The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 29, 1891, Image 4

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    When the Fire Barn Law.
Whmi the fire burns low oh, the fancies that
And tttmWc ani! dnnne In your watching-ores.
IV hat acenes are brougiit forth from the golden
What treasures from memory s t to rehouse
How they come anI ro
In the flickering flow
Of the shadows cast when the lire burns low.
When the fire burns low oh, the terrors that ;
The horror that strikes you chill and dumb.
Ah you eetze tlie scuttle and hurry about ,
For kindling- to kwp It from ruing: out.
For well you know i
That an hour or so'
Of time Is at stake when the fire burns low.
Washington Post.
Hia flight Put Out.
B" had worn a colored Wnawr on the Nile:
He had sporttMi sputa in Persia, Just for style:
With a neck-tie quite too utter. In the streets
of old Calcutta, he bod stirred up quite a
flutter for awhile.
The maids of Java throng? before his door;
Attracted by the trousers t7it he wore;
And his vest a boaom venter shook Formosa
- - to Its center. And they hailed him as a
mentor by the score.
On Ms' own ground, as a "masher" on the
Bo outdid a Turkish pnsha who stood treat.
Me g-mve Shanghai girls the jumps, and their
cheeks struck out like mump at the
patent-leather pumps on his foet.
But he called upon a Boston girl one night:
W tth. a neck-tie ready-made which wasn't
And she looked at him, this maid did, and he
faded, and he faded, and he faded and he
faded out of sight.
Tom Masson io Clothier and Furnisher.
"Do I look nice. Auntie?"
- The speaker was standing before a
full length mirror, her ..pretty head
twisted to one side to survey multi
tudinous flounces of white, tulle over
pale blue silk, constituting the elabor
ate evening dress covering her sleuder,
graceful hgnre.
Yon look very nice, my dear.
Miss Del a Merriroad had taken a
long survey of the exquisite face be
fore she spoke, and was satisfied with
the appearance of her young and love
ly protege.
" Very niee!" she repeated. Hort
ense has fitted you perfectly? and the
dress is most becoming." Now, if you
will get ray jewel-case, you shall wear
my pearls. -
Thanks!" eried Elsie, carefully lift
ing the heavy casket and putting it on
a table beside Miss Merriman. ! am
so sorry you have such a cold! This
will be a splendid party, I know. O.
auntie." she continued, openiug a small
box In the jewel-case, I never sw
She held up as she spoke a slender
chain, from which depended a gold
locket, upon whose surface gleamed
one pearl of trreat beauty, pure and
Oh, how lovely !" Elsie cried,
clasping the chain around her slender
throat, '-May I wear it?"
Miss Merriman was moved as the
locket was held up before ker. Some
strong memory stirred her usually
placid features, or the soft brown eyes
grew troubled and her lips quivered.
-Would you rather I took it off?"
Elsie asked gently.
"No, dear, you may wear it. Putin
the solitaire pearl ear-rings. I hear
the carriage. Do not keep Mrs. Jame
son waiting."
"I wish you were going." Elsie said,
as Miss Merriman wrapped a warm
opera cloak over the delicate di-ess. I
never feel half so happy at a party if
you are at home."
Thank you. dear. Now run along."
So Elsie, forgetting the locket aud
the troubled face, kissed her so-called
aunt warmly and flitted away.
For Miss Delis. Merriman. who had
ranemeu jtdu,uuupounas irom a secona
cousin, greatly to her own amazement,
was not Elsie Garman's aunt. Nine
teen years before she ad closed the
eyes of Hie girl's dead mother, lifted a
week-old babe to her own bosom and
taken ker home.
Not to such ittxnry as now surround
ed her not to b:i'l dresauA. arls aud
gayety but to a timll room in a
lodging-house. - Here for twelve long
years she had denied herself every
luxury of life, many comforts to pro
vide food for the child, to clothe her
comfortably, to- send her to school.
She was but a girl herself scarcely " 20
in those days, earning her bread by
making artificial flowers, and working
early and late to keep the room tidy,
cook the simple food and do the
necessary sewing when she was not
working at her trade.
But when wealth came, suddenly
and unexpectedly flooding Elsie's life
gTTHoW&j" Miss Delia altered little
from her f 3fer self. True she had
leisure time. uld open her kind
hands in charity WfeSfce before she had
tendrsvmpathy; but
as she had been in povefy4iniSiuSCa-T
tie and ever sad. so in prosperity me
same calm gravity rested upon lip and
brow, the same deep sadness forked in
the soft brown orbs.
Though but 40. her hair was rae
what streaked with gray, ana prema
ture age was the fruit o"f a toilful life
and sorrowful heart. Yet she was
lovely still, and goodness ever beamed
for her sad, pitying glaace.
.., After Elsie bad left her she put
aside the jewel-case and sat musing be
fore the lire. She had made it one of
her duties to' her adopted child to ac
company her. after her introduction to
SUVICLy, hi ail giua fajcj. m-riv
severe cold had rendered exposure to
the night air an imprudence on this,
the evening of Mrs. Walton's large
party, and Elsie had joined the family
of a friend.
Memory was very busy in Delia
Merri man's heart as she sat .over the
fare during Elsie1s absence so busy
that she started as if from a dream
when the carriage rolled to the door as
the mantel clock chimed 2.
There were words of parting, then
light steps on the stairs and Elsie came
in, not as usual, full of bright anima
tion, but with an earnestness of par-
pose quite unusual to ner.
"Did you have a pleasant evening,
dear?4' Miss Delia asked.
Yes no I don1! know. Are you
very tired?" -
The last words were all of the dis
connected answer the girl seemed able
- to srive. on account of her emotion.
No. dear! Why, Elsie, love, what is
For she was looking troubled.
T" I have a message for vou, auntie. "
"For me?"
"itrora a stranger wno was at mrs.
Walton's Mr. Carrington Ralph Car-
Delia Merriman rose to her feet. She
tried to speak but Uim words would not
Auntie," the girl cried, terrified;
don't look so don't!"
"The message?" Miss Merriman
"He told me to tell you that the man
who killed Henry Garman was Charles
Ralston, the cashier of the Hope Bank,
who had confessed his guilt. He said:
Tell Miss Merriman that to-morrow I
will see her.1 Ann tie," Elsie continued,
with urgent entreaty, "what does it
mean? Was not Henry Garman my
"Yes, child. It means." Miss Merri
man said, solemnly, "that the cross
that for twenty years has lain upon my
life is lilted to-mgnt. xou suau Know
all, Elsie, at once. I will not send yon
to a sleepless bed, child, with your
pheart so troubled. . But give me a few
moments to lb ink of 3-our tidings, and
tell me bow thi message came to be
intrusted to you." "...
