The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 30, 1889, Image 5

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"A hired jflrl," onoo wild back
country New England fuwrnw. "co',n
wagon, but nil a wife rmeds l two cui
Joo droHHOH it your, and he doon ull tit
work. 11
-Alexander Graham Iloll, In
fioleiiuo, oalmilaton that a motlier In
talking to her Infant Hpeuku 8(5,000
words a day equal to about four
hours' continumiH talking.
A young ludy living In Chontor
Valley, Pa., whs promUod that if he
would tulco nlmrge of a public school
threo young inon, erich twenty yoars
of ago. would ontop her clans.
Little No Ihsart is the name of a
Sioux Indian at Clioyonne Agoncy who
always wcuri tnllor-uiado milts nnd Is
said to bo iw dudish a the Little No
Brains tribe found in the larger cities.
A ourlouH fact in natural history
comes from Fairlie. Scotland. A hen.
after hatching several chickens, died;
thereupon a cat took charge of the
brood, and has since remained their
jealous guardian.
A Mohammedan unlvorxltv nine
i iimdred yean older than Oxford in utill
lotirishing at Cairo as In the days of
Irubian cimintst It contain hut
ine room, tlm liner is p ived and the
of is suppovtiul by 400 colunjn.
The following memorandum was
handed to a Ralusman in a Waynes
boro, Ga.. dry goods store by a col
ored man: "May 2 one Suut
Clouso Number 82 one Tare of Lastard
Shoos Number D a find Sunday Hat
Number 7 a line Whit Shirt No 15 one
Stanlnd carlnrNo. 15 a Pare of Sox."
After explaining what ha wanted, his
order was llllud and he went his way
A Virginia court has boon trying
a case in which tlm plaintiff, who has
been totally blind for many years,
claims f 10,000 damages from the Rich
mond & Panville railroad for having
been sniutdiud up in an accident last
year, nnd ho injured that his legs are
paralyzed, and he lun to go about in a
wheeled chair. Hut he conducted his
own case, and maintains a lurge legal
practice besides.
Potor Trexler, of Citawlssa valley,
noticed a peculiar odor in his tea, and
Mrs. T., on lifting tho kottle-lid found
a beautiful treat boiled to death. Mr.
T. hnd kept it for your in his well to
purify the water. Usually the wife
got water from the well with a bucket,
but being hurried this time she low
ered the tea-kettle, clapped the lid on
without looking into It, and set it boil
ing merrily on tho wood lire.
An unfortunate shoemaker of So
lau, in Germany, had to pay very
dearly for his negligence in al. owing a
nail to puss through tho solo of a shoe
.which ho had repaired. Tho custom
er's foot became so bud that it was
obliged to bo amputated, and he sued
the shoemaker fur compenHation and
damages. Tho court condemned the
shoemakor to pay tho sufTeror an an
nuity for life of also the cost of
tho doctor and the law suit
The commercial travelors of this
country now number over 2.r0.000, and
reach in thoir juurneyings every town
and hamlet in this country, they are
the greatest distributors of goods,
shipping about 300,000,000 tons out of
400,000, 0(H) tona now carried yearly by
the rullrouds, and they spend ovor
$1,750,000 per day, or about 1:182.000,
000 per traveling year of nine months,
which is distributed among the car
riers, shopkeepers and producers.
Tho fishermen who find sport and
meat in tho Withlacoochie. in Florida,
are regretting tho fact that the suckor
liah in that stream are dying in groat
numbers. They appear to bo atTuctod
with some dlscaso which gives them
tho appoaranco of having small-pox
or a similar disease, as they are cov
ered by hundreds of bumps and pim
ples. No one seems to know the cause
of this strange disease among them,
and some people aro found who be
lieve that it is the rsult of the explo
sion of dynamite in the water. This
la hardly the cause, for the effect of
that substanco is Instantaneous. Oth
ers ad vunco (he belief that It is natural
for fish of that species to die after
A Frenchman's Queer Will,
French judges have just decided a
most extraordinary will case. A
Fronchtnan of woalth named Travers
had concolvod an intonso hatred for
his country. When he died five years
ago ho willed his property to "the
poor of London" after these words:
"I have always been oppressed In my
native land. I have arrived at the
ago of forty-five, and have nover boon
my own nuwtor. Horrible nation!
