The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, December 01, 1915, Image 3

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    1 fl AR 1 haVw niethina of interest for
JUVini all, am doing a Mail Order Busi
ness equal to Rice & Phelan or Jones Gash
Store. - Bring your order or write it. I have
the goods. 1 Give Cash or Trade for Chickens
The Egg City Cash Store
Joe Mason, Prop. , ; ; . lone, Oregon
As the Editor Sees It -
' Another cheatnut; "Do your
Chriatmu hopping oarlx." '
Thera't lot of oiwrnr eorkd
up in thi, town. Jark tha cork.
An you noma town booatar?
Or ia it tha other fallow.
Scrap Book
It ianl question albne o? whether yon
' want a better salary it's a hard oonditioa
of life that you must taca to protect your
self sad those dependent npoa yoa. -
Yen can't stand MiliU you don't want
. to go backward, you mart go forward
that ia, you'va gat to tarn nton.
Earning mora means holding a better
position independence, happiness, and a
chance to provide for the future.
Thousands upon thousand who once, held low,
poorly paid positions now earn high salaries as a -result
of letting the Intbkkatiohaiv Cokkbifond
bkcb Schools show them how to accomplish tha
change. During last year about 4,000 students vol-
uotarily reported increases in salary amounting to
over two million dollarsl Every month an average of 300 men voluntarily
repyt to us advancement in position and earnings. Why not make
TOUR start this month I - ,
8imply mark on the coupon,
the position you wish to secure,
then tear out and mail the coupon .
' to the International Cornspond- '
ocm. Schools,-' This putt you.
under no obligation whatever but
allows our experts to adapt a
Course to your individual needs
and circumstances, j- - ;c
retTye got" to man atare areaey. :
raeJLC. 5. waVeye,
WW ymm take ta atari feateyt
Box SM, Scnatea, IH.
Ftaaia axpUla, wUatwi Ivrthat Bbltprtaa am mr
rt, anr I caa ability 1st la poiltloa, tfa4a, ar .
olaaalu bal.fa .wklci 1 kin auikad X. 7
AuhmoMla RnnaJ
foul try Fanning
Wlaw Trinalat
Comowcta' llluurat.
nduatrlal Datmg
ArdirwcMl Draru.
El.ctric. I Wlnmaa
EUctrlcal Kasiaaar
MKbaalca DtaraMB
Macfamnlal rnalaaar
TalapfcoM Ei part
taitoaary l.ajaaa,
TaiMa '' r - Itkl
J. N. McKinnell. Route Mgr. .
202 McKay BIdg.
Portland, Oregon
- - ING "
tiutiuiMB Diamond Kings and gold
r, watches on our club plan. 10c ee-
bare and get one freer Particulars
lor the asking. Send today. Na
tional Diamond Kins and Watch
Co Ken ne wick, Wrwh. 2-W
Fob 8 a lb SJ0. Oregon, champion
gooseberry plants. 1,000 Blacft
cape and 75 eurranta 'at 9c each
and Raspberry plants at lc each
Order at once before all are gone,
v Am ftleo booking; order for Bid
- Han Buttercup egge. Write for
- rices. Albert Bottemlller, Bldgr-"-
Seld, Waah. .
Hotbl and Bab Fine location.
Dining room and hitches, ecu 33
- .bed rooms In fine condition 5 year
lease; rent 10. Bar to first
chut and doing One transient bual
Beee. Price J7O0O.0O. bloat be eoll
at nee. Owner going east M
. A. MeAUeo StoeVtoo. Gal H
' ... . - ii . , U.- n.k ft..
Ml ACHwH 11 wrwii '
trade for mdev. or other fucom
bearing property: abundanee of
'.. water found on ajijotolnjr farm.