Mt's. H niton crime to me late in
he oreninir and jied permission to
, nuatlii'"4t -ir. Carrington. I had
noticed a stranger who looked at me
very earnestly." ;
"A tall, handsome mini, with curling
brawn hair and pleasant features,
wearing a full beard of waving, golden
"No. A tall grave man, with stern
features, smoothly shaven, and hair al
most white; quite au old man."
True! true! 1 had forgotten He
must be tiftV-five."
"When he was introduced to me he
touched the locket upon my tieck.
'Pardon me,' he said, if 1 am too cur
ious; but your name and that trinket
are connected with so1 much of my life
that I venture to ask yon something
concerning them. The. locket first.
Did not some one give it to you a
lady?1 Hts looks were so eager that
I told him the locket was yours. Then
he led me on. little by little, tilt I told
him my whole life. He said he had
been here two months seeking you.
He did not look for a wealthy woman,
but one poor and solitary. Then X in
formed him how poor we bad been;
and about your cousin, and how you
had lavished every good thing on me.
And then, auntie, he whispered, half to
himself that I had no claim on you.
What did he meau? Are yooV not my
"No, dear, there Is no tie of blood
between us.- Your claim is the claim
of love; for you have been the one
comfort, the one suushine of my
lonely life. Twenty years ago, Elsie,
Ralph Carriugton gave me the locket
you have upon your neck, a gift of be
trothal, for we foved each other truly
and were engaged to be married. I
was a poor girl, making artificial
flowers for breail an orphan too. , He
was assistant cashier of the Hope Bank,
where your father was night-watchman,
and Charles Ralston was the
head eashier. Ralston was iu ' love
with me and pursued me with unwel
come attentions.
-'One day. to rid myself of his im
portunities. I told him I had promised
to marry Ralph. He loft me in a rage;
Only one week later the bank was
entered at night, your father shot
through the heart, and Ralph Carring
ton discovered in the act of trying to
revive him. He was arrested and
tried. He told a story no one credited,
that Charles Ralston bad seut him from
his house to the bank for the papers,
after keeping him busy there over the
books all the evening. But Ralston
swore that be had not been at home
that evening, and proved it; that the
keys of the vault safe, found hanging
in "the kevbole were stolen from his
desk, and he had not sent his clerk to
the bank. So Ralph was convicted
and sentenced. He escaped! Elsie,
I had saved 50 pouuds for my wed
ding garments. I went to see him in
prison, and knowiug that he was in
nocent, I gave him the money to bribe
the keeper of his cell.- The man took
it and Ralph was free. I have never
known if he lived or died until to
"After he was gone your mother
was taken ill. Before her marriage
she had worked for the same establish
ment where I was employed and I
knew her well. The shock of her hus
band's death was too severe for her.
and she never rose again from her bed,
though she lived three months. Wheu
she died t promised you should be my
charge and never know the shadow up
on your life till you were a woman.1 -
Elsie was sobbing quietly, often lift
ing to her lips the rentle hand that had
given her ait she had ever experienced
of life's blessings.
There was a long silence after Miss
Merriman ceased speak tug. ami -the
gray dawn was creeping in at the Win
dows when, softly kissing her aunt,
Delia told Elsie to go to rest.
But for herself there was no rest
Feverishly, with an agitation alto
gether unlike her usual quiet, she
waited the coming of the lover who
had fled from his unjust sentence
twenty years before, but who was free
now and his innocence know; 11. The
day was young and Elsie was 'sleeping
still when he came.
Delia was waiting for htm in the
drawing-room. There was noraffecta
tion of youth ia her silver-gray silk
and the square of black Jace upon her
soft hair, but instead of a bpooc. there
fell upon the knot of ribbon at her
throat the pearl locket Ralph had
given his betrothed. She stood up to
greet the stem-faced, elderly man who
advanced to' meet her. Irving to find
traces of her lover. Not until he
smiled tenderly did s ie recognize him.
Then, her own eyes dim with tears,
she said, softly: "You are more than
welcome. I am rejoiced the cloud is
lifted from your life. Ralph P-
And he, holding the trembling hand
fast in his strong oncs answered: "'I
-ttaVTTound vou at last!r-xegah to
fear vou were dead, Delia! My little
love! my darling!"
"Ralph!" she said, the bright flush
rising to her faded eheeks. "you forget
we are eray -haired elderlv people!"
forget everything but that you
are here, that the hope that has seemed
a dream madness for twenty years
is realized, 4 have been tn California,
Delia, all th eyewears, amassing wealth.
under another name, working for gold
to drown thought. I have led a busy
life; but there has not been one houi
when I have not pictured such happi
ness as this. You are mine, Delia?
You will not send me from you? You
will be my wife?" -
"If vou wish it," she said, softlv, her
own faithful heart thrilling under the
sincerity of his tone. "1 nave nevei
eeased to love or to pray for you,
.Society speculated upon the brief
courtship, for there was a quiet wed
ding within a month, but nobody
knew of the painful past save Elsie,
the cherished child still of Ralph Car-
Mngtoo and ueiia nis wite.
The Georgia 'Craeker.M
One clever, original manufacturer
for five years devoted head, heart, and
purse to ameliorate the condition of his
operatives the worst class in the com
munity. They had no homes; he bought
and built houses, which fell to pieces
mrougn uegiect, or were ourneu up in
drunken orries. When their dwell
ings were again repaired the crackers
felt out of place in a setting of order
and neatness, and jes ter make things
sorter nomehfee." as was afterward
naively explained, they kicked out the
panels of the doors, smashed the win
dows, riddled the walls, and cut up the
floors for kindling wood. With drift
wood for fuel lying almost at their
gates, 11 tney nave a gate, rather than
walk to and from the fence, if thev
have a fence, the proletarian inhabitants
prefer to destroy their landlord's prop
erty. An attempt to utilize their hor
ticultural instinct was unavailing. The
gardens were fenced, the tenants
burned the plank; the plats were
plowed, not a seed was planted: aud
when, undiscouraged, the employer
planted the gardens mm$eit,the people
turned in the hogs with the comment,
"Bacon better 'u garden sass any
day. "27(e Century. -- -
. Tbe Sound of It.
