Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1916)
Born to Mrs. And- Mr. H. Stance of Ion daughter Mon day January 24. Dr. Chick was the attending physician. ' Born to Mra. and Mr. Harry Lane of Lexington a aon Wed nesday January 26. Dr. Chick was the attending, physician. Mrs. Jessie Smith of Pendle ton is here visiting with her brother Watt Smith. ' Censideratlen For Others. Train a culld to notice mid nupeet i ...... .!,..,,...... ..r annihF If It be merely a game tbere Is no need thoughtlessly, therefore rudely, to In terrupt it A -little uollteuwie one to Dottier, a little observance of Um wUhtu of others, will pot aside eollen looks aud bad tempera. We know ourselves bow dlssgreeeble it la to bare tbe table shaken when we write, to bare door Jeft open or loud ly bunged, to bare aome one eroaatug between ua aud tbe light or to be con stantly Interrupted. Our children can not like tbla more tbao we do. Yet we need1 not lone pur tempers. A smiling (iroti-Bt. a caressing request, a little Wke over ttte simoysnce, will prevent ita repetition better than abarp re buke. V. lipn children are taught to ootlct . i w trifle they learn to avoid them. A, clilld la plessed wheiryou apologise to him for unintentional awkwardness. The little seem sins in dm uiuu. i morrow be wilt avoid tbat email of fensr Rough movement, unpollabed pfwb. detract from rather tban In Traee child's pleasure. And It ta tht-Me small trifles tbat make up tbe 'orafort of our homes. W. P. Corseo one of the old time residents of lone was in several days this week on busi ness. i '- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb left the past week for a short pleas ure trip. - Mr. and Mrs. Alligott Londel are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Emil Carlson. . . : Phil . Doherty came in last Wednesday from Portland where he has been on business. . Jos. A. Pointer of Lexington was an lone visitor last Wednes day evening. p.- John Calkins was in town last Thursday doing a iitttle trading for the home. Sam Dennis waa in town last Thursday transacting a little business. - -:. . ' ' A Having the Eyes Examined. If a child screws up Ita eyes wben tooklng at a distant object or, wben rviidlug book, bos to bend closely ivt It a defect In vision abould be ttispeited. Sometlmwa tbe child com ilultm of headaches or eye acbsr-tbs rormpr uauauj reirrrjim w tirw "r head. There may be at times a alight miiitnt. These are also suspicious HlKn. Eya strain also gives rise to ln l immatlon of the lids neuce styes iud If tbla condition is constantly re curring the sight should be properly tested. UnKktlled advice In tbe matter of the eyesight abould b avoided, for perma nent lujnry la easily effected If wrong measures are taken. No child abould ever be allowed to wear glaaaes until doctor has essmlned tbe eyes and baa recommended the ass of such. To prevent eye strain tbe position Id wjlch a child does Its borne work-la regard to the lighting of tbe room abould always b born If mind. Any gin re on the book or-paper should be avoided, and the light abould fall ebllqoely from behind. A BiWe Dellare. - "I wonder If we realise whea we talk of a billion dtillars what an enor muiis aum of tuouey it means. Ws all know bow rapidly an eipert counter of coins will manipulate them. Voo can scarcely follow tut motion of bis lingers sa be shifts tbe coins from one tile to another sod couots them. Tbe treasury esperts will couut 4.OU0 allvsr dollsrs III an bour aud keep It up eU day long, but that la their limit. "Working eight hours a day. then, an eipert counter of colna will count 82, 000 allver dollara In a day, but bow long will It take blm at tbat rate to couut a million dollsrs! Thirty -one days. -But tbat la only the beginning of tbe measurementa of great Oguree. for If this same man were to go on counting sIKer dollsrs at the same rats of seed for ten year be wuald Sad that be had counted' 100.000,000 of tbem and tbat to count a billion dollars would require 102 years of titsady work nt tbe rate of eight boors a day daring every working day of every one of the lutt years." - O. P. Austin. Former Chief of tbe Bureau of Stailattca. At Night In Africa. '-' Stewart ft) ward White, writing In the American Msgsslne OB Moo adven tures, comments ss follows on the rsv- ngea of wild aalniala In Africa after nightfall; "We 'spent the short evening each In