Tor particulars adflrres- BvX 110,
Troy, Idaho.-
Ivt AitKT, we bars a large number
wealthy wmhera. This club k
one of the oldest and moat Boccr--Inl:
atrlctlT eoafldentlal: irartlelnrB
' free. The Reliable Club. Mrs Wru-V
bel. Box , Oakland. Cal
WAiiTKD to hear from owner of Farm
or fruit ranch for sale. O O. Het
taon. Mlnrteapolls. kf Inn. 90 aa
drneHMg. '
FoaaAiai At a bargain a ntrraber
of registered Jersey beHer ealreM
from producing dams and sire by
' a boll from the famous ' Carey
herd. Addreas E. E. Watts, Hllle
boro,Ore. - , SS-84
JTreekAud mirror - or manicure out
fit With every wearsTer rubber
syringe fountain or whirling spray
bulb style. 60s box antiseptic
tablets, Portpaht $100. Mrs, 5.
M. Lewie. Lor Box, 314. Silver
Lake. Ore. Sfi-ST
IJO-Ackk dairy raoch oa Alsea Hirer,
r-good S-room houee, new barn and
outbuildings, orchard, spring wat
' er. Address O. Tallwell, Tidewat
er, Ore. 14-87
AGBNTS No experience required.
Earn $20 to ttt weekly selling
' houseboid speeialltlea, Free sam
ple. Raymond Speciality Co. Box
1S87. Spokane Waah U43
Fo Sals Desirable 10-acre home
on arilae. mtar Spokane, Wash.,
9 room hones. Sue wate , bearing
erAard, alfella and poultry.
mile to eburch, store and sehool :
a good place cheap lor quick sale.
F. A. Woods, R. F. D. 1, Hpokane.
Wash. WB
lone Homested No.
- , 5239 ..7 .
Brotherhood of American Yo
men, meets the first and third
Tuesday of every month.
Visitors cordially invited.
Dr. Davis will be in lone the
first week in every month.
All work first class and iruar
anteed. 16 2-tf .
Fo Sals 192 acres fine farm
- land, ail fenced, cropped this
season. $7.00 an acre, Small
- house on property. $700 eash,
, balance in 1917. 7 miles from
lone. See lone Realty Co..
lone. Oregon, pox!6'i.
Tr Future. Head queetioee, Wrt fc
tlate te Dreams laterpTrted, lOe.
Mediums developed 1MU Lewis.
SUrer Laasv Om . .
lewa'e Sis OrrtJeek. -
raw Serenas think ef lews as S state
' where I Sere Is crest In terra m sblp-
pltkg raattera. yet st Keoknk the ssre
hut bum a drvdorfc 4fl3 feet toag. ISA
feet wide and M feet eW-be Isrgwi
latand drydock la the werld. Tbere the
teasiboars of the Okie snd the If Isste
tpr eau hare any repairing tbey sau
' Tke
f naiw rha.wnrd rata If
and aMMfstsb the rrest Mag er ruler
aver several ktsgs. mmt geaevatiy
apMktnc tke at lee ralab. saabaraleb
sd aawak Save aa sveatar aVtatSeaee
taea lb wards feudal tarda as usee t
awaiaevel ttaaaf Is tcsrena. Uaay er
tketa bave beea rneds a the wis ar
the retsalms ekX, assay kaatnwfi Ssr
Many a wise man is oonsider
ei a fool by his neighbors. '
Ir Est, drink and be merry, if
you can. But be merry anyway.
January 1 is noted for two
things. It ushers in anew year
and a grist of bills. . .
No person is ever poor- who
has a normal body, good health.
a clear eye snd s clear mind. ; "
If man and wife are one, why
in heck is Tie, she or it" always
scrapping? "'iJ..
A lot of people tal-v, V
think and some are too "darned
lizy to do either.
' A in ft with a strinff tied to It
is usually of less value than the
string. - " 1 1
One of the wisest men weaver
knew frankly admitted he was s
fool. :-' '' -,!'-' '-
"Kill the goose that lays the
golden eag," if you lika. BtEt
save the egg.
No man is ever as wise as- his
neighbor in the estimation . of
the neighbor.- r-"' .
Got there on time and lesvs
on time snd perhaps you will be
invitfd to call again. - r'r
Wouldn't. be president, you
say V Neither would we, and for
the same reason we couldn't be
We are Derfectly willing to
have the whole world formed in
to one great republic, provided
Uncle Sam is the big iqueesr in
the push.- .- '-v.- .-'. f.
