The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 05, 1890, Image 1

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A Young Woman Swindles a Spo
kane Falls Bank.
Condensed News . From . All Parts of the
Country West of the Rocky
Idaho's population is ' 84,229 an in
frvfisc $i 51,319 in ten years.
Tristan Purges, Fast Grand Command
er of the Knights Templar o! California,
is dead.
The total valuation of the property of
San Jose, Cal.,is $19,127,459, an increase
of $645,757.
No. 3 shaft of the Wellington mine at
Nanaimo, B. C, ia on fire, -and will have
to be flooded. - v
The steamer Wellington ran into the
sand on the shore of Coronado beach,
but no damage is thought to have been
sustained. - "
The grand jury in Santa Fe, X. M.,
has found indictments against sixteen
citizens for the murder of Faustin Ortiz
in March last. '
In accordance with an act of 1SS9 Gov
ernor Prince of New Mexico has issued a
proclamation calling a constitutional
convention October 7. -
The works at Keliy in the Magdalena
mining district, X. M., were fired by an
incendiary, and all hopes of saving them
;- have been abandoned.
B. R. Freeman of Spokane Falls and
Prs. J. K. Secord and J. S. Potts of San
Jose have been appointed special medi
cal examiners in the pension service.
Joseph Carreros, the Mexican on trial
for the murder of another Mexican
named Soto at Indio on the desert about
a month ago, was acquitted by a jury at
San Diego on the ground of self-defense.
The Marine Firemen's Association of
San Francisco has received a letter from
Kanaimo, asking it to instruct its mem
bers not to nre with ellmgton coal.
The association will probably issue the
The Coco pah Indians have sent a dele
gation to Governor Torres of Lower Cal
ifornia to protest against the encroach
ment of Mexican and American miners
upon their placer mines and agricultural
The heirs of the estate of Matthew A.
Williams, who was killed by the acci
dent at the Webster-street bridge, Oak
land, on Decoration day, have compro
mised with the Southern Pacific company
for $5,000.
Admiral Brown of the Charleston was
dined by the Seattle Chamber of Com
merce the other evening. The Admiral
in a speech praised the work begun by
ex-Secretary of the J"avy Whitney and
continued by Secretary Tracy.
The bail of Frank Larue, who was
boxing with McBride at the Golden
Gate Athletic Club, San Francisco, when
McBride died, has been reduced from
$10,000 to $5,000. The bond was origi
nally $2-3.000. Larue was tried last week,
nd the jury did not agree.
Baggagemen employed on the South
ern Pacific whose train route ends at
Oakland want a rule now in force, re
quiring them to accompany all baggage
across on the steamer to San Francisco,
revoked. The matter will be laid before
the officials through the grievance com
mittee of trainmen. .
A dam will be built across the North
Umpqua at Winchester to cost $20,000.
The river will furnish power to drive the ,
eprnaies ana other machinery of the big
woolen tactory and other manuiactones
about to be erected there. This manu
facturing plant will furnish employment
for hundreds of hands, and will" be a
grand affair.
Fifteen Chinamen, who were refused
landing at San Francisco, have arrived
at Ottawa. They eay thev win work
their way across the Sound into Wash
ington and then go south to San Fran
cisco, their original destination. The
last month a large number of Chinese
have arrived at Victoria, from whence
they lay plans for smuggling themselves
into the United States.
The Exchange National bank of Spo
kane Falls has been swindled out of $2,
475 by a handsome young woman giving
the name of Kosa Ganth. She was iden
tified by Mrs. A. C. Edwards, wife of a
prominent citizen of Spokane Falls, into
whose confidence she had ingratiated
herself. The swindle was accomplished
bv means of a draft raised from .$25 to
It is now definitely known that D. C.
Jordan, the forger who is wanted in Ar
kansas for securing eeveral thousand dol
lars on fraudulent drafts, and who was
traced to Seattle, has managed to make
good his escape. The Arkansas author
ities are after him, and a detective is on
his way to Seattle in search of the fugi
tive. Jordan learned of this evidently,
for he has again mysteriously disap
peared. The Puget Sound and Alaska Steam
ship Company's new steamer City of Se
attle, which was to have left Philadelphia
for Tacoma early in August, has not yet
started. Captain D. B. Johnson, the
general manager of the company, who is
now in Philadelphia, will not let the
contract for the new steamer City of Ta
coma until the City of Seattle is thor
oughly tested and her sea -going qualities
fully ascertained. If ehe proves all right,
the "contract for the City of Tacoma will
be let to the same company.
From statistics gathered by the Board
of Trade it is learned that Aberdeen has
shipped lumber as foUows since April
last : A. J. West & Co., 3,152,000 feet ;
the Weatherwax Lumber Company,
4,125,000 feet;. Wilson Bros., 4,010,000,
making a total of 11,277,0J0 feet of lum
ber in five months. The local trade has
used about 2,5 R),000 feet in the same
time. The Oosmopolis mill has also
shipped considerable, and the Hoquiam
mill has shipped some 3,000,000. The
vessels carrying this lumber have all
crossed the Gray's Harbor bar, but not
an accident has occurred. .
Improvements, especially of railroad
construction, in Colorado are greatly re
tarded through the inability of the com
panies to secure labor. The Denver and
Rio Grande are the greatest sufferers.
