Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1909)
lone Proclaimer i E. 'VARD, Editor and Proprietor, Published erery Friday a low, M jrrow County, Oregon. By the Proclahner Publishing Co. tuwcmmoM i ycaa Entered at the lone postoffifliM second class putter. TRAIN SCHEDUtI Arrir-a at Junction - ' I-area Junction I1'13 " Imm irrirlf at Happner iilTp. m. MAI LUI WcMdxmndlaavoa Junction lpi ICiut-buiiiid Ivm Jnnctl(rti P- 0. J. Pennington, Agent. 6tkai f Harrow CottatiV Oregon Circuit ...... u Jn.lw... (,..i.ii,U Cufwiwr .1. - J-1- "" !- Uh.nir VMrl mM ll Sn.1 "J,r 'J r.." W. iMrd M.tml.J ifa. Mlf J UUI Hun-tar 111 Sutmlr. Subscribe lor the Pkoclaixeil - Tltr c miiiii; Kiiir nt Pendleton ftlmtiKHw now the chief iiihjtct of Altunti.MVln thisboiiMlyssii.iolher one thing is of such Un. iit lo a tunpto wen emmty Vnlr. H brings uWti'vr the farmers, merchants nmi working 'people and fhows em-h the dcvelopmlit that the county htm inndij slnee 'he year U lore. Tit common propritorhip Dial) people in I I'D A brotherly feeling Pplle inlbat i. a v i . . v. -sM-nmrti union ow home the belter for having gone and tnkoM part. . TiMxiiifltif tiio 'WooUrV fafl hig here which wiJI ecTM :10th ul thin nvonlh meant ll largest an It ul land ky iie party, .ulicr thau the Garernwetit, in Krwtern Oregon.- This Urge tract of iimiiy thousands of acre will be nir.iin formed and the many lamil- iuH (tint will jierloree come here lt live will make a ral change in cur country. But this land will mukegoud and Ihuae who com hero to Jive will never regret It. bet 13 to 18, 1000. Albert Tower ie superintendent of the camping quartan and lie exposta thai tlie tented eity will be larger than ever thie time. Massive oak trees form a nice grove on the eamping quart ere, which makes it an attractive place to enjoy a week's' outing a way from one's home whether tt ueju Hie city or country. Au even ing sccno oti the eaitip ground Js a most pleasant ouo generally, ially when the eawtpflres are burn ing around which are assembled groups ol people engaging" social converse and games iiitrrcpersetl with music. ' " ' , v mU SCBOOl TERM, Bi-ginning Septnnlier Gthanoth-J er term ol school In lone will be in oriur nml this year themostserere ritic could not find tault with the (oruo ul teacliors to take charge. Tlio new suporintendent, Professor Ooffniau, of Wikconsiii) epnirt Infill ly reoonunended as to teaching nhility and prnclictil school worth and so that ranch mooted qiieslicn ut the Ine illigh Brbool niansgv- niont is Onoly settled The seventh mid eiKhih grades willbe in charge of Mrs Frank Nh, and it is need less to tell the people of this vicin ity how fortunate the seholsrs of those grades are. ' kit I.orrn Ilnle lias Wen the. splendid seleclicn of the ilireotors to tne over the fifth Mini ixih gredrs si d those vouugMors are inlhebestof hande. Miss WttlUnburgerNHdMUlU i it- more need no words of recomniemla tiou from us as the chool patrons know from several yenn exjxTi- euoe, what treasures thry are. . . Mrs Oscar Cochran is to take over the care ol tho building and Mm sanitary condition will Mtrely f ii,. t.t, ... tul,m tt all ....mwy ul The Oregon 8faU Fair will he held at Salem on eptmilr 1U h 1h, and every person who'osn iliould attend it at least for one or tiro days, c It is tho I r ft ding agri- flultiiml cxiKition ot thfl-l'sciticj Xorthwevt and is becouiinggfeolor uhcIi yeiir. It will tto a very ehin aeotitid to tho A. Y. P. exHltioi how Mug hold at Seattle-nl liirgc, 4 MHirse, but tlie quality ol tiMktky of Ike exhibits will I evi n Utk's IWn