Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1909)
Morrow County Is tf Richest County Per frpfta In Oregon. ko Is ths Best Glty fn Morrow County Vol. X.,. No: 86. IONE, OREGON. FRIDAY, At'GUST :iO, 1909. ."Whole No, 655w,' J, ROCK SPRINGS COAL . : Fir Cord Wood, Slab Wood, ; Any - quantities desired ; v Call and get prices. ; . !' Lite. R - - - " THE OFFICE PASTIME. "v.- -.- owner. . Across the street from Post Office. , , The place to get a nice cool drink,' ; Give, us s oU,.we will treat you-right. .i Razors Honed 25 cents RALPH'S Rasors Honed 28 oeuts Barbar Shop - ' , (NeXT DOOR TO WOOLERYS OFFICE.) t- ' y HALPM HVMCR. Pm. v. - gm certainly there wHIi the fjincv Jisir cutajne;aad smooth Shaving. CALL ONCE. AND YOU WILL CALL AGAIN. usai hssci izi tefrm la cckcckcl SUr razcrt Ml sfesrs werts, It wWwtm Summer Rates East ; During the Season 1909 C 'r K Oregon Railroad & Navigation 66 OREGON SHORT LINE AND I ' : ; , UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ; . ' 1 -.front ' - v.. rifoiOand, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla v ' ' and all 'points on the O. R. A N. line ..-... .r-o To OMAHA and Return $60. To KANSAS CITY " 60. So ST LOUIS ' 67.50 To CHICAGO ' 7 2.50 1 tod lo Qthr Piiaelpal dties in the But, Middle Wert aae Sooth, r, v r. Oorraepondiasly tow lam, -', W www 7 a, a n ( To DENVER and Return $55. Galng transit limit 10 dart from date of aele, lasl retern UbH Oatobar SI. That tickets pnmt torn eery attractive tatHM to Dm way ef stopover pririlf. aad theraby bMag mails to aus ak trip to aur iatareettna oia(a nmmi. t Boalinf oa tl ralaim trip Urenh Oaliforata mj ba M t iiffH aaniaaa the mtaa qaetarf. ' Fall fartieMua atoaaiag car raaarVKiiaata aaa vaaan win nnuaMS afttp ... localsMl, or. - --r KOT1CB FOR PriWJCATlOW MPitnmTOtim ixraaroa r. S. iMmi OAoa at Tb I1im. rt KMIIHirkrirtreiOft( fl 7nnw", Nf n(tk kefra fof ) lHrsI Mrfir tniMyte.Wh!nfffmi.l wbo.M H. W. BmmImV Ilrr. S I"" 4 I'I'iiMnTilX. BMC a Mart, W. MrM!laaki IMBMirl tla I atak mU f T-irr pmf. WMtaWiak Mtla M taa laa atova aftfk4. Wlara ta W torn aa hwltw a Ta Sail. Ortaam taa mk day at Aar -' CtaiaM aaaaai aa rttatawa : I. V. Wa4. Nn J Wa4a an Jna r UM1 m AtMng aaaaad Mallr Marrta tat Om f Marwla f Mfaa.Ortoa- - - V W Maarf, Uixar. . flu i t u.n 4 f I rluiU Ttt CttAKEEY PflNS - AT LEXINGTON. , t , . , The midtfltt Vif Hewtambcr tha Craauwrj will U rweiaiil at Tjt iDfton and an xierioiCMl buttrr Maker Iti ebargv. If Wmads at all sanGcittsitwHllimtuitn)Wh. Mr R B Wilcox 1b trying to Imvf tb thing a success mi4 W ll lh$ farinara liarealfAut wiji afiip tlitir cream there they -iH Mptio,Ak jt aueeaaiful al tawrt-MOiat time pmriflw a way to dtapotif of th-tr orptua mi l and obttii good trash buUwf. llil ij ouaSil tlia Hnt atom to brinxiitg thla itction into tha aoiulfofi It warranif aitdonljr by all tha paopta n (hie hrarh palling wanly and atrong will we bt)inl op tha oount-. Remem ber tht a itiocaaa in Lexington of any baaineaa meanaataaoeiwiolon and Heppner and auoeeaa in either of those places meant better timrv in Lexington. v- . . TEC COUNTY FAIK. In another place ia this pair will be aeea the adrvrtiaenient of the County Pair at Peudle.o,and it la tlie duty of alt to tafee au in terest in tliia fair. It la really ton bad for lone to kava nd ashihii whatever and it wnuld 44 eaddar attll if none Went froiVi hre to the' fair. Bo bea-in to think and ttlan toward aoioc over. -- ".