-They have at present under construction
the " Grand Junction branch, 65 miles
long ; the Rio Grande Southern, 185
miles ; the Viliagecove branch, 60 miles ;
the great tunnel through the Tennessee
pass, besides a very great amount of
broad-gauging, all of which is almost at
a standstill on this account. The officials
of the road say they can give employ
ment to 5,000 to 8,000 men on these new
works at $2 per day, and the work is so
located as to admit of working all win
ter. Several ditch companies and smelter
corporations are equally if not greater
I I I ii
Lsdy, life's sweetest lesson would'st thou learn.
Come thou with me to lore's enchanted bower;
High overhead the trellised rosea burn.
Beneath thy feet behold the feathery fern
A leaf without a flower.
What though the rose leaves fallf They still are
And have been lovely In their beauteous prime.
n nue tne nare rrona seems ever to repeat,
"For us no bud, no blossom, wakes to greet
The joyous flowering time!"
Heed thou the lesson. Life has leaves to tread
And flowers to cherish; summer round them
Wait not till autumn's fading robes are shad.
But while its petals st ill are burning red
Gather life's full blown rose!
Oliver Wendell Holmes in Atlantic
Cost of Electric Light.
From the list of cities in which lights
are supplied by private companies we
take the following statement of the num
ber of lamps and annual charge per lamp.
where the lighting continues all night
and the lamps are of (nominj) 2,000
candle power: Alliance, O., 8 lights at
144; Chattanooga, Ten .., 80 lights at
$121.66; Fail River, 50 lights at $180;
Portsmouth, N. H., 60 lights at $100;
Petersburg, va., 83 lights at $96; Bin,
hamton, 99 lights at $140; Indianapolis,
100 at $30; Atlanta, (is., 100 at $120;
Boston, 105 at $180; Milwaukee, 130 at
$150; Reading, 156 at $146.75; Dayton,
O., $200 at $150; Poughkeepsie, 212 at
$123; Harrisbnrg, 270 at $90; Philadel
phia, 800 at $177; New Orleans, 11.010 at
$130; New York city, 1,357 at $90.
In some of these cities the contract has
been made with two or three different
companies, but in no such case is there
any difference in the charge in other
words, competition does not give lower
rates. Liet us now give the figures ob
tained from those cities which own their
own electric lighting plants. Hunting
don has 50 lights, $48.64; Decatur, El.,
53 at $60; Dunkirk, N. ., 53 at $36.50;
Madison, Ind., 85 at $48; Lewiston, Me.,
96 at $42; Hannibal, Mo., 96 at $32; Chi
cago, 292 at $65. .Taking an average of
the whole of the two tables, from which
we have only quoted a portion, we find
that the average price paid to private
companies is $105.13, and that the same
article furnished by the city itself costs
$o2.13 1-2 per light per year. Engineer
ing and Building Record.
Praise of the French Peasant.
The common notion of the French
peasant as a narrow minded, penurious
and not too moral person receives no
support from Mr. Frederic Harrison,
whose personal study of French rural
life has nevertheless been very consider
able. The indomitable endurance of the
French race has, he reminds us, enabled
France to surmount crushing disasters,
losses and disappointments under which
another race would have sunk. She
bears with ease a national debt, the an
nual charge of which is more than dou
ble that of wealthy England, and a taxa
tion nearly double that of England,' with
almost the same population a permanent
taxation that exceeds 100 franca per
head, and is greater than has ever before
been borne by any other people. She
lost over one war a sum not much short
of the whole national debt of England,
and she has written off without a mur
mur a loss of 48,000,000, thrown into
the Panama canal. If France is thus
strong, the backbone of her strength is,
in Mr. Harrison's opinion, found in the
marvelous industry and thrift of her
peasantry. London News.
A Canning Dog.
A good dog story is always appreciated,
because canine sagacity seems inexhaust
ible in its resources. A Glasgow gentle
man owned a very intelligent Newfound
land dog, who accompanied his master
wherever he went, and was his insepar
able companion in his visits and to
church. One evening the gentleman
went to visit a neighbor. The dog at
tended him. It was quite late when the
gentleman started for home and, to his
surprise, the dog could not be found.
After the family had retired there was a
great noise in the kitchen. It was supposed
that burglars were robbing the house.
Soon there was a crash and a smash like
the breaking of a window, and then all
was stilL The morning revealed the
mystery. The dog had fallen asleep
under the table. He had 'realized that
his master had gone home, and the noise
heard was the attempt of the dog to
make his escape. As there was no other
way to get out the sagacious animal
went through the window, taking the
glass and frame with him.
It was a long time before his master
visited that house again. When he did,
his dog accompanied him, and the ani
mal found his way through the open
door of the kitchen to his old hiding
place under the table. When the mas
ter was about to start for home neither
his hat nor cane could be found. After
a long search the dog was discovered fast
asleep under the table; one paw was on
his master's hat, the other resting on his
stick. How the dog obtained possession
of those articles no one could telL He
remembered his last visit to the place,
and how scurvily he had been treated.
The sagacious creature resolved not to
be left behind next time. He knew that
his master could not go home without
the hat and stick, and that he would be
awakened when the owner got ready to
start. His plans were acutely laid, and
if he had been human he could not have
done better. Boston Budget.
Buildings In Berlin.
