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About The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1891)
" RUSSI COSSACKS. LAWLESS MEN WHO COMPOSE THE CZAR'S BODY GUARD. TAKE YOUR CHOlCHi Wt & Wrack. It In not often that a ship abandoned Anil Bl.torj. flriiimn ?"''' J!',n Be l ... is..! com uu " -- fin ii. wrpf.k roucnes nort in Miimy. iu , the wi the K!:rf!;SK3 in ignorance, with whom mediocrity rankti Devoted and Vnprln1ilMl Without Ureal! or AiipiMlfttloii f nutiRor arantwd Im , , . t,.i. .ut,.u 01 metuuiim, n ... wimmt.v tlwniei nooper, 01 du-lui., wiu , iBnomoe. with taidML Julv 8. 18118. To lighten the wm of wisdom. They fire DKYVNI: 88 CAN'T UK CVKED By local applications, an they cannot reach the liiWased pmtimi ul' the ear. There is only one wav to cure deafiicfw, aitd that In by constitu tional remedies IH'ttdiCrtw is emmed by an In flamed condition of the mucous lininjt of the 'luiw Whan thin tube koLk inflamed struck on the south shoal, off Nan- MfftaiJia , r i ! rl.,. rluli .ii, I imlnu thf iiiHtinitilHliori f'rtll hi' tucket, July 8, Xiua. to lignum w.e r-'-Yi.a'..,. inW. or Apireolt,loii nr nunipir onrnwo .n- snip uapi. nogiuuus wircw uvoiu.wu Thoy are the result oi tne oar wtos nmnlty from ruiii.hinei.Mor All 0.1-m noveral hundred boxes of sugar; but and the thumbscrew of myth and mystery, Ttvept . .lie remained fast, and as she was -.Jfflttota I aee bore and at Bt. Petersburg only a fow uliliiira In tin' streols, and the dashing Cos sucks riding llko mud on horseback are the lite o( the military (or tho winter. Tlio Cos sacks ure the lite gtiarils of the omr, and are the most Inturostiug of the many oharactore in tlite atmngo country. A genuine Cossack him no more appreciation or dread of danger than he has ot Ida vodka, a torrlblo rum, which he drinks llko water and which nuikes Intoxication at night. He wan tho original soldier ot Uuwla, the patron fWiMuu mid thu nrltiit, snlrib In uiaklntr re- iiiilillcan Institutions what thoy are. He Is devoted to tho omr, and (or his devotion has iuu.., br.lrtM.u4 In t.lin hlcrhcafc tlfttrrne-. Tho acme of tiio Uuasian soldier Is to hecome as sociated with tho service o( tho orowu and to be located about tho pnhce. When a sokUnr . lu nfnflnnul tit f.liM vicltiltV o( the llllluCe 811(1 it becomes known tliut he hns been recognized by the czar, Ills reputation uas roacnoo tne tonlth, and ho Instantly becomes the admira tion of tho entire iieoplo. To get a promo tion en suite that is, into the direct service of the ozar Is to acquire the highest honor a million Human soldiers aspire to. In all tho wars Kuasm uas nmgni irom nor organization tho Cossacks have llgurod most conspicuously. They especially did the bloody work whoa Napoleoa came over from Prance in 1D1D and attempted to conquer the umpire. The great Kronen general found his men foiling like hall when he was unable to strike bank, tho enemy always being under shelter. It was continuous bushwhacking till the retreat began, whon tho Consacks redo out 40,000 on horsobuck and shot down la cold blood almost twtco their number in Napoleon's ranks. For these people hovo bceu the predominant Inhabitants on both sides of the Volga, and tho Unit to take up arms lu all tho Crimea against Intruders. Nearly boll a oontury ago the czar rewarded the tribe by making all Cossacks In his service his special life guard. Altogether tho most brutal and ignorant, the Cossack Is thus glvou tho most ...nir..i.,,u ruvttt.lnn in all this croat armv. Whenever you see Aloinuder III you see a swarm of Cossacks about him, riding over pedestrians, Blushing tholr sabers in the air, and holding high aud arbitrary authority. Thoy havo complote. privilege and exorcise it to the fullest extent. IMMUNITY AOAINOT PUNISHMENT. A Co-ark soldlor is granted complete Im