The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 18, 1893, Image 3

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Tlw port what writ about nymps an them
An flriiuls nn fjoddoMWH hain't not no sense
All ay 1 fa an annuls what fly round 'tin wlntfs
'Itliout ever o-alobpUi to Ui-lii on Uio fenae
Tliny liaiii'l ot no Idue
Of what po'try tth'il bo.
An thoy don't Utcli a fulior like yon an like ma.
For thuy talk about goria the old Greeks uater
An itndilewM'H nobody tVUevna In no more;
in a kin of a ulatuilcal tinir-a-1 inn-fine,
.Tlwymy tliu name tliititfa wo hava all bnarn
In n lantfwldttw nn trran
1'Uat we oun't underatan.
An too stylish an swull for a wnrkwiay man.
Wy. Iili-mi ye. i hero's n'try In flower an bird
An Ciiiirtln an Uiv an younn liablas enmurh
I'bnt don't Uev to licv Innn wudomy words
To itmkf n mini yuii, '"I'titil's the etui, that's
Vcs, Dint's Jost ttie stuff
Of which any ole duff
Like you and like mo cant fill up with enough.
Jest fli U yur wings eo us plain folk ran hoar.
An irmkf 'urn somo m-tiae for me an my wife;
Make 'inn Jingle Mi bu11u '1th everyday cluwr;
Wet Vm down 'Uu tlio jooso of tliti wlueiiruss
of lift!
r utcli 'em tin from your heart,
Wliiiro all HontlH nrter start.
Let your hwoaua cuan climb Into ourrartt
hum W . f 'tm in unkoe lilnde.
flouvnnlr ftpoona.
"Some people ore born with mlvor
spoonB in their mouths." If it utouly
a plain, evorvdny sort of silver Kpooo,
it doesn't count in these fin de tnecle
days. It must t a souvenir Kpoon,
and no common one at tliut. or on a
hud better not have been bom. Tliu
is indeed h time, if not an age, of lux
ury, and even the jworoHt people are
not contented with the plain usages
and appointment of the tiast half i
ctuitury. It is an at?e of constant i
chaiu?CH. where uothuig louts, and in
which anything; that is before the
public more than a year is considered
a matter of uncient history.
The wonder is that with men on
existing state of things a fad like
that of collecting souvenir spoons
should hove luated more than one
season, and yet the interesting fart
Tcnuiins that the fancy or fad or
whatever you choose to call it of
souvenir spoons is just us eagerly fol
lowed now as it was five years ago,
when first introduced. Once a
Trailing In Patagonia.
It is a lucky thing for the natives
of southern Patagonia that the navi
gation of the Straits of Magellan is
dauireroua. Vessels often anchor in
the straits for the night on this ac
count, and this gives jiie crooked
legged natives a ehanee to come out
in their canoes and trade with the
ship's company. The chief articles
offered by the natives are furs of va
rious kinds, especially of the Bea ot
ter. These thoy sell fur a trifle, or
more often barter for the few things
thoy need. The best otter skiuB are
worth as much as $(iuu to f7()u when
brought to civilized markets, but
Patiigoiiians offer only poor skins.
New York bun.
Couldn't Help Winning.
Papa Well, what did you think of
the great skating race?
Little Son Didn't amount to much.
"Everybody said it was wonder
ful." "1 didn't see iiothin wonderful
liout it. The one that winned
couldn't help winnin. He leaned
over so far forward that he had to
go like a streak o' lightnin to keep
from falliu on his nose." Good
Tin Dnuoon'a Thoughts.
Guod Boy Here is that penny you
gave uie to put on the contribution
plate. 1 made a mistake an put in
4k button instead.
Father Hum I What did Deacon
Sharp say when he saw ltv
Wood Boy He didn't notice it. !
guess the church is out of kindling
wood, because I heard him mutter
something about getting more chips
from the ole block. Good News.
Thlr Tronhlitanmo (liprlee anil Ululeillr
alile Thing. They Don't Do.