Speaking of symmetry in the building
of cities, the people of Berlin, Germany,
are quite logical and successful in their
methods. In that city uniformity in
building is preserved by a municipal law
that dictates the height of edifices ac
cording to the width of the street. For
instance, "on a street sixty feet wide the
law provides, I think, that houses over
four stories in height shall not be erected
thereon. On streets eighty feet wide the
height is six stories, and on other streets
in proportion, thus giving tall houses to
wide streets and less altitudinous build
ings to narrow streets. I may not have
mentioned the exact dimensions of
streets and houses, but that is the gen
eral plan of the system. By this means
great and, I think, attractive uniformity
is secured.
Again in Berlin the people cannot build
residences or business houses anywhere
they please. 7iie city has been built up
solidly and compactly simply because the
law compelled buildings to be erected
adjoining each other either on the south,
north, east or west extensions. A can
not build a tall minaret on some isolated
lot away from B, but he must, in order,
to build at all, secure the land adjoining
the last house built, in either direction,
and when C comes to build he must fol
low suit. These two provisions of the
Berlin municipality law tend to make it
the most uniform city in the world. IL
& Fairchild in St, Paul Pioneer Press.
He who thinks to;piease
The Tunnel Under the St. Clair
River About Completed.
An Immigrant on His Arrival at
York Confesses to a Murder
in Denmark.
Texas will call in her frontier defense
Silver is the most active feature of
Wall-street speculation.
It is said that Edison has perfected a
noiseless electric motor.
Cape May proposes henceforth to be a
winter as well as a summer resort.
It is said that se-eral more Baltimore
breweries will be bought up bv English
The Chicago gas trust is reported to
have cleared over $1,000,000 in the last
six months.
Counterfeit silver dollars been
discovered in the vaults of the sub-treasury
at Philadelphia.
Much alarm is felt at the spread of
diphtheria in the mining towns of Lu
zerne county, Pennsylvania.
The Atlanta Constitution thinks that
more than two-thirds of the next Geor
gia Legislature will be farmers.
Chief-Justice Morton of the Massa
chusetts Supreme Court has tendered his
resignation prompted by failing health.
James Gordon Bennett has leased for
$50,000 a year a lot at Broadway and
Thirty-fifth street for a new Herald of
fice. Property along the Hudson river for
residential purposes is held at figures to
sell higher than have prevailed Sir sev
eral years.
A large butter and cheese firm at Mon
treal lias been Seized for importing the
best American butter and entering it a
an inferior article.
The New York health aifthori
that there is a slight return of la grippe
in that city, and it is said Southern vis
itors are especially susceptible to it.
In 18S0 th?re were nintfon
thirty-eieht S.ates each with ft twnn la.
tion of less than a million. There are
now only Seventeen out of forty-four.
Under the new law men vhn h-a on-
listed in the regular army of the United
States and served one vear mnv obtain
their discharge by the payment "of $120.
Miss Francis E. Willard savs there ia
a movement on foot looking to a union
for work of the omen's Christian Tem
perance Union and the Salvation Army.
White cava are threatening the "etar.
out-lates" at Arlington. N. .1"
dign punishment. Some have already
been pelted with rocks while returning
home late.
The latest site offered to the Wr.rl.Pa
Fair directory is in the northern rmrt of
the city, and borders on Lake Michigan
It is five and a half miles from the cen
ter of the citv.
An oil well has been onened nt Finrl-
lay, O., which flowed over l.nm turwU
the nrst hour, and in seven hours filled
6,340 barrels. This breaks the record of
on wens m Ohio, if not in the world.
Hon. Charles Fitzoatrick. who is hoi it
to be sworn in as a member of the Que-
uec .aoinet, is oeneven to be the first
Irish Land leaguer to become a Minis
ter of the Crown in the Queen's domin
The elevated railways Jn Brook !v n nrp
all resisting taxation." Some of their of-
ncers say openly that the roads should
. i . i . -1 .
uui ue iaxei until iney are on a payjng
basis; others complain of overassess-
fimig oon, the rpmese Consul at
New York, eavs he was renuested hr the
viniirnc jMiiiistvr m asmngton to no-
l. : . xi- i - . .
my me pumie tnatt lima hail nntnmo
to Corea's plan to negotiate a loan of
The partial failure of the North la.
kata wheat crop is said to threaten thou
sands ot farmers with bankrantrv.
Settlers will have to be aided with food
during the next twelve months and sup-
puCTA nuu iw-tru in Lilt; spring.
The man who is believed to be the
chief conspirator in the Minneapolis
census frauds is in Canada, and he pro
poses to resist extradition on the ground
u" "is ouense was not a common for
gery, but rather a political crime.
A convention of Governors of all the
cotton States has been called to meet at
Atlanta. The convention will consider
the matter of direct trade with Liver
pool ; also questions relating to weights,
freights and the handling of cotton.
Alexander Philipsen. who arrived at
New York with his wife and two chil
dren in the steerage of the Hamburg
Hienmsnipormanaie, nas confessed to
the murder of the man whose horlv wa
discovered in a barrel of lime that was
brought to this country on a steamship
from Denmark and seized for duties by
the customs officials a few months ago.
All the brick in New York have been
used. Six million bricks are daily used
in New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City,
and brickmakers along the Hudson and
about Philadelphia have cut off the sup
ply. The union workmen of the three
cities boycotted the Hudson-river man
agers, and this is the result. One hun
dred thousand men will be compelled to
quit work.