munity against punishment for all but the highest crime, which is murder in cold blood. If he wantonly murders an Innocont and un offending citizen or companion hois court martialed and probably imprisoned for three or six months, but it Is extremely difficult to convict him whon once arrested. He Is fur nished a horse, clothing and rations when stationed in a city, but he Is given uo salary, and rations only when ho cannot forage. About one-fourth of them aro supplied by the hands of tho ranr, white nearly 100,0011 of ...,. n. nrivilutr,.rl tli 1TO alrOUt the COUlltrY and in the name of the czar pillugo and plun der. They lioia up strangers, wiumn uu, 6 lary sometimes and demand at the hands of the peoplo the best there is to live upon. It is uselem to make complaints of their depre dations, as thoy are legalised. The people, have to keep the czar and guord his IKo; thoy must protect him and all his Internal, aud he holds that thoy may just as well do some of their acts for the empire's preserva tion directly, by maintaining a band of ma raudors, as to do It indirectly through the channel of tho treasury. It does not follow that becauso a soldier is a lfe guard ho must be at the side of tho one he is employed to protect His held is in any spot ho cno locate effort to injure tho empire or its czar. Ho is a secret or public detec tive, or a soldlor, according to uis purposes or desires. Uo goes nliout, when not under direct orders, lu the uniform of a soldier or tho drew of a civilian. At Ht. Petersburg, not many days ago, I saw a Cossack In pri vate cltiseu's dress on the street, walking In hot haste. Ho wore a long ulster, buttoned up to the chin. He was in the role of a de tective. In a little group of men he espied his gnnuv-a slender youth. Hastily unbut toning his great coat be drew torth a bugle. A singlo, short call, and at his side wore three or four of tho (loroest looking Cossack soldiers I ever saw. They oame lu a twink ling, woro coats of mail, caps, and at tholr sides and in their bolts were pistols, knives aud maces sulllclout to start a bond of Texas highwaymen. Thoorrest was not resisted, aud tho display seemed entirely unnecessary. -Moscow Cor. Kansas City Times. ' r,n,liv to Children In London. ITKr. H..M.,Wr tllirdtlttrrCOUttS tltlS WTlttOU au Introduction to a report of the third year's work of the London society for tho Preven tion of Cruolty to Children. Tho variety of i I.1..I, fl.a onniinitlBO has OUllishcd C1UUIUJ rrwvu v..- - . . and tried to punish is as follows! Immersing a dying boy in a tub of cold water for nearly an hour "to get this dying done;" breaking a girl's arm wiillo beating hor with a broom ! stick, then sotting her to scrub the floor with tho broken arm folded .to hor breast and . whipping her for being so long about it hanging a naked boy by tied bunds from a book at the coiling, thoro (logging kunj '- savagely boating with loin belt, feeing with flBfci, and then kicking in the groin, on the abdomen aud foco with working boots; lash ing a B-yeai'-old face mid neck with dray man's whip; a 3-yupr-old hack bootou with i whalebone riding whip: throttling a boy, producing partial strnugiuawuu m screams of his pain; boating on scarcely healed old soros, then thrusting the kuob of : noker into the lail's throat, aud holding it thoro ' 'to stop tho row." London Letter. , . ,' . ... ..... . boust is antli pounciing Iieavny no auaimuucu um, i,y Balaam's ass. fearing she might go to pieces. (In the other side stands the Histogenetio T 'hL, nt ,,tT In boats for the system of medicine. It is the offspring ol All hands put off in boats lor tne tl ht) of modml investigation, nearest shore, una us soon as tie was on of m0(jc.n, eit,OTiencc. It is the result of land Cant. Bognrdtis hurried to Bos- research, the triumph of reason. Like