Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione bulletin. (Ione, Or.) 1913-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1913)
-L VOLUME 1 iONE, OREGON, JUNE l4 1913 NUMBER 2 6 : 6 f -t Q 4'- CITY COUNCIL CLOSES POOL HALLSUNDAYS Orders Mankafl to Tktt Effect- $207.78 m BUU PiU-WiO Put Ordmuce Prohibit bf Eflttrug Salooa The City Council met Tuesday. evening with Councilmen Moore, Bryson. Perkins and John Coch ran present and Mayor E. L. Padberg presiding1. Also present C. J. Pennington, recorder. Bills to the amount of $207.78 were audited and ordered paid. After a thorough, discussion of the matter the council ordered the marshal to see that pool halls in the city remained closed on Sunday. The motion was made by councilman Perkins and seconded by Cochran. A committee has been appoint ed to draw an ordinance prohibit ing any person, including the pro prietor, from entering a saloon on Sunday. Provisions will be made in the ordinance in case of accident such as frozen water pipes breaking, etc WOULD SELL BUSINESS On account of the poor health of Mrs. Cochran, the lone Meat Market isor sale aa is noted hi our advertising eoluma. Mr. Coch ran, has been ih the business herVj for over eifhi mom- n hasrttre) beat equipped shop in the county. He also does a fine business all the year around and during the summer months the sales are en ormous. TELL US THE NEWS. ' Please remember that the ed itor is. a comparative stranger and will appreciate any local news you may be able to give him. Accounts of marriages, en tertainments, parties, etc. can be mailed or phoned or brought di rect to our office and we will give them due mention. The names of visitors in town or doings of lone people new living in other placees make interesting news and the editor will be glad to get them. Help us make the Bulletin a real home paper for the people of Morrow County. CLUB MEMBERS TO MEET An important meeting of thej lone Commercial Club will be held tomorrow (Friday) night at the usual place at 8:3a The com mittee on by-laws will report and the members will pass upon the same. Also all bills to date will be passed upon. The celebration committee will also report The presence of every member is 'Urged. The contest to determine who shall be Goddess of Liberty for the 4th of July parade has notJ opened very strong but H is ex pected that it will become more, spirited la a short tins. The votes this morning were Mabel Davidsoa 60, Mae Ganger 60, Dorothy Taylor 36 Senna porter SS, Marie Casost 3H Amanda Cartsosi 2b Dorothy Ganger SB. Mrs. Ed Bale of Heppnerts visit ing hersosw Jewel, this city. Cecil Hale is spending the day at Ua brother's also. - - Mrs. Heary Streeeer of Cecil pent several days ia lone this week having her Httks eon's Can IMPROVEMENTS Beach Haines has the cleanest kitchen at the lone Hotel that one will find in a year's travels. Also Beach decided that to keep it clean h must keep out the flies and therefore had built a screen affair that keeps Mr. Fly out entirely. During . the past week Mr. Haines-also had the office of the hotel repapered. w. J. ruyear has mad many improvements in his cafe the past -week. A fresh coat of paint inside and out, with a neat Bign on the window helps roe looks a .great deal Ha has also added a new pool table.. DEPOT PAINTED A force.ofO-W.R & N. painters are putting a new coat on their buildings on the . branch. They brightened Op the local depot and other buildings this week' and they now present a fine app earance. TWO MARRIAGES - THE PAST WEEK Miss Ca-sieB First Jnt Brie- Gracs Brows Marries Teaag Waaksigtoa Ham. Annie M. Campbell was the first June bride of this yteinitjr when, by the words of eupid's agent. Rev. Van Winkle, a was anited-in marriage with At- uinaaiii ins ulaw. UBlMtswnl at uie home of the. bride's par ent's, Mr. and Mrs WX Camp bell They will- live on the groom s ranch on Rhea Creek And have the sincere wishes of a host of friends that their voyage on the sea of life will