There are some very much disgusted
real-estate investors in Chicago. There
are those who bought land near Jackson
park at fancy prices, thinking it settled
that the World's Fair would be located
there. Some of them paid $300 to $400
per front foot for property that five
months ago would not have brought one
sixth of that, and unless the fair should
after all go to Jackson park, not a few of
them will be ruined.
A scheme is to build a railway east
ward from Quebec some eighty miles to St.
Charles bay en the Labrador Coast, from
which point large steamers are expected
to make the voyage to Milford haven,
Wales, in three and a half days, is pro
jected in Canada. By this route it is
expected that passengers and perishable
freight can be carried from Chicago to
London inside of seven days. The pro
visional directory is composed of wealthy
The workmen engaged upn the two
ends of the St. Clair-river tunnel be
tween Port Huron and Sarnia, Ontario,
shook hands with each other on August
24 under the St. Clair river, and made
the great subterranean highway echo
with their cheers. This marks the com
pletion of the greatest river tunnel in
the world and probably the greatest piece
of f engineering in this country. It is
eleven feet longer than the Brooklyn
the world is dullest of his kind;
Queer Boston Husbands.
During; a visit to one of the suburbs
of Boston a few facts came to my no
tice which I thought might strike
some of your readers as rather odd.
Surely woman's rights prevail hero to
a great extent, at least in one direc
tion that is, as regards the weekly
washing. I called on a lady one after
noon and she complained of beinir
"sotired." Her husbaud, she said, had
had the grip and had done the wash
ing the night before, but he really was
too ill to hang out the clothes, and she
had done it that morning, and was to
tally used up. I was so surprised that
I suppose I must have shown my feel
ings. I finally said it was the first time 1
Lad heard of the men doing such
things; that is, American men. But
she informed me that a great number
of men in the place did the washing,
and other work, too, whiah I had al
ways considered belonged to woman's
domain. This is how it was managed:
The husband did the washing in the
evening, and if the weather was at all
duoious in the morning would goto
work as usual. But if, iu the course of
the morning, it should clear off he
would ask for a little time off, and
rush home and hang out the clothes.
And no one seemed to think it either
funny or odd.
The wife can outwalk any woman I
know; and was always ready for a
day's shopping ia Boston, which is so
wearing to most ladies.
"But then," she said, "Fred was
sure to get home by a little after 5 and
have a nice hot cup of coffee ready,
and an oyster stew, or something else
nice and warm, knowing I would come
home cold and hungry." And that
man was not considered a first class
fool, either, strange as it may seem. I
thought the twenty-sixth verse of the
fourth chapter of Esdras very appro
priate to him. I am not interested in
any laundry, but will mention that
it only costs thirty-six cents per dozen
here to have clothes done up very
nicely. One lady informed me that
her sister said it was such a trial to her
to go over the clothes, and if they
were not clean throw them back in the
tub for her husband to rub again. I
don't think I could ever get upa parti
cle oi respect tor a man like that
These are not the only cases in this
place that I know of, as one lady in
formed me that not only her husband
did the washing on their street, but
there was only one man who did not
Cor. Hartford Times.
The Imprisoned Duck.
A young duck, by some accident,
had its leg broken, and the wounded
limb having been put in splints, the
duck was placed under a small crate,
or railed coop, to prevent it, for a
time, from runniug about. The poor
prisoner looked very forlorn in this
cage, and was evidently an object of
pity to its brothers and sisters around.
They tried to release their companion
by forcing their necks under the
crate and so lift it, but the effort was
beyond their strength. On ascertain
ing this, they held a consultation and
then they marched away in a body.
Presently they reappeared with all the
ducks belonging to the farm yard,
amounting to about forty.
After a great deal of quacking
they surrounded the crate, and every
neck was inserted under the lowest
rail; they then made a united effort
to raise the crate, but alas I iu vain;
their strength was not sufficient An
other consultation wa now held, and,
after another storm of quacking, the
whole of them came to one side of the
crate; as many as possibly could now
thrust their necks beneath the rail, the
rest pushing them forward from be
hind. This time they succeeded ; the
crate was raised, their imprisoned
j I-, . .
menu was iiDerateu, ana noisy were
the greetings she received as she
limped, once more free, into their
midst New York Mail aud Express.
Wonderful Mechanism.
Aiie xxi uk oi n,ngianas uoors are
now so finely balanced that a clerk, by
pressing a knob under his desk, can
close the outer doors instantly, and
they can not be opened again except bv
special process. This is done to prevent
the daring and ingenious unemployed
of the great metropolis from robbing
this famous institution. The bullion
departments of this aud other great
English banking establishments are
nightly submerged in several feet of
water by the action of machinery. In
some of the London banks the bullion
departments are connected with the
managers' sleeping rooms, and an en
trance cannot be effected without set
ting off an alarm near that person's
head. If a dishonest official, during
either day or night, should take even
as much as one from a pile of a thou
sand sovereigns the whole pile would
instantly sink and a pool of water take
its place, beside letting every person
in the establishment kuow of the theft
St Louis Republic,
An Extraordinary Beard.
Philip Hensen, a planter, residing
near Corinth, Miss., is believed to be
the possessor of the longest beard in
the world. He is a man of unusual
stature, standing nearly 6J feet in his
his stockings; this notwithstanding,
his beard reaches the ground when he
is standing erect A German residing
in Chicago a few years ago boasted of
his CO inches of beard, but Hensen
goes him several better, having many
threads in his beard which measure
over "70 inches. This .remarkable
CQwtli is but fourteen years old.