Mi- ton. Itwnstwodaysbeforehoreached Us challenged invertU the oflloe with hi bad news. ' nation : Its Dassnort is truth. Which side "Whv. euntain." said the owners, will win? ... "you are dreaming. The Hooper is the result, slid unlcsN the inflHniniHtlori can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, dieariiw will lie destroyed forever, nine esses out oi ten are i-Huei. uy rni.rn.ii, wh!r.h iKimthtnirbiitan liiflmtled condition ot the mueims Miirftiees.. We will KivcOne Honored iKmars inr any mm ill Deafnesa (caused by catarrh) that we cannot pure bv taking Hall's Catarrh ('lire. Send for circulars, free. F. 1. CHUNKY A CO., Bold by dranlsts: 75 cents. siife at India dock." "Impossible!" cried the captain. "Uo and see," said tne owners. Seatti.b, Wash., June ft, 1SB1. Our liilliy wus very sick, and we tried several physicians in turn. None oi them seemed to know what the matter was, Hhe UO H1IU BTO, nrnwreunuism COUld n't StatKI J COUKin i pmy , U W tin ti u- n,.,., tha .-Wlr oront niit.. Tin- e.ttlt fur tier to net her breath; she had mtrdns. and scarcely could believe the Mtt. 'IZV'Zt evidence of his senses. He rubbed his uti(il( fiuring'the night, arid was subject to eves and took a second look. es, conviilsnins ana iiinsoiuarcontraciiuii. there certainly was his shipthat he had Jrf .tant left uground on South Shoal with a n'very short time she commenced to im- ntn'mi oomiliu un prove, until all these symptoms have dis- storni coming up. i clltii-t;Jy, and she has not had a lirnnnd ate v after the crew "liad left EPJ "' 1;.7.'T.... the vessel the wind changed and blew a gives me great pleasure to make this hr oil the shoal She drifted until statement, so that others who have chil lier on rue snoai. one am d h t ' m tl ow wh(!re t0 tai(. the next morning, when a (iloucester J, , treatment. nmmg s...m,a ... m . -. ,, r"iLi .,, U nrrl. the hope of salvage the erew Doaraea imru mw, of Bol oe of Capt. Bogarduswasoogotjd a sea- e,tjiayor Yesler, Third and James, man to lose, and after some pretty se-. Consultations and prescriptions absolute vere bantering the owner, for free book explaining the Hist- li m nnmlimnrl nf the HOODer. XOUttlS a rt,.....1 W,.tl U'llh nw llfp Shk rvPPIl fl inn- tliiuous failurc.'"-lX'laare I'each Crop. f Tl.iprl mirl Tt Htrri.N Portland, Or. First-class accommodations. Kates, $lto?l.wperuay. juwu ur' PILK81 FILES I PILES I Dr. Willtsms' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Wet-dins sod Itching Piles when all other ninimAnta itnvt! failed. Itabsoros the tumors allays the itching at once, arts as a poultice, Ointment i prepared only for riles and Itching of the nrivaie parts, and nothing else. Every box Is warranted. Sold by druggists, or sent Dy mall on receipt of price. 80c m 1 per hox. VU.ljl.Jo ran., f. Proprietors, Cleveland, O. CumpaDiuu. UAIITIOH. Jilt) XllBtun' aowe MA(lifiriftH Hie lailfll urounu me uuinw uo u Foo.1.1. Savlnr. I lowing inrriptiom "Dr. J. Kugene J Men go into trade and do dirty tricks, m Histogcnetic Medicine." Kvery oti and screw, wherever they can, a profit, i device is a fraud. They will, with equal self-gratification, dlna nt anotliur man's expense, and t,,r ,IT to face the workhouse, "a hiuid" who is growing uaeleiw from hav-1 lug consumed his strength and vigor In cheir service. The women darn dish- br other c..uni.l ri.,,.ni 'I'hi-re'a a flv oil Vour dine at anotlior man's expense, and nose, rimm. Iraseibie uw Lady-vvell, he am t KUI'TUKK AND PILBS OPBBO. - Mlr-S mm PERMANENTLY IT HA? MIBQUAL IT IS THE BEST. We positively cure rupture and all rectal dls ises without pain or detention from business. Ill cneir .torvieo. i uo wuuwu uuu- No (Wre( nfJ . BUrl n0 1fty uuui curaa, Aa. cloths, and patch muslins and window dress for pamphlet Bn. Porterneld 4 Losey, 888 ' i .Markat street. Ban Fraaclseo. OUrUUilK, 1UIIH UJI 11,0 (uv4 " n.,... e.,,.riTl.ur lull me. Kell.that r m.mured. The Victim hear nie! Is It to any one 1 kmur? MILLIONS OF MONKV. 