Peoplo of cowards and blockheads! I
should like to have milliards to give
to tho English, who are the born ette
mlos of this Idlotio Franco. This Is
clear and to the point." The relatives
of M. Travers naturally disputed this
will on tho ground that the testator
was not of sound mind, and that the
will, boing framed la hatred of France,
was contrary to "public order," and,
lastly, that it could not be carried out
in England na there was no legal rep
resentative of the poor. But the court
, overruled all these objections, and the
appeal subsequently made has just
boon rejected. London Times.
in tuo' street oar. first laay
(soatod) ."Madam, please remove
your umbrella from ray lap. I'm not
an umbrolla stand." Second lady
(standing) "O, indeed! Well, now
1 take a good look at you, I oe my
"Do you like the Greek PoetsP"
asked Miss Thoodosia Thuddlngton, of
Brown, 'who is not in the loast liter
ary." "Yes; better than any of the
modern pouts." "Fop what reason?"
'Principally because they are all dead."
Merchant Traveler.
Cad ley "Tho groat point of a jest
Is that It should be spontaneous. It
should be as 'quick as a flash, you know.
Now, I never think a joke over before
1 uttor It." Bagley "No; if you did,
you wouldn't sry it all. would you?"
Cadley "Certainly not." America.
"Mrs. Spitflro (handing her hus
band a photograph): "How do you
like my pictures. John?" "Who is itP"
"Why, it's me? Who do you suppose
ItisP" "1 wouldn't have known it. I
never saw you look that way before."
"What wayP" "Ploasaut."-"
I' 1 I.F.N t I'lKKH!! FlLKMl!!
Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment is the only
mire cure (or Blind, HIimmIIiir or Itching 1'llos
ever dlHOovweit. It ut-vr falls, to cure old
chronic ram of Wuik standing,
Juilirn Ooftlubury, Cleveland, O., Sa:
"I have found y experience that I)r. Wil
liam' ludiau file Olutniunt gives Immediate
Do not mi (Tit an Instant longi. Hold by Wil
liamson's Manufacturing Co., hups., Cleveland,
Ohla. BOeandll.
Sold bv L. Itlnmauer A Co.. Wholesale Drug-
glsu, Portland, Or.
Far better la It to know everything of little
than a little of everything.
White Elephant of Slam, Lion of Eng
land, Drajron of China, Cress of Swiuer,
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt
Double Kettle of Russia. Star of Chili. The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
Xo Bet these buy a box or the genuine
Dr. C. McLank'b Celebrated Liter
Pira.. price 2o cents, and mail us the out
side wrapper with your address-plalnly
written, and 4 rents in stamps, we wiu
then mail vou the above Hat with an ele
gant package of oleographic and chro
matic cards.
Fleming Bros., PrrrsBrjBa, fa.
The virtue which reoulren to be ever guarded
Ik scarcely worth the nctitiuel.
What In the world is the use of setting
around waiting for someth'njr to turn up.
lou tnlxiit Jumi as wii sit down mine
meadow and wait for the cow to come up
to be milked, tet up and shake yourself
and make up you mind to turn up Home
thing. If yu have nothing definite in
your mind, then wtir to it. F. Johnson &
i'o., Richmond, Va., aud they will tell you
a thing of two that will make you jump
fi r joy.
A xlliiof the fiHit rimv noon lx recovered, but
that of the tongue perhaps never.
A soap that is soft is full of water, halt
or two-thuds its weight probably, thus
you pay seven or eight cents per pound
(or watr. lloliiil us Electric boap is all
soap and no adulteration, therefore the
chmiHHt and beat. Try Dubbins'
All men are frail, hut thou slioulilst reckon
none o f mil an Uiym-lf.
Ask your drugulst for "Tansill's Punch."
Throat li"cane commence with a Cough,
Cold or Sore Throat, "ilrown hnmcUial Tro
WiiVglvr Immediate rtlluf. iSofd only tit bum.
rnce, eetan.
Tbt Rermki for breakfast.
l UL7
fUSlED bv
Borrowing 1 the can nor aud the deuth of
every hihh' estate.
The Bent Testimonial
yet published for any blood medicine Is the
printed guarantee of tno manufacturer of r.