A woman at a hotel is like a live
tare on a frolic or a runaway him.s
at a funeral. She can give and coun
termand more orders in 15 minutes
after her trunks come up than a
man could think of in a week, blie
writes half a dozen letters a day,
using three or four sheets of the hotel
iiaier jii onrli one. and calls up a bell
my to mail each one separately. She
piita all sorts of things in the safe,
and no one minds that so much as
the things she doesn't put there, but
is perfectly sure she did. Of course
she fiuds them up stairs under the
pilldw and apologr,es so prettily one
can t help but be glad she made the
She never makes out a wash list, but
she 'knows exartly what she had.
undone iair husnt been returned.
Nhe keois the ponderous liell boy
promenading up null down stairs all
day with rows and cards, parcels
and messages and never remembers
to rip him, but it is good for his di
gestion. makes him earn his wages
and teaches him the philosophy of
life bhe twnds down word to know
jiiMt when the f o clock tram goes
out and what tinv the 7 oclock hm
ited gets in. but she doesn't come
home reeling in alter the play to find
out who she is or where she is at
any way. She will tack up photo
graphs on the wall, but she doesn t
go to tied with her boots on.
She expects the chamticrmaid to
clean her gowns and pack her trunks,
but she doesn t set the sheeta on hre
smoking in lied or break the mirrors
with her umlirella and play football
with the furniture, even in her fun
niest moods She wants no end of
extra toweui. but she doesu t polish
her boots with them. Of course she
doesn t eat as much or drink as
much or spend as much money as a
man. but she can make things more
lively with her (amis and callers, the
people she w "in to and the people
she is "out" to. than a house full of
She wautH to live all over the house,
and why nutt A pretty woman read
ing in parlor, or waiting on a hall
seat or scribbling letters lnherqueer
angular bund at the writing table is
ever so much more interesting an
attraction than a barrel of "brum
break.' a potttxl palm or a jardiniere
lull of flowers. Ever since the days
ot the garden eviction men have fol
lowed where womeu have led. and
the hotel where women most do con
gregate is sure to have a generous
following of men. Indeed it is u
uiiwitiiin if a pretty woman that will
sit around in a stained glass attitude1
and a handsome gown ought not to
hare siecial rateB if she lun t paid a
There is one tiling a woman will do
every time and that is insist that
there is something wrong about her
bill. She "knows" just what she has
hail and is sure there is a mistake,
and you have charged her too much :
but, bless her heart, she always pays.
Sunshine isn't purer in June than a
woman's honesty. She uever is so
"(load broke at the end of the trip
that she has to pawu her things or
give secunty on her trunks. And it
you do succeed in pleasing her she
will tell every one lrom here to the
Golden Gate that your hotel is the
only decent place in town. A drum
mer working on commission and giv
ing his whole tune to it can t work
up half the custom that one well
suiied woman will send you if you
humor her little caprices, serve her
dainty little dishes of uotning Bwoet
euod and tied up with bows and tix
up her bill so that you can afford to
discount it a bit when she leaves. -
New York Suu.
A Cot That 1'iit Out n Hre.
Some of our friends have a cat
which they esteem very highly.
On a cold winter day Mr. and Mrs.
B. (vent to church, some five miles
The thread that binds un to life li most fre
quently hovered ere the meridian ol Hie Is
reached In the case of per&oii who nejjlent ob
vioua means to lencw failing strength. Vigor,
no lean the onrce ot napptnesa than uie conni
nu-iiv rml left the house in the nos- Hon o( long llfe.oan bo created antliirpolnaled
J .... , , 1 where It doea not exist i IioushihI who
session ot the eat, torn, wno upon
their return homo rushed out and
buried his paws in the cold 'snow.
Wanting to find out the meaning
of this behavior on Tom's part, thoy
examined his paws and found them
blistered and burned. ' They walked
into the house and found to their
surprise that the cnret around the
rrate was burned, but the fire had
boon extinguished. They now took
in the situation. A coal had fallen
out of the grate and set the carpet
ablazo, which had been extinguished
by Tom, who hail burned hispawsin
the effort he made. Cor. Now York
A Lamli'M Hide nn it Onrveateher.
