The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 31, 1891, FARMERS' ALLIANCE EXTRA, Image 7

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A Snjwitlon to Mechanic and Other
l,lKirr Edumtti Yonnwlf.
What portion of the great army of work
men in till country ever consider this stib
jtict, or iii-u wjJJiiiK t-n Hflnilt Unit, they liuve
time for both. They argue Unit llro in too
short, nd tLie prosiwots of tut vantage too
few, to make it eithoi- desirable or necessary
to devote their spare time to study mid kin
dml Improvements of the mhid. Very few
ever find any time to rend, even, except pow
tltity enough to keep posted on the mm its of
bull Rumes, prize tights and the miscellaneous
sensations of the day; although upon those
important subjects one will find tint vwy few
who are not Mioroiitfhly posted, and can ex
plain every detail very minutely.
Auk the it verity imwlmnie or other laborer
to mihswitm to a trade paper, tlio benefits of
which you hnvecarufully explained, and the
Invariable answer will tie; ''I Hhouldn't
read it if I luid It; I don't' get any time to
read, and won't afford It anyway; besides, the
fellows that writu tho e article are too bigh
toned for mo, and 1 can't uudorstund whut
they any." Tlilti Ih one of the luinest argu
ment possible to think of, and In one of the
butt re jHOtm why tliy should reud and study,
that they may he ahio to unde slniid and
profit by wlmt these high toned writers any.
Such argument not only show their igno
rance, but their willful dlm-epard of their
own usefulness and education
There in no better educator than the traile
Cper, for ft keeps ono pouted on wliat it
ing done in the world of science, and we
think that many til these dhmiterosted men,
if they wi ttld Hjwnd a suiuii rraution of the
time they devote to mailing tras'a iu looking
over a good trade aper, they would find
itome tiling that ivouii Interest and instruct
them, ami al o wiunve the prejudioe against
the wmtributors, The average working day
Ik ten hour. Now it 1m safe to Buy that eight
hours' sleep in enough for any biialtby man,
njid thin leaves nil bourn out of every itiy
that may lm divided up botwueu study and
recreation, for we would not auk or expect a
man to devote all of bin life to the former.
Now the atitiml facts in the ease are that
nine out of every teu of these won do not
Bleep even eight hours, neither do they study
oneHnigbth part of that time; and still they
have not time enough to reud a good, sensl
ble urick thut wilt itliow them bow to make
the labor they porform, audakmit which they
are pretty mire to grumble, muea easier aud
more profitably accomplished.
Now let un look at another Hide of this
question for a moment, and hoo what some of
the effect of a little time devoted to reading
and study are. Take, ior Instance, the great
inventor and prosiwrous manufacturers,
many of whom have risen from common
laborers. They have invariably been the
most careful reader!, even ''burning the
midnight oil" in their punmit of informa
tion, not of tho standing of the League nine,
or of the lutest scandal, but of tliat which
woe to lie the work of their liven. Think you
that they found such time uninteresting or
unprofitable, or that tuey ever Iwgrudged
the little they Bmjit of their hurd earned
wages in the purchnse of books and papers?
A, B, Itrimu in liosfcoii Iludget.
A Farmtr ftueffeHt lu an to How Things
Might Have Been Cliana;tHl.
Gen. Bumblethorpe is certainly a big man
big in stature and bigger still in hi own con
ceit, brimming over as ho constantly la, with
his own importance. Oen. Bumblethorpe was
never in the army ; he never wan even In the
militia. But he wan surveyor general once,
a good while ago, and has of course worn
the title of general ever shoe, and has always
'Insisted upon it. He has been a shade "more
overbearing since he became a general in this
wny, though he was sufficiently overbearing
before that.