- Gaveeton and oilier southern ppiqta Maaehej-eaoliM Kentucky. A WRTBBAY PARTY. Oaorge Peck wha attaimkl iris sixteenth birthday on tha twelfth af August, was aurprlaed .by hie mother, Mrs T L Dorman, at their home on Rhea ere, with an in vited party consisting of U roue Popl of Um Mason, Butcltfca, Rhea and Gist familin. lee ereauV and cake was served vneW the trees and games of all kind played until mldniflit wlie all departed hop ing Georga would live to be one hundred years old and have many more stich gatherings. A RUN-A-wAY. .. Xettle Mason aurtefl howie the other oight from town and near the Jordan crowing her horse be came frightned ami threw tier en to the shnfta. ; he clung to Un reins and not-withataiMling the norse wae running and kicking, ho at laat l imbed lo the seat. When she got to Volney Ray's she c reamed and they law bar pasa like a streak anil they telephoned the Mason ranch and Uerald utart ed on horseback to meet her. Before he reaelted her the tied controlled the horse but was wae very alad to meat In hk Mian Mason's body was covered with hl:ik and blue SMiUfromUe bTajtaa twit aa-aho kA R broken KOTIOK rOR PUUI.ICATIOS , r . lrw mnaai cai id) ' - DeparteBant of aba faitarior. V 8 Land Oeftte, Tito Dall. Ore Sfar.uu.iwa, RailMlihaMbrciran ihi JHtlih Spwr, allhalnmi lorittehHn ofIWH)MaiiN W. Va!Ma OeMMKt, ' RMMr. on a-aaaa aacataaw HS made llnaiaimd atrtiLw, for Leti HKNIU.XKSSKU.aM. M aa4 eauaau. Serikxi It TMt.t.. MSaatvtlUniMtaUoria'aa ka.fllail nailoaat . 4aaaaUaai la Mke riaal Sa.t ( attaMM tlaha tm At. Uad than dorlM. ba ara IM Covaly Clvra at bti aatra u aariar,Orfltt.Mias lajr at Jalr, lam. ' vlalaMat ami wHmwm F aurrouSh f '' "r ar. c t; itaa e ltd . tun, h aaat.Orega , C W Haaat, naglaWf. - Air Swnggnrt who has purchased the JordaH place, at the aiding three miles from Ion, has bad the house take.ii down, removing m i ine jiu janumaraa or tins t-r tion. Tlieluinber will beuteliiei In building a large bunk house foi laborers while In the ptaoe ititood will be erected a new Modern bung a iow oi ten roonn. turn Allingt r of lone is Ar'cliilect and Buildt-r and the work could not be iu belt er bauds, - -.- WBY BE WAS Nit Tlie capture of Die negro, Kleh- ard GibtoH, at a place near Moscow Idaho, dn the eighth of August, hag beeii the cause of Ute young man named J B Jones, who has been hereabout for soma anon the, to be able to toll hit friends that hie proper nameis Field 0 Webster II appears that tlie negro killed aa uncle of Webster's seme two yean ago and as Webster knew the man he earn west resolved that be won Id follow' the track of him aa directed this way, until he had run him down. Soma Ubm age the ne gro waa at Heppner or rather aome place near there and Webster oarne tw Iom and took the name of Jones for fear hi right awe night frithtew the man away before be was captured. . Henry Jobneon and Bob Ingram were employed to aid Webster. . The negro worked sroend Pen dleton and other places and finely drifted away. The men tracked him to Idaho where be wae captor ed