The young man down In the parlor
had been talking: and talking and talk
ing, and the old man up-stairs was be
coming: venomous. At last he went
out into tbe ball.
"Mary." he called to his daughter,
'isn't it about time to turn off the sras?"
Why. papa." she replied, tenderly.
"Henrv and I have had it turned off
for two hours."
"Well, it didn't sound like it." be
growled, and &efei tafc' to hi den.
Washington btar -
A Southern Journalist AdfUni Hews
paper Men to U It for limine
"Write-up" as a Burs Way to Fortune
A pencil is one of the cheapest
things that a man can buy.
And yet mere is a fortune in it lor
the right man.
Jo use it prontaoiy requires pusn
not a mere physical movement, but
the braiuy, electric push that shoves
great enterprises forward, startling
and dazzling the world-.
Hundreds uf sensioie and weu-eu il
ea ted young fellows seize their pencils
every year and rush into journalism
and literature, determined to win fame
and fortune. They do good work,
aud make a bare living, and are lucky
if they hold their own at that.
luey lack tue pusntug quauty, or
push the wrong way.
XI a writer wants to una a lortuue
In his pencil he- must recognize the
fact that this is a business age- busi
ness dominates every circle and it has
a literature of its own that bus mouey
in it-
We are living in an age of gifi-antie
enterprises of phenomenal industrial
development. Material progress is the
thing, and it occupies tnenrst place in
the minds of men.
This is the field for a man who is
master of his pencil. There ia work,
and pleasure, and profit in it. The
men who are buildiug towns and rail
ways, developing mines, turning the
wilderness into gardens, erecting
forges and factories, and inventing
labor saving machines are in search of
historians to write up their work aud
place it before the world iu the proper
light, and they will pay well.
Many writers have found this out,
aud tbey are growing rich.
Au advertising writer who was here
at one of our expositions makes $10.
000 a year.' He confines himself to no
one paper, but enjoys a roving life.
He left Atlanta to go to Australia a
country where the newspapers are
even larger than ours.
A young man established himself in
a western city as an advertising writer
on commission for a big daily in the
east. Io two or three years he bad an
annual Income of $20,000.
A southern woman grew disheart
ened trying to make a living out of
the ordinary routine of journalism. In
despair she tried writing up towns aud
enterprises for a New York ' paper.
She now makes $6,000 a year and trav
els very often in a special car.
A well-known humorist who has
written and lectured for years, making
very little money, is now devoting
himself to what newspaper men call
"write-ups," and for the first time in
his life has all the money he wants.
The college graduate who wants to
be an editorial writer may sneer, but
these business writers make $10 where
he makes one.
It is a mistake that these progressive
and pushing writers lack the ability
and culture of the gentlemen who
work in editorial sanctums. They are
brainy and gifted writers and the
world is indebted to them for sugges
tions, facts and figures that are of in
calculable value.
It is another mistake to suppose that
they can succeed in their special line
if they have only average ability.
They liave to invest their write-ups",
with the charm of an attractive style.
These special writers soon grow 'en
thusiastic. They know that their pen
cils are inaportaut factors iu the devel
opment of the country. They appre
ciate the magnitude of our material in
terests. They know that their at tides
may shift population, build up busi
ness centers, influence iudustry aud
commerce, and turn long neglected
resources iuto -millions of muiiev.
They kuow, too, if they are 'careless
and unreliable they will find them
selves out of employment, while if
they are honest aud truthful they will
command high wages, and be quoted
as; experts iu their various tieids of
The average young man may think
it a bigger thing to write political edi
a cross whose brain a sudden light had
flashed "and Genevieve is th same
black-eyed sprite whom I saw with the
gypsies five years ago?"
The deep crimson overflowed Gene
vieve Dale's face as Philip took both
hands and gazed into her eyes.
"She is. It was not until the follow
ing year that the old creature who
had specially protected her died, and
she was restored to us. "
And why do yon tell me this?"
Because Genevieve fancies it might
make some difference iu your views for
the future if"
Uk JPi!ipr -SwB-faltewii, 'throwing
ner arms around tits neck, "pant on
me; I did not really tielieve it!"
And Aunt Dcvereux considerate
old soul took her erochet-work and
went upstairs, so that Philip and Gen
evieve might stand all alone iu theii
fair world of happiness. You see, she
had been younir once herself.
And Philip TrevanionV second love
was far brighter and deeper than the
first. The gypsy's prophecy had come
Hints for Parlor Elocutiom.
Commence by reading aloud. To
do this well is in itself worth a good
deal of effort, and you need never be
without an audience. Read the paper
to father, in that half-hour just before
tea, when be has come home "all tired
out." Read to mother while she sewn;
she will be glad to bear anything good,
and you will perhaps Hnd in her what
every young elocutionist ueeds a just,
but kindly critic And while you read,
think. Be sure you are bringing out
the author's thoughts correctly. If not
quite satisfied with the waj you have
read a passage, put a mark on the
margiu. and wheu you reach the end
go back and try it again till you are
sure of it. Ia reading, the voice should
be pitched moderately low, but every
word must be enunciated distinctly.
Unless you are on your feet while read
ing sit well back in j-our chair, aud
keep tbe back straight, which wilt
enable you to breathe slowly aud deep
ly. In reading and elocution, as in
singing, it is important to take breath
in such places and in such quantities
that the voice will . remain full and
round until the sense is complete. No
gasps must occur in the middle of a
sentence, and there should be qc hur
rying toward the end because the
breath is nearly out. As to where one
should take breaths while reading there
is no rule but the infallible rule of
common sense; your hearers should
never know just when you do iu
Choose for public reading or spustking
pieces suited to your voice and ability.
Many a young elocutionist has come to
grief and failure merely on accouut of
a mistaken ambition. It may be in
your power to keep an audience rip
pling with laughter, when you would
be a dismal failure as a portrayer of
deep passion and high tragedy. It is
far better to do simple things well than
to sow disappointment for yourself by
attempting selections to widen you
cannot do justice. Edna Warwick, in
The Ladies' floine Journal.
A Disobedient Patent?
Irate Patwm-'Yon advertise to cure
consumption, don't you?"
Dr. Quack "Yes. sir. I never fail
when ray instructions are followed."