Ono due afternoon last summer Gen. Bum
b'elborpc was taking a walk through the out
skirts of the country town whiob he hod hon
ored by choosing It as hin place of summer
sojourn. In the course of hin wanderings lie
came upon a pair of bars leading Into a
granny and inviting moadow, The bars he
let down and walked into the meadow. He
had but half crowed the meadow when be
saw, to his horror, a great black and white
j Holsteln bull emerge from the dark shade of
I an apple tree and advance towurd bfm.
i Gen. Humblethorte is not an active man, but
the steady advance of this enormous animal
stimulated him for the moment to great ac
tivity. And his own rapid flight also served
to stimulate the bull, who lowered his bead
mud chnrged funoutily, bellowing the while,
j It wan a mud chase, but Gen. Bumblethorpe
j had some good rods of advantage in tbs start
, and the opHslt fence of the Hold was not far
away. The general rati wildly and succeeded
in turning a somersault over the fence just in
time to escajte cite lufuriated anlmaL
And then it was lion, Bumblethorpe who
was Infuriated. From ttie safe side of the
fence he wtornitnl and r&god at the bull, and,
seeing a farm bouse not far away, he stalked
over to it The farmer wan cliortng around
the barn when the general rushed up to him.
"Is that your bull over there, sir?" ex
claimed Gen. bumblethorpe,
"Wal, 1 guess 'tis," said the farmer.
'Do you know what it's been doing P
"Chasm ye, mebbe."
"Yes, sir, chasing me; and it Is an outrage
I will not tolerate an outrage, I tell you,
that I should be pursued and humiliated In
this way I"
"Wal," says the farmer, "it's a thing that
bulls will do; be euu't help tt, ye know."
"Help Ul" said the general, black with in
dignation; "do you know who I aiiif
"No, I don't."
"Well, sir, J am Gen, Bumblethorpe.1
"Ik tlitt t so?" said the farmer with great
deliberation. "Is that sof" Why in thun
der didn't you tell the bull, gen'ral?" Boston
Transcript? .
Met Only In 8elfity.
Mine. Chaperon Is Mr. a professional
Miss Prue I dont know.
Mine. Chaperon Is he a man of brains!
Miss Prue 1 dont know that, either.
Mme. Chaperon Why, aren't you ac
quainted wilh hirnf
Miss Prue Yos, but Pve met bun only in
society. Boston Post,
A Vowly Hut ebed O-trb lu
The ostrich eggs aw huge affairs, as large
around an n quurt meunuru. They lay out In
the open fiVid, and junt as 2 was hanging
over the fence, wickedly waving my jacket
to make the mujtMtic ostrich jiurl'orm an un
dignified piruu tie, one of the e;;gs broke
open, and out popped a little ostrich. Im
mediately there wns a great commotion, and
everybody rushed breathlessly in our direc
tion. The keeer wus told the news, and
come hurrying on with ejaculations of sur
prise. He vaulted tho two fences at tho
farthest dint mice from the mother ostrich
and made iu the direction of the uewuomer;
but when the mother bird took long strides
in bis direction, nnd manifested a lively
curiosity as to bis purpose, the keeper
vuulted uguiu over the nuurost fence uud dis
ftplMMtml from the scene,
It wus (pute comical to soo tho old bird
with her new bom offspring. At first site
di fhu ned to notice tho tittle thing, which
Jooked about the size of a Q-mouths-old
chickun, unci sought to follow the pureutal
guidance by running a few steps and then
tjuito uiwxjwuledly toppling over, or tinning
a feeble wimei'mmlt. I bud quite htttoful
feelings until list the mother bird, who by tins
time ntood pruiiciug before us with hor long,
beautiful droopv pluuies. I think she saw
by our expressions tlmt we did not approve
of siicli Kpurtttu motherhood, such uuuuUii-ul
calming of Lite1 emotions, fur she immediately
turuud up her heel and bestowed ft motherly
kiss upon her solitary scion. There was a
thrill of HutiRlucttoti along the whole Hue of
spectators when she llnallysut herself down
upon her nest and drew the ugiy duckling
under the shelter of bwr rarely pluwagod
wni-g, Lofl Aligelus Cor. New Urleaus
ReiiiHi'kiLble Memory.
X received a visit from un old school
follow, who hud come to see the exhibition;
they hud not met for the lost flf teeti years.