Nothing to Steal.
New Father-in-law Well, sir, the cere
mony is over, and now that you are the
husband of my daughter I want to give
you a little advice. What would you do
if you should wake up some night and
find burglars in the house?
Groom I should teU them that my
father-in-law forgot to give my wife a
wedding dowry, and they'd go away.
Hew York Weekly.
Should Say So.
Miss Minnie Was the play pathetic?
Mr. Banklurk I should say bo. Why.
even the seats were in tiers. Harper'
for let him face which way he
Prince Bismarck Muzzles the Ger
man Press by a Threat.
The Provincial Treasurer of Soochow,
China, Becomes a Great Moral
Reformer of the Drama.
The Russian import duty on sugar has
been increased.
The British have assumed possesion
of the Shire highlands.
Several steamers have taken military
supplies up the Danube to Servia.
FKeral earthquake shocks have re
cently been felt in the Danube valley.
A New York dentist has the pleasure
of operating upon the Czar of Russia.
Prince Bismarck is clomelv watched, so
that he is unable to talk with newsp(H-r
There is said'tobe an alarming increase
in the death rate at Naples the "last few
Englishmen rejoice that the proposed
restoration of Westminster has been
Experiments with steam
have recentv been made nt
and Havre.
Fires have swept the Soukiras forest
in Algiers. Two villages were destroyed
by the conflagration.
Surgeons in the French armv hv a re
cent military order have been 'forbidden
to practice hypnotism.
Armv men. who profess tn Vnnvr all
about it, assert that the much-ta!ked-of
smokeless powder is not a success.
Of late there has been an inrr-MM tf
the bitter feeling in Paris toward Ger
mans, especially in public places.
And now comes news of a tihosnhntn
trust headed bv the Duke of West min
ster and others of the English nobiiitv.
Resident Hebrews in I.nnl
build in that city the largest and finest
synagogue in the world, to cost 10.1 -
Great Britain intends to Use II nrt rJ
the revenue to be derived from the nun-
duty on Epirita to promote technical ed
ucation. The returns from the excise revenue
in England are this year so good that
Mr. Goschen will have a very large sur
plus to devote to free education.
The Corn Millers' Association of Leeds,
England, has advanced the price of flour
Is d per sack. This makes an advance
of 4s 0d within a month.
Herr Krupp, the great gun manufact
urer, has a plan for connecting the citv
of Vienna with the Danube bv canai.
The Austrian government is eonsiderina
it. ' ,
Emperor William is not, it is reported,
at all generous in the matter of " vails,"
as fcnitnities left by roval persojiflees are
called. The English flunkies at the pal
nce are digused with him.
Count Villanova, accompanied bv a
guide and porters, recently started to
make the ascent of Mount Blanc. Noth
ing has been heard of the partv since,
and it is feared that all have erished.
Reports from twenty-five centers of
population in County IVineiml I rt. !...)
show that the potato "blight is gravest in
congested districts like Falcarragh and
uwodore, where the crop is a total fail
ure. It is stated that the Sultan has agreed
in principle to a number of reforms in
Armenia involving communal autonomy
and the admission of Armenians to a
share in the administration of the vil
ayets. A dispatch from Rome says that a big
Socialistic intricacy has been unearthed
in that city. A lanre number of
shells were found in the houses of work
ingmen belonging to secret societies, to
be used in case of an outbreak.
The French government has accepted
the Italian government's proposal f.r a
convention to establish an Ifitprnational
maritime service on the Red sea. The
object is the suppression of cholera.
England's adhesion is doubtful.
Terrible stories of distress are reported
from Tokay, where the fire is not yet en
tirely extinguished. Men, women and
children are constantly running about
the desolated streets wringing their
hands and calling on heaven for help.
A bombshell was thrown into the of
fice of the Chief of Police at Trieste, and
exploded, severely wounding the Secre
tary. It is supposed to have been the
work of Italian Republicans, who advo
cate the annexation of Trieste to Italy.
Chinese supremacy in the tea trade
bids fair to find a rival in a few vears in
Asiatic Russia. Already large shipments
from the tea plantations in Russian Cen
tral Asia are made to England annually,
and a considerable proportion of tlie
product finds its way to the United
Prince Bismarck threatened some time
ago to publish a list of writers whom he
formerly kept in his pay, with the
amounts he had given them, etc., and it
is to be noted that many German papers
that used to have a great deal of fun
with the ex-Chancellor have stepped
discussing him.
A speech by the Burgomaster of Nu
remburg at the close of a concert in the
choral festival hall at Vienna, proclaim
ing union of all German-speaking races
in peace or on the battle-field, made the
audience so enthusiastic that theAustrian
and German conductors embraced and
the audience kissed and hugged one an
other. The Bismarck monument fund, which
is being collected despite the ex-Chancellor's
prejudice against monuments of
himself, now amounts to some "$135,000.
The members of the reading room of the
Society of German Students in Prague
recently resolved to subscribe $250 to the
fund, but were prevented by the Chief
of Police, who threatened to dissolve
their organization in case the contribu
tion should be made.