Irate Patron "My son took your
medicine for a year and died art hour
aftwr the last dose."
Dr. Quack "My instructions were
nat followed. I tA litm tn rakci it
.wo Tears." Juru.
Her a Faro-Bank Bos Was Takan.Sa
ad Don For by a Vary Fly "Cop."
"When holiday times come around
they make me think of a clever swin
dle that was played on the bank I was
engaged in seven or eight' years ago."
It might be as well to mention the
fact that the speaker was an ex-manager
of a prominent faro bank, which
once existed near Broadway and Four
teenth street. :
"You peneil slingers," continued he
to the reporter, "don't hear about all
tbe fly movements or ingenious opera
tions of crooks. Here's a story I
didn't give away at the time it hap
peued. I was too much ashamed of
myself to squeal.' 1
"It was Christmas., eve, and we had
an awfully "swell' crowd in the house
give you the names! What do you
take me for? If there's 'honor among
thieves,1 there should be at least de
cency among gamblers; no, no names.
Well, I was sajiug we bad as fine a
blue-chip racket as I ever saw spread;
it beat old-time Saratoga. Three or
four of the party stacked right up to
our two-thousand-dollar limit, and tbe
game was making big mouey deal
after deal.
"Just before 11 o'clock there came a
ring for admittance; the porter peeped
through the slide and suddenly sig
nalled me to go to him. ,
"Who is itr I whispered,
'Policeman!" he gasped, his face
showing that elephant-skin sort of hue
which a genuine African's face as
sumes when he's really scared.
"I muttered something that you'd
better not print; if the officer's visit
meant the notice of a raid, which we
sometimes got iu a friendly way, or an
order to dose up for the "nlcht, whv.
up went our magnificent game. Be
side, I disliked to let the stylish guests
present feel that they had been jeopard
ized bad future advertisement for tbe
El ace. So 1 told the porter to give a
luff to anybody who inquired about
me in the room, and I slipped outside
to interview the cop in the dimly
lighted vestibule. He was one I could
not remember as belonging in the
neighborhood, and that gave the visit
a serious tinge-
'"What's up? I asked, nervously.
"He smiled, and with a slight Irish
accent replied: Oh. just nothing at
all; yer needn't get yerself rattled in
the least. The captain has the prisint
of a Christmas check from some of the
big storekeepers in the ward, but it
didn't reach him until about an hour
ago. He's going to Boston on the
miduight train to spend Christmas,
and he wants to take the cash with
him. So he sint me to ask you if you
will oblige hini with currency for it
He's writ his name on the back of It.
and the man banded me a neat looking
check, drawn for $2d0, bearing a lead
ing merchant's name as siguer, and
Captain 's indorsement.
"I car assure you the explanation
and request put a more cheerful color
to the affair.' 1 lost no time in diving
into my inside pocket and drawing out
five crisp fifties. I handed them to
the police in a n. with the check as well.
Tell the captain.' said I, "I'm glad to
accommodate him; that he may return
the mouey at his own convenience.and
that 1 prefer that he should hold the
check, as his indorsement to me might
compromise him. Tiiis was diplo
macy; would help to strengthen my
pull; make things more solid. See?
- '"All right, said he, turning to go
'"Let the porter bring out a drink
for you. I suggested. He declined
with thaukye. F don't want the old
man to smelt liquor on me; I'll have a
cigar, though.-
"1 gave him one out of my case; he
lighted It and took the peculiar stroll
ing gait of a cop toward the the pre
cinct. -
On the morning after Christmas I
got an express: package. It contained
a police uniform, helmet and all, a
flark-Urown wig aud u full dark saudy
beard; also a note which rend: 'I
aMlogze for tigain iutrudhig upon tbe
palatial jtiugle of the Royal Bengal,
old fel, but, if you will kindly return
these things to the costumer, whose
card is inclosed, you may keep the $15
deposit 1 left ou them on the 24th in
stant. Nothing mean about me."
A. Y. Tribune,
Seven Qneer Child r-. ;
People of Muiison claim to have
among thein the queerest family as to
physical peculiarity iu the whole coun
try. Jaco&Hiersra farmer in moder-
-te circumstances, has seven children.
Tbe oldest is 16. a bright boy, but hav
ing thirteen fingers and thirteen toes
seven on oue haud and six on the
other, his toes being similarly divided.
Next to him is another boy, 1-4 years
old. As long as this boy is quiet 10
one would suppose be had auy pecu
liarity, but the moment he opens" hia
mouth to talk he loses nil control of
his hands, arms, feet and legs, and
they jerk and thrash and kick around
as if they were hung on wires.
The boy is as slow ot apeeeh as his
limbs are active, and in answering a
simple question it is no uncommon
thing for his legs to have carried him
a rod or more away before he is able
to articulate yes or'no. The boy does
not seem to" mind his affliction, aud
not only does not hesitate to respond
or try to when he is addressed, but is
always ready to begin a conversation
on the slightest excuse. He can be
seen almost any day arguing with or
explaining some point to some com
pauion, who is kept constantly busy
either in avoiding the involuntary
kicks or blows of the boy's sprightly
feet or hands or iu folio wiug him
briskly to keep the run of the subject.
The third child is a girl, who is a
hunchback and a dwarf. She is 12
vears old. - A boy next to her is deaf
and dumb. The iU"th- child has a--
bright red birth mark encirchug her
neck like a piece of red flaunel. It is
tM inch and a half wide. The other
two children are twins, 3 months old
a boy and u girl. The boy's head is
covered with hair enough for a growu
person, while the girl twin hasn't the
sign of a hair upon the head, the little
poll being as white and shiny as a bil
liard ball. The girl is fat aud the boy
lean. When the boy laughs the little
girl cries lustily, and when his little
sister is merry the boy sheds tears and
Every one of these seven children is
nauusome and mentally orignt. Airs.
Hiers is a flue looking woman, and her
husband is sound physically and mentally.-
Philatlelphia Inquirer.
The Care of The Brooms.
The rapidity with which brooms
ordinarily wear out is snrprislug. This
is partly due to leaving the broom
standing on iis brush end when not in
use, but more to carelessness in baud
ling. A piece of stronir cloth, or," bet
ter yet, of old woven under-flannel or
stockinet, should be drawn on over
the handle aud down below the place
where the broom splints are stitched.