his own fashion. J la my canvas ctautr smoking, tbe men squatted on their heels around their tiny ores eat ing qunntltles of meat and corn meal. Outside our little dome of light the nllfttt businesses of tbs veldt went for ward. Only the most formidable or tbe most Inslgnlrtcant creatures raised their voices except In' slsrm or wsrn Ing. Lions roared; Insecta bummed and chirped. Out there In the dark was a different wostd from that IP wbicb we moved so freely during tbe daylight bours-a dangerous, tragi? world. Next duy we would Sod evi dences of the fact S have seen killed by lions tbe remains of every sort of creature except buffalo and rhinoceros. Uuns are aatd occasional! to kill even buffalo, though rarely? - CurieeKy. - -Pop, did you say a Mule, bird taht yon I was naughty r . r c " - "Ten, my sun. -Pop; vrirn It a little Med "It tsU-ulir'-Baltimore Amertraa. H. H- Con-v , ha n rnndMnto for the Kehuhltcan nomi nation for the I'ultlto Htrvle romiulsatoner for Eastern Oregon, he I tin present, m-cretury pf the Commission, anil formerly atlnK Me-'rvt -try ol State, air. Corey la eudunfttl by the pros its follows! - "Mr. Gorey Is-etnciulfil to bo one o( the most effl clt'tit nm ci tin potent oillclnl In the State's service at this time." Portland Journal. "Mr, floppy Is n rnpnt1 man, comta from Baker, nnd no riouttt will iret stronir support from tbe Repub lican party In Kastern Oregon." Union Scout. "Hp ha ha t four yriir actual experlnre in assist IrifC the ('omiiiiHlon In solvluir the problems of public utility regulation wlik-h !iould fully qualify blm for the office. "Haker Muruiim Democrat. What docs he say? CALIFORNIA IS BETTER EVERY YEAR . T7HE climate doeart change. but thereare Jl A always some attractions or pleasures added ; to those of previous years. Take this year the exquisite Exposition at San Diego and . movies in the making are added to the us - ua tennia, goli polo Lad countless California delights. Go to California this winter, Ask any rt pctamutrva of Oroo-WashhT Rauoad ft Navigation Ca laVwl UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to help you piao yoar tnp '8m your fcaj O-W. K V K ajent today, or wriee t be General Passenger Apat, Foctkod, for btexaC-K and full kironaauoa, r ' . - .,'v At John Kiehn waa to from the ranch laat Thursday transacting a little business. John Oldf n arrived from Port land Tuesday evening after a short business trip. t Dlplemstie Management, if you want to break a eoung girl of going about with uadestrabki friends, or dressing in an unbecoming way, or reading books which ehe baa ne nosi nesa to open, or doing any other of the atlly things la which glrla delight.-70a can always asanas tt best by draw ing bar attention away to other mat- tera. Those undesirable friend arc probably bar only refuge from .dull ness. Let her go out a ttttl ssors. Snow bar more of Ufa and she'll drop them rery soon. - Tbat common, Vfty frock wtil ner be worn again after yon bar given ner a really pretty new one m good ety le ft be would aerer read those dlaageees bh books tf you took tbe trouble to pro Tide her with smmdng. aseltlng tales of a decent kind. But tbe good books must be exerting end interesting, not merely bag. Tbe nice dress must bo datntr and chsrmlttg, not plain and aarrlcs sble. Tour way must look more st tractJT tban bar own. Mr. and Mrs. French roughs came in Tuesday from the ranch. - - r . I LOOKING A YEAR AHEAD. We are face to face with the problems of another year. It may bring us much or little, as we choose. The question is, what do we choose? In the parlance of the street, "it is np tons." ' Wehlng the Teeth Regularly. If the child Is taught early to brush its teeth It becomes a matter of habit, which It carries tbrougb Hfe. and the result la a fairly perfect art If tbe first teeth ere brushed and kept In good con dittos and a dentist Flatted at least ones la si months there la Utile danger of tbe secou'l teeth being Infected or crooked. It sometimes happens that a1 1 first tooth remain In tbe gum too htng thst to. after tbe second tooth shows signs of coming through. This soiidl- tlun should not be allowed to exist, ss tbe first tooth la liable to Irritate the gum. which will bvcoute sore aad lu fected. and pus will be tbe result If the first tooth does not fal out naturally -ec tbs apnearane of the second tbe child abonld be taken to a dentist and