The moral reformer of China is the
" Provincial Treasurer of Soochow." He
has issued a proclamation commanding
managers of theaters in Shamrhni to de
sist from the representation of immoral
plays. KeBtaurants and other places of
public interest must discontinue employ
ing female performers. "Immoral
plays," the Provincial Treasurer says,
" excite the female mind, and sometimes
lead women to imitate the wicked ac
tions portrayed on the 6tnge." Because
theaters have " been established so long
that it would be impossible to wean the
public mind from them so far as to per
mit of abolishing them." all that can be
done is to purge them from their " sen
sational, degrading and licentious"
will, one-half is yet behind.
Most Any Dog Can B Tanght Soma
Trick and He'U Never Forget It.
Professor Burton, who has a troupe
of clever dogs, is an old circus man.
He used to be tumbler in the ring.
There comes a day in the life of every
circus tumbler when he must quit the
business and go into something else.
Burton went to training dogs. He has
been with several companies, but is
now on his own hook. He had a val
uable troupe of dogs once in New
York, but somebody poisoned them.
The professor's present family of
dogs consists of Italian greyhounds,
German poodles, a Russian poodle, a
Russian spaniel, a liver-and-whita
spaniel, a spite, a black dog that does
the somerset act, .and several others.
"There is no dog," said the profes
sor, "which cau't be taught a trick of
some sort Of course there are some
dogs that learn quicker than others,
and more tricks. I am always aked
how I teach dogs these tricks. Well,
there is no trick about it that I ever
knew. It takes patience and judg
ment and kindness. I seldom use the
whip, and never in giving instructions.
In fact, I have to be very cautious.
The other day two of my'family got
into a squabble. I separated them,
but with trouble. In doing so I had
to cut one of them with the whip.
That fellow is heartbroken. He has
had the sulks ever since. He won't
eat and he won't act I've got to send
him away for a few days.
"A dog should be at least a year old
before training. I select different
breeds for different acts. The grey
hound is a natural leaner. The spaniel
is a trickster. The spitz is the clown.
The black dog the black-aod tan one
is the acrobat
"Under ordinary circumstances the
average dog will learn his trick in five
weeks. Then the test comes when be
goes on the stage the first time. Talk
about people having stage fright! Tve
known dogs when brought on the
stage for the first time make a break
and run away and tremble like a
frightened child. When they get used
to it, though, they like the stage, and
the more applause they get the better
they act You may think that is
stretching it, but it is a fact that trick
dogs do better if they are applauded,
and thi3 is especially true if the ap
plause comes from children.
"These trick dogs know their places
on the stage and take their cue from
my looks. They are as eager for the
show to begin as children are eager for
play. This, I think, is instinct, for
anybody could go on the stage with
them if he knew the words to speak
and the motions to make, and the dogs
would go through the same pro
gramme they go through with me.
"I keep them in cages after the
show. Every morning at 9:30 I take
them out for exercise. They are fed
twice a day in the morning and after
the show at night This troupe con- !
sumes about fifteen loaves of bread and j
a large size market basket of cooked
meat every day.
"They never forget a trick. I laid !
off some mouths ago and sent the dogs
to the country. I had a vacation of i
several weeks me and the dos.
t tl
When I returned to the stasre with
lem they went through every part
without a break. There is good feel
ing between the members of the pres
ent family. They are healthy and
full of fun. There isn't a cynic in the
lot " Ch icagoTribune.
The Crass for Odd Leather.
An extensive leather dealer of Lon
don, traveling in this country, says
that never before was there such a
craze in London for queer leather as
at the present time. He adds: "All
kinds of skins, from elephant's to
frog' s, are pressed into service to meet
the demands of the fashionable. Some
of our shops are stocked with a supply
of fancy articles that are made from
the skins of all sorts of beasts, reptiles
and fishes. These queer objects are
displayed in the windows, where their
appearance attracts wondering crowds.
Made up into various articles are yel
low pelican skins, lion and panther
skins, buffalo skins, fish skins, monkey
skins, snake skins, and the coverings
of almost every living thing known.
They are tanned and sometimes color
ed with blue, gray or red. I think it
looks hideous to see a pretty English
girl walking along the street swinging
a portemonnaie made of the scaly
hide of a boa constrictor. But it's fash
ion's order, you know." Exchange. -
Preferred His Own Importation.
Col. Reynolds was wounded, His
thigh was shattered by a ball, and af
ter a grave and protracted consulta
tion the surgeons informed the brave
Irishman that his leg must be ampu
tated in order to save his life. He was
true grit to the backbone, and protest
ed agaiust this strongly. "Can't you
cure the leg!" he pleaded. The sur
geons shook their heads, and one of
them informed him that it would not
be so bad after all, as he could wear a
cork leg. "It's a Cork leg I have
now," he replied, with a grim smile,
"and I think a great deal of it because
I imported it myself I imported it
from Ireland." Chicago Herald.
Once in While.
When a judge tells a prisoner that
he has been tried by a jury of his
peers, he may be correct," but the
chances are, with the jury system run
the way it is, that the average prisoner
has more sense and intelligence than
the average man sitting on hi3 case,
lie has got to be a mighty poor man
who is the pee of a juror. Dotroit
Free Press.
Advloa to a Schoolboy..
There is no use going to school, my
boy, with the idea that you are going
to excel because you are your father's
on ; for every other boy is hi3 father's
son, and all do not excel who go to
school. West Shore.
. t
Why He Felt So.
"I am very much put out about this
matter," said my young friend who
bad just been shown the door by the
father of a pretty young maiden.