A few stitches with strong cotton yarn
should fasten this - cover both at its
lower edge and gather and fasten it
around the handle, sewing the stitches
through aud through. This cover
holds the broom splints together, and
prevents their breaking out and the
tearing off of tbe banding of a broom
which repeated striking ajrmust doors
aud mop-boards and reaching under
Heavy pieces 01 lurniture uoes. nar
per1 Jiazar 1
"OH Bofc-y," tlia Tala-rupd Han. Who Is
Known Whwiwr Thrtt I a TOIra
He looked like a very ordinary man
as he stood fo the doorway of the train
dispatcher's ofilce at the pier. Hs was
dressed in an ordinary suit of clothes.
His rather thin fsce was framed in a
thin, reddish beard, through which
peeped a pair of blue eyes. Taking it
all in all be was a very ordinary-looking
man, and yet that man was tbe
most noted telegraph operator ia tbe
world. It was "Old Bogy.'
Everybody who is or pretends to be
a telegraph operator or a tralu dis
patcher knows Old Bogy. Wherever
there runs a line by telegraph wire
there is known that name; and it is
pretty safe to say thut Old Bogy him
self has been pretty nearly wherever
the telegraph has gone. Old Bogy's
other name is Bogardus.
Twenty-lire years ago Old Bogy for
Old" Bogy he was even'when he was a
lad was a telegraph operator In the
employ of the United States Govern
ment. Bogy was a telegraph operator
in the Capitol at Washington, aud he
handled all of the important messages
that came there from the front. He was
trusted, aud the contideuce was not
abused. -
After a while he was seut to tbe
front, aud was lu the midst of the fight
ing with General Grant, and he played
no unimportant part in the great strife.
He Was an expert operator a better
does not exist and lie held manv a
great secret during those troublous
After, the war Old Bosv began to
drift, fie wandered from railroad to 1
railroad, and from telegraph office to
telegraph office, from one end of the
eountry to the other, and before long j
the name of Old Bogy became a pro- i
verb anion i telegraph men. He had !
gained the oad habit of unrest that had ;
fastened itself upon him during the
war, and before long he became the j
most noted tramp operator in the
Uuited States. He seemed to have ;
lost all desire or ability for steady j
work, and while hi ability was of the i
highest, he would work a few weeks
and .then suddenly leave, and do noth
ing until his money yen exhausted.
And so he traveled, working a little,
borrowing a great deal, and often get
ling passes from point to point on rail
road lines.
Train Despatcher Com stock, now at
Oakland pier, worked with Old Bogy
in Chattauooga, some seven or eight
years ago. Bogardus had just been
sent to China to put in operation a
system of train despatching on the first
railroad telegraph tu that cuntitrv. He
was gone four years, and when he re
turned he was git-en a big reception at
Chattanooga, and that wna tiie begin
ning of his second down f. ill. K
Five years or so ago Old Bogy drift
ed out to San Francisco aud was em
ployed in the Western Union office in i
that city. He worked there for several ',
weeks, and just before pay day he j
went out of the office and never re- :
turued to get the money that was due
Old Bogy's uncle died in Rochester,
N. Y.. not'loug ago aud left him $20,
000. but so iu rested that he could draw
only the income, and consequently tbe
tramp operator is in belter financial
condition than ever before. Ho is good
natnred and good hearted in the ex
treme, and will share his last penny
with his friends, but he 1 an inveterate
borrower, and the boys all like him,
and he has 110 trouble making his way
wherever he goes, traveling mostly ou
bis reputation.
fttetuttng a Onmbler'a Kyes.
"You ask me for the most remark
able thing that ever occurred In my
experience," said Col. George Devol,
of "Forty Years a Gambler" fame, and
then, after a moment's reflection:
'Probably the strangest episode of my
Ion and somewhat adventurous career
took place on a Mississippi steamer,
way back in the days when they were
floating palaces, devoted to gambling.
I was making regular trips then, doing
the best I cotftd. tossing tnonte. and
frequently playing poker.
"I had met an odd character in
Memphis at the gambling table, in
Mike Blessing's famous bouse, aud
found him to be a very shrewd player.
His skill, or luck, was phenomenal,
and even my 'harness' was ineffectual
agaiust him. , At play be always wore
a peculiar pair of spectacles or gog
gles. The fight, he said, hurt his eyes.
These goggles projected half an inch
or more. Tbe singular thing I noticed
was that be I n variably selected tbe
man opposite hiiu for his opponent,
usually passing out- when any of the
others lingered. I tried the best I
could, but failed to solve the secret,
though I knew it had something to do
with those goggles.
"Well, we formed a partnership for
a trip to New Orleans aod back.' My
partner he was a Frenchman and his
name Was Jacques got full of wine
one night on tbe boat and piled into
his bunk in a drunken stupor. My
eyes began to hurt me while 'we were
playing, and I thought I would try
Jacques1 goggles. He had let them
fall on the floor of hU stateroom.- 1
put them on, aud made a most surpris
ing discovery. They were, in fact, a
pair of minute but very powerful spy
glasses arranged so thtit they could be
easily focused. Thi 1 found out after
a few efforts to fix them. My own
cards I could see by hmkinir down with
my natural eight. The imin opposite
me made some remark, wnicb caused
me to look squarely at his eye. Judge
of my surprise when I saw mirrored
there in the pupil a tinv hand of five
cards. It was the reflection: of the
cards he held, which the powerful
f lasses enabled me to distinguish in
is eyes. Of course the scheme was
useless except as to the person sit tine
directly opposite, as only then could
the exact augle be caught. It wasn't
so very long before I broke that man.
When Jacques sobered up 1 let him
know that I detected his secret. I
offered him $5,000 for thoso eyeglasses,
but be would not part with them, nor
would he trust them out of his posses
sion so that I could linvo a duplicate
pair made. You often hear 01 gam
blers reading a player's face,, but this
is the only case on record where a
man's eyes were actually read." -Cincinnati
Enquirer. -
Unventilated Cellars.
AnJ just here another word about
the cellar, to which reference has al
ready beeu made. There is no reason
why "the cellar sUould be an un venti
lated hole under the house, with no
outlet except through the living rooms
of the home above. Yet how often,
and not alone in farming districts, by
any means, is it the fact that on open
ing the cellar door one instinctive
ly recoils from the damp, musty
odor, heavily freighted with the aroma
of decay iug vegetables, rancid.sour aud
obnoxious things. Let no one imagine
that these foul vapors are closely shut
in when the doors are fastened; they
steal through craeks aud crevices in
the floors and about the partitions; they
enter unbidden the living and the
sleeping rooms, they touch and pollute
the life-blood of the precious child no
less than the streugtb of mature mid
dle life, while they waste the waning
energies of the aired. Away with
these pits of death; let them be sup
plied with the means of veutilation.j
and let the means thus supplied be im
tolligently used! Good housekeeping
Ha Qlvea Urn UfacH Information as to in
Fallna Spcolws.
