The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 03, 1888, Image 4

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Epilese of the Principal Erati
Attraetisg Pablie Interest
Devoted Principally to Washington
Teiritcry and California,
Twenty thousand acies in Douglas
county, 111., are Under water.
It In reported that Ediaon has sold
his interest in the phonograph for
$1,000,000 to a New York man.
Near Parkersburg, W. Va., a boy
was mistaken for a ground hog and
fatally shot.
Some of the bedding of Arkansas is asserted, has not been
washed or cleaned in four years.
England is haying a summer worth
mentioning. Snow has been falling
tli is month in the suburbs of London.
Three million dollars, it is now said,
is the extent of the loss by the floods
in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Will Houghton was hanged at
Winston, N. C, for the murder of a
negro woman.
Edward Deacons, a tramp who had
nmrdered Mrs. Ada Stone because she
refused him food, was hanged at
Rochester, N. Y.
Kiippendorf, Dittman & Co.'s fac
tory at Cincinnati, O., was destroyed
by fire. Loss, $310,000: insurance,
f 161,000.
Charles H. Wright, of the Detroit
postoffice, who has been supposed to
have been stealing letters for the past
thirteen years, has just been arrested.
A sailboat containing four young
men was upset in a squall on the lake
opposite ISorthwood, Minn., and its oc
cupants drowned.
King Humbert's palace at Rome
contains two thousand rooms, but the
King and his family occupy only 125
of them.
1 he Mormon - hierarchy is said to
pay Mr. A. M. Gibson a salary of
jflU.UUU a year to look after the mter-
ess of Zion at Washington.
lue department ot state has in
formation that incendiary fires at
Port-au-Prince destroyed about one'
fifth of the town including many of
the public buildings.
ine roisora neirs, one ot wnom is
Mrs. Cleveland, have filed a petition
for a partition of their several interests
in fifty lots in Omaha, valued at
fceveral hundred thousand dollars.
A party of fourteen lumbermen were
drowned on Mattawan river, Quebec.
The lumbermen were drunk and in
attempting to run the rapids their
canoe was overturned and all hands
The boss aligator hunter of Welaka,
Fla., is L. A. Morris, he having killed
last week twenty-three good-sized
ones, which net with teeth, hide and
carcass, about $1 50 each. He also
bagged thirty-six small ones.
Henry Romas was stabbed to death
by Theodore Sutter, at Chicago, 111.
The murdered man had been keeping
company with Sutter's sister and
thereby incurred the displeasure of
the brother.
A collision occurred on the Norfolk
fc Western road, near Lynchburg, Va.,
between two freights, killing both en
gineers, one fireman and five of the
crews. The loss of property is f 100,-CO0.
Two photographers who went out to
get & photograph of a wrecked train
on the Burlington road, were set upon
by a mob of strikers and severely
beaten. Ihe photographic instru
ments were smashed.
A passenger train on the Milwaukee
road, struck a cow near Red V ing,
Minn., and three cars went down an
embankment. W. O. Clark, of Hur
ley, Wis., was crushed to death, and
two ladies were injured, one having a
leg broken.
Carriages containing a weddin?
party on their way to the preacher's
house at Plymouth, Luzerne county,
Penn., the other day, ran over and
killed a little girl. The whole party
were arrested, and the marriage did
not take place.
A fatal boiler explosion occurred at
the coal shafts of Williams fe Moss,
near Zion, Ky. David Stone, the en
gineer, and Moses Haskin, thu fire
man, were killed, and Fred Williams,
and Frank Throff and Alexander
Longnecker were badly scalded. The
latter will die.
Final preparations for the search
for the treasure of the British ship-of-war
Braak, sunk near Delaware break
water in 1793, are complete, and the
expedition will start in a large vessel,
with ocean charts, maps and nauti
cal instruments. The bulk is believed
to contain ?2,000,000 in Spanish gold.
Mr. Zachar, of Wisconsin, who, on
account of a little disagreement with
his father, has been going without
food for fifty-three days, has at last
consented to eat something. Living
on water, however fat the animalculae
may be, emaciates a man more or less,
and Mr. Zachar isnsiderably skele
tonized. Ben Dutton, a farm hand, went to
the house of John Lamont, three
miles east of Bryden, N. Y., and at
tempted to kill Lamont and Miss
Root, a young woman employed in
Lamont's family. Dutton fired one
bullet at Lamont, which took effect in
his face, and four at the girl, all of
which took effect.
A recent deer hunt near Martin,
Tenn., came to a queer end. After
the sportsmen had chased the animal
for several miles, and the hounds were
close to its heels, the frightened ani
mal turned suddenly, and, running up
to one of the hunters, tucked its head
nnder his arm, as if for protection.
No one had the heart to kill the plead
ing animal, and the hunt was abandoned.
Devoted to
the Interests of
and Stockmen.
Leone Derogto, aged 49, fell off a
haystack in Clover valley, Nev., and
brcke his neck.
Ex-Justice of the Peace, William
Henly, of Sacramento. Cal., com
mitted suicide at the Western hotel,
by taking morphine. eyices anas w. it. short, sus
pected of complicity in the robbery of
a stage and the murder of a passen
ger in onasta, county, tjai., was ar
rested by Sheriff McCord.
G. N. Galloway, a freight brake-
man, was 'thrown from a train at
Tuoon, Ariz., while making a curve
west ot the depot. lits neck was
dislocated, and he died immed
A destructive fire occurred in the
Hidden Treasure drift mine, at Sunny
South, Cal. Two miners, Robert Mc
Kitchnie and John Bowering have
been taken out dead, and several ethers
were fatally burned.
Mrs. P. Dempsey, of Fort Brage,
CaL, forced her two children to drink
whisky, and gave them no food. The
oldest, a boy of 3 years, could not sur
vive the shock to his little brain, and
died in convulsions.
Joseph Martran, an Italian, aged 43,
was crushed to death at Los Angeles,
Cal., while making an excavation for
sewer pipe. Three other men were
badly injured internally, and one had
a leg broken.
The custom house c Ulcers at San
Francisco have seized 360 five-tad
boxes of smuggled opium