the offending tooth re moved. ' ! Crowded and Irregular teeth are of tea the result of first teeth remaining too km la the gum. ; . Buying Children's Garment. la buying goods for children the mother abould laTeat only la these ma terials wblcb are rery closely awren. It is net so mach tbe ..weight 4 the goods ss tb wear. The loose wVsrew puU apart la no time and for children they sre practically useless. Atlgbt wee re need not be very heavy, ,but U will wear weJL It la most bnnsrtaBt to consider this carefully wben haying. Then, too, wbeu a res II J floe piece, of goods Is found It Is better to bay m large quantities, for another finejdsce may not be found, and tbe same mate rial may be used In many way, p . Kor Instance, from one kind of vgoodV nay be made two dresses for tbe Httlo daughter, eacb In a different stj-Jt snd with different trimming, a Ilttl salt foe tbe sou and perhaps even a, skirt for tbe mother herself. Theret neefl nerer be any waste hi flu goods, fat It can terra ta many different wars, , SanKatlen In the aowth. 4 " -A remsrkable Inatanca of what ft rural township can do In sanltatte It K makes op Its mind to be progreeslrr la giren ta an article just pnbliaHed by the Doited States public health1 sen Ice. Cape Fear township, ta? Mew Hanover aottnty. H. C started oat met summer on a sanitary campaign sndar tbe combined leadership of tbe fount) board of health, tbe state board of health and the United Mates fmbtlr health service la Wilmington, rl. U As a rcauH arary' boose in tbe tows ship aaii sanitary cwrenlencaa, ( lf there hi any other rurst Hown ship la tor entire south tbat carshow n progniw eqoal to thts It ought to eouie to ise fore and let hsetf he known," Mrs Ibe nntbur of tbsV artt cte. -When a study of several hea rt ml montles shows nearly .one Salt of tbe rerae hemes wKboot any aaWtary ronTonlences at all It la a matter of prklo to point to the schle rentes T township like Cape Fear, hi Nee Han over rooaty. which dessonstrete Itaaif as betas so far ahead af the arerasja. hlle st baa been repeatedly eeaias od by seme pobne speaheni tbat the south In maktac ssore rapid strwea hi Hnprortng liaaanltathw ihsn any attar part of the country, sa iamtnsa)oa at tana af thousands f farm human In the south Afiantte atatea show that there era yet msny townsnins.twhare tbe aaaltary ladei hi teas than threooa scale of KM1- THI CITY MANAQKfL U ' 1 It la sosMtlmes argued that. elthongh tbe dry nunagar baa tbe abrleaa sdraatag prwrMtat e trslaed head fee the ertr bk (ho maa eaansst be fbsmd wha U really expert hi aJI the dtrerea affslra af a mrga hfoalrtpalttrr - But If tbe search fee aweb a mmm would ha rrwrUesu Is tt est Jfiltajpsrt ewder the degree aad dteskloa ef ear haiwlifigi smina the ssen an wO oasbte each S these ss lit ams sa she lira. Griffin was in from the ranch Tuesday. ' Frank Akers was In from -the ranch Tuesday. Advertising pays. MODEL CITY OF JUVENILES. MunleipaUty In Illinois Run by YeiHie le of Seta Settee. Wben tbs Kducsthmsl Club of ftldge wood. HU conrrouted wltb tbe fact tbat ft waa doing much for the mlttd of adults, but was negiectlug the cbll dren. decided to -form a modal city or Juvenile within the city to train taw young In practical Htiteiieulp. tbe- tdes waa, hnmedlMtely popular amopg tb children. The city has been organised and christenpd "Hldgewoodvllle" and baa tbe dlxiiuctlon of being the must complete cblUI city In tbe world, 'Tbe cbthlrvii hara elected municlpa oOclala. from mayor down, snd no have a board of aldermen, police force street department aud all other eswen tin Is of the well modeled municipality Aa a means of Interesting boys and girlsyes. glrla. too In the responsi blllty pf good dtlsensblp and the act enc of municipal government tbe plan baa proved a great success. - After tbe city waa declared duly or ganlaed amid the enthnslasm ot-ererj boy and girl It was decided to visli the various dry departments aud of Ocas of Rtdavwood. Jollet and otber neighboring dtios to aots bow tbe af fairs of eacb were conducted. The children, of course, were especially la forested la tbe police and Ore depart menta. and tbe municipal offlriala glad ly a bowed tbem the operations of eacb The chief of the Jollet fire department went so far aa to offer the embryo tavenile city some spare apparatua of Its fire department an offer wblcb was regret fully aot taken ad vintage