"Is that you?" ; ' . .
"My very own self."
A hearty grip of the baud and a long chat
about old times.
"By the by," said the visitor, "do you re
member the ,duy wo lust met I lent you ten
X looked at him in blank astonishment.
Then, after due rollectlon, be asked him to
wait, A few moments after he cuine buck
with a ten franc piece and a book, both of
which ho handed to his friend.
"But I didn't lend you the book."
"I know, but it Is a memory prise which I
got at schoolf and you are more eutitlod to it
than I am I" Le Figaro.
Painter or political Portraits. .
Sign painters graduated to portrait work
turnout from tivo to seven portraits In
twelve hours, but the rapid and careless
way In which they uro done Is Illustrated
on many of the banuore now strung. Two
or three men often combine In painting
political portraits. One will do the draw
ing of the head and the rough lines of the
face. Buob Is known as the '"likeness"
artist, and It is he who Is oxpocted to
cntoh the expression. One or more men
till in the coloring and details of dress.
In this manner the work cau be done
quickly and to a certain extent correctly,
providing, of course, that tbose ongaROd
Lave bad uny traiulng In portrait paint
ing. Brooklyn tttiglt).
A SurnrMte.
The Young Man (an he wipes the perspira
tion from bis browj This asking the parents'
ooiiHeut is a trying ordeal. If Arabella wasnt
such a prise, and 1 didn't love her so dearly,
I would never have the courage to attempt it
Know PWinres to s t
Yellowly That's a fine picture you have
got there, Brownly.
Brown iy Weil, I flatter myself that It is,
you know.
Y. Is it one of the old masters, do you
B. Well, I si n't exactly snre, but I am go
ing to have the opinion of a friend today on
Y. Indeed 1 A connoisseur!
B. Why, I should say sol Pshaw, man,
he1 been in the tea business for twenty years
and knows everything aliout pictures Bos
ton Courier, 0
Arabella's Father Want to marry Ara
bella? Yes, young nmn, yes, take her, and
may the Lord have mercy on you. Sit down
and I'll write you out a check for $5,000 to
start housekeeping on. Life.
How He 1'Hld the Lawyer.
"Mv first case in San Francisco," said At
torney James K. Wilder, to a reporter, "was
the defense of a young fellow charged with
stealing a watch belonging to a Catholic
priest. I was appointed by tbe court, be
cause the prisoner suid he had no money.
"The jury reudered a verdict of not guilty,
and as the dofemluufc was leaving tbe court
room I called him back, and just as a joku
hundud him my card and told him to bring
me around the first $50 he got, ,
"Next day he walked into my office and
planked down two ftius and a $10.
"'Where did you get all that money f I
demanded, as soon as 1 got over my surprise
euough to speak. ' K
" 'Sold the priest's watch,' he replied, as he
bowed himself out." Bau Franoisoo Exam
iner, .ir
A couple of friends were returning boms
on a dark night when they were attacked by
a band of rurtluns A general melee ensued
At last they managed to escape from their
assailants. When comparing .notes after
ward, one of tlieui said: "I managed to get
one little stiff fellow down; 1 nearly strangled
him and in the scuttle his scurf oaine oil In
my hands."
"Let me Beef' said the other friend, put
ting bis hand to bis nook, "why, it'B iniuel"
LeBoir,., " '
A Hitter Itavetige. ".
Mrs. Soia per - Well, if that is the kind of a
niau ho .is and you disliked him before you
were married 1 ouu't see why you got wedded
to him.
Mrs, Temper I did It to spite him, I hated
him so.
Miu Sempar-Qulte a revenge, I eoe.-
li'Vpiitg Up AiiimiMet
A "robbers' roost" has been unearthed
at Chicago. It was fitted up with under
ground passages in various directions to
facilitate the escape of the roblwrs in
case of a police raid. The neighbors had
been so terrorized by the gang that no
one dared to inform the police of the
doings in the vicinity.