The cat lives in the house what time
she does not live over to Jones' barn.
She is real haudy to throw stones at
aud to pull her' tail and make her
squawk. I make our cat squawk ten
or six times every dar, and tbe backs
of my hands is d rawed out in lines like
a map, where her toe-nails has got
if I had Invented a cat I should have
made her without them nails. Cats is
full of music. They have concerts
every night in our woodshed, and no
ticket to pay for. The rich and the
poor alike are welcome to hear 'em.
Cuts live on mice and what cream
and beefsteak they can steal out of the
pa u try. Sometimes they catch chick
eus, und that makes the old ben mad,
and tbe old woman that owns the
chickens madder. And she goes for
the cat with a broom, and the cat
climbs a tree aud sits there and lafs at
her. and goes to sleep and dreams she
is In a kitchen again, till it comes
night, and then she climbs down back
end fust and goes off to a coneert to
see the other cats. Thomas cats has
the best voices aud can sing bass and
tenor both at once. It is nice to hear
'em. but when you sleep alone and
wake up suddenly by hearing of 'em
there is something or rulher about It
that makes a feller's flesh creep and
the cold shivers run down hts back
bone. .-
Cats can climb telegraph poles and
set on the ridge poles of four-story
nouses without oeing dizzy-headed,
and they can sleep with oue e3'e open
and lay awake with both eyes shut,
aud they can walk as soft as a feather
and they cnti run like chain lightning.
They don't like to swim, and they
never do except it's an old cat that yon
want to get rid of, and you do her" up
in a bag with some bricks and throw
her into the milt pond off the bridge,
and then she'll burst the bag and swim
ashore and kite for home, so's to be
there to welcome you when you git
there, so's you wou t feel lonesome.
Cats like to get on the spare bed,
among the shams and things, and paw
'em all dowtrmto a nest, aud they like
to go to sleep in your best coat. "1 ex
pect they enjoy the fun of hearing you
swear the next day when you brush it.
I should if I was a cat.
Kittens is cats when they are first
born and there is an awful sight of 'em.
Tbey keep coming right along without
regard to wind or weather.
They are dreadful cute and can uu
wind more thread ami tear up more
fancy gi tii-cracks that, the girls make
than" any other knowu animal.
It nu t lucky to kill a cat. I don't
know why. It is good luck to have
one come to yon if you keep her. You
get rich right away, or poor, forget
which. Every cat has nine lives, and
they don't never die if let alone unless
tbey have lils, which most of 'era has.
A eat in a fit will beat a whole circus
all to nothing, and the first thing you
know she'll come right out of it and
go to eating milk just as if nothing
bad happened. N. V. Weekly.
Our Beam Brvmmell.
Hia work shows that he is of thai
true dandy race who are borowith the
manner aud the air. says tbe London
News, and who call to one anothet
through the ages, as deep might call
unto deep.
We doubt if any such man has ap
peared since Brum melt, or at any
rate since Barbey d'Aurevilly. who but
tbe other duy finished his noble career.
There is a placid aud self-contained
coxcombry in such natures which
passes tbe pride of kings. Kings they
are by a diviner right, and the author
of "Society as I Found It" is the- peer
of the best of them in spite of the ac
cident of his birth under the stars and
His chapter on fashions io stationery
is said to be the most complete thing
in our language aud of our time. Hi
theory of the bordering of mourning
cards is a very anatomy of .melancholy.
He tenches so finely because he is not
ashamed to learn. There is something
beautiful in the way in which he ownc
his obligations to a British dandy, who
gave him the law about the tails of a
dress coat.
"You must never be able to see
them jourself." said the British daudv,
meaning that they might elude all at
tempts to discover thenv by a glance
oyer one's shnrTldc:.
Here, evidently, we touch a principle,
and we feel that the British dandy is
right. It is the law of gravitation of
the coat. There is a sense of loneli
ness, of course, lu this conception of a
fellow creature who has never beheld
his own coat tail, but that loneliness is
in the dandy nature. Oue other thing
of deepest i m port was said by the
teacher from the old world:
"I can tell a man from the provinces
simply by his hat."
A meaner man than our author
would have tried to believe that he
had himself uttered this monumental
truth. But Ward McAllister is not of
that stamp. He has so much to say on
his own account that he can afford to
give honor wherever it is due.
He is, in one of his functions a
launcher" of pretty girls, and wealthy
parents themselves ofteu get moved
off the stocks iuto the sea of fashion by
clinging to a daughter whom Beau Mc
Allister has shown how to lead the
way. But this subject is too vast for
the fag end of au essay, and we must
reiuctantly leave, with the hope of re
turning to it another day. It wilt al
ways be timely, for writings such as
these can never die.
Tibetan Women..
The women are as tall as the men,
much more fully developed, aud fre
quently quite good-looking. But the
iron rule of fashion forces them to
bide their rosy cheeks under a thick
coating of teu-ja, a black, sticky paste
made of catechu. This is to preserve
their complexion from the cutting
wind so say those who are matter-of-fact,
but others tell a different tale.
More than a hundred years ago there
lived at Lh'asa a great saint named
Demo Rinpoch'e, who did much to re
store the puritv uf monastic life, which
had greatly suffered under the licen
tious rule of the sixth pontiff of Lh'asa,
Ts'angyang jyats'o. Cauon law says
that when a monk goesftmnd he must
keep his eyes fixed 011 thVround some
little distuuee ahead of trim, looking
neither to the right nor to the left; but
the rosy cheeks and bright eyes of the
women" caused the lamus to forget this
law, and grcatdisordersensued. Demo
Rinpoch'e then commanded that no
woman should go abroad unless her
face was well besmeared with black,
and soon this became a fashion
throughout the whole country. "
Time and again I .tried 'to -induce
girls in the houses where I was stop
ping to wash their faces cleau, prom
ising them beads aud other ornameuts;
but in vain. They said they washed
only when the feasts came' around,
some four or five times a year. The
.Chinese In Java.