A rathersingular incident occurred
on the Savannah. Florida and West
ern railway the other day. It was
about 40 miles from Waycross on a
through tram to Chattahoochee. On
the track just in front of the train
theengineor, Mr. DuBose. saw asheep
with a young lamb. It was too Into
to stop the engine, and the train
passed on. leaving mutton in its
wake. Arrived at Waycross, the en
gineer descended from his engine
bl1! saw the lamb alive and unhurt
on tno cowcatcher. It had been car
ried 40 miles without a scratch.
Brunswick (Gu.) Times.
lib have
experienced or arc cognizant Including many,
physicians of imminence ot the cfteels of Hos
teller's Stomach .Hitters liear testimony to its
w ondrous elflcacy as a creator of strength In
feeble constitutions anil debilitated and shat
tered systems. A steady penormanre of the
bodily functions, r. newed aneetlte. nosh and
nightly repute at. end tho use of this thorough
and standard rcnovant. Uso no 1 eal tonic rep
resented to be akin to or roaemblell In finecta
in lis place. Demand the genuine, which Is an
acknowledged remedy for ludU'Osllon, malaria,
nervousness, cnnstipiittnn, liver and kidney
complaints and rheumatism.
Uneasy Paas 'nger (on an ocean steamship)
Doesn't the vessel tip frightfully? Digniued
Stewar ' I he wessel, mum, is trying to set a
good example to the passengers.
100 llKWAltl), S100.
learn that there Is at leant one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all Its
stagee, and thut'is catarrh . Hall's Catarrh Cure
la the on v positive euro now known to the med
ical fraternity. Caturrh, being a constitutional
uiKCaae, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh ure is laken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the foundation
ol the disease and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing luwork. The proprietors have
so much faith In itacuiativepewers that they
tier one Hundred uollars lor any case mat u
fails to cure. Send for list o; testimonials. Ad
dress P. J. OHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists; 76 cent.
Every experienced nume knows the value
of a remedy which, wtthout being an ano
dyne, will relieve noreneas of the limbs or
stiffneBtt of the joints and enable a patient
to sleep quietly and naturally.
Jwt such a remedy are Ali dock's Por
ods Pla'-tpr'i. Placed on the client or on
the hack, if necesarycut to to strips and
placed over the inihcles f the limhB, thf-y
work marvels in the vav of BOotliinR and
quieting reBlleHsnej-s. B-ing perfectly sim
ide and harmless in their composition.
ihevcan he med freelv, and many a suf
ferer hs thanked Ihem fnraniKhtofquiet
rent, irraieni uolu to him ana tnose wno
en"1 for him.
IittANDKKTH'8 Pills do not weaken the
bow el i.
Unmixed rviU rnwlyorifiur. The fact that
money hug ten tight wild 10 have resulted
111 a gooa aoi 01 wjrter uiuugut.
Life Was a Burden
Becaure of tbe
puma In icy utomach aud
aide, and alsoon account
olt.a Intones. Aitcreat
linr I would bo in great
distrosB. My father had
me give llood'a SarMpa-rLlaat-iid.
There was
an improvement atonco
and J huts contiouud
tuLfnK it. until 1 am
11 (iw well 1 have
rtiued ia flesh and ce-'i
eat heartily witnout diS-
cem. I now enjoy life V fStisSwi 2
andlowe ItnntoHoud'i J t,. ' i i.f
NH'jTcCaicQorli, H. Y. Cet HOOD'S
Hood's rills ualst digestion and cure sola nyauarngjists. tx.
Salti, a. Sardinian city, has no po
lice, no clergymen, no doctor, no
. chapel. Marriages are ratified by a
priest or registrar at a parish many
miloB distaut, to which brides and
bridegrooms travel in batches to have
the necessary ceremonial conducted.
The minute green bodies found on
tho fresh water polyp have been
shown to be vegetable cells which
furnish sugar for the animal, while
the latter in turn provides them with
The house of commons has met on
Sunday 11 times, on various occa!
sions when urgency demanded it.
The first time was in the reign of Ed
ward III, the last at the death of
George II. .