1 There is mlllioilB of money In and around New York Citv seeking investment. 11 you have a i.,m rul.,.l, ,tii,.. we null nrubablv sell it for cream oil the milk themselves from a similar motive. Their husbands "make" money, they "save it" and both succeed, firadually the hoards increase; at first slowly and .... .... ii... ....i.... : Willi pain tuo uuuiou. nirm, rain-n, inure, ''":"ZS,iiwto years the uest egg is small, but a -: f ft ,'u w'ini partner with capital for any mmit comes after which it aieuuiulates ultimate aivewrk with rapidity. The income Las become 1 " : considerable, but the outgoings are as meager as ever overplus income be comes cupitul every year. The close habit which created the fortune are continued to preserve it, and the in ooinrruitv is im'seutod of external dis play and internal pinching. Children ure born in the meantime, and inherit their father's or mother's niggardliness as surely as their features. New York Ledger. Quests at Koriials' Annual Ulnner. All the professions were well repre sented by the men who wore guests at the recent Surosis dinner, but the clergymen predominated. Two of the best addresses of the evening were .imdn hv Rv. Drs. Cuvler and Paxton. Among the other speakers were Judge Noah Davis, Dr. litus mtinson uuou, Mr. Moueure Conway, Mr. A. M. Palm er, Mr. Murut llalstead, Mr. McKel- wny, of The IJr joklyn Eagle, and Mr. E. A. Dltlmmr, of The New York Times. Miss Kathryn Kidder recited charmingly, and there were addresses by the president of Sorosis, Mrs. Ella Dieta Clyuier, and by the beads of the various oomuiittees of Sorosis. Con spicuous among these for its excellence was the address of Dr. Jennie T. Lozier, chairman of the oommittee ou philan thropy. New York Letter. "A Nine Days' Wonder." The memorable reign of Lady Jane Grey is said to have given rise to tne nlirase. "A nine dayB' wonder." Lady .TmiA wns nroclaimed aueeu of Eng land July JU, mod, lour aays aiier uu death of Edward VI. After the lapse nf a nnrlud of nine dllVH. OD July 19, aha mlinnuished her title to the crown, tins terminating Her reign in tne suon T space of a week and a half. A noted Says: 0 8 EuglbU historian says, "thus we oome , -- , . to the end of the diary of that short sed (Jerman SvP f e and troubled reign that from Its length succtssfully for Sore Throat, Cough l8 .id to ha,e given rise to the now Co M Hoa (1020) popular piirase , , . aB iT l tried many diffcr"- OINT12 EXTOYS AfUIUl HUB UVUUUU " Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and Acts gently yet promptly on tne xuaueys, T.ivar end - Rnwelo. rleanses the 8V9- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- icnes ana levers ana cures nauituvj constipation permanently. For sale in fjOcand $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CV. 8AN FM.NCISC0. CL. louismie, nr. ncm nm, h.i. Baking Powder DON'T! Don't efteat youreelf out. of a good emoke by taking a poor imi tatlon for the genuine Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. THE SMITHS. EVERY BOY AND GIRL In the world by the name of Who will send Si cents In stamps, or other good mouev, will receive bv return mail, postpaid, a nice silk handkerchief, not large, but a perlect DAISY. ouititteris in the world, at 410-418 From ttnet. Ban Francisco, l.:al. Season Opens for Trout April 1st. STEIN WAY. Gabier and Pease Pianos Meaning the BasT Piano made, ana u man. ohaaoer Piaow; U MuBloal Iu.trumBita; Band. Sup pH large suek of Sheet Muaio. 