and the two last gamed men ra ta rned east witbnim. : . Webster then came to lone to tee bis many friends here and then went home to eee the many loved ones he baa not seen for to long. , His route will lake ia ,CeIifrnU llexico. Will pay a Subscription The - year to lone 'Proclaimer ; t and the V: Pacific ----- 7 - Monthly Regular price $3 This offer will not last i ' r ong, 10 comein'NOW t fVepeiaaar of saw)1 5H00TING GALLERY- Nt door to the Hotel i In Harry teVeM aace ) j ahoU for d nlckolv ao come In Arid try your luck. Prize, Shooting. DRPA HTW EKTof I he IN VK RIO ft .. LAKhOKrirR, r ' ' r WaSIUKQTON, D. 0 ? at lmarme. a.m. f ' lesVwaVMQa KOTfCte OP RKfiTOBATtOK Or ' VM,PC I.ANIW TO 8KTT1-K-' ' 1 ilKfcl ANDKNTRY. ' " Roilea la fiercer given that tfae Aetlag Menelarv of tha laierinr hat vacated de parlwiental order of wilbdra wal ia so tar as Hm sanje aflecti the withdrawal (or irrlyailon aurposaa ondrr ibaacto June IT, 1009. (W 8t., S88) for waa ia conn, tioa wfih I ha Umatilla PHHt Oreemi, "f Ute Mhriring daaerlbnl IsikU in (he. Stale of Oreton, and by liia antboritv audi of aaM traers atltavannt bran barer loloreDuall miored simI ar nuotlitr . wiea withdrawa, rmrraH or tvprenriaL. ed, Will be toHrtt tn relllemeia ntxlar (be oablfc land laws of the-UnirM Htalas on and altar Oelnbar IA, lln, but tliall not be auhjeet toalrf , flliiipnr aaltelloa untU amber J 6, iwwv at n. Kntted . Slates land offloe at The Dallfs, Oregnn waratog winf sxprtf M gtyan tliat no peraon will be par mi thai toal(fxet' ciar any ri bt whatevat nndaranv i4it) Aeatovoecapatlun beam after Jnly lOoaVaad pWurNo Outobrr 1, ltrj, all rich ettfvnient f occnpittUm briiw (up bidden. - ' , . ' . t , V Tlllametie Vrbieiual Ui-rMiaa .... T. N., R. W K., ll i-cs. I tP ia M t 3rtaiMt91oSltit-, ' T. t X., H. 1 E ( all tieiM. 1 re IS, 39 Id 27 and J to UOitirl. . T. 8 N.t H, 10 : f n it t po,,!, Jj( Oregon, . ' T. 2 If., S, SO R., all. T.tX., U. EalltJii port on m- Ore . ' - .; T. 2 B. 21 all. " T.N.,R. 31 . ell' thai portion in Oregon. - i T. 2 R. St K.. aU es. 4 te ,ie 1 (i and nto 8S incl, . . T. S S . K 2$ Y... al. .Bj m aoutli of Columbia River and all Sacs, s, S, 16 lo 11 and M to HS iucl. S. V. 1'io.iilrtt, Aeii'raC'wadMioner of IheGeneral Land Ottice, . . r, . Prank Pierce, First aatlalaat Seervlsia of Um Intviler. TRADE COltMN. 6 acre, about 7 miles from rend er of PoKlatitl. mllo fromclculrle car line sUlioii, all itf K-,iutU, and In flue bearing orchard, mitt all kinds of bar rive and vegetaldes, ft room house with toilet, belli, hop aadeolrf water, fine well, tower tank and wind mill, 100 high grade ehickent, horse and wagoti, many other, implements, price 7600.00, will take HW acres of good wheat laud, in exchange for part. - Have 90 acres of timber land, a few lots (n beat coast town In Ore gon, and a limited amount of cash! lor this ws want- a email wheat '"". - " ... room well built house In good part of .Portland, &)x 10fF lot, one block from car line, honse. noten- tirely modern, bni can be made so with small expense, price WOn OO wirt take In tuehntigry good wjieat land on to 3000, lo 4000.00 , .- An'one wishing infnrnialion rvgariling any t f tlio atovp ir.-.iiiro rt tlio - 1 i - ,'1 I I pfioouiMta oft icg. a