of be cause tbe child city had no building in wblcb to home tbe equipment. Wben tt rente to organising tbe pa Hre department every boy wag tagei to be elected chief of police, but Her best Beheik waa ensnlmousiy ebosva Tbe policemen were selected under dv II service. Tbe examination was prac ttrslty tbe Mm aa tbat required b tbs city of Jollet Bight boys took tb -qnls," snd every on passed. EUdgewoodvtll la governed nttrri by It Juvenll offlrlsls elected at a regular elect low by Ita Juvenile cltt sana. No grownnpa bold ofBca, al though tbey nttend meetings of the of ficlals aa advisors and dtlsena. . Their ad rice tbe children sre not bound to accept It la In every seaee a etty af tbs children. Tbs youngsters divided the city tun- three wards. Two aldermen, on bo and a gtrl, are selected from each ward. Tb children are strong fat equal suffrsgv, and the bora Inetat thai the glrla shall have a fair dlvbdoa of power la tb government and hi all other-rights sad privileges. Tb problem of Snanctaf tb juvr all ct ty . was'on requiring ssoe than ardlnary attention. The depart stent of parks and paygroooda asm la foi spectsl attention. . It was round that tb only imasadlat expenditures fa ceil wr for athletic supplies, so tb chll dren spent their I ret city caah for atfa letJc. A basebsH nine was organised among tb boys and a basket hail team aasong tb glrla. Bom of tb adalt advhwra wanted aa appropriation for streets, hot th children replied that all tbe work would be don by the child rea. thn saving tbat expense. A local bank cashier waa secured to deHvor aa address lb kssntasi of municipal bands, snd tb children were taken oa a tour of one of tb banks. City government to all ha phases Is being Haght by tartar and act arrory ea knows af tbe voso. rock and taMk aa tbs floral smblssss of Bngland, Ireland and Scotland aad too leek, though aot a sower, for Wales. Tb ewgsr assple leaf la the em Mem af Canada. Other notions aad rides ear all thek floral eeaDtesse. sad the y oaoses ea b tb favortte. Italy has chose iko niy aad ate the dty of riereoce. kaewn sffectHwiataly aa "Glgllo," which asssn illy, aad tb dty ttsolf la spoken of an -the rtowwr of CUtoa aad eh dty of rwwers.' rtaaco, of floara. baa tb Hry ta the floor d ha, Oermnny'a hi tb rors fcWsr whlla froasbi'a "rteara la The aada tree, aad the saoat fssseoa thor oaghfnr la BorMa la haowa aa the Ontor deo Uadaa, Bpant's ebtes hi tb pomegranate, aad ha weaderfat dry of Oraaada aaassd after that fruit Bgypt wtta tao gtertes f the Nile, appreprhiuty eheases tbe lersa Atbeaa has the vtote. wsMs SJasany E. R Turner was in Monday to bring the children to school. Snow again Monday morning; to the depth of three inches. Elmer Hiffgs was helping; out at the shop of W.P. Burger Monday Wo bog to announce to our many patrons, the opening of our up-to-date" Optical Department, under the manage ment of Dr. D. R.. HAYLOR, whose ability Is certified by tbe state board of Examiners in Optometry r " ' With three years of practical ex perience, prescribing glasses and one year of special study on the eye, enables him to give a thorough and reliable ex amination for the many errors of refrac tion the eyes are subject to. And to scientifically prescribe and adjust glasses that will give satisfaction. ' Will permanently locate an office with y - v.. ' WM. HAYLOR ' HEPPNER, OREGON Just Received A new line of Tess and Ted Fine School Shoes, also a complete stock of Men's and Ladies Shoes. We - carry the celebrated line of Roberts Johnson and Rand Shoes for all wearers. New goods just received in all lines. Come and get our prices .'on first class merchandise. ;r F. S. Bender Co. Main St, Ion. Ore.- FIXIN' THINGS UP This Is remodeling yeac the cheapest time in fifty years to build. . A new frontdoor, A dining room col onnade, A kitchen cupboard. More w.fidows of modern design, . New beamed ceilings A new hardwood floor, A- sideboard, A medicine cabinet with mirror for bath room, A china closet. . ' - , "TUM-A-LUM WALL-BOARD" is fine for remodelling without a muss. ' .' Why not let ua explain In detail coon at what reasonable prices and with how. little trouble you can make these im provements. -' - -. Tufn-a-Lu.-rf Lumber Co Sea Cronk or R. F. Wetsjel. about It at their offieaa st looe sad Ierinston. Oregon. MM" IT Assemsn Ghty. aaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WoaUx, V 1