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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1894)
Lebanon Express. FRIDAY NOV. 18, 1894. ill. G. M. Wistfull Is Very Ki. lt this week. C. W. Walls, of Albany, was In the city yesterday. . . " (.'. (l.liawllugs In In Portland this week nil business. Mrs. J. W. Menzlcs Is seriously ill ut her home in Ui I city. Judge Duncan was In the city ltibt Saturday on uRlclal business. The Wi?.ard Oil Co. arc now in Al Imny unci will remain Ha re thin week. Sncuk thieves hiive been robbing ncvcral clothes lines lu Albany lately. Marriage license has lieen Issued In Edwin U. Uummlngs anil Addle W. Uourley, 'Klegimt refieshmenla to suit every one's taste at tbe Fair, Friday evening Nov. 10, ISM. ;.E. Tush, Ii. J. Peterson and Mr. ItiiMa left Tuesday for the mountain mi u deer hunt. J. W. Oualck, tbe Albany banker, was in Lebut.on a couple of days this week on buslaces. Sheriff J. A. McFeion was in die city a couple of day thin week, inves tlguting the robbery. Mr. W. F. Head, of Albany, was in the city a few day thin week looking ufier business Interests. The Antiquities to be displayed at the Fair are well worth a place In Smithsonian IiiBtitute. Mr. T. L. Wullaue, traveling sales man for the Portland Coffee and Spice Company, was in the city yesterday. Chrysanthemums!! (.'hrysaiithe juums!!! Come to the Fair and see the beautiful display of Chrysanthemums. Iiebannii is the best opening in Ore gon for a hank, and it wou't be long before some one will lake advantage tif die opening. .Klder Shea, ,f Sweet Houie, the anted onion raiser of Lluu county, was In the city thin week with another wagon load of his staple product. The silk crazy quilt made by the Home Work Society of the Presbyter ian church will be sold to the highest bidder at the Chrysanthemum Fair. Word was received In this city' yes terday that BenJ. Brenner, a well known citizen of Albany, had dropped dead in his barn yesterday of heurt .failure. The ladhs of the Christian church of ibis rityhavedeilded to give a sociable nmelliue during the week following thanksgiving. Further notice will he given flcxl week. Mr, Chan. Ensley and' Mla Susan Smith were married at the home of I he bride's parent lit tallman last Tuesday evening, Nov. 13, at5:80, Rev, Eslcs officiating. The ladies of the W. It. C. will give a cariiet rag sewing at the 0. A. R. hall, Tuesday, Nov, 20, 18M, at 1:30 v m A irood Bfiuare meal will be aerved. Everybody invited. Mr. Fred V. Hiekok, our depot neeiit. spent Sunday In Albany, re- tiirnliiL' to Lebanon in the wee amall lionrs. VVe believe there Is someiiiing In tins midnight drives, but we are liot going to give it away. Tlie little slsteeii-aioiith'e old babycf Mr. Cyrus, of Crook county,' died Wednesday at the home of Its grand--parents Mr. and Mrs. K. Stringer, mar tiudavillf, with membraneous croup. Rev. Holiuaii, of the Christian church, will preach lu Miller's hall next Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 p.m. His subject in the morning will be 'Do the works of Nature Teach the JSxistauue, and Attribute of God?" On Thursday, Nov. 8th, 1804, at Peoria, JU'mr county, Oregon, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Heuery Kreerkson, by Alfred Freerkson, J. P., Mr. Peter H. Freerkson and Miss Ida Pohltiian, both of Linn county, were united In marriage, A responsible gmllemau, of Albany, reports that there were several cases of ociiib't fever and diphtheria ai me county sea'. Tlie board of health here huuld see to 11 that our little city is protected from this dangerous disease s fur as possible. Gun. Vail, the seven-year-old son of Mis. Vail, fell off tbe wood sued Wednesday and br. ke bolh -boues of his left arm belweeu tbe elnow ana wrW. Dr. Courtney was called and reduced the" fraclure and the little f.,ii,.; u irettinii aioug niceiy at lircseut. Insure your property with Peterson, Rose & Co. tfie.V are Ki' 'r 'ue Old Reliable. h'e Mutual, New Zealand. Hnrlnirfield 0.' Massachusetts, Continental, aud other gOii reliable compaules. They also have u'ouey to loan at 8 per cent, In sums from 1200 up. Thomas Moiitleth, postmaster' at this city, has forwarded to Washing ton his resignation, to take effect on Doc. I, Tlie appointment of a new nosimaxter will orobablv be made aome time during this mouth. The 1 AMnrtMiinifi for niMi.marttcr are E p.ivk 1)1 P. Galbwljli, T. 1. BUUi u flufua TboiDpou,-liiala. Hiram Bukoi sells 16 yards of calico fortl, Get your prescriptions filled at Miller's. : Feed oats for sale. Enquire of W. H. D.insea. N. W. Smith uses the purest drugs In prescriptions. j - If you have anything to sell or trade, call oh Peterson, Ross fcCo.- Stylish hats call lie tiad at DiiDion'd's at hard time prices. Miss ! rargaln in school ' supplies and stationery nt Smith's f.ruj store. When yon want to buy ii suit of cloth ing you will save Kinney by getting It at Hurh's. ' ; .1. E. Adeox, agent for the Albany steam lajudry, sends washings down on Tuesdays only, Auyone wishing blank books or envel"ie should, call and examine M. A. Miller's stock. . . . .. Tlmse who patronize Pugh A Jfunscy always get the best there Is In the ninr-i ket ; at lowest prices. The best groceries and furnishing goods at the low est prices at Pugh & Munscy's. Try them. Be sure and have some flowers for the Chrysanthemum Fair and try for oue of the nice prizes offered.. Pugh and Munsey hav-just received a new line of furnishing gixxls, price theru before buying elsewhere. Hiram Baker is receiving a big in voice of calicoes and shirting ud so forth direct from the Ea-t. ! Hiram BsUer lias received his fall stu k of ladies' cloaks, and invites the ladies tn call and examine them. MHck'n-toshe ( ,r women s.:i! :ni-ses. New go-Ms "C styles t:u,l i,upulur prim.. S. K. Vuwii, Aibmiy, Or. linyd d't-s't ctmrif-'i any I;;T,?'e. i'H- phntoS 1,11 ri-.miv 'IllTS Ho- 1 v.ll"tl the sun shines, but gets a good tmt'Jie just the same. These hard times we want to save all we cau, but of course we have to eat, still you will save some by getting your groceries at S. P. Bach's. .-. Blna M. West Hive No. 1, L.O.T. M. will admit members into the order for t2. till December 1, 1894. Alice Hyde, R. K. Just to help us on our way, Boyd will makes reduction of $1.00 on the don. for photos to all those who have been married less than three months. -Voung man, improve your time by going to BCliool at Santiam Academy. Take the business course and fit your self for usefulness, in the business world. . , Peterson, Rosa & Co. have some spteudid farms and city residences for sale at a hargaiu on the installment plan. If you want farm or town property, don't fail to see these men. Drs. Booth and Wallace performed an operation Wednesday on Frank Mo st, drawing off a half-gallou of matter which had accumulated in his light Bide from pleurisy. He is doing as well as could lie expected. Owing to the lateness of tbe season and the dull times, I offer my entire stock at cost. Ho call and avail1' your self of the opportunity to get an ele gant hat at cost, at Mrs. Rice's. Miller will sell you 6 lead pencils for 5 ct. 12 sheets Fools cap paper for 5 eta. mg, c.lB. Ill lUeb CVl-JJIUINg 111 BUILIUHVIJ line ill same proportion. Five dollar Kangaroo shoe for $3.00 Calico, 10, 18 and W yards for $1. First grade House lining Si cents. Umbrellas, Flannels, Sateens, Dress flannel, Ladies' wool vests, etc, at bed rock prices. Don't fail to cull at the! Racket store and get prices before buying elsewhere. ' Henry Wilson, the postmaster a Welshtou, Florida, Buys he cured a case of diarrhoea o, loug standing lu six hours, with one small bottle of Chamberlain's oolic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy. What a pleasant surprise that must have been to til sufferer. Such cures are not unusual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two doses are required Ui give permanent relief. It can always be depended upon. When reduced with water it Is pleasant to take. For sale by N. W. Smit h, druggist, W. A. Mcduire, a well-known citizen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opluion that there is nothing as good for children troubled with colds or croup as Chamlierlain's cough remedy. Ho lias used It iu his family for several years with Hie best result and always Jceeps a bottle of it in tlie house. After having la gripe -he was him. self troubled with a severe cough. He used other remedies without benefit and concluded to try the children's oiediciue and to his delight it soon affcoted a permaueut cure. 60 cent bottles for sale by N. W. Smith, druggist. Mr. E. E. Hammack relumed home last Saturday from Porthiiid where ho had been for tlie past two weena iu the interest of his patent elevator ladder, Mr Haiumaek having purchased J. a Tiniikfo.'s Interest. He informs us ih..r, h met will) considerable encouragement lit regard the patent while there. He two ouuuty-rlghW Wbllaj also mid A DARING ROBBERY. Joseph Buhl Knocked Senseless and Robbed of $Jio. The city was thrown into great ex citement Sunday evening hy the start ling information that a prorulnentcltl srau had been held up and robbed very near the corporate limits. Joe Buhl, a well-known and highly respected citizen of tills place, had occasion on Sunday to visit his hop yardjust north of the paper mill. He had on his per ton, from (he sal of hops and other wise, ?2I0, which was securely placed hi his Inside vest pocket, in an envel ope. About dusk he started toward the city. When he approached the htllc bridge over the canal, through ihe Whksoui place, it was nearly six . 'clock and quite dark.' Not thinking of milia rs and footpads, he was startled by the command of a tall man stand ing on the bridge, to stop, which he did Before he could realize what was the cause of Hi is unusual command, lis was struck ' over the head with a l.-rgeclub. The next thing he knew, h found himself iu the cold waters of 1 lie-canal, where he had some trouble in climbing up the slippery banks. This be finally did and hurried o.i to (ha public road. He reached Bud Thompson's residence near the paper mill, cold and bruised. He then ascer tained that his watch and money were pine. Having obtained an overcoat, lie came inln town and reported his loss. Soon afterward, two boys brought in his watch and hat, which had been picked up by them near the bridge. The marshal with a posse of citizens went to the scene of the robbery and made a careful search for clues, The sheriff came out tbe next day. The officers and citizens are using every means is their power to ferret out the cowardly perpetrators of this bold rob bery. If the parties had. been caught Suuday night, they would have been elevated to tlie top of a telegraph pole. The boldness and brutality of this shows what we may expect, uuless speedy and severe punishment. Ib vis ited upon such offenders. No man's life is safe, if 11 known he has a dollar in bis pocket. Mr. Buhl owes his life today to his good luck. His assailants evidently intended to kill him. Not For Sale. The mu-h talked of question of bonding tlie city to purchase the elec tric light and water plant was brought to rather au abrupt finish last Satur day by Mr. Rawlinga informing the citizens that he would withdraw bis proposition to sell, aud that the plant was now not for sale to the c ty at any price, that he had sold ene-half inter ot to N. H. Allen, the well-known electrician of Albany, and that they would nerealter run Jt. This was quite a surprise to many of ourcltizeUB and it is said some of theni were very sorry as it took all the air out their Bfils. . . - A petition to Governor Pcnnoyer is being circulated in this city and vicln ity, asking that G. F. Russell, the embezzling county school superinten il. nt be pardoned. It is a queer fact I that- the very men who probably oriticizted the outrageous wboltsale pardoning of criminals from the pen itentiary, do not hesitate to sign a petition asking that the practice be continued, A good many of them say that murderers and much worse criminals than Russell have already been pirdoned, and the pardoning mill might as well go on to the bitter end. The Chrysanthemum Fair. Toct'lirysiuiiheumni Fair under the aus pices of tl.c ladles of the Presbyterian r.iiureh will be held at Miller's ball, on Fri- iaj- evening, Nov. 16, 1891. ' Everybody is M-ited to brina liowers for the display. Tiie exhibit will be made in tliree depart ments, viz: Bouquets, potted plants and. tli'sifrns. The flowers must be brought to tl:e hall between tlie hours of 10 A. u. and :! p. M. on Friday, Nov. 10, In order that the tluiat committee may complete their work before the opening of tlie doors. Six prizes nill beoiTereil, a first aud second prize in each deptirtment. These prizes may be keen at N. W. Hmltli's drugstore. Good music will be furnished during the evening. Admission to the hall, 10c; refreshments 15c extra. Woolen Mills at Waterloo. Mr. Thos. Kay, tlie Salem Woolen .villi than, passed through this city this week on his return from Waterloo, iU: Informed us that they had moved nil tlie machinery out of the knitting department and stored It away, und would put iu wnohn mill machinery. He thought they would have the mills tunning some time tlie first of the year. We are glad to report that the mills at Waterloo w ill again be put in opera tion. Lost. ' On Saturday Oct 27th., between Hamilton creek bridge aud Peter I'oncll's, a small sachet containing two hymn books and one black cashmere shawl. Finder will be re warded if he leave the same at Lacomb P. O. Mm. E. Turnidge. A teachers', local Institute will he held at Waterloo, Lino county, Ore gon, hcginulng Friday night, Nuvem- i; m unH ,,,, 111, nlmr rinriiwr tltu ft.l. lowlni Saturday. All teachers and nations of the vicinity are cordially to invited tube present and take part wrr:;r.Ti J fiT.:.TX!l"tl'l PIosed that 1 committed u-up fordlseu..lon, a well at many tnf !tlterIHB luieeiii ROBBERY AT WATERLOO. Mayor Sanford Robbed of $145 Wednes day in Broad Daylight. Win. Slater, thestagedriver.hrought news to tills city yesterdny ot a bold and daring robbery committed at Waterloo Wednesday afternoon be tween the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, Mr. Andrew Sanford, a son-lu-luw of Mr. Curtis, being the victim. Mr. Sanford was away from home 111 d his wife, who was not feeling well, locked the doors after dinner and laid down to rest, dropping to sleep. Dm lug the lime she wits asleep someone entered by the back door, opening It with a skeleton key, and ransacked the house, so' ttering papers and cloth Ing over the floor, and Belling awuy with $.'145 which had hceu hidden In the clothes chest. Mrs. Sanford did not awaken until her husband returned at 4 o'clock and then complained of feeling queer. The baby w as aroused about 0 o'clock and it Is believed they were chloroformed. Mr. Sanford is a hardworking man and could ill afford to low that sum of money. It is to be hoped the robbers will be caught and brought to justice. There is no clue to the robbers. ' THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION Washington, Oct. 31. The President to-day Issued the following: . By the President of tlie United States of America A proclamation: The Ameilcau neonle should tmi!- fully reiider thanksgiving rod praise to the Supreme Ruler of ihe Universe, who lias watched over them with kluduess and. fostering care during the .year that has passed, They should also with humanity aud faith supplicate the Father of all mercies for continued blessings according to their needs, and they should by deeds of charity seek tlie fui'or of the Giver .of every good aud perfect gilt. Therefore, I, Grovcr Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby appoint aud set apart Thurs day the twenty-ninth of November instant, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to be kept and observed by all the people cf the land. On that day let our ordinary work and business be suspended and let us meet iu our accustomed places of worship and give thanks to Almighty God for our dreacrvatinn as a nation, for our im munity from disease and pestilence, for tbe harvests thae have rewarded our husbandry, for a renewal of na tional prosperity aud for every advance in yirtue and Intelligence that has marked our growth as a people. Aud with our thanksgiving let us pray that these blessing-! may be multiplied 'unto us, that our national conscience may be quickened to a better rcogultloii of the power and goodness of God, anq that in our national life we may clearer see and eloser follow the patli of righteous ness. . And iu our places of worship and praise as well us 111 the lia'iipy re unions of kindred und friends on that day, let us invoke Divine approval by generously' remembering the poor and needy. Surily He who has given us comfort and plenty will look upon our relief of the destitute and our iiiiuistralious of charity us tiie work of hearts truly grateful and as proofs of the sincerity 01 our thanksgiv ing. Witness my hand and the seal of the United Stat.s, which 1 have caused to be hereto affixed. Done at the city of Wurliiinjtou o'i tlie first day of November, in the year of Our Lord, eighteen hundred and ninety fi.ur, and of the independence of the United States, the one hundred und nineteenth. GHOVER CLEVELAND. . By the President: W.Q Gresham Secretary of State. Convicted of Mans'.a-ightsr. The trial of the State vs. Lorin Par ker, indicted by the grime! jury of Harney county for the killing of Bud Howard, the murderer of Til Jlaze, took place lust week ill the circuit court and resulted in the Jury bringing in a verdict of mam-laughter, The Burns News says of tlie case: ''Many ladles attended tlie Parker trial 'several days; being the first murder cuse ever tried ut Burns, made it of 'absorbing interest to even those not particularly Concerned for the welfare of th" young man accused. The Burns church was never before so crowded us Wednesday evening by men, women and ehlldrm to hear the argument in the cuse of the Stale vs.'Paikcr for killing Bud Howard. This case has occupied the court from Saturday 9 A. St. to Wed nesday 10 A. l., exclusive of Sunday, Jury reported at 9 A. M. Tbuisday, a verdict of manslaughter; recommended to the mercy of the court." Parker resided iu Lane county for several years, prior to his removal to Eastern Qregoti, - '- ' " ' Found Dead Near Scio. A message was received iu this city yesterday from Scio, summoning the coroner, and saying that Wesley i Downs, a farmer residing . 011 the ! farm of Marlon Alcxsnder was found U;dead. No particulars were ascertained, suicide. The coroner will go over ami iii'migut nit raJtu.nersiH, Wc do not carry evcrydiliiK We eouwntrltc all onrsslli In- DRY GOODS Wo ttinnol quote prices on ASTONISHING -Call and Mr FALL STOCK. Yours for READ, Douglas Shoes at Cpst to Make Room for Better Goods). SOME PLAIN TALK. Goods which we sell are guaranteed to be as repre sented. Our prices will be found, by comparison, lower than elsewhere. 3IA.IL ORDERS Will receive the same careful consideration and attention which we afford our customers in person. We Have Received an Excellent Stock of WINTER SUITS. In Neat Patterns, Suitable for the Best of Men. Woolen Suits from $7.50 Dp Fine Stiff Hats " 1.50 " Fine Hearth Underware Waterproof sloes. -WRITE FOR PRICES.- ALL EXPRESS ORDERS PREPAID. ;.: . ' The fliainSlctiiint Sc. jLlbttlip - i&Gft oft from s loothptek to a locomotive! BOOTS i SHOES. hardware, but can Hire you n BARGAINS- examine our- Business, PEACOCK & COMPANY.