There is more virtue in one IIkamdbkth
Pill than in a bottle of the best Sarsapa
nlla. Tbe solid extract of Harsaparllla con
tained in Brandbicth's Pills, in combina
tion with other Vegetable Extracts, makes
them the strongest blood purifier known.
One or two at night for a week will remove
ull pimples and eruptions of the skin and
inn Ice tlii! complexion fuir as an infant's.
Hkandhktii's Pi li j are purely vegetable,
absolutely burmlest, mid safe to take at
Hold in every drug and medicine store,
either plain or sugur-coated.
Tiie Maidwi Claude, dear, hold th' nm
berelly more over me or else th' people'll
think we're married. Life.
Poor Vine for Stamp.
An amusing incident occurred In the post
office recently, Stamp Clerk Leracke had
just sold a natty old gentleman a dollar's
worth of "3s." The old man was wondering
where to put them, when be accidentally put
his damp Angel's on the sticky side of tbe
tamps, and they begatr to stick together.
"Bay, how do you keep these things from
Sticking?' he asked.
"Rub them ou your head," the clerk re
plied. "Ah, that's a new scheme," raid the pur
chaser of the stamps, and be removed his hat
and began to rub them over his bald bead.
"The longer we live the more we learn," be
said, smiling, As be allowed the stamps to re
main on bis bead while be paid for them and
put some papers back into his coat pocket
The stamps stuck.
"There, now, that's" be said, as he
reached up and tried to remove the stamps.
They were sticking closer than a brother to
the shiny white scalp. He tore one of them
off, and be said it brought the skin. The
clerks could not contain themselves, and the
bald beaded old gentleman slapped his hat
over bis head and hurried off to get a sham
poo. Savannah News.
The Bookcases Were Too Large.
A story Is told of a gentleman who Is now
and has been for some yeans past engaged in
rearing an elegant mansion of stone a dozen
miles or so out of Boston. Much care has
been taken and no expense spared iu its erec
tion. The other day he went out to see how
the work was progressing and visited the
library. It is a noble room, aud It nod been
surrounded by elegant bookcases of carved
oak in elaborate design. Theowuer gave ono
glance about the spacious and beautiful
apartment and tben exclaimed to tne con
tractor: "What made you build the book
cases so bight Cut them down two feet and
put cupboards underneath! Do you think I
am going to buy books ior au luose sueivesr
Boston Advertiser.
Must Have Died Hurriedly.
A small Iowa kid stood in the Capito!
grouuds on the east side one morning and
held his father's hand.
"Papa," be asked, pointing to the hall
draped statue of Wawimgton, "wuostuatr
"That's Weenie Washington, my boy." .
"Bay, pa. Ueorge Washington's dead,
ain't her
"Yes, my boy, he's dead."
. "An' that's him"
"Yes, Rupert, that's George Washington."
"Bay, pa, be died before he could git bu
close off, didn't hef Fred Nye in n ashing-
ton Cruio.
"You've been writing poetry to sister,1
Bald Willie.
"Yes," admitted the youth,
"What kind of a poem was that last one
you sent berr
"Oh, it was a sort of apostrophe I"
"Well, if you'd a seeu the way pa acted
when he saw it you'd a thought it was a
whole lot of exclamation points." u ashing
ton Post, .
Aftr Palling Three Times. '
"Been skatfng this year, old mauf
"Yes; I weutout the other day for aboul
five minutes." ,
"Why didn't you stay longer?"
"I stayed until one of the small boys asked
me if I had skated before for a good man;
years, aud tlieu I thought it was about tune
to give it up." Loweiiuiuseu.
Eaay to Please.
Tramp Haveot you got something for m
Farmer No, I guess not; there ht not much
work just now.
Tramp I don't need much. You would be
surprised to see with how little work I could
worry along. Texas timings.
The pollution of the Ohio river is be
ing investigated by the Htate Board of
Health. J)r. Probst aavs that his report
will be very unfavorable as to the use of
Ohio-river water for drinking purposes.