The Chinese are no more wel
come In Java than iu many other coun
tries. They introduce the consump
tion of opium, to the impoverishment
of the poorer classes. Chinese mouey
leuding also works untold mischief a
mong the poor, who have to pay such
high interest that ruin and misery be
full most of them when they once take
to borrowing, and this results in an
nemaa if prima. "
Its Inventor Tatla of the First Order Bl
Krw Ueealvad.
The man who.- chats with Dr. R- J.
Gutting of Hartford for ah hour, or
even half an hour, says the New York
Timet, comes to know the secret of
the success which the famous Gatling
gnu lias achieved. The gun, is of
course, a good one, but its excellence
alone is not the thing that has created
a demand for It in every civilized
country in the world. It may rather.
be sum tuat tue irrest.tioieness 01 its
inventor has forced the sale of this
great exterminator. A person cannot
talk with Ut: txatiing live minutes
without aconiriiiir an inclination to
draw his wallet and buy as many of
the (iatmig guns as tie can pay lor,
and If the doctor affects people in this
way whom he talks at with no other
wish than to entertain them, what can
not he do when he means business
when he goes a-gunning?
Tbe doctor is seventy-two years
old now. with snow-white hair and
whiskers, but he can talk as fast, as
smoothly, as entertainingly, as per
suasively as ever, and he is to use a
good old Connecticut phrase "as keen
as a briar." Tall, straight, gracefully
proportioned and of easy carriage, he
is also an interesting and pleasing per
son to look UK)U. '
"I've devoted myself almost exclu
sively to the Gatling gun," said the
doctor. '-The first Gatling guns 1
made I built in Cincinnati. There
were six of them, aud tbey were no
sooner nicely made than they were
nearly destroyed by a fire, aloug with
all my patterns. Then I went to the
Indianapolis type foundry aud placed
au order for thirteen guns, and these,
as soon as they were done. I put in
the charge of a man named McQueeney
and sent him off to Washington to sell
them. When he got to Baltimore he
left all the guns except one. That one
he took along as a sample.
"Old Geo. Riptev was at the head of
the bureau of orduaoce, and he was
about the most perfect old fogy that
ever lived. He refused absolutely to
look at the gun. 'We don't want auy
new-fangled guns,1 be said. Tbe old
muzzle-loadiagoKisket is good euough.
That's what Gen. Scott wou tbe battle
of Lundy's lane with, and we don't
need anything better now. There's
nothing like handling the ramrod in
the face of the enemy to give men
courage and nerve. No, sir; we don't
waut anvthing li t'-r than we've got
"McQueeney started for home in
disgust. At Baltimore he met Gem
Butler, who Was hastening to the front.
He showed the general the new gun,
and the general said: -What do you
ask for the lot?'
A- thousand dollars apiece, an
swered McQueeney.
"I will take them,' said the gen
eral, 'the whole outfit, aud give you a
voucher for them. - He did it, too, al
though he hadn't any authority to
make tbe purchase. .
"Butler toek the guns south and
used the in iu bis next fight. ; The reb
els didn't know what to make of tbem.
"What kind 6f gnus have you got
here. one of tbe prisoner asked, that
load all night nod tire nil day? Rol
ler used ail of his ammunition in this
light, and made a requisition for more,
but he couldn't get it. Stanton re
fused absolutely to allow It.' Hesatd
the gun had not been adopted by the
department. Of course that settled
the case.
"When the war was over my friends
told me to drop the gun business, but
I wouldn't. I went to Washington
and asked for another firing. Ripley
wasn't there any more- In his place
there was a wide-awake man. Gen.
Dyer, a man who wanted to keep up
with the times, and be showed a great
interest in the Grilling gun. 7 Through
him ultimately I obtained an order for
the trial of the gun with canister car
tridges, in competition with howitzers,
at Fortress Moaroe.
"When I got down to tbe place of
trial I found that some of the officers
had put up a Job on tue. They didn't
want my gun to do better work than
the howitaers. which were a regular
arm of the. service. I fo and that to
work my gun they had assigned a lot
of plantation darkies, raw recruits just
in from the- farm, who didn know
any more about a gun thnn a horse
does about his uncle. For the working
of the howitxers they had set apart
a number of picked men. I protested.
I said I wanted a measurably fair
deal. ' ,
Give me an hour, I said to drill
these darkies. ' f
"That wasn't much time, but it was
better than nothing. They gave me
the hour, and I immediately establish
ed a school of gunnery and began the
work of educating my crew. Just bo
fore the opening of the trial 1 gave
each darky a dollar, and said to themi
'Now, do your best; this dollar is, just
to begin on.
"I tell you those fellows worked like,
heroes. I beat the howitzers four to
one, and the report went on to Wash
ington fo that effect. Soon after I got
an order for 100 guns, and that was
the first good order I had ever re
ceived. Since that time I have sold
the gun all over Europe, and should
have made a great deal "of money out
of it if each oFtiie several governments
ordering had stock to one caliber. The
many changes in the caliber which we
have been compelled to make have
beeu very expensive. I haven't a doubt
that we have thrown away patterns
and machinery which cost us at last
$d00,000, changes in caliber having
made the patterns and machinery ob
solete aod valueless."
What They Can Accomplish.
Channcey M. Depew in a recent in
terview said: "A college friend of
mine translated from the' law to rail
road in sr. rescued a --bankrupt corpora
tion from ruin and placed it upon a
prosperous basis, and then adminis
tered its affairs with consummate abil
ity. ' When he returned many years
afterward to his country home and sat,
as of old, upon the nail-keg of the cor
ner grocery, the wise men of the neigh
borhood gathered. about him and one
'"Is it trew that von air gettin a
aalarv of more than 10,000 a year?
"My friend said: It is.
"Wall,' said the local oracle, that
shows what cheek and sarcumstances
will do fur a man."
Celluloid la Dangerous.
The possible danger in the wearing
OI Cheap com ds anu m-aceieu ihhub u
celluloid was most curiously illustrated
recently in Paris. A young girl sat
down before the fire to study her les
son. She had on what is called a "crop
comb." As she leaned lorward the
comb heated and burst into flume. The
girl's hair was partly burned off. and
lor a long 1 1 miT miciwaiu iiu
would grow, as the skin of the head
was much injured. Celluloid must be
at 180 degrees Fahrenheit before it will
Misuse of Language.