be a happy one. The Bulletin extends its heartiest congratulations. Miss Grace Brown of lone and Robt Burroughs of Skamania County, Wash., were united in marriage at the home of' the bride's parents in this city at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, Rev. Van Winkle tying the nup tial knot. They left on the train the same morning for the groom's home where they will reside. .The best wishes of their friends and congratulations of The Bulletin follow them. Adrian Engleman brought in his usual crates of eggs Monday. Mr. Engleman believes in letting the hens do the work while the wheat ia growing and thereby has a little spare cash at all tunes. Mrs. M. B. Haines . went to Portland Monday where she will visit relatives for ten day or more and take in the Rose Fest ival She will also have her eyes examined by a specialist. . Jaa. Carty and Pat Corns brought a band of beef tattle ts lone Saturday from Tub Springs. They were bought by Mr. Blake who snipped to Portland Sunday. Mrs. Deseh. Vhe visited sev eral weeks in lone at the noma of her sister.' kfra, Bert Meeoe, left Saturday Car her home at Ls&oBse, Waslungtocv- . ... Algott LandeU is spending the week hi Portland. praeumaMy to see that a certain yoang school teacher doesn't get lost In the iLao festival crowds. - : A.K. Johnson went toPorthuid yesterday but will return for the foota after which he will take Mrs. Johnson to tnetrhosaeui the Boas Chy. K. H, Tomer retarned from visit to Spokane Thsnday. HEAVY RAIN AM) HAIL STORM DAMAGES CROPS OF MANY MORROW CO. FARMERS Several Lose Entire Stws--Dtfwnpoar of Water Follow Hail, Washing Away Barns and Drowning Qiickeni and Hogs. From the various reports thatl have been bromrht in rrardin(r the heavy rain and hailstorm of last Saturdsy it isjipparent that considerable damage was done to the crops of several fodjvhhial farmers but the grain as a whole is greatly benefited by the mouv ture. Mosjt of the damage was done in the Gooseberry, country where, we artold, the haif fell in specs several Inches deep ia a very short time and was follow-, ed by a downpour of water.. It is said that in some places a foot of water fell in two minutes and that during the .worst- of the storm it was impossible to see farther than 26 feet In several RACE PROGRAM FOR JULY 4TH JN IONE SHOWS $275 IN PURSES . '. ft-;-, - -'" ' L- - "t - - First Race, 8:30 p. mr lt-2 mile dash free for all to carry 1-4 mile dash for horses that have jmii hmrwrBtt'"xBKll,"m 8;8 mUe dash (consolation) for beaten horses, to -carry 125 ih.Sklx.:. Fourth Race. 14 mile dash for ponies under 14 All purses to he divided as follows: 70 percent to winner, 80 per cento second horse.- - ij ; r " : m Entrance fee of 10 per cent of the amount of each, pome will be charged. Five to enter and three to start in each event Committee: C. & Sperry, J. H. Bryson and a & McNabb. ' EDITOR IONE BULLETIN: Please enter the name of. post-office address '. i for , year subscription at $130 per year. Signed ... Crown FJour The flour that makes better . ; t bread . Ask yourGrocer , ; I have (or sale in- extra fine spaii . ' of. brood maresl Orrtf with colt by ' : sidr25 2-year-dd stock heifers with ',, calves; and 1 yfWling jacL - --.ft' J.T.KNPPENBERG places the roads were washed vim. mmi iwu pavu scvenu mb high In the canyons. The hail storm also hit several places near Condon and wiped out a few wheat crops besides killing many chickens: Some of those who were, .hard hit by -the starra are: J. A. Lov- gren, whole crop; Elxa Sutton, whole crop; Wm. McClintock, whole crop; . Ed Daitell, 'barn washed out; Wm. Mackie, 140 acres of grain; Fred Akers, 800 acres of grain; Newt King. 80 hogs; M, & Ball, header and 120 chicaens; Ralph Akers, 160 acres grain and 350 chickens, and many others had small losses. 125 lbs... Parse S100.00 not started at . --;:. 