An interstate agreement wouii be neces
sary to prevent further pollution.
"Where Ik Unit Muck cloud ffning to?"
Atikert the bov of hit KratidniH dear;
Ami the oM Indy miti, an he Hhook her heed,
"U'h going lo thunder, 1 fear."
Ham (! fnr hi hid . MmwI .ns nd ttehlnv Piles.
One bpx has cared ths worst cases of ten ycftrs'
standing. No one need snffot ten minutes after
wing KlrVs German Pile Ointmeut It absorbs
tumors, allays the itching, sett as a poultice,
Klves relief. Dr. Kirk's German Pile Ointment
is prepared only for Piles and itching of the
private parts, and nothing else. Every box Is
Sold by Druggists and sent by mall on receipt
of price, ILO0 per box. J. J. Hack A Go., Whole
sale Agents, Ban Ftanclaco
What is lacking: is truth
and confidence.
If there were absolute truth
on the one hand and absolute
confidence on the other, it
wouldn't be necessary for the
makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Kemedy to back up a plain
statement of fact by a $500
Ihev sav " It we cant
cure you (make it personal,
d ease.) of catarrh in the head.
in any form or stage, we'll pay
you 8500 ior your trouble in
making the trial.1'
"An advertising fake," you
Funny, isn't it, how some
people prefer sickness to
health when the remedy is
positive and the guarantee
Wise men don't put money
back of M fakes.
And " faking " doesn't pay.
Magical little granules
those tinv, sugar-coated Pel
lets of Dr. Pierce-1-scarcely
larger than mustard seeds,
vet powerful to cure active
yet mild in operation. The
best Liver Pill ever invented.
Cure sick headache, dizziness,
constipation. One a dose.
Kill more people than is jajenersily known. Par
tlculiirlv is this the nunc In Instances where the
constitution is dclirnte, and among our hnml
KTxttt pnfuilHtion ficcktiitf new h runes In those
portion of the Went, and where mslsrlsl and
tyiiholcl fevern nrevHll at certain fmwmn at the
your. The best Drewiraiive for a chiume of II-
mntCjOrof ditjt mid water which tlmt chunge ne
eiiffld tates. Is UfmUHter' Mtomach Bitten, which
not only lortiften the system twdnst malaria, a
vnrint)letcn!jM'rMtimi, damp, mid the debilitating "
etti'ctHof tropics! hent, but Is hIho the leadftifr
reinedy for coiiBtlmtlon, dyouepsiii, liver com
nliifnt. hoililv troublea sot'i'lallv ant to attack
m (grant and visitor to rujfl"ii" near tbe e)im
tor, marl nun and toudttts. Whether used us a
safeguard bv sen voyagers, travelers by land-
iniiitretoroi HKnt'imiiriBiA in newiy popiuateo
districts, this fine specific liai elicited the most
favorable teatinionv,
A ffooso farm him been atnrted fn Mlehieun. It
will be managed by a M i eh i guilder.
The onlv 111 nut ted magazine of Snort. Travel
and Keereutiun. Kegolar featurenof OuUpjihtv
artirlenon Amateur I'hotogwphy, If'unthig, KJah?
tug, tJnnoeing, Bicycling, Athletics, Football,
Tennis, Ijierosae, I'rice, 25 oen Is per copy; ftf.OO
periitiiium. Bumpie copy, i coiim. inr. uui- .
INi CO., Limited, New tork and Ixiudon.
Faber's Golden Female Pills.
For female Irregular
on the market. If ever
fail. Burcesif ully used
by prominent ladies
monthly, guaranteed
to relieve iiippitsseJ
Don't be humbiimredV
Bare Time, Health,
and moner; take no oili
er. Bent to anr address.
secure by mall 011 re
eeipt of price, $2.00.
Wertera Branch, Box 27, f UBILAND, OR'
flow by Wianoir Mmiw Oo., Porrlnrt o.
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere!