at the 8eallkjtUiitvi around Ihe eondllious as provided by the Director are of Ihe kvt oiitu. ' ' - - . .As to the children theuiselvesj v o iiuliev ihero-hns bten a biifj hofof bore and girls about lone tFiii sumnier uiid if they are gather ed in and talked to of ) effort they must make to fc their share iu mealing these fine teachers. In the effort thoy will make, the re sult will bo a school term thai will .iniah with a sativlHCtioit, to alt coDoerned. lone Proclaimer and Portland Journal - $2. private sale lo tfr higiit-' bWd upon the tiirmt hereinafter nUted, and subject to confirmation by Ibe Pnnntv ftoik of Mofl'OW 1 OUUiyi State of Oregon ths following discribed ral ir.ej t belonging to tho KisTittb of 3. A. Wooiery deceased, to-ii : 8WH of ssctior. r; a '4 f'f 8t'" Jj WW0f8B4 iti wiini.jl: Nw BH ofaestioa 10: H "b . - V, H and NE ot MV'4 of w-rtiuo " . of section u KSi a"'" SO ; W of wistioe ; W ' ot 'ocUn ;BHofeelioB;KSolw"' . Vf and KE4 oj metieu J"; NH and 8 EM of sestion tt-, 11 1 01 Wl "an all iaToWBSbip I 5wih, Willaiufftte Meridian. All of section J; ill "' min-nWWi of tecticn 1-1 ; KJiolNK'j anuSolB of swi wu -jn ; S W l twu 2a ; H W ol atotioa i$ L-.t Wint-t EM of of dtiotuii Ml Jowasoip i North, RanfreM Kflfi. -u. W tf-of Mellon W ; c '4 of action St ; X autl BV.i sn i SW' of N K H ol lee tiou 80, all in 'foil,i 2 Norib, Buuge 28 East'WiUaJuette Meri-liiin. Allot etioi 1 louisl-if 2 Kortli, Range 23 Krt Willann-Mo M.;ri.Un; ' NEX of reclier. at 'l,,J jj1-liii 1 North, Rang2f Kasl tV.Hi -He Moi idisn, HWtf. 'V'X af SW and VS of SEX of Mctioii 1 iMth (iffiiciiui'4: of odioiiftifllt cl A'-ti!i i-'; W'jol Ei nod SWj'ol mtvA'wu r.4 ul HEX and 8W of seen n N ; 'j " J of K EV end M F. U of X K i f section 23 ; VH of E,S ol aeciiwi 24 : sh ', ol lection Ml: WW of fW o( ecciion 3, all In Towoahip 1 Nwlli, R'-tw 26 Fast SWii.l Si '.(,K', .f wfrlKHiai; SSi of NKV' of W'Iiom :cs: NS "d Ki o!8i ofJoction 3t; I'.1, XV',8 ol KVVX abd W -i of MfCtion 85, and 8W' of seiii-n 3(i. nil in Towu hip 3 Nor tb, Kaon.-I: W. M. 1, 2, 3 two "i -wti"n a; BEX and EH of W of .-i'"" nlj idToib hip I ll,'ltauffeS K. . M. All of section 82 in l -iu n-t.ip 3 Aorin, Ranee ft Vt ft illaim- .MvriJian. 8W X and W b "i s ' ' 1,1 "sct'on 2 ; K u of aecUoii . , of deution ; of Mtionlo:NKV"I M'A. f i-wiioo Hi tlon Mf Bof8W', of (-iin2i; Yfi, Vt& ot Kit anit-sK', SK'4 o( Mellon titin uli Hi Ttiaa ahir 1 t?oulh Unnirc 2:: Kt W. M. Ltlal.9. 3ana I K'4 ol NV and 8 XV X of XK 0i seuliiJi i; lAtsS,Sutd 4 aad 8i ol S W l f wctln 1 1 aeeri a dprtiHiit aefnniwrai r'""' u HOTEL IONE HrsSLV. GANGES Proprictof FIRST CUtS ACCOfflBODATlONS CemmercUl Trk EapcdaBy SoHdtfed . : : Rates $1.00 and Special Sata for Jtoom aai Board by Week. Clarence M. WWte UWYER HeppHer - - : "8on P. fj. Balsiger DEALER IN CHAMPIOIJ .Mowers & Headers . SMwcrs cupHh MX MWI Case siedfim nd Jvlitchell Vehicles lone .'- Oregon A:w.atnida Teacher op : : Vokfe Culture. Singing ' -' AND i : Sijcht. Reading: ONE, - OREGON. I: R W; Hickok Qrain Puying a Specialty Lands Bought and Sold .VLIfe Insurance;-' Collections . made. HEPPNER. OREGON. Dealer at . -; ' Wheat Ui$ ud Towa frOrty- I also handle 1 Tfcwoailibre4 Paltry p. n, Qhristentxm. Propri etor Swede Canyon Poul try Ranch, Lexington, Or. PR. C. C, CHICK ; - . : lyskiafalM Uh ?;,' XIQBT OALL8 PROMPTLY AT TRND1LD , oy thlers have bren lH,t nmh-i ihiDH he tint I'ortlNml Autnnn bile Club and steps wero taken at meeting Wehl Ihlt' week to do away with asotorisls. Rt ejnt killings hy auta oe speed ways abowt the oily by tb class of drivers known as joy rWers hare canted the aatseaobile dubUaeari a eainnalgH tw restrict arwdivtl otitniiHtliik speMltHg. Kesejlutiasis were posted at tko sssefciag ad metnliors nl tho ela asa gsisg la tioetery thing they easv to ps- slp to Siording e stWI rsady ''' -tawsassawssawsawsBt , Ttia eaiupgteMiMl al lk Oragaaj But r.