I'loree's Golden Medical Dlncovery, which war
rant that wonderful medicine to benefit or euro
In all chhi-k of thone dlwanen for which It i re
commended, or money paid for It will be re
turned. It cure all illHcanen arlnlng from torpid
liver and Impure blood and their named are
Union. All Sk in, scnlpaiid Hcrofiilouwarreetlouii,
KruptloiiH, Sored and Hwelllngfi, Hult-rhume,
Totter, KrysljieliiB and kindred dlneaMe, arc
among thane In which the "Discovery" effected
niHrveloiiH curei.
When everything else fall, Dr. Wage's Catarrh
Remedy cured. 60 centH, bo dragglHtii.
He la foot that praloc hlmaelf, snd he a
msdinun that spenks 111 of lilmHclf.
N. P. M TT No. 8ll) -8 V. N. IT. Nn. 7fl
Consumption Kureiy Cured.
To th Editor: Please Inform yonr reader
that I have ponltlve remedy for the above
named dicaHe. By It timely toe thonaanda
of bnpelem '( have been permanently cured.
I ball be glad to tend two bottlea of my reme
dy kkkr to any of yonr reader who have cos
sumption if they will send me their iipreii
and poNtofllce addrena. kexpectfully,
T. A. 8LOCUM. M. C. 181 Pearl at., New York.
The rlcliPHt man, whatever hi lot, la he who'a
content with what he bus got.
J. II. risk, ( hrmext and Aostyer,
(1!. Washington at., Portland, O. Package by
mall or expreitii promptly attended to.
SK t IS a day. B ample worth M.1S
ri fr RKK. Line not snder horsea' feet.
v Write Brewster Mafetjr Beta
Holder Co. Hell v. Mich.
to cuie
The Gelekated French Cure,
I Boi.n on 4
to cure any
form of uervoii
rilHeiute, or any
disorder of the
generative or-
lalng from the
exr.-Knive ue r( Kiimiilnnm, Totuiceo or opium,
or through youthful IndlHoretioii. over tudulg
eucc, Ac, Kuch a Ijw of ltralu Power, Wakeful
ne, Hearing dii'vn Pain In the Back, Hemiun.
W enk uewi, II ynteria, Nervout Prmitratioti Nocturn
al EmiKHioua. Iueorrhoa, lUizliie, Weak Mem
ory, UxMof Power and lmKtenev, which if ne
glected often lead to preniiitureolflagenud iiiHau
ity Pri il.oo a box. G boxe lor $.uo bent by
mail on reelt of price.
A Wltl'lTKN GU AltANTEE forcrervfS.OO
order, to refund the money if a 'erniauut
enre is not effected. Tboimaudi of teatimoniala
from old aud youug, of both exe, penuauetitlv
CllIl by AeHKooiTiNg Circular free Add rem
Hold by Btretblg & Ijne, DrugglaU, oar. Sec
ond Washington St.. Portland, Or.
Having for the past four or fire yean been troubled
with pim;iU and lilntchea on my face and body, and
(hiding no relief in any of the chemically prepared
ihi and medicine preacribt'il for me by phyaiciuia,
I concluded to try your H. B. S. remedy, and have
found great relief In the tame, four boltlua clearing
my skin entirely. I cheerfully recommend your
medicine to all who are In the position thai 1 have
keen in. You can use thia letr aud my name as a
testimonial to the merit of the 8,8.8. remedy.
Very tralr ynura, Alfskd P. HoBtsaoN,
I'Si Soniome ftt, San Franeiaco. Cat.
fr Bend for our bonks on Itlood and Wklu 1)1
aea and advice tn sunVi-Hn, muilert free.
Drawers, Atlanta, (ia.
For busiiieHK ptiniulta at the Portlatid Business
College, Portland. Oregon, oral the Capital Uus
inenn College, bak-tu, Oregon. Both schools are
under the muiiugementor A. P. Armstrong, have
same course of studies aud same rates of tuition.
Iliisiiies, Mho i( hand,
Typewriting, PenmuttKhip and Ivnglish Dtpart
mriita. luy and evening sessions. Studentsdd
mil ted nt any time. Forjoint Catalogue, address
rortlaad BihinrM tiiliurr, AD t, BuMUrv. tollipr,
Portland, Oregon. vA Sulem, Oregon.
One Dozen Assorted Handkerchiefs at
50c., 75c, $1.00 or $1.50, postage
paid for Men, Ladies and Children.
Order anything and everything you want to
use. to wear, to eatorto minute yourself or others,
and it will be furnished at lowest price. Or
der a sample eopv of the Horn Circle, coutainiug
price list of over .1,000 articles used hi families
and it will be sent you free of cost. Order a few
samples of dry goods to compare price aud qual
ity with orders, Orper nt ouce it will pay you.