WANTED TheaddreisesofalUoldlerswho
cim nicDQ) homctteaded a less nnmber of
5ULUICK9 acres than 160 and made final
UntlTQTXinO proof on the same before Jane
nUMlUOiLflUO , 1874. W. E. MOSKti, P. O.
Box 765, Ueuver, Colo. Mention this paper.
riTn'6 DAY8.1
UamntMd not t l
iwm straw
i Sir Olitheaeknowledieal
I leading remedy foralliba
QDnamral dlscharfres aad
private diseases of men. A
certain cure for tbe deblnV
tatlng weakness peculiar
to women.
iTHEEvussCsEWiftl'Co. In recommending It t
KOia nj uronKuwi
riuvn 9Svw f
We are not afraid iok would not pay, but some
body would certaliily neglect or refuse, und we
would lose dollars aud dollars; and tben you and
othcrx who did pay would have to make It up, or
we would be driven out of business. We prefer
to" sell for cath at even 2 or .1 per cent, net profit.
We have one line of Hhirttng and Apron Glng
hama, good width and fair quality, at cents
Iteryanl; ou this you save about one-half. We
Lave the best line of Domestic Dry Goods in town
for family use, and all very cheap, indeed.
Bend for our July list, now ready. It will he
sent free to all inquirers, Shoes, Dry Goods, No
tions, Wearing Apparel, Canned Goods, Dried
Fruit, Tinware, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware,
l'mvlnlons, Groceries everything you want,
quoted Ht lowest cash prices.
Consignments received. Address
416 41 Front St, 8a n Francisco, CaK
flAl rklLII We want the name and ad-
dress ol every sunerer in me
U.S.andCanada. Address,
Iirotd Et7U,M.D., Bnffslo, l.T.
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Pianos
Meaning tbe Best Piano burnt, and thf rmoriU
cheaper Pianm; til Miialcal InnUiUneata; Bud Sup
plied; lirtte stock of Bhetit Uubio. Hteihwat Hall.
He had asked her the momentous question
with great wurmth.
"You kuow," he said, after a pause, "that
t soft answer turneth away wrath."
"That's very true," she replied, with a sar
castic tinge in her voice; "but a soft question
doesu't." Washington Post
SUglirly Mixed.
Jones How these papers do get mixed Uf
sometimes 1
Brown (Vlmt's the matter now!
Joues Why, hero's n story of a miner whe
was killed by a lump of coal striking him in
tbe luiubar . regions, -Binghtimtou Leader.
Wlmt Was Wanted.
Tobey Wedd (nervously, just Wore th
oereraonyl 8uy, Fred, see that everytbiufl,
goes off all right. I'm so afraid there will
be a hitch in the proceedings somewhere
Best Man A hitohf Of course. I'll see
that there is. Jjawrence American.
Who wins theeyes.wins 6.11."-
IIIInrTiiY..' . .:Tr WfS ,
ki r9 you win j
p' in house-clssjiinSa.polio
is & solid c&keorscounng-
soa.p TryjHn house-cleajiin,
by your house junt at much at bu your drent. Keep it neat and
clean and your reputation will shine. Neglect it and your flood
name will suffer. Do not think that home-cleaning ie too trouble
tome; it it worth all it costs, especially if you reduce the outlay at
time and strength bu using HA POLIO.
Buy YvL0wn Goods if Your Dealer Does Not Garry Them.
Best and Cheapest In the World.
Carts, SIS Up. Wagons, S50 Up.
Chemical Fire Engines and Extinguishers, Fire Hose and Department Supplies, Steam Laundry
Machinery, Pumps of all ktudB, Brnw Goods, Pipe and Fittings, Hancock Inspirators, Hsrlne Work
Belting snd Hose, Wrenches, Lubricating Oils, Church, School and Farm Bells. Engines and Boilers,
Blacksmith Drills and Forges, Buggies, Surrles, Spring and Express Wagons, the lsrgeat sssortiMUl
of Carts in Portland. Dealers, write for prices. For further Information call on or address
L T. WRIGHT. Foot of Rorrisoi Street, PORTLiKD. OR.