(r,,l1a mdraW lor tho groat nwasha ol thai will rcwMP Maoej lurtog bo forty trighUi ' aaawal fair wMcfcieillaj hold 2J MAGAZINE L "1 READERS T Ldtiimaiia akb1 $130 CA--lkrA apw tmmUJbi II il i ill 1 a - aaw-ihe wr w4 l null a sasam ; ' 0"T.,. $173 Alimlor ...a. $130 SUNSET MAGAZINE Imhts lit afB Corner-of'' ftrliV of action 4, Mimintf theiiee W 11 chains, thence, N l-.i:iine, Hiciitv K ehalna iheneS VI cliiMtis lo plttre ol Deyiiin ln(, oonUiiii.i acre; Aim W)4 ol SWk ofNW'4 -ifatiouH; olosctiou 2tf ; 8 of -'Vti-n :W: W h of sralion S3, and Si 'f M cin 31, tt In l'jwnahip 1 8 Kana -) WHIamott slvridlan. 8KX of r.ptiun U); KKW ofaectionlo; BK of HK',, MVVoiSKV and 8KX ol HWV of --iioii 20; NEV and E X of N WW of leuivii 20, alt to Townaltip t S KangsVK K--t Wiilnmette Meridian. WM of NKU aod-ff .S of SEX ol I tlon in Tm iLtliin S! Ftn 23 Eaat willainatle Ueridietv. 8EX of atction in ; NX) of aoetkm IS ; and ol arctioa 3S, all In Tooaablp 2B. Range 24 Kan willanM to Meridian. EHNK and EHofI,'Ka'KClion 4 In Towaship 3 8 Root Hit.! K ol Nt'. 1 1 ssdion Mio Townnip TS. Rang -X but oillanMUe Uorldian. Atn LtAM ; and a ol Attack S of th Oriiiii-al Town of looer Ortfoni Its 7 ml H of Park niouk. Wilt's Addition lo tone. Orfob ; lot of P Block-, lone. Oretoo; Kaat ft (cot of It Sand Wort II ieot of Ut i of ulosk IS, of Will's Add!- ilimtolone, Orfsowi.LoUg,. T and 8 4 Block ! of Will's Addition lo lows Orrami, AH Wut -a slorrew Coant 8Uto of Oregoo, Said real protertt will U sold either intact and as a whole or tat tracts parcels 04. atth-dirtsloaa to auil tMsrchajwraf and Hi terms of such salt will ba eitHer cash In hand, or not less than Kilty thous and Dollars CajK and balance est tiruesHcnred bjr ir4 mortgage ow two real urooerlr awJd. This sale hamoVander aftd.fn NOTICK Of 8AM Of REAL ! purswauee 4 a 0cens, Cud dW PROPS RTT BT kf .roM.l Wis and ntore .. MmiRWTKATRIX - ' ol record hj the Cot Cort ol Koe Is korabr glvoji u4 if. i Mimt Cowuly, Oreio aps undMviiaed adaatoisAroiria tll day f Jwl. IfjrJBfnthe asstor atoaiwl J. A. Woeierv. deaofS7 of the Estate of 1. .A. Woolew will krosa sa4 after Monday ti; defeased awlksiUtogtarfa adtainis- SOto s at AncwsA, ISOtv ai Ui, twa! I said ei-aeoyfte; f h evBtoca aa la laeajMsjsf wwesnrw ui . - . , 1 gsM4fta0a affloa d dt Wiiana to iMCkywf IfeMsssrti Asdlrijffii' MrnCeJsty, Osafwt aggar s;,e5leryitotw .-"" ' ' . - . . .-1 'ht. Offloa lo the loo PUannacr. 4 - loos, Oregon. - The Proelaimar for $1.60 it year. YVUI buy In arty amount Ftt Chicken, Tvrfceys, Docks Veals and Hides, fj tSMltri fM WlaM. ''! at the".- J: : IONE MEAT MARKET. W.R. COCHRAN, NOTICL Will all persona who are enddbt ; ed to the J O Kincaid estate please ;: null at iKat: .altra ktiildincr iind seUloiuinouTaeJay as we are anxious to wind Op the- whole , matter as soon as possible, - -j- EL Padberg, ' THE b. P. D. Whehfe Every one goes to 4 nave a good time. . - ? BARRY Jaw - BARRY L REED Igr. Oregon Look Here! 4 H A nice ffesh line of alUthe leading braii'ds of tobaccos both i o smoking and Shewing; v also a 5 fine line of LUNCH - goods i J jtist arrived. Afir thing from Sardines to Limbehger Cheese. J j COT g CC10 s$ii ttr i trj fllHlfeOGK; o Ward -2 Ward WHEAT-LAND L C. WARD. TdttN Property. Or; r AV