl Reporter
Are techer thinks the main thing
we pewpils have to be thankful for is
thet she was choosed to tech in are
room. Paw ses she is mitey eggotis
tical Phil Mahoney ses there is
mutch more pleasure in anticipashun
than thare is reelization but he never
did no just when to kwit after he got
himself set down to a table full of
good things to eet.
Paw cut the last six days ofn our
kalender the uther day and maw ses
why didn't he wate til the last weak
an then turn the clock ahed 6 days.
Mundy nite when I sneazed ant
Lucy ses Mary pull down that win
dow an Paw looked over at me and
ses Mary pull up them stockins.
Teehcer ast Duck Lee why did thay
put in God we trust on all are silver
munney and Duck he sed he guest it
was becawse everybody elts had to
pay cash now days.
Us girls is startin a put an take
club. We put on our best cloas and
take a feller to the dance an he has
to pay all the eckspences of the eav
ning. Its easie enuff to get the girls
to joyne but its hard to ketch the fel
lers. The ladys ade sossiety passed a
resolushion 2 years ago that as the
Herald carried all the lokle news tr
wood not ned to waste any time tel
lin each uther what was goin on in
the vissinity.
Are pxeecher who Is teecher of the
Sundy skule class ast Fred Tash what
a reformer was an he sed a reformer
was a man who was confined tn a re
formatory an got away while none of
the gards was awake.
Paw he came home from town the
uther nite an had sum But on his
faice. Maw she ast how come you
get that thalre an Paw he sed he
helped fix up a furniss what wassent
working. That mafks five times in
to weaks witch pa whas had to help
some one fix up their furnisss so "he
must enjoy it.
Are class got to arguin about the
debalten sossiety Wenesday nite and
befoar the techer got sum of the boys
sepirated thair had bin blood spilled.
Teecher she was going to get boxin
gloves for the debaters to use.
Proper speech weak passed by very
kwietly in this here town. Everbudy
knows how to talk and they talked
as they know how whitch made it a
pieceful weak.
I herd one of the stor keepers say
Wensday that he wussent goin to put
in a verry hevvy Krismus stock so I
rote to Santy Claws to do his Krismus
shoppin erley. I was almost over
loaded last Krismus.
5 ?
1 0
g to
Many people have commenced to wonder what they are r.o
IiiK to prepare during the holiday season, and the "Do Your
('h l ist mas Shopping Early," is going to have wore followers
than ever this year. '
Wh do not anticipate an earlyrush, but we are prepared
fur it. and to those who export to serve a number or Mends
and relatives during tint holiday season, we wish to say that
anything in thti GROCIJltY lino Ik available here at prices that
PIh.iho you.
Sam Hughes Co.
Your banking requirements may be en
trusted to tins bank with every confidence
that careful and efficient service will be rendered.
Farmers & Stockgrowers
National Bank
& .&&d.
o 5a
rices nave
Just Look At Our Stock And Forget Th
Practical Holiday Gifts
Trunks, Han bags and
A large stock of- well selected
articles in this line. ' Ve are glad to
have you look them over.
Heaters? Yes, and Ranges,
(Ireat Western and Portland lines are
Iji'st. Let us tell you why.
Knameled Ranges Blue white or
Brass and Art Steel Beds
A beautiful assortment of patterns
at very reasonable prices.
Hand Painted China
A beautiful assortment, all bright,
new decorations. .
Wm. Rogers 1847
Enough Said
Mew Rugs Here; More in
9 x 12 Tapestry Brussels, now
$85.00 Axmisters, now. $50.00
9 x 12 Seamless only $45.00
Rngs, Rockers, Dressing Tables, Footsools
Way Down in Price and Quality Better Than Ever
Do Your Christmas Shopping Now
Case Furniture Company