Mrs. Homespun, who has a terri
ble time every morning to get her
young brood out of their beds, says
she cannot understand why children
are colled the rising generation.
Be not affronted at a jest. If ous
throw aver so much salt at thee, thou
wilt receive no harm unless thou art
raw and ulcerous. -Junius.
A Kualuaaa Vairubond,
A vory dirty aud bedraggled speci
men of a train p strolled into a gro
cery store in Park street the other
morning, and the first man he met
was the proprietor.
'Can you gimme a dime? asked
tho visitor meekly.
'1 can, but I hardly think I shall,'
was the cheerful response. "Why in
thunder don't you go wash yourself t"
'1 cant afford to, whined the
"uiut you, indeed? Water s plen
ty, and soap doesn't cost anything."
"Don t it queried the tramp. .
"No, it dou't.".
The tramp edged over toward the
"Well," he said, with his hand on
the latch, "if it don't, I'd like for you
to figure out for me what your per
ceut of profit is on every bar you selJ
to your del uded customers, " and with
that he dodged outside and disap
peared. Detroit Free Press.
Bard to Undaratand.
' Few persons understand the cause
of their own failures. Judging other
affairs as they do their own, they
couldn't tell why a barrel is empty
when it has a hole in the bottom.
sacra rr '?--wjs
l.tmper ZtotUiNri
Ouo wut a dose.
Tma Grbat Couoh Cuhb ui-ommly citrta
Whore all others falL Cougha, Croup. Sore
Tbroat, tiotrscDcu, Whooping Louga ana
Aithma. For CoDiuropucn it has no mm
has cured thouttndi, end will cuius you if
taken in time. Bold by Drugiflata on a guar
antee, Fur a Lame Back or CtVufc, use
Have you Catarrh fr1 This remedylsfruaran.
teed to cure you. Prioe,6i)ota. Injector ire.
For sale at lawast prlcei and most advantageous
terms at
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
..Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Write for nrlcea and terms before bovine else
UseKnamellnebtove Polish: smell.
Trt Gbrmka for breakfast.
and yonr cough may end in something seri
ous. 1C s prei-iy suro u, u your uhhki is pour.
That is lust the time and condition that in
vites UHisumpnon. i no seeus are sown ana
it has fastened its hold upon you, before you
know that it is near.
It wont do to trifle and delay, when the
remedy is at hand. Every disorder that can
tin rae.hed through the blood violas to Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. For
Severe Coughs, Bronchial, Throat and Lung
Diseases. Asthma. Scrofula in every form.
and even the Scrofulous affection of tbe
lungs that's called Consumption, in all its
earlier stages, it is a poaitivo and complete
It is the cnlv blood-cleanser, streneth re
storer, and flesh-builder so effective that it
can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or
cure, in every cam, you have your money
Dae. Ail medicine dealers nave a.
Hercules Gas Engine
Made for Power or Pumping PurpoMa,
Tfa Cheap RallaM. Oaa KnftM
ou Hut AUrJUL
P " Out Of EMM! AM
Fj Pun
ill PRIK
Vor Simplicity It Beat! the "World
It oils ltsel f from a Beserroir,
If o Carburetor to ffot out of orda
Ko Batteries or Bleotrlo Bprk
II ran with a Cheaper Orade of Gasoline tbaa aay
ttUier Engine.
PALMER & REY, ManufactuwEM
411 Uiuoni Stmt. Ui mm bL
order your SUMMKB
ItOI.I.EHB. You waul
the BK8T ; that's the
only kind we deal in.