1 M .Purse $ 60. p0 1:09 tl m. Hands high,, uPurse f 25.01 191. SALE : r-s- LAWN PARTY - A lawn party was given last Thursday evening - by the young' people's class of the Christian Chdrjch Sunday School on Mrs. Dobyns' lawn and with- their in vited guests the party numbered close 'to fifty. Outdoor games' were played and the orchestra rendered several selections. Rev. Van Winkle gave two short com ical readings. The evening wss fine and the party was not dis persed until about eleven o'clock. The lawn was -beautifully dec orated with Japanese lanterns. ' ATTENDl CONVENTION Rev. Van Winkle will attend the .State convention of The Christian Church at Turner and expects to be gone about a month. It is expected that in the near future a minister will Kve to take , the pastorate of local Christian Church. STORM VISITS CECIL COUNTRY Daauge toHay Safht "sad , Other Cress Greedy Btaefites1 by the Heavy Raia. There was an onusally hard electrical storm ia this region Saturday, which was followed by soaking hard rata,a general bear eflt to every thing except the hay and the damage will be slight to en nit aansTr Saturday caught a wagon that Boyd Logan Was tightening the tum on in the creek and washed away one wheel. - Dr. H. W. Copeland of Lex ington was in Cecil Friday. He is representing the John W. Graham Co. of Spokane for school supplies and also carries a line of optical goods. Mrs. J. W. Oathout, mother of a W. Oathout, left Saturday for her home in Minnesota but will stop over for a few days in Port land. ! Mrs. M. V. Logan and child ren were passengers to Arlington Saturday for a few days visit witn friends there. f Mrs. Carle of lone and sister came down Friday for a few days visit with Mrs. Franklin who resides on the Rogers place. L. E. McBee and wife and two daughters came over from Pen dleton Tuesday in thier auto for a few days visit Wm. Hynd of Sand Hollow came down Wednesday return ing next day. Walter Pope was a visitor at Arlington Tuesday. Ed. Mel ten went to Arlington Friday. m Car jy ith -Oass Free ... Given aaeat the Bank ei lone. 3, D. Cronan; Agent: IONE WINS THE SECOND GAME FROM HEPPNER .j - -r- - Oahr Three Hepanar, Batten Csn aectSsidy With tVt BaB and Fenrtsea Fan the Brsaa es-Iena Bays an Retbnaa. The ball game at Heppner Sunday was won by lone, 8 to 5; , The' lone boys started in at the . rst of the game and hammered hits to all corners of the lot, one hit going clear over the stock yards. At the last of the seventh Rcitrnan was replaced in the box by Thornton who stopped the scoring, but . JoTad a safe margin already7MFor seven -innings only two Heppner play ers reached first base, one being hit and the other walked. Both men scored on slow work by the lone players after they had- the runners caught between third and home. In the eighth Inning the Heppner people show4 very poor sportsmanship by rushing on to the diamond on a question able decision by the umpire who -waved a ball foul and later re versed his decision-after two men had crossed the plate. Heppner batters made three scratch hits and fourteen were retired by the route that dyes the face-with nri intra i -' . - . 'f : Nona of the pifehnrs wens very ; wiM.nnlv ftlvNit fiv Bian t rhf inf " 'nJ , qMM,anIreep-cketi. the r LANDOWKER DIES r V J. E. Cronan returned last Fri day from a Portland visit While in the Boss City Mr. Cronan act ed as a pallbearer at the funeral of his friend., Richard Wilson, who died of heart trouble while on a streetcar going home. Mr. Wilson made a business trip to lone about two weeks before his death and is known by many peo-' pie here. He bought the Gorton ranch of 866 acres west of Mor gan some time ago. He was one of Portland's leading financers and Will be greatly missed by his associates. He was but a little over fifty years of age at death. SICK MAN DODfG WELL Frank Woods, who was quite 1 skk at Monument, was -still able to be moved and was brought to. lone. He fc at John Bryson 's res idence and is getting along first rate but no visitors are allowed to see him. It is expected he will be entirely recovered in a few weeks. . . at env Tane. Seaetenl V a