8M.BWAY Hail 9H and Port Bttf, Maithiaj Ooai Oo. Oal Drt iw nnr n.w ronm. and paw rw Faber's Goldsn Female Pills. A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Coke and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. No other baking powder does such work. "German Syrup" For Female Irregular ,ties,uoihii)eli-.etlit'i nn tha niarr. Kfvet fail nidiSflVUHt3fi by promiueut ltti.iai moatuly. uuaraineea to relieve auppresaed measiwiaiion. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbugged Save Time, Health, aud momj ;laice uo oua er. Bent to any addresi, secure by mail ou n Ceipt ot price, AadreBs, TME IPHRn flffFDiriNE CfllP&NY. WeBtem Branch, fioa. 37, (JUTLAND, OB gold by WHROM Daw )0.. roruano. nr. , m-3 y n pi' . m zTACKLE 51 U.' -o D (fi H. T. HUDSON, 08 rirst Street, Portland, Or., DI4LX& W ARMS, REVOLYERS A SPORTSMEN'S G00D1 8end for new lUmtratcd catalogue. . I'tirtland, Oregon. A. P. Frto. Braueli Schuol: Capital Bub. Collmie, Salem, Oregon. (Same course, of study, same mwsof tuition, Business, Shorthand, Tyfirwriting, Penmanship, and Engliik Defiartnuntl ia-ln KHulon Uiroualiout the year. Stadenla admit ted at any liiae. Caudugue from either Khool, rrea. "We are six in fam- A Farmer at ily. We live in a place where we are Edom, Texas, ubiect t0 violent wonder.' "St. Louis Republic. Railway time tables are now made of couvenlent size and Bhapo to be inserted Inside the cover ot a watch tor convenient . reference. - ' Tho most fashioimhlo women pf France uro Introducing small diuuor tables In stead of one largo one. . . A Bay View chiropodist has dubbed himself "William, the corn ourer." ent kinds of cougn Syrups in my . n .-, t ms hut et me sav 10 anvoue waui- The nmsont fashionable walk affected ingr such a medicine Oermau syrup by New York girls is deeidodly tiresome, is the best, That has been my ex- and it is very amusing to wateh some perience. If you use it once, you well built tailor made girl, when she will go back to it whenever you takes to one of the side, streets, allow need it. It gives total reliet and is !...- UAn waloi- n..l1r nl.r. . Mv flflVlCe tO eVCrV" lier arms to swing twiu im i'"",!"-.- and apparently take some comfort In ' one suffering with Lung Troubles is . r m, . . ..! t rt. it v.M, mill snnti lie con- J. McCRAKEN & CO., -DEALERS IN Boche Harbor llms. Portland Csswnt, Ool; den GaU and Utah Plaster, Hair, Fire Brick ind Fin Clar. LAND PLASTER. 00 North Front Street, Oor. D, VOKTLAHU, UK. FRAZER AXLE GREASE Bestin the World! Ret thn lipnillllfi! Sold Everywhere! Bis CI is the acknowledge leading remedy for all the unnatural discharge asa certain cure lor the debit!" tatlng weakoeai peculla '' ' - women. ... ltc-ODirbr w ipreBcrl-eitandfertaafJ fTj.8TONEfl,0.,OtciimlL ' Williams So G-r oat, Una and ft North Front Street. Portland. Woodworking, Saw Mill, Flour Mill Machinery and Supplies. IW WHITE FOR PRICES. , moving. The regulation gate requires tliobody to be .curried, perfectly ereot and stitt, the anus eia ai me smo, with elbows turned out and the hand slightly oiion. The arms must be hold porfeotly steady if ohe desu-s to be thought in oorrect orm. New York World. . " " ... All tho corncob pipes In the world are manufactured at Washington, Mo., where one man aud a machine moke 800 per hour. ' .;, ; , w,, it Vmi will soon be con vinced. In all the families where your German Syrup la U3CU wc linvv t rouble with the Lungs at all. It is the medicine for this G. G. GKEEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbivjy.NJ. UkV tCVCD 10 STAV CURE0- Hllf rrVrnwe want the name anil ad- BBSl P nm joan puprwanfft.rer in the U.S.and Canada. Address, Bulda.l,M.l)Bntlu.l. John .' Franklin Jones. Premier Bicycles. -, FAB A A ArMIE ocnu run vHintuviuKi STROWBRIDCE-BODMAN CO., Fire Arms and Sporting Goods, 168 SECOND STREET, PORTLAND, OR. . dr( & ASTHMA I Destjougn jneuicine. ivxouiuieuuou uy l usiciana. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. iiiiiii.n, ?McMS..til.igg ,Vi-