West Shore,
Younger Sons of English Gentlemen Who
Come to America to Leans Bow to
Drive a Plow and a Bargain Winding
Vf as Hotel Dishwashers.
In some of the northwestern cities like
St Paul, Minneapolis and Winnipeg, it
is an every day sight to see a vourur Brit-
' isher land from the train, with one eye
glass screwed into his face (in order that
he may not see more than he can com
prehend, some one has been unkind
, enough to say), a corduroy suit of blouse
; and knickerbockers, bright yellow leath-
er gaiters buttoned np to the knee, a
j fore and aft cap, two guns, that he may
; shoot all the buffalo he expects to find
' just outside the town, a dog and about
j 600 pounds of baggage. He has come to
j learn farming. He is a gentleman's son,
accustomed to comparative luxury and
ease ail his life.
Arrangements have been made for
him by some English firm, of who" a
there are a good many in this business,
to do "chores'" for his board, and to pay
100 down to "learn farming" that is,
to master the mysteries of harnessing a
horse, to milk a cow, to drive a solky
plow, to drive a seeder, to drive a mow
er, to drive a harvester and, possibly, to
drive a bargain. As soon as he has mas
tered the last accomplishment, he gen
erally sees that he has been duped, leaves
his teacher and strikes out for himaelf
The coarse food of the farmer's table
and the rough society of his hired help,
who get good wages, while he gets noth
ing, generally disgust him, however,
long before he reaches the stage of edu
cation last mentioned, and the young
man starts for the nearest town, hoping
to find more congenial employment He
goes to the hotel, and by the time he has
discovered that there is no demand for
any class of unskilled labor, save on the
farm, he is in debt to the landlord, and
in a great many cases brings np in the
hotel kitchen as a waiter or dishwasher,
or even a stable boy.
One of the peculiar things about this
class of young fellows is the longing all
of them have to go home again and their
evident inability to gratify that wish,
although most of them receive sums of
money from their friends in the old
country at regular intervals. The fact
seems to be that they are not wanted at
home. Their parents seem glad, or at
least willing, to have their boys undergo
considerable hardship, with dangers to
morals and health, rather than to have
them meet the inevitable evils of idle
ness in England. For the prejudice
against any form cf trade or business,
outside the professions, is strong there
yet, and many an English gentleman
would rather have his boy washing
dishes in America than standing behind
a counter in England. Of course it is
not heralded from the housetops that
dear Reginald is washing dishes in
America; oh, no, he is "ranching it ia
the west"
"I remember the case of two young
lads," said a Dakota lawyer, "fresh from
a famous boys college in" England. What
EtrucK me particularly when hrst I saw
them was their cheerfulness and their
"Their boots were amazing. The boys
were short for their ages, 15 and 18, but
the boots would have reached half way
above the knees of the tallest man in the
settlement, and were big in the feet in
proportion. Walking was difficult in
them. The boys almost seemed to take
one step up into the toes first, and then
pull the rest of the boots along after
them at the second stride. In answer to
questions about the reason for such
roominess, they replied that they had
been led to believe that the cold was so
intense in the northwest that it was cus
tomary for people to wear all the socks
they had at the same time.
" 'Boots' we christened the boys, indis
criminately. "Then they produced their shoes from
their trunks. Splendid shoes they were,
but the heels were shod with great plates
of iron, and the soles were full of brass
pegs with protruding heads as big as peas.
The shoes must have weighed five pounds
each. 'Extra hob nailed,' the lads called
them, and useful they would be no doubt
on the stony, flinty English roads and
fields, but on the soft loamy prairie lands
of the west, where you could not find
one stone to throw at a bird in a ten acre
lot, they were about as retarding to lo
comotion as the suction boots of those
artists' who walk on the ceiling.
"Well, they went out to the 'teacher
who had secured them and I lost sight
of them for a while. One day I came
across such a thin, sorry, disgusted little
chap, sitting on the back steps of a hotel,
that I barely recognized him as one of
the rosy, smiling boys I had laughed at
a few months before.
" 'What's the matter,, old man? I said,
what are you doing here?
" 'Making the beds and washing the
dishes,' he replied, sorrowfully. Tm
"boots" now with a vengeance, he add
ed, with a flickering smile.
' 'Didn't they treat you well? I asked.
" Oh; they did all they agreed to do,"
he answered ; "'but it was noS what we
expected, you know. I wish I had my
hundred pounds back.
" 'Where's your brother, and what's
" 'Cooking for a lot of English fellows
that have a camp out at the Forks.'
" 'Has he, too, thrown over his teacher
ad hv-. "comfortable home, with plain
but sulstantial fare," as the circular
laid?' 1 asked.
- 'Yes,' said the lad, 'I think he'd like
to go back, though, but the farmer will
not have him. We broke the contract
tynd left him, and I suppose he can refuse
to renew it He has our money safe, do
you see?
"1 saw, but what could I do?" New
York Tribune.
"That Jimson is unbearable."
"There's something good about him.
"What, pray?"
"He reads my jokes. Yank Blada,
A lavruian Compliment.
A crooked compliment was paid a German
yonns lady, whd said:
"Now, Herr Lieutenant, if you don't at
once cease your flatteries I shall have to hold
both my ears shut"
"My adorable Fraulein." Amswered the
officer, "your pretty litt hands are far too
mall for that" Chambers Journal.
An Important Change.