Then eend vour order
lor the BKHf KOI.LKRS
and INKS to l'Al.MKK
A SPFriSITYf'1-'
n wa B-iwi-ia arr or 1 uruarT
Brphlils permaneiitlr cured in 15 to85daya. You
canbetreuwdatbonoforthe snme price and ths
eamo gTiarunleeij with those wlio prefer to como
and pny expense of coming, railroad fare and hotel
D1UB,1IWB liiu w ture. iijuu uuvw mttu wn-
ury, loaiue poiukd biiubiul unvo ui;m:o huh
ntns. Mucoua Vatcliftiiln mouth, NnreTbront
tart of to
... it U thin MvnliUHlfl
Wlftl wo ruurnniveMvuivi stinviu wd iuu
obitlnnte caiei and challenge the world for
n ftewecunnotor 'itiladiseuseliiisalways
baffled the eklll oftSo mont eminent phytl
claas. K.'iOO.OOtir oapital behind Otir uncondi
tional (TQaraatee. Abaolutepronfasentspaledoa
application. Address CWlli. KKMKIkV J.,
Fubll-hed evi'rv Wednesday. fiO cents (or
three month-, $2 pur annum. Ham pie copies, 10
ceii is. Ada resaAm bona jiiuKEK, lomifstoui,,
" I am Post Master here and keep
a Store. I have kept August Flower
for sale for some time. I think it is
a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond,
P. M., Pavilion Centre, N.Y.
The stomach is the reservoir.
If it fails, everything fails. The
liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
heart, the head, the blood, the nerves
all go wrong. If you feel wrong,
look to the stomach first. Put that
right at once, by using August
Flower, It assures a good appetite
and a good digestion. a
CoaeuaipUveia and people
who have weal mnitsor Aata-
roa,ahoulduaa Plio'sCurelor I
Consumption, it haa i
tlmouuidk it haa not Injur-1
edone. in. uau w ia
HI. the bontoouffhiTrnp,
Sold everywhere. &
Elt. Uadinr JeW'
eier ef the Pacific
Northwest, keeps e
larRe stock of all
BAIK.KP on band.
Best ffoods at low
est figures. Badges
maue u oruer.
Best in the World! H D T A 0 T
Get tha 6ei.iiie!llKr ANh
fhaNK wwiijBKif, AKent. roruana.ur.
U A lIT tTCHINO PILES known by noUtnfS
" bMrbetumor,alli-yaitliJi)a',effe)tlug
nil r"rt permai)fMitour8. PhooftOO. DniKaisU
rILCQ eiio i-r.wnko,rblliivlelplila,a
Ate DtwrBpirtiqji,ouM UiWuao iuiljiu
When warm. Tins furin ana XfX.iau,
3ji,kkuim ij or riwjxj-iu
ym:ld atonchto
i.n nn cm VA'C D1I C DCUCIlV
Vn. DU-QMiw-fVW riu. nwriLUi.
wbictt aota directly on parts affected.
d still bave acbes and
nplef,Copi-r-'olored Npoli.U Icerson any
b of tbo DOdv, Kulr or J.yebrow fiilllnpr
It Is this feypliimie m.o ronton?
Inralsin'tRf-imilvot nine children, my only ram
Will oil Is nlr-mdy prepared and more pi hub ant to t&O
Uate. Sold everywhere, Larga bottles 60 oanta.
1'aJto no substitute for xU Tbcrj'a cotblng aa cow
Brooklyn Hotel
208-212 Bush St., San Francisco.
Thin favorite hotel 1b under the management
of CHAKLK8 MONTGOMERY, and Is as good il
not the beat Family and Business Men's Hotel
In San Francisco.
Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled I
First-dans Herviee and the highest standard of
reaped ability guaranteed. Our row cannot 6
nurpamd for vtatiust and comfort. Board and
room ier day, 1.M, $1.76 and 2.00; board
and ruoni per week, 7 to U siugle rooms, 60o .
to $1. Free coach to and from hotel.
For uie bj all llrumUU. 145 Cvnto a bottl.
IVIoore's Revealed Remedy.
AfrroRti. Orbooh. Januarr 10. 1 aan aute with DlaaMiira thai hvtha iua of
MOOKK BKKVKAUCU KSMEDY m; hutbaud vraa relieved aioldi9e t4
KHKI)MATUMandmr;ouni!(itbiiyeurdiuUral;ollNi'LAMllA'rOK: KiUU
MATltiM when toe heat oootor 1 iwuld get did hita no good. Your. in. itivLUnd.
, l MK8. M. V, SI IlltlJt-