I do not mean 'merely to atop them for a time and
then have them return again. I awan a radioal euro.
1 have made the disease of kith, sriLRrav or rLL
1NO hiukNKsh allte-loag study. 1 warrant my remedy
to ouro the worst uanes, Boeause others have failed 1(
no reason for not u j reoeiviiiK a cure. Hend at onoe
tor a treatise aud a free Kittle of my lufalllble remedy.
Ulve Express and Pnat Oftiee.
U O. BOOT M. O. 183PearlSt..NeYork.
dlenenn a ItanirernnM Fan It
In the kidney. When inai'tlve they peedlly
fall into disrepair. Those obstinate and fatal
maladies, Bright' disease and diabetes, ensue
with terrible ccitalnty upon the Inaction of the
organs airecicu. oatairnof the bladder, enurcsl.
gravel and strangury are also to lie apprehended
from a partial paralysi of the bladder, of which
weakness and sluggishness are the cause, Hoa
tetter'Htomiich Hitters i a fine tonfo al pro
moter of activity for tiic renal organ, and one
which can be relied unon to afford them the nt-
qelslte stimulus without exciting them an
e fleet to be feared from the unmedlrated alco
holic excitant of commerce. A further benefl.
cent effect of the Bitter, by renewing activity
of the kidneys. I to eni.ble them to drain from
the blood in It passage throun them, impuri
ties productive of rheumatism and dropsy.
Nervousness, fever and ague, constipation and
dyspepsia are conquered by the Bitter.
Great talker are like leaky pitcben-every-thing
niLS out of them.
Iwa taken lck while at the dinner table
with terrible distress iu mv stomach. Before
thi I had bceu hearty and strong. For fourteen
day 1 kept getting worse, despite the effort of
two doctor. I lost forty pound, aud wa satin
fled that I could live but a few davs. My trou
ble was Ktomaeb and Uver Complaint, result
ing in au attack of bilious colic. At this time
I saw I)r. David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, of
Kondout N. Y , advertised, and ent for a bot
tle. 1 also ent for my physician, and told him
that I wa going to try the Favorite Remedy.
He examined it and told me tu use It three davs
and let him know the result. In the three day
I walked four mile. Dr. Kennedv' Favorite
Remedy has aufed my life. W. 8. iter, Slate
Mills, Ro Co., Ohio.
Dk. Kennedy' Favorite Remedy, made at
Roundout, S. Y- $1; B for :.
Hend for book, bow to cure Kidney, I.lver and
Blood disorder.
It 1 a good thing to be able to let go the less
for the sake of the greater.
Sure cure for blind, bleeding and Itching Piles.
One box has cured the worst ease of ten year'
standiug. No one need suflVr ten minute after
using Kirk.' German Pile Ointment It absorbs
tumors, allay the itching, acta a a poultice,
give relief. Dr. Kirk's German Pile Ointment
Is prepared only for Piles and itching of the
private part, and nothing else. Every box la
warranted :
Bold by Druggists aud sent by mall on receipt
of price, 11.00 r box. J. J. Mack A. Co., Whole
sale Agents, ban Francisco.
HI FIN WAV aaAat;Ia, fEtAlsa.
9 1 till If n I UACM. Gainer, Koenlal
Plaooa; Biudett Orssua, band tnstromenla Laresr
took of Boat Musk sod Books. Bands nprilod '
Kassero Pitas. MATTHIAS GRAY OO. M Tm
IMM, gs Fraud
IPiao's Bemedy fcr Catarrh la the I 1
Beat, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest I 1
I Sold by druggist or sent by malL 1 I
J 50c, K.T. Haxelthie, Warren, Fa. II
JT jtOwmm ta 1
li aassBiriaun.
fel striealybyess
lp llrua CksBttsl Ot.
t prescribe and folly ea
dorse Big O as the only
specific fortheuerlaiocura
of this disease.
O. H. IStiKA H AM. M. D.,
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We have sold Big G for
many years, and ;t ha
Stpii me oest OI sati
nion. D. E. DYCHE & CO..
