Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About The Ione proclaimer. (Ione, Or.) 1???-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
HOT CONTEST ASSURED. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST ' WATER UMATILLA LAND. Govwnmant Considering Hug Irri gation Project. - Pendleton Offleial confirmation of the investigation of the largo govern ment irrigation project to reclaim 60, 000 acres of arid land in Wee tern Uma tilla county cam from Chief Engineer of Reclamation Service A. t. Davie and D. C. Henny, supervising engineer of tbe Northwest Tbea mea were eon aa tbey war paaaing through thia city recently and both admitted that the government had ordered teata and complete investigation of tbe prospect ive project. t . . - The project, they said, was on of about a doien now under investigation in Oregon by the reclamation service. The moat feasible will b undertaken as soon as money is available. While they would not say that the Umatilla project was moat feasible, there are known to be many conditions in its fa vor. The new project would be prac tically an extension of the Umatillia project centering about Hermiston. Tbe water for the new project would be secured by building a giant reservoir to collect the surplus water of Butter creek and Umatilla. river. It is esti mated that 60,000 acres would be re claimed. EXHIBIT TO BE S4VE3. Plan Mad to Pr nerve Oregon Dis play at A.-V.-P. Fair. Sesttre Practically the entire ex hibit of the state of Oregon at the A.-Y.-P; exposition, with wools sections of the interior decorations of the build ing, will be removed to Salem, Or arid made a permanent part of the Ore gon state fair, according to plans dis cussed by the Oregon commissioners ouring the visit of Governor Benson to tbe exposition. Governor Benson will probably sug gest to the next Oregon legislature tbe idea of taking the Seattle display to Salem. The cost baa been figured about $10,000 and for this expense two-thirds of tbe $100,000 display in the Oregon building could be preserved. Tbe elaborate decoration and pano rama worked in Oregon grains, tbe handsome wood panelinga and other decorative feature of the interior of the Oregon building will be moved in tact, if tbe plan is carried out. It is believed at tbe clos of the ex position the Oregon building wiU be presented to tbe state univenity. TroHey Lin for Rogue. Jacksonville Tb Jackson County Light A- Power company ha been granted a franchise over tb road of Jackson county by the County court of Jackson county. - The company in its petition asks for tb right to erect oleetrie light poles along tb highways In certain townships for conducting light, beat and motive power. It is the intention of tb company to begin at one the construction of an electric railway to traverse tbe Rogue river valley. . . I.. ' ' - Water Butt Mr Eeh. Echo Jo Ramos, whoa alfalfa field ara on mil op tb river from E ho, is defendant ill an injunction suit brought by tb Henrietta Hilling company, of Echo, to prevent Ramos from placing a dam across tbe river just above tb company' beadgate There is much litigation to bo threshed out before determining tb right of water users from tb Umatilla rivsT at thia place. ; MiN WIN Remove Kalama. ' Rainier The big plant of tb WH lard Case Lumber comoany has dosed, and as soon a a small lot of planing is finished, tbe task of moving tb plant to Kalama will begin. The company bad intended to finish cutting out their timber at this place, but owing to some legal tangle with local parties, hava eoncruded to raft their logs from here to Kalama. " Work Com mow cod an Nffeyttoad. . Eogu "florvey tor the Engen Tlorenos railway, which Jd being pro moted by tha Lane County Asset com pany of thia city, will b-gin this week. Ac i ami construct tofl i expected to start in August. Over a third of tbe $166. O00 required before construction work is commenced has been raised sad none of tb heavy capitalists bar jot been Wool Lower at Shaniko, Shan ike Few buyer were preen at last weak' amies, owing to tbe small quantity of wool to be offend. Price won decidedly hrwer than at tha three f avion sale thia saasoa. The price ranged from 14 Mt to 18 cent. Prefs-sr Tstiscn Remrtated. Salem Piufsaau Edwin Taaech. who recently failed of r-lMoa to the faculty of Willassette nivorsiry. tsar been reinstated, and will km tb anetfLatmdariactBMeamhbgacboel WANTS STATE NORMAL. , Hood River Citlxan Think They Have Site for Proposed School. Rood River At aa enthusiastic meet ing of tb Hood River Commercial club tb cititen went on record to boost Hood Rivor forth location of th state normal school, when tbe matter shall coma to a vote next year. D. J. Traiber led in the discussion favoring Hood River, and assured th citisona that a large number of th moat influential men in th state would favor tbe plan. Truman Butler, cash ier of tbe Butler Banking company; P. S. Davidson, secretary f tb Lost Lake Lumbar company j A. D. - On thank, real estate dealer; C D. Niek elsea, secretary of th Commercial club, addressed tha Quoting, favoring Hood River as tha location for th school. It was argued that Hood- River was the logical place for tb reason that th Willamette valley now contains tha state institution at Bugeno, tbe agri cultural college at Corvallis, and' de nominational schools at Forest Grove, Nswberg, Philomath and 8alem. The Hood River normal will be fea tured at tb next nesting of tbe Hood River Commercial club. Tha grange bodies of tbe valley will be solicited to land aid. . - Form New Phon Company. Ontario At a ealled meeting of On tario eJtisena an independent telepohon company was organized. It will be in corporated for $10,080. The Bell com pany recently removed It toll station from here to Payette, Idaho, and th citisena, desiring better sevice, sub scribed several thousand dollar for a new company in which the membea of the Boise Independent company will be stockholders. Nearly every citisen of Ontario is a stockholder in the new company. Officers and directors wtre elected, also a committee on bylaws to fll incorporation papers. Cross Ties for Panama Road. Portland Oregon lumberman have tb opportunity of aiding in the con struction of th Panama railroad. E. C Giltner, secretary of tbe chamber of commerce, baa received from th rail road commission requests for bids on 160,000 cross ties for delivery at Colin or the Port of A neon. Indicating that construction work is tQ proceed rapidly, it was urged that bid be submitted as soon as possible. Walowa fruM Inspector Named. Wallowa Ford a Potter has been appointed fruit inspector for this coun ty by tha County court. Mr. Potter has had wide experience in fruit and berry culture and is thoroghly convers ant with th various fruit paste. HI services will be of great value to tbe fruit raisers of this valley PORTLAND MARKETS, Wheat BlMstem, nominal: club. $1.17; valley, $1.17. Com Wools. 187 per ton; cracked. $88 par ton. Oate No. 1 white, 840342 par ton. Har Timothv. Willamette valley. 12022 par ton; Eastern Oregon, $2 28; mixed, flWfllzo; ajralia, 914. Grain bags Be each. Fruits Strawberries, $2.25' par crate; cherries, 28e per pound ; gooseberries, 46e; apVlcoa, $1.76 par box; currants, 8c par pound; lo gin berriee, $1.40 per cnlte; raspber ries, $1.251.40r bjack caps. $2 blackberries. 12. Potatoes $1GK76 per hundred: new, 2Hw2c per pound. Vegetable -ygeana, 6 par pound; lettuce, headt 85c per dozen; onions. 12ai6cprley, 85c; psas, &7e par pound; radians, loc par oosen. Butter City creamery, extras, Xc per onnd; fancy outs id creamery, a27Kei store. 18c Butter fat ices averse 1 Mc par . pound under regular butter price. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 18c per doaea. Poultry Hana. 14016c ner Dound: springs, 19c; roosters, 90s9e; docks, young, lZtaTSe: geese, young, Pftfluc; turkeys, 18c; squab. $2(42.2$ par dosen. Pork Fancy, 10c per pound. Veal Extra. 838 K par Dound: ordinary, 7e; heavy, 6c Hops 1808 contract. Te per pound ; 1008 crop, llJ12c; 1907 erop, 7c; 1906 crop, 4c. Wool Eastern Orrsnn. 16r28c ner pound; valley, 28326; mohair, 242 zac Cattle Steers, top, 4.M; fair to vend. 84414.26: eotnmoB. U.l&dM : cow, top, $8.60; fair to good, $&a 8.26; somaton to medium. $2.02.75; calves, top, $6ftx4.fr0; heavy. ($.603 4; sails and stags, IX 7 68.26; aoav sa, aZezXeV, Hag Bast. $8.tSTg.60; fafar to good. $7.761 8; Mocker, $64$. 60; China fata, $.76x7. Shews Too wethers. 84 1 fafar to osd. 68068.76: ewes. Ua leas an all grade: reerlmga, beet, $4; fair to good, $8.608.76; spring lasaba, 88a? 6.16. - . Sonata and Housa WW Each Hold - Out for Lumbar Rat. ;. Washington,. July 16. The make-up of tb oommltte so oonfersnce that Is now handling th tariff bilL endeavor ing to compromise tha differences be tween tb boos and senate bills, is not such aa talnpir confidence in tbe hearts of those senators and represent stives who favor th senate duty on rough lumber, $1.60 per 1,000 feet. It may b that that rata will ha re tained, but there w only on Republi can en tb conference committee who is directly interested In the. lumber schedule, and that man fat handicapped because be is a big lumberman. Of tha senate conferee, not on has any direct intereat in tha tariff on lum bar. Aldriefa, Rhode Island; Burrows, Michigan; Penrose, Pennsylvania; Hale, Maine, and Coliom, Illinois, rep resent states that care far more about cheap lumbar than tbey do about high protection for tb American lumber man. A few years ago Burrows might have bean somewhat concerned, but now his interest hi secondary. On tha bouss aid, Payne, New York; Dalsell, Pennsylvania; MeCall, Massachusetts; Bootoll, Illinois; Calderbead, Kansas, and Fordney, Michigan, ara the confer ees, and Fordney is the only enthusias tic advocate of a high tariff on lumbar, for he own fabulous quantities of timber land and operates a numb tr of lumber mill. It will be the contention of th housa members that tha duty on rough lumber mut be reduced $1, tb rate fixed by the bouse In tha Payne bilL Tbey will insist that tbe bouss will-not stand for $1,60, and will point to tba fact that it was only by a narrow mar gin that tha bona rejected a free lum ber amendment. COREA ACCEPTS CHANGE. Transfer of Courts to Japan Quietly - Received. Seoul, July 16. Th news of the now agreement 1 bet ween Japan and Coraa arranging for tba transfer of Corsan Judicial authority to Japan, w being quietly accepted here, now that its terms sr fully understood. It w feared that soma disturbance might follow the public misapprehen sion that tba disbanding of tha court guard was included in tb abolition of tba Corean war office. Now that it is known generally that th guards are not to be discharged, but merely' ara to be placed under th command of tha emperor's aide-de-camp, tbe causa for uneasiness has been removed. It is believed that the convention be tween th two countries re I stive- to th transfer waa signed July lit - Jthm pro visions of tb document, besides tha change mentioned, look to th control of Corean prisons by th EARTHQUAKE IN GREECE. Province of EllsSuffars Los of Score of Lives' and IOO Injured. Athens, Greece, July 18. An earth quake haaoccurred in tbe provincre of Elis, tb' capital of which 1 Pyrgos. Several Tillages were destroyed and many' people perished. Tba loss is KLoodon, July 16. A dispatch to a London news bureau from Athens says that a violent earthquake has occurred in Southern Greece, resulting ia con siderable loss of life and damage to property. - Twenty person ara reported dead and 100 injured at on village, and three other ail lege suffered heavily, Tba itittmth adds that, when the detaik are learned, it I likely that tbeaasoal tiea will be greatly increased . i BuHcHng Fans; T Dead. Philadelphia. July 16. Sevan men were killed, on fatally injured and 24 seriously hurt today when a building at th northwest corner of Eleventh and Market streets eoriapeed. On man is alee missing. Tb building, a Ire story brick structure In tb heart of th business section was being remod eled, and it ia supposed tb removal of on of tb girders caused th entire structure to weaken and crash to tb earth, Lost Ship to Be Sought. , Victoria, B. C, July 16. It Is semi officially announced that H. 11 B. Ai fferine will be dispatched shortly to eniae th South Pacih and aaarch tb islands for traces of possible survivors or new of th fate of tb Orasnoek hip Australian, just posted as snisaing at Lloyd's and hopelessly vrdo t Sydney from Maxatlan, wbsnc ah sailed tost November. Lang A Ful ton, owners, have petitioned th ad miralty that search be -made" of th many kalaod and atolls along her roato.. j ' - Prwfar American Labor. Butte, Mont., July 16.--B. P. Met thswaaa, soiernrtandent of the Washoe snteitet, ha wwsounrod that th policy of th company hereafter will be to employ American labor before alien Mr. Mattfaowsoa aw stated sempany star srstsai ha PROCEEDINGS OF . Monday, duty IB '. Washington, July 19. Today tha conferee devoted their attention main ly to th revised corporation tax pro vision, which waa adopted. An effort was mad today to dispose of th wood pulp and print paper achad- ull. Tb retaliatory provision con cerning pulp waa rewritten, and it is no believed that it will prove satis factory to American mills. Tha print paper schedule is still in controversy. Tb only controversy sxpected on th cotton schedule relate to hosiery. Representative Payne stands firmly for higher duties and tb other bouss con- fereea ara liksly to sustain him. Saturday, July ITi Washlnarton. July 17. Th tariff conferees today settled th question of giving the secretary of th treasury authority to issue 60-year 8 per osnt bond to covsr tb entire cost of tb Panama canal. Tba effect of th bond provision is to repeal tba limit of th bond authorisation of tha Spoon er act, although not interfering with 8 per cant bonds Issued under that authority to tb amount of $84,681,880. Tha estimated coat of tha canal la $876,- 201,000, which will be tb figure named in tba new authorisation, and bonds may be issued as tbey are needed at tb rate of 8 par aant to tb extent of $290,668,080. There 1 no doubt that a 1 par cent tx on th net earnings of aorporat will be accented. Practically th only subject consid ered during th forenoon season x tha conference was tba woolen solveduls. A reduction of 6 per cant wsmde fas the Dinglay rates on women's and children's dress good mad of cotton warp. Three changes An to wool schedul war agreedupon. All of these wsre reduction tb lower duty on women's and chiMrsn' dress goods being made on woolen fabrics weigh ing four ounces or ovsr to th square yard and wovenyfnto eontton wsrk. A reduction of 2 per cent waa also mad on yarns vaWsd at 8U osnt a pouna or less. 1 Friday, duly IS. Washington, July 16. Twenty-four hoot would see the end of th work of senate and boose conferees on tb iff bill and a substantial agreement pon th question at issue but for th ftv propositions iron ore, coal, hides, oil and lumbar upon which tha presi dent stands firm for radical reductions or even abolition of- tb tariff. The rates on silks and woolen good war determined today. Tb senate won on both. On silks there will be a considerabl advance over existing du ties and on woolens there is to be no change from the present law, except in regard to wool tops, which are to b given a new classification. The duty on tops s proniDiuv now, ana it w predicted that it will continue so, even after th reduction Is put into fore. Thursday, duly 16. Waahinirton. Jul 16. Questions on cotton good and lead products were taken op by tb tariff eonfsreee today. Members of tba bouse conference committee declined to accept tba sen ate inndmnto to tb eottea schedule wbsn that subject was taken up. Tb smendments consist chiefly of changes from ad valorem to specific duties for th purpose of carrying oat tb orig inal Intent of tb Dingiey rates, which sanat leonfar. assert have bean nulled down by th misinterpretation of tb Dinglay law. Wednesday, Jiriy 14. Washington, July 14. Reports that than waa diasatisf action In tha tariff conference with th corporation tax amendment, and that tt might Da arop ped out ef tbe bill reached tha ears of President Tsft today. In consequence Senator A Id rich and Representative Payne war called to th Whit Housa. Th bouse provision allowing a draw back to the amount of Internal revenue tax paid on domestic alcohol used in articles such as perfume od cosmetic manufactured for th foreign trad waa tentatively accepted. Tb real straggle ovsr rates fixed by tb boos and asnate and which was to bar begun today, was deferred be caos of tb desire to get reports on a number of subjects which were referred to subconfereee and eommitte for in vosttgation. la esder that no Urn hmlri h test. It was decided to take up at one th admlnistrativ section in their order. . When adiornaMnt was taken at 630 o'clock tbe asnate maximum and min imum provision bad been accepted tea tatirvely with tba exception of tb pro vision for th employment mi tariff ex perta. , Th sous aonfer argued that tha ways and mesas committee tha senate finance committee have tha Investigation of tariff aaattara as their special province. ' , Tuesday, duty IS. ' -WsshlMion. Jolr 1$. An unexpect ed burst of spaed was exhibited by tha tariff conferee tonight and th first ennshteratiaa of lb bill was aomatoV ed. Whoa tossorrow's asasloa sogias CONGRESS IN BRIEF tha struggle over Important diff of tba senate and house will open. Thus far all question involving raw materiala. Which have been the sub jects of boated disputes, have been put over after brief discuss ion. Th ston tonight adjourned at 9:46 o'clock in order that th conferee could get th benefit of a good night's rest and be ready for tb big battm at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. By paaaing over th cotton and aa schedules without taking up an, tba amended paragrapha and akl th disputed' points of tb lumber schedul. tb conferees were abl to dispos of about 400 senate amend- menta. CRANE IS M Prominent Ghlcagoan Accepts Post at O nines. Washington. July 17. Charls R. 9 Crane, of Chicago, Tie president of the Crane company, haa been ehoeen by President Tat to represent th United State as minister to China, succeeding W. W. RMkhlll, wbo was taken from China toJB ambassador to Russia. It is understood that Mr. Crane has an nounced his willingness to accept, and thathis appointment awaits the ex change of usual preliminary lormali- between tb two countries. te Chinese mission, under a policy with regard to Oriental affair already inaugurated by th present administra tion, will be on of th moat Important mate In the dinlomntifl service. Pres' ident Tsft has exoerienced much diffi culty in finding th right man for th place. He believes be ha just tb person hi Mr. Crane, wbo not only stands high in tba business work), but ha mad an sxhaustivs study of Inter national politics. GIVES STANDARD OIL LINE. Government Allows Pip Prom Okla homa to Mississippi Rlvor. , Washington, July 16. A right of way to tha Prairl Oil A Oas company, a subsidiary of tha Standard Oil com pany, for the construction of an eight inch pip lino for tb purpose of eon ducting oil from a point in Tulsa county, Okla., In tbe Glenn pool field, through tbe Creek, Cherokee and Choc taw nations in a southeasterly direc tion to the Okalboma-Arkanaaa state I ins, a distance of 161 miles, was today approved by Acting Secretary of th Interior Pierce. Th new pip line will tbea extend onward to Baton nugue, mi Tbe new pip line (a th outgrowth of Secretary Ballinger'e action ia amending the oil end gas regulations by striking out the "common carriers" and "confiscatory" clause; non of tb companies being willing to extend tbeir lines under th ok) regulations. -Wht Exports Smaller. Washington, July 28. According to figures mad public by tha department of commerce and labor today, tb total export of wheat from Portland during tha year ended June 80, 1808, waa 6 860,088 bushels against 18,411,681 bushels th year before. Tb declin la wheat exports was even grester at Puget sour, namely from 18,690,287 to 44,680, 174 bushels. Thar waa also a marked dltn In exports of floor at Portland, from 868,846 barrels in 1808 to 662,428 In 180$ and at Puget sound from 1,811,866 to 1,066,862 barrel. Taft and Olav tm SI.. . Washington, July 16. Plans for th m matin r ttt PraslHanta Tafi and Diaa wr made today at a eonfereoc be tween Secretary of State Knox and tba Mexican ambassador. According to th plsn outlined tb presidents will most at tb canter of th bridge over th Rio. Grande, between El Paso, Texas, and Juares, Mexico. Tba meet ing will take place about October 16. Army Sport Una of Duty. Washington, July 20. Again tha War department' ha passsd judgment that a soldier whoa death resulted from an accident while engaged la aa athletic contest encouraged by th onV eers was In tb line of duty. Tb can tart which aslled forth this decision was know as a "battle royal," and took place In th post gymnaaium at Snake Srtdg m Nous Bin. Washington, July 17. Th emnibua bridge bill, introduced to tb nous to day, author lie tb omatroctkm of a brklg ever the Snske rivor at tb town of Ontario, Or. Authority hi gran ted tha county soma Iss loners mi Malheur county, tb chamber of as mre of th tows of Ontario and tha county commissioners of Canyon saw ty, Idaho, BaNlnger to V1H Meinour. -Washington, July 20. Secretary Bailinger has wired Senator Bourn from Seattle that he will parseoally inspect th Malbear Irrigation project ia Eastern Oregon. He will mak tha iaspsrtloa about two weeks hens. woo rot pping INISTER Canlta maiisssni I