The ancient Romans nsed tn nvlinn mt tK
table while participatingr at a banquet. Cus
toms cave ciianffeo. The modern Roman, as
well m.i the American, doesn't recline until
after the bonouet and then it k nnl i
at, the table. Norristown Herald,
A Meeting tn an Elevated Car Arouse
Man lie Would Like to Know Slore.
"I plead guilty to a good daal of cu
riosity," said an old man with a rather
florid face, kindly, twinkling eyes,
and friendly, good natured lines
around the mouth. "I would give a
good deal to know all the circumstan
ces of an unusual meeting which I
saw the other day. I wa3 in an ele
vated train, and on the eross seat op
posite me sat a little woman who must
have been about 40 years old. She was
still very pretty, although her blue
eyes were a little faded. She was the
kind of a woman who, when a girl,
must have been plump, but who Lai
not grown stout with years. Her
complexion was as clear and soft as a
girl's, and the curves of her lips were
yery gently fashioned. I was study
ing over the top of my paper the
graceful lines of her slender hands
when a man seated himself by my
side. 1 saw two spots of color sudden
ly appear in her cheeks, and then she
quickly turned her head and looked
steadily out of the window.
"I could not resist the temptation to
take a good look at my near neighbor.
He was tall and dark, and iu his black
hair was a fine sprinkling of gray.
His face was smooth shaven, save for
a mustache, which, like his hair, waj
grizzled. Fine lines were traced be
neath his eyes, and the eyes had rather
a far away expression, as if they were
searching for something which had
been lost : Apparently he saw nothing
around him. "
"Finally his dark eye rested on the
little woman before him, and he look
ed hurriedly around as if he intended
to leave his seat The bine eyes across
the way were still looking out of the
window, and the pink spot had not yet
faded from the one cheek which was
turned toward me. The man moved
uneasily in his seat"
"And then, one of the story teller's
bearers broke in, "two lovers met af
ter Jong years, etc" .
"No," said the story teller, "I have
not said so."
They were divorced and this was
their first meeting in a long time,
ventured another with - laugh.
"Bosh P said the narrator, with an.
impatient wave of bis hand.
"Sister and brother parted in earl v.
youth by a cruel fate," cried a third,
determining not to be outdone in sug
"Wrong again, so far as I know,"
declared the first speaker.
"Well, the story, then," in chorus.
"Good. ' She shot a glance at my
neighbor and their eyes met He leaned
forward and took her hand, while her
face blushed like a school girl's. He
moved over and took a seat next to
her. 'Fifteen years, Mamie, I heard
him say, and then she blushed again.
"My station was at Fifty-ninth
street, but 1 rode past two more st
tions just to watch them.- What was
the romance! TU give a dinner to th
man who satisfies mv curiosity "
. rf -
"Love match broken off by a quar
rel," insisted interpreter No. 1.
"The fifteen years spoils my divorce
theory," said No. 2, in disappointed
"Sister and brother," repeated No. S,
with deep conviction.
"I wish I knew r said the inquisi
tive man, plaintively. New York Tri
bune, When Tom Borrow a Bosk.
Remember that there are few things
one is so loth to loan as books if we
except money. It is curious, too, that
a book, like an umbrella, is common iy
reckoned public property. Few peo
ple trouble themselves to return it
Considering the vast cost of even an
unpretending library, this is very ex
asperating to the eager book hunter,
who makes many annual sacrifices
that he may add a few choice volumes
to his meager store,
He may defend himself, however,
if he will. He may politely decline to
lend his treasures. When you have
borrowed a book yon have no possible
excuse for loaning if on your own re
sponsibility. To do so is to violate every
law of good faith, and to incur either
the open or tacit displeasure of the
friend who obliged you. Chicago
Saturday Herald.
A Knight of the Garter Pin.
James H. Drake possesses an nxdaue
scarf pin. It is nothing more or less
than a Knisrht of the Garter
which there are none in this nrvnnfi-r
with this exception, and but thirty-two
in all England. The pattern is a garter
of bine enamel, on which are the well
known words in srilt letterinir.
moonted by a cross whose points are
set with diamonds. Some years ago
Mr. Drake entertained a party of En
glish capitalists in the northwest
among whom was the Duke of Suther
land. When they took their depart
ure, greatly pleased with their visit, the
uu&e arew me pin rrom nis cravat and
placed it in Mr. Drake's. Manv rimoa
has he been stopped by Englishmen in
uns country who recognized one of the
emblems of the order, and who desired
to know how it eame into his posses
sion. Mr. Drake misrht readily twiw for
duke, but he is as proud of hi
nationality as he is of the pin and the
circumstances of its nresentaiJon. -St
Pan! Pioneer Press,
Cans of Sea SicJtatesa.
The causes and philosophy of
sickness have always been a great
puzzle; but the most generally received
theory at present is that the trouble is
due to the inequality of pressure in the
blood vessels. In a craft tossing on the
waves the blood is made to flow first
this way and then that, naturally pro-
aueing disturbance. As- -lor rei
nothing has been discovered that
more effective than the traditional piece
oi salt porn on tnjf end of a string. -
iiew xotk xeie
lev Unbeliever. -
Van Lyttelbrane (concluding a mon
ologue on hypnotism No, Miss Jessie;
I make it a rule to believe nothing I
eawn't understand.
Miss Jessie No wonder you are such
dreadful skeptic. Pittsburg Bulletin