Chicago, 11L
S1.00. Sold by Druggist.
nto cRoaa oiamonp aaaNo. A
ThMlrRHsMDUlbriwle. HafeMX
1 Vk: a. tid nure. Ladlm, ak Drueidn lortl
siaNV" 1'lMnoaS Brand, In r4, nw- W
JJt.m boxr., R.ld witb blus riliSua.
tfivYTake atker. All pint is pwtebutrd
tittxm with Bins wrappers art aanawvas
Mu.tbili. KMd Aa. Hamuli for nv.
tiuular. teaumontsia. ew.. asd
Tur Ladlea," in letter, by ivtara malt
t kkanlar Oesu t, XmUmm Bv, raUa, fa,
And expenses to represent the
Pacific Land and Loan Co.
In thi county. Best of reference required. Ap
ply at Home Office.
Flood HnlldlnsT. Man Franrlaro. Cal.
It snperlor exaelleno proven to millions of hdsnestot
morettan a quarter of a oentury. It I used by the
United fftatoa OoTernoiaDt. Kudorsed by the beads ot
the (treat Uulverr ties as the fitroaireet, Purest and most
Healthful. Dr. Prion i Oream Basina Powder dries no
oootaiu Aamonla, Lime Of Alum. Hold only to San.
Riwabd n yo nave an Old Sore that need
healing, and that other remedies have failed to
heal; or a breaking out or Itching of the scalp
or body; or a Boil, Burn, Cut, or any ailment for
which a Halve i mltable, buy a 25-cent box of
Mexican Halve), which I Warranted to
Core when everything else fail. If not kept by
your druggist send 25 cent la stamp to J. C.
pBKXrfT, Aft, Astoria, Or., and receive a box
by malL
Restored 'Im
Meanutertagrnim l.oai ig-or
iervoas romty, ITS
stare -Ulne. etoH r-
suiUngtron iadKcrUoDe,mMH.
. reiisstii
h rHla,tf
'ant Place, New York
sT b. "Bt r.TT J. i . 1 , sw
7 ' W'
I t f
by return mall,
loll descriptive
circulars of
or DKCsseumtia.
Any lady of ordi
nary intelligence
can easily and
quickly learn to
cut and make
any garment, In
aoy style to any
".-! or cmia. AQdret
I, , - Cineinatli, 0.
Manufactured from FINEST SPRISO STEEL,
Kubber Coated, butine aud Satla Covered.
Not to Bust, Break or Split. Stitched to the
Seams, Xo pockets or hot iron required.
r A I IXI M BEWARE of worth
OAU I IVeSlNi less Imitation, gee
that "EVER BEADY " i stamped on the back
of each Sav.
Are made of the same material, with elaatlo
ends and Burkles.
iTHr-Ask for the EVER-READY Stay and Ex
tendon, and take no other. ,
N5 Market Street, S. F.
'l ftND
:i 3U00 punrr
: ilKEtUa
Ji ofiptftO 5f
PIE 1.00
Dr. Pah's I
The Great Cure
f'i?nicE i.ep
A Regulator of the Liver f Kidneys.
Serofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia,
And all other blood and Skin Diseases.
It ia a jiositive cure for all those Painful, Delicate
Complaints ami complicated troubk'3 and "Weaknesses
common amon our Wives, Mothers ami Daughters.
Tho effect is immediate and lasting. Two or three
dose.i of Dr. Pardee's Kemedy taken daily keeps
tho blood cool, the liver and kidneys active, and will en
tirely eradicate from the system all traces of Scrofula,
Salt Khenm, or any other form of blood disease.
No medicine ever introduced in this country has met
with such ready sale, nor given such universal satisfaction
whenever used as that of Dr. Pardee's Kemedy.
This remedy lias been used in the hospitals throughout
the old world for the past twenty-five years, as a specific
for the above diseases, and it has ami will cure when all
other so-called remedies ixl.
Send for pamphlet of testimonials from tnose who have
been cured by its use. Druggists sell it at $1.00 per
bottle. Trv it aud be convinced.
Pardee Medicine Company, Rochester, N, Y.
IpRLPaPtB t'l
AND fiW!
- 3LEQD purjnn
: ; PREPiFEB 61
Will Raise Ten Times More Water. '
Our Celebrated Vapor Engines and Revolving Power Pumps,
With everything for a complete "plant." Specially adapted for the Farmer, Hotel, etc., for Water Works, Irrigating and Fire Protection. Write
for our figures. ' .
mOIlOIH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, SIS California Htreet, Han FrancWco.