The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19??, September 24, 1909, Image 7

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    Not a drop
of Alcohol
Doctors orescribe verv little. If
any, alcohol these days. They
preier strong tonics snd altera
tive. This is all In keeping
with modern medical science.
It explains why. Aver's Sar-
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. Ask vour
doctor. Follow his advice.
We pnbllah tw rtrM.lw
we bull! aleohal
frea our ataeUalnaa
W. u JNlt
ooeault J.U
Unleti there is daily action of tfa bow
els, poisonous product art absorbed,
anting headache, biliousness, nsutea,
dyspepsia. Ve wish yon would ask your
doctor aboOtCOfTCCtin vaurrnnatinaiinn
Sf taking laxative doses of Ayer'a Pill.
. . . .T --r " 7m
In All r
Binder Joio Eut, are you? How
far'? i
Dlntiey Well, I want to go to Pitts
burg, but I've cot only money enouarb,
to take me ss far as Wheeling.
BlnaiBy Well, that's as cloee aa I'd
Want to get. , ,
Tract Tawaklea.
OH Trust Isn't It a abame they are
bounding ua oo? It auvkea me burn
with Indignation.
- Ioa Trust It certainly la a troat tor
Suger Troat And talking abort
ending me to jell and I ao naea to
refining influences! Baltimore Amor
lean. i
u v.
Bay, I'to got a new one on Smith."
-What is It?"
"Why. Ue other day " (etc,
etc.. etc.). '
"Tea, that's a new story on Bmltb.
But the laat tine you told ft, H waa
n Patera." revr-iand leader.
Haw Hotne-Mad Syrup. '
from Boston Picon.
'' Piusisss In medical ooanpoonda narar naaia.
and now It b stated bjr a prominent medical man
that any deep aaated couch or cold on lb hanaa
h ba mHi.II. mml In On honrm B thai clock.
- Qalnaa afwl murcMne haw baae reported to tn the
putuMMfiHanirM. But Dow It ta learn ad
that lb syatam muat be treated to rtd H of in.
. Bammatlon and eonnatton. A Ionia btxatire
oouh ajrrnp doee the wvrrk ao quickly and thor
oughly aa to be almost iDeajieeJ, What berrtafore
haa taken weak, to cure can ba eunnufehed In
hours. Gat til formula filled or mil ft at home
and always keep It on hand; One-half oonee fluid
wild cherry bark, on ounce eotn pound essence
cardial and three ounce ayrop white pine com.
Bound. Shake Lha bottle and talc twantr drone
aery halt boar, for four houre. Than taka ona
h.lf to om tcaapoon ul thraa or four times a dar
anlll the system la purified and ton ad up. Give
eh 1 1d ran laaa aeeordin to sew. On. nUina- wlU
MaUr onre whole family, aa dm Sons la amaB.
-What will your mother any ta yen
When yon get homer eald one boy.
"She'll Mart In by taking me boom
hypothetic qnestlona," aoawered pre-
Ooeloua Willie.
"What are they? '
"Questions that ihe thlnka iha
knows the anewera to before aha starts
ta talk." Waehlngton Star. ,
! e taw rimv. $
1 fbould think U would ba a atev
pie natter to lndaea a wonma ta set
ready In time to attend aa mains
"What1 your achemef
MAak her to go be the maUnea."-
Eanaaa City Jenrrtal. T i
Wimm Mlaia. "
"very body cays that Jones hum the
Sneet mind, Jnaufht. end aaaacity be
ever ran acroea. How did Jonea get
Ouch a reputatlonr
"Buy. Whenever you make a etate-
ment he eays, "By Jove, tnat'a aof Why
dldnt I rrar think of that beferar'
Clevetand Leader.
tie e . O
Ihspel&cdAs and HeadoaJtW 4
Art ws!Umi. oaYru OA
1 alxLXflJtvvti.
ttm-yottntj) an QU. ?
9 6rt W WwJVcWX j)5eU
. . atom wv Am 0in
sou wxMLmmmmaa
muwmmf.r rm Sprhattk.
When Baraey Dreyfusa, praaldeat of the Plttsbnrg club, aenda out hla
ooa tracts to hla ball player he mails one to Hans Wagner that Is free from
Ink except teat .placed on the paper by the printer. He doesn't put In the
amount tor which Hon as is to play, leaving that to the "Big Dutchman."
There's nothing surprising about that, for Hans Is worth whatever he thlnka
Is right. But when ha signed his first contract, a few months after ha won
hla nickname of "Big Dutchman,' ha signed up for 986 a month.
A former player and manager declares that Hans Wagnef had M
thought of becoming anything but pitcher until JgH, when he became a
member of the ateubenvllVo elub In the old Central Association. At thai
time -AJ Wagner, Claude Rltehey and Frank Bowonnan ware an the team.
Durlnf a el limp the manager sent out a call for pitcher and AJ naked
that hit brother. Hans be given n chance. Well, that afternoon he had hla
tryout and lasted two Innings. He had nothing but a straight ball that
was so swift It went over the feace if hit or through the catcher If It wasn't
Of- course, be didn't make good, but the manager was so short-handed
ha' had to keep him arouud to play In the field, letting him eat and sleep
with hla brother. Then Hans took a shine to the Job of shortstop and began
to practice at It Barly In the morning and after the games ho would get
the klda to bat to him. Finding that ba could not start quick enough, he
dug holes in the Said Uke printers do. but be wa .chaaad. lor spoiling the
diamond and bad to practice when and Where ha cos Id. . ,
. Finally he became fairly proficient He could field alt right, but waa
as awkward aa a hog on lea. He picked up In batting and soon attracted
(he attention of rival dubs, but had made suck an unfavorable impression
with the manager that he waa given
There ha signed a formal contract to play for 935 a month, hla first regular
salary as a player. Thsrs he made good with a vengeance, and the follow
lug aprlng waa sold to Louisville for x,SOO. He remained with the Colonels
until the shift tba took him to Pittsburg was mads. And there he'll stay
Just aa long as Barney Dreyfusa haa money enough to cover the figures that
Haas writes In the contract
Pteeweo aot Cattle, SO Tms Wmr,
10,000 Buktb of Qrmlm.
The big round barn on fred B. Cot
trell's ranch, abort dlatance north
east of Irving. Ark, la said ta ba the
largest barn In Kansas. It Is round,
100 feet tn diameter, the first story
being built ot stone with 'walls nine
feet nigh: This Is need s the "table.
Sixteen feet Inside of the wall Is built
a circular manger from which cattle
may feed frees either efde. The can
tar of the bam la atlMxed tm vast
bins to store feed and here also a feed
grinder hae been Installed.
The wall si laud story of the barn
II 10 feet falgh ud from this the dome
roof Is built which rises another S
feet, on top of which la a 16-foot
cupola, making the barn la all 74 feet
high. Aa air shaft 10 feat sonar runs
from the ground te the eupolav grrlag
splendid ventilation on the ground
floor and the proper airing to the hay
stored la the Immenee loft The born
Is entirely covered with sheathing
and ooteldo this galvanized- crrogmtee
Iron. The structure Is a mounted by
a nmwment to Mr. Cottrell'e endeav
or a metal Hereford for Mr. Csa
treJl ta engaged In raletug tfeorongb'
brad Hereford cattio on hla too acre
reach. His herd now ambers IW
head, of which 100 are sows. However,
the full capacity f bis ttmneass new
barn Is to bead of cattl. and tbo
high toft w) head wo tons of hay
astd the grain Una 10. bushila.
eadheef Meevew
Oeenr Aaebe. who, with bis wife.
I i i 1 ' ' ,
1 1 T rr -- --- ' iTirfl
to the Patersan club for nothing.
Australia, his tmUvw land, which ha
left eighteen years ago, remarked Just
before ha est sail, apropos of the slamy
In theaters, that the deadhead Is a
destroyer of drama.
' "While I was to wring with a eor
tain highly reepaetod manager we
were playing at n long famous old
playhouse la an ancient town. We
had billed 'Macbeth' far the frlday
night, but durlac that day be theater
was burned down, por our next week
there our chief contrived to borrow
a playhouse a Utile way out of the
dletrict On reaching there to rebearsi
on the Monday the manager received
a letter saying that the writer bad
been given two drees circle orders for
tbo performance of 'Merbcth.' but as
that play wot performed owins
to the destruction of, the theater ths
writer surmised that the manager
would remit the mangy valua of those
orders." Tit Bits. .., . .
..-. Mamfeerr Wiwa.
"Heckling" Is often an entertaining,
although sometime a tiresome laefc
deat of English meeting. The expert
need public speaher Is usually able to
turn the laugh on the Interrupter, but
In the ease reported bx. a write to
Tit-Bite the rasa In the audience was
victorious to tbo last '
A political speaker was attacking
the Government with mora venom
than reason. A nun at the back of
tbo hall at Ust cried out, "You're
wrong, sir!
A little nettled, the orator eon
tta tied without heed big. Presently, in
aatawor to another atrong oceanlam.
oaoe again, "Totra wrong, dri" .
The speaker looked angry, but goa-
tteoed on the war-path.
"Toa'rw wrong, str!" again rang eat
Angrily addreeoing the persistent ta
lertrapter, the orator cried, 'Took here,
I could tall this man something about
the (roTcramenl which would make hlf
hair stand on endl"
Tow're wrong again, str!"' asm
from the erltle, aa he stood ep and re
moved Ma hat Hla head waa ae bald
aa Millard ball -
Leaking tor bnslnsas la Ilk tooklng
for few r leaf elovers. which saassbsdy
i te paw awea teaaleel teetraweat.
tSaeS Com at, Clartnar. Sanopbana. IlaM, SlktoTreMkma. Vahra Traaakaavav -
- AIM or Matopboaa, Tuba and Baritone, ditaet tram Cone amatory ta pupil at bonaa
Eaay to hwra. Ctwaaa alaapla tbornuih and acaoDk, a. . Eodoraad bp UniMd Statue
Ouneaaiattt and fanaoaa aalclana. IteeaMe aTBMeotaed. Write aa new for fraa aaaa-
pb laaiiea fwtaatniawet y daalra to lamia, Piiaaa aad tanaa raaaiaaaia, .
Whr the Beat Usee.
Helen Of couree he clasped you In
bis arms when the boat upset?
Hasel No: Juet the opposite:
Helen Just the opposite? What do
you meant
Haial Why, the boat upset when
he clasped me m his arms. Rochester
Democrat and Chronlcl; .
Pawl try Mete
"So you are raising chickens?
"Yes," answered Mr. Crosslots.
' "What do you find the greatest men
ace to the welfare of poultry?"
"Sunday company." Washington
tar. - - ' . .
On Thing; That w,u Uve Forever,
PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, first box sold
in 1807, over 100 years so, sales in
crease yearly. All druggista or How
ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
' . Test el a Neteraaer, .
- "Pather,- said Uttle Hollo, "what Is
a reformer?"
"In numerous eases, mr son, a re
former Is a man who considers him
self peculiarly qualified to bold 'office
because of hie professional laexperl
enoe." Wnahlnirton star.
Hamlin WUtard Oil ta over fifty
years old, and, tike an old friend, it
can be depended upon just aa surely as
the family doctor who may be miles
: - -- -j .
ldcatiaeatlewl! ,
Mistress (at door, Wall, my. dear,
what la It?
Uttle Girl Pleas "m, our kitty Is
looted. DM yon gee a kitty go past
hers by the nam of Nuddlee? Boston
Tor Infanta and Children,
Tbi Kind Yon Kan Always Bought
Bears th
WmM hmi Se Ba taalaS.
-What do they put under these ear
ner' stones?"
"O, current coins, literature, and the
Hke. We want posterity t6 know
about our peculiar euetoma.1
- "Then why not Include one of the
current hatsT" Kansas City Journal.
Item Welcomed
. By Many Men
be Ual at bass, so thai
i weed know of eaother'e WmMaa,
at any wall stocked drag aiora. Thay are
M raajular nee and many different pro
scriptions an eonatanth- beiac MUd with
This will prove a walnnn Ht or lntor
nation far aD tboea woo are overworked,
(loom. dcsDondent, nervoai snd have
tremblina Umba. heart palpitation, dlisi
naaa, ooid astratnJUe,. Inaomnla, faar
wiihoat cau.a. timidity In vantnrinaT, and
Kara! tnabiHtv to act naturally and re
ally, aa others do. becaoaa the treat
ment eea W prepared eacrathr at hone
and taken without anyone'a bnowledsra.
Orarwarkad orTlee man and the many
vktlm'a of BDctetr'e late hours and diaat
aatJar. win. tt ie aaU, So4 the raatoaatrre
(bey are In nsed of.
Ifiba raadar daeidae tetty h, vet three
eencaa of ordinary arrnp aai aafiarllla 'om
peund and one oases compound Sokl balm
wort; eati and let stand two boara; than
atone oanco anspoand eaeence eardiol
and one oq ee Uncture cadocnene com
pound (not eardamoot), mia afl lav rthcr,
ahake wall and take a taaaimatfal after
Sack meal and one when ratlrlna.
A certain well known madlral arpart as.
eerta that tbouaanda of man and many
women are auffi rr all he-auee of dor
sjant circulation of the btmd and a conaa
ajnantial Impntiuiaut ei tha norvmia force,
wblch baaeta the Moat Ireadf al ajnaplaaae
sad oateadi
4 Baadfe ear Meat aWtsf
J, , -Tea ean baser! Skwbty ads ,
bt the entire list for
aTT So. Main M.
M Oaary Bt.
FOr? ouTonopwnDK
'V arrtWFO-.
AJ.Towse Co. ao
mt: iiHBr
Mualatana ake mtmm and wake ft aaay. We
I m prow mm at
"Dont you think you could make
some Improvement tn. that orchestra?
They could hardly hear my song, last
night for the drum," aald the eon
"Well," replied the manager with
smile, "I might add another drum."
Yoakers Statesman.
MoChen win find Mrs. W1bi1ows Southing
Byrup tb-b it i-miiedr h na lot laelr oh liilrea
Biuliiaytb leelhliig period.
Mat slaaattwt.
An evangelist waa exhorting hla
hearera tc flee from the wrath to corn,
"I warn you," he thundered, "thai
there will be weeptng aad walling,
and gnashing ot teethl'" 1
At this moment an old' woman l
the gallery stood up. "Slr.'.she shout
ed, "I havs no teeth!" . ,
"Madam," returned the Evangelist
severely, "teeth will be pro riled." - .
- "My father has been a sufferer from sick
headache for the last twenty-five years endl
never found any relief until he be ran
taking your Cascarets. Since bo haa
begun takfng Cascarets he has never had
the headache. They have entirely cured
him. Cascarets do what you roeommendl
them to do. X will give you the privileg
of using his name." K. M. Dickeoo,
I130 Rcainer 8t, W. Indianapolis, Ind.
Pleasant Palatable, Potest. Teats Oood,
Do Good. Never Hlckeo. Weaken or Grip.
10c. Be, SBc. Navar .old la bulk. The iao
aina tablri ram pad C C C. UearlBteed ile
sue or keur maeer beeh. Wm
Blab prfcad bakios
reder. will 4 and doe
hrltar. It r.l.
douah snd MaketHrbb
er, iwcrler and bcttei
rim food. gild br sro
crr25cparjoond. H
ion will mss ui yeas
arlD sand yee a hook oe health and bak&aa pewdas.
CPKaXENT MTO. CO. Seattle, Wn.
Painless Dentistry
OsTB rf xi WB tall'tlj IaB
if aanaaairy.
WtaHl aha yes I ea
ZZk faM er tarei'iii
ttklVUtelaM 1.1
6aU fUHaaa l(
Eaaawl rkSaaS t(
Iar nilkaji 2.1
Www ptsBB ga ahaai
ruiM 6. SB
bwristM T.Bv
hWaw fair Haa ,60
Wise Dental Co
amoi aesast a u. ta r. u. Saiiir. m a
Beans sa mfaflbiar watav rnppiy. n
meana that rou wJllhave the moat practi
cal &Bnuwttc water au ply ay.iam aaw la
naa. Ne aeatal tank, no froaen phaa bl
Winter, no lanant water m lumntr, ne
water supply troubles of any aort. Tank
pawed m baaatnant oat of aiahl and wan
BMde of praaaad StaaL Will net mat ami
win laat a lifetime.
Von will be pVeaead with the LKAPint
sytm of f urn taking Domaitle Water
fluplr. A'k far our caloaue and frae
kK Taew laWreaMiWatea- aeunbr
Portland, Ore. .
Spokane, Waa
Boc, Msho.
b mm mmmm m roam
LU Brajton, Is on hie way to
eesa alway, Sads easily
Ouetcaaji CO IsaTta -
A -