"Doesn't this coni;tny advertise that
it ia running trains to Bigville?1 nskett
a depressed looking man. as he entered
the rail way office. -Yes, r. Hye
vou a complaint to mKer "mave.
I object to the misuse of language.
(Jail it "crawl' or ereep or wrijrte, T
but don't. I Ieg of you, continue to I
daszle the public mind bv cmMloviD"
the word Tun.'1 WixhitKjton 4J&U.
The B
Gout, E
from a is
j Medicine a ;
: Complexion in
bnples, Boil .
.gia, Scrofula,
and Mercurial
seases ariin?
I state of the
CO., fy&fir's..
Blood oi
TOR 81
J. R. Gi
417 SAJ
Sc T0W3TE,
suh m
: n s
Binders Bosrd.
Oard Stock?
u o sis aa
Market tA
sr. w 0fTr :
drocu. ,2 10 pi .3
.. a.i 2.-j
1.35 1.9
h - .. J.40 jL5
, 1.75 1.
8J 3.-.
Tiiblt) FsMcrhea
Table Aprtctta
Tabl Planis, 1
Table nwrtr
Older SB VantPd bv th tin rlrwtt nrn
load we wJit r'Hir trade : are alwuyu t the Ima
tnm In price, aud at tbe top in qtusJlty. Bend i,
new 11st free.
SuiitflsC&h Store, 416 44! Front Kt.,S.F
Is scale injuring roar trees and dinfjor-"-
. .' v big year fruit
Inthe w.Udew three ten injf your grapu and
Is the curb-leaf waking you trees weak
Are Tour Pears and Apples wormy and fci
- ernts to sitrhti
Are tne Mossors drtrppin & .trees lusipy
tneir iniit(
b for the Sjmti ttrttnm rwwmUn
tixmt wh which ca be km n--ttvir
sofpiM In Mininar h In visr.
u cuinaiu n, - book a,
BAH .ftJUKCTan. '
book uv-N . o teiT;
BtoJi St.. bet. Montgomery Hamocrm, 4. f.
Conducted oo D--ih tbe Euro perm and Ajmt1h
plan. This favorite faAtel la nailer the s-irt- ;
eticad management otCHARLKS mfNTJn- '
Kill, and Li as good, j( not tbe tiHt. Family ar&
Business Ken's Hotel tn San Frnc1-r. HV-ne
ecMOforta, cuistne unexcelled, first eius mw-tc
and tbe highest standard of reepec-Ujilitj gu&ran
toMd. Board and room per day fl 26 to X
KU- rmma 50c to fl. Fr coach to and Crono h iwL
t'nt 4 ft, 3 inches.
CutfJi feet, -Cut;
f-et. -
' S2,f0
- o.oo
. . Cat wlrar. .nr other Kum csjt.
Baker & Hamilton
- San Francisco, Ca).
And Printers' Warehouse,
omi Winn nin at.
'I'bc tavoilte PilnteVB ftttpfslw- STihmc? $0 tft
Pact6e Coast. Proaipt, Bqaore and Pr
gresaiTe. Stock eoraplete, representing tbe
latct ud best of tne Bstera M rket Tp
and Rnk ail c
i tnc Poiat System. No obw-
lete style.
Conncra 0. 8. Trpe Foundry, Hew Tot.
Barn hart's G. W. Type Pottndry, Cnicajro.
Benton, Waldo A Co'a SaU-Spadtnf T? pc
Babcock Cyttndera.
Colt's Armory Imp'4 Uwrrersal,
Chandler inu Price Gordon presma.
Peerless Press ea and Cattons
Broaoraie Paper Catters,
Simons' Cases and Pwrofttrre,
Goktinw's Presses and Tods,
a Sed&rwick Paper JofMera,
Keys Lone Qnotns,
Pace's Wood Type,
Inks ana oners,
- TabKc Composite. Bte.
:" " craunitn o .
b pleSe Outfits
wHS tne east
id tne Smallest Orders
earefnl and nronitt
attention. Specimen books naHedm j lt-
caboa. . . Azores ait otoers so
Wasfemwtoa St. - San 1
Edocattettal Msfteum of Anatemy
RMBOM4 tothWr Dfw Eufisftji, &aX
Kciared, wh thoauuiA e-f tn
etects my W Man. eoUartwd in
ccn oi sca,yo. Tmsu -he btsIj Xiasnn
till aids ot th ftoefcy Mnvntalna Entfc
HslieA Tears. U am) be bow
wPiidvrfBIl? joo sr issin. r,, Xi.w Bvp;4
"M lnwe. XatMw for la
n't gentteiavirc is eta. &xivMm OSa
ail Omxr at-, ppo""- rmsqam
Coaaaltartoa ft-aa a-rf pot Book.
A. California Opera Chora a H 1S2SL
Am ft.
aji rasjKxsoa,
General Vallejo'arpfadinrsa of apt
anecdote was alwaysdFemurkante. Patti
once dined with 1m m. and asked the old
soldier if he enjoyed the nrst upera he "
ever heard. - - ' ;
'Why. no," auf ValU'jo; "and yet I .'
confess I shall never forjjtrt lt.
and sue demanded when and where the
event took place. I
Iu 1828, on the site of the Palaca.
Hotel. San Francisco." . 5
Indeed! And who vafi the' prima. '
donna ao long ago as thut?" ; -
Weil. I can't say waa the" smiling
answer; bnt there were at least tive
hundred coyotes in the chorus." J
The Boya One Great Dentre. . '
There is a little boy Dp-town who
waa 8 years old a few "days ago. He
tie 8-year-old needs or wants -that hia
indulgent mamma finally said to bin
in perplexity;.. 'Harold, 1 really don'Sj
know what to get yon foryoor btvthf
day, and I think I shall let 'you choesje
this time what it shall be. Now yi6a
may say just what you wonld like npost
to do or have and you shall have ifci"
"Just what I WHitt to do? ' qMeried
Harold. - -
"Yea, for this one day."
Then. I don't want- to lyave any
thing, laatmua; but I do want to do
fust one thingawfully, it yop'H let me. '
I want to put on some, rngjred clothe
and go aH alone out ia the streets and
lick a Mtck. I know I can.
And he did. tf, V. un. .
An Aatomatio Iiferaverw
t-v- -fins' belt has
1 fc ,
lie. It au be
lire! from a
ii.iikI. t..t belt
: ; ui nun Uiu water