-First thing we know the neu
tral countries will bar scrapping
with each other to see which one
can crop off the honors of neu
trality. , - ' - V )
If all defectives were allowed
to die st birth what s slump we
would hsve ft our census re
turns, '- - - , '
. . '
"Women of ther world are
showing a strong tendency to
ward returning to the garb of
Mother Eve," says a feminine
lecturer of ' note. Bully I We
always did believe in pushing a
good thing along. .
Juliet Set the LlaM.
At a small seaport town a star ee-
trfee of the third msgnltnds appeared
aa Juliet
1 cannot do Justice to myself.
said to the manager, "If I do not bare
a Umellstit thrown om ma whan 1 ap
pear at the balcoay.
"We alnt got aa llmelltbt, mtas,
but I think we
could get you a
ship's blue light,
replied the oblig
ing manager, and
t this the tody
The bid who
went to the shop
to buy tue blue
light brought
back a. signal
rocket, which
was given to him
by mistake. The
prompter took the
rocket fa good
Borneo,' H
1 a a t a at scan
r-erbo sever felt a
We can't all be rich snd we
won't ail be paupers, but wS can
have s deal of fun trotting along
in the middle of the road. -.
When you step on the other
fellow's toe 'lie ought to have
sense enough to keep out of the
way." But If he steps on yours
he's s clumsy brute. .
If every one of our delinquent
subscribers would pay up be
tween now snd Christmas this
town would have a record equal
tooo other town in the United
States. And who wouldn't cough
up s dollar -or two for a reputa
tion like that
The time is coning when near
ly every church will have mov
ing pictures as a feature of the
service and it wouldn't be bad
stunt at that. "UlustMted ser-
wouid took good, sound better
be best and get the people. -
If only the good and pure In
mind go to heaven, what is to
become of the doctors and the
lawyers snd merchants and edi
tors and bankers aad farmers
and the rest of the common
herd? And where, oh where,
will the ittiitksaas sje? -
Prompter lights
a match,)
"But softl What
light through
yonder window
(This was -the
match lighting
the fuse.)
"Arise, fair
sun! -
aav. Bocxnr nn ntse. The sun, er,
rather, the rock
et Bid rise with a terrific bias. Juliet
wae knocked off the balcony, tha. fly
borders were set on fire, and the the
ater was. Blled with a, solpharous
smoke, while the audience, which wae
fortunately a snail one. made a stam
pede to the doors.
Stoce then "Homes and Juliet" baa
alwaye been looked npoa in that town
as a dramatic work that could not be
witnessed without personal danger .
Loodoa Express. ' -
- Need. '
Aa sarU. aeeas alght wberem te Bad me
peace -That
brines (rem strife aad ten a glad
So earth nds aotovaT, ttwt ear hearts
nt aa
SeneaUi Ufa's Bret leva's oeha atartiltav '
-AtUmv Waiaua .Peaaa,
. They Weee Missed.
I had once an amusing glimpse df
Edward Hals and his numerous off
spring. I was at the Bed wood library
(Newport aad beard the tramp ef
many feet and supposed It an excur
sion party; then hie cheery voice. They
bad stopped oa their way from Block
Island to -the Narraganeett region,
where tbey lived. I showed them a few
tatogav and preesutly they streamed
out agato, Qoing toward the door, 1
met the elder girl returning and look
ing for something, as If she had drop
ped a glove or a handkerchief. I said,
"Are you looking for anything r She
said, smiling . shyly, "For B'pafi of
twine." It was even so. Hale, count
ing up ate party on tha sidewalk, miss
ed nothing but a pair at twins and
sent bar beck to find them In some cor
ner. "Thomas Wentworth Biggin
Boav" by Mary Thachec Hlgglnson,
SAartted the Taller.
A Loodoa tailor was oace Bseaeurtng
Da. Parker, who bad a quaint ssnsk of
hnmotv far an overcoat, when sudden-
ly the doctor broke forth la bis saoet
sepulchral votoei - - -
-Caa yoa ineaeusw the Ineffabler
The aestotant looked up sad saw that
the doctor wse extremely grave. He
l beg you pardon, air, '
the doctor raised both hia hands with
a grand upward eweep and said:
"Ou yoa measure the loeffabtoV Gas
yoa sompiahend tha infinite r
"We'll make you a nice coat str," re
turned the nussled assistant Tapptog
the doctor's shin, be saidi
"That's about the length, sir
-Loagerr ejaculated tha doctor to
determined tones. ' K
"There, strr ' ' ' '.
Leogerr tnaiBdared the great smb.
The tailor reBmnettstod, Aa a teefc-
alcal prdfesslonal be eeald Sirs points
am tailoring te any sreecber that aver
"If yea have It any loarer yea weal
ba able to walk.- ha reatarked cos
"Tbw doetar looked etj aim eompas-
atoaataly and. ones Bsore extendlag his
aa toward the skies, saai esafldsa
ttaily: - - '
"t doat want te walk; 1 wast to
W. K Cocfarn who esme in
from Pendkrton TnurBdar even
ing oa bn hi sea left Sunday
BBorning for his Iwose.
ft was to the smoke e the ttsatted.
sad the Kew stoaiaad yaakee wae
talk tag of Joe Know lee, the Beetoa
artist who took te the wsods srttboot
feed er detblng and fired there for
earns weeks by way ef proving that aa
tare to aa sdequsts piwvlder. The uws
from the Sea was ekeettsat "Well."
mtd he. "maybs fee might de that to
Maine, but sat era, 'where we bare
weather, he sever eeald hare done It
Why, bibb, re sacrn goad sleighbit
avt bare hi Awgust" '
The Pins Tree men never bttoked.
bat lapttod: "Kothtag weaderfol about
that Wby. np to Parmteftna (ata
way. erhere Jos sad I seme from, they
aevar thtafc at swing the anew aattt
It's taw years aas.'' Bjveryhedy's Mag
Will not be undersold, with, fostdass
"'!' Merchandise. Bring Us Your. Cash
' Orders. .We buy more and , buy
. cheaper, and Consequently are in the
position to give you the Best of
-Merchandise at the lowest price. Get
. our prices oh Winter Potatoes, Flour
Sugar and Canned Goods. ;"We buy
-if Chickens, and Turkeyse ; Eggs now
35c doz. New goods in 'all lines.
? F. S. Bender &b Co.
Main St. " lone, Or.
- i
Pintfy Equipped to Bmndk mil Btpmin. AgtttH Fur leading f"
! AutomobUt deveasonss i'-'
The lone Garag'e -
Kr. wrrsoif, Prupthtar
Filthmnd Oaofas Stttkm
Mmim Strmti, fbea, Ongom
:. ....
Id. B. Haines. Prop. West Main Street .
All khids' of light and heavy hauling done ai vary reaeoaaole prtoas
Independent Dray Line
V -'sj-- Griffith A Linn, Proprietors
Oil Stoves. Sewing Machines
SEE --
Main Street , " ' lone, Oregoai
j. B. Spirit, Props . '
High CIm9 Moving Fktwm '
rat WaJktr Sink
oaa, Ore.
t ne pjHtnbwj (KX Johnson
Attorneye and CkraoaeUors
a' at Law
kiAOf St.
loss. Obboob
Room if, lows Hotel, lose; Oregoa
Dr. C C CKioh
Phystetaa and Surg)aoav
i laiii i
lows, Oaseow
Dr. A Hwnnif
Horaa, Iowa Iowa, OaaeHiw
C. B. Sperrx . .
Fire lnsuranee sad Notary Pwblri
Mala St, - lose. Ore. .
lone LodtteWo I&5 IOOr
Meets every Saturday nirht (n
their hall, lone, Ore., Walter
Reitmsn, N. G., E. L. Psdberg. ;
V. G., Joe. Mason, sscrshsry.
Visiting brothers eereUaily
F. H. lbineon
Attorney at Law .V
71rattss la all Seas 0oartsT
aad O. S. rederal Pip si fas to. -bfAiw
Stmbbt : - soars. Oasis a
Do yoa want protnpi sttaoiion
paid te your printing wants?
Cocne to the Joornal,