Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1909)
( - - Otto HlotHiaii is now in charg JOHN H..WIUT tit thfli MrflhAiine at Alurun. 1h i . nic lUrt Ir th tr snt) eliOM thM thuciUHpiiity nro al in V '-',. to tMka iiU tl)jr ttoff lU bright mm & wilt BtAyii&tllTIHNG ; HQUSH jQtJNG, A SPECIAITY. Quick Service and All Work Guaranteed. THIt LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE OUR FACULTY 9TRONGEP THAN EYER latajMtafjBatMMiwKhliarTlpata IMfc!f&-aftUM, fWMUJ n, aa WU u ktUi nMUiucatora, irontlfp Mat. Wa laaa vp t:of aaiarn. . - v Vw.aWKMU.rm.' RNf re utumui -l vilih, n. The Ion Skfttinc Rink will be qpeu SnUxdoy ailiht Everv hodv in invited to I'V . f .( , " .' i 'a . UNS'E.ll -- Ta-. ."lilt MINK OF I0NC pas j tfcc tuonipunity ol( lone with bank ing ih'tTo for sevci;ali y (jars.. . In doing tii is we have had the cooperation of ; ur local people W aQ bet ter prepared than ever t& ; . , take care of the bank ing business of this com munity; 1 Conservative business is invited. Capital .5I5,M.V Surplus and Undivided Profits $4,M0. v J E. Cronan, President. i '. ) T. J. Mahoaey, Vice President. V " J. D. CronftO, - Cashier.... II ----- If I IMMV Ya trv THE YOUTH'S COMPANION frm m iw mfcf m - 50 aUl MMM CMtritortad y hMM Mm and W nn 4 iMnnM, Travallan, Writtra Od IstHlUM. S 200 ThMfhHbl m4 llatalr Bdttartat Ariklta m HMparWt FoMta Mi DMMttk Qanilm. 250 IM Start by im mm af LItIcii ftwy. Wrltan - tori af Charactar. Star af AlMHMM, StariM af HuflMT. 1000 :lNaf Nataa On CmM InM Mi Dten. klM FnM af IcImm aarf Malwat rM Mi Abimi MM IhM t "'liiiKa. CurtaM mawtaiaa, hm m4 REV SUBSCtlTTION OFFEl FREE tSSX ;- jN' JMNrtHMi iiwaj , an (mi CM -THe TQUTVS COMMNtOfi hw Mm. ffBUiMMMwI'toMM .tM , JUaw' A 1 ' fltanUV HM Subscribe Tor The ) PROGLAIMER; Rev C U Drip iaai6.i)ltr from Hlllahftru will aesNBv the ; Bptlat jiii I pi t iii Iqd nfiHMliijr Air Davis u.BiwinUnliifi.viimtioi) at tbia tim Ami trill put. Mi i ai ak WtwMti Jiiro nJi Qeppner. MT'l Dormn ii an oft); friend, lMvrr haw i membar of a fqripar chars Hw, and wainkind euough to toll:Mof-k intended viail. ' Tlia HoUkH. patting up flue food ta-cao Ik fowid out aidt roH 'Portland: Uytmt wnnt a good dinner, go thjtw ngl ifc. You will bp plea-id. ; Soro-j aroall boyi liava -Wen In juring Ilia trees about tho Ceiigre- gatkmal oh'ofob and tlie povtita will pteaae look into the matter aa ithe town neorisimicliwoEktomaka it look batter, nothing to injure ita appearaaot. lone lVodaimei and Weekly tregonian2 a . Mr French Burro g he Imu gone over to Idaho to virii adJ look over the eoutttrr. Don't eook dinner at Ihmmo 8m- day. Oo to the hotel and on joy a good dinnef, without the trouble of cooking it. Mrs B W "Robison, Miae Joeie and Mr Menty Rnbison were in Wednesday from Eightmile and apent the day with the Proc) aimer people. Daring the dny Urt Robi eon booght eome very tica Inrnl tare from lir Moorvmnd enyt m taste In selection of etock aa well aa the good iiiBortment la of the beet ahe liai ever seen in this country. " ' Please Gall Pay Your Subscription Or Send It BY MAIL ,' We Need The M0NDY Chick - Pharmacy STATIONERY i DRUGS. . BAAV0 . r in vtiinff puum w all Mnw.- , one on. siischu m PK0Cir::LR gHtkfttf twifi m HHtl mi i tin ni . KOTICK FOB PUBLICATIOK. n)rtaJK.wa)Xat CmILbmI -j . D-IMtrtaMWt ! Um laUhor. 0. t. Lmm Omm, Tto !-, Ov. Aan-llth.lWO KaiW ta ftffcr ct (Ml JtiWrt O. FMMa aiUM. 0tM. - lfT4. WaiMlMi, Kattr. Kan MliM , r TMhl I BMM. Ma V lutVlltopMM IfcrtifcM. m IM MM f MimiIm M mK VImI Ira VMM rnat. m niaMMt (tela. tka lai ikmawriM.wiMTaiaiM Ntwat im I I Laaal al TIM ftallra. On fM.M UW ?f.l fay l WM"Wt. WO. CtolMM mm a. w!M-apa: O-i. ttWla VX Mm KUU j ' 'r. . It rPKEPAPJE TEE KOCUUSXI lirrttllrTW tfttet Heads V Note Heads ' " 3iUHeade . ':.. Statementa ' . -V Snvelopes ',' i Cftws, Etc. 4. Independent Drayman Always on time For all kiijd f Battling gtrlct altenUon $iven to " Lumber, Goal and Wood, Watson & Consei Dv G. Ely NOTARY PVBUO, REAL ESTATE . . ' - an Collertins Agency, Next (Jpqr to Proclaimer. Ioiifr - i . Oregon Imported Registered Spanish jack 'CHUM BO" Wilt stand the Season of 1909 at my Ranch, 4 mHes SW of Lexington: - to Iritire $ls. To.5eaon 10. Will give $70, for Colts, six months old,' of mares 1 200 pounds and. over, others jn propbrtioirV ,; - Spanish Jacks have no equii Pnsture will be furnished to mares at a distance. ' P. E. Mason; . sea . W. S, SMITH r rpa y . Live 6iock insurance RepreeeDtieg ' ';. - The 5athwal lra Stock InraraDee AeaoeUtiea of fortlatid. , -- Let me do your . ' . Soddering, ; Plumbing 1 and .. Electric Light Wiring; 5 K Akerj, 1 With Woelcry Barcware 4 Grocery Co - Eucatofra Rotictv In the Coawtty Coart of tbo 8Uto of Oregon for M County af ltorrow. Ia the matter of the Estate oft Julia A. Baker, Deceaeed. ' Kotice Is hereby give that the under signed has been .appointed Eteewtor of the Will of Julio A. Boker, deceased, mod that a)U per sons having elaima against oaid eatoto, are hereby required to pre sent the same to nae, duly Tori Bed, for payment, at the ofltoeof W. H. Dohyne, (n loot, Oregon, within ii moatbe from thrdatoof this otieo. - Dated at lone, Oregon, Joly 10, 190., ; . Y James II. Baker, Executor. W.fL Dehyoa, AUerwoy. - , C2EG0N GTLlNE Union Pacific OHLT UVS BAST VIA SilT l&U tzi Tint tOHtDULSS " PanyoepaitSierthe Ba-t ud Pwt bind at t-gs . m, ; sntvee as SiSO p. . ' VTKAMEfc UK IWartMrtaervkM, S-jmU7 ajwyi-l, katwam rwtUaM, AmoHa. OnteoCliy MNlDBTleat. kaafea mW Boole " ' - ' liawa Seiewai BhMrhi mi ImI mo leave aUparie oail, wea-M Sate. mtt, at S a. m. RvtSmmg im UwMai oailv. eMept Frtdj, at 7 a. m. Per (aH iaMratatwa call eo C. J. fW Maajtao, O.LII, agaau, Iotm, Ote Waa. MeMemr.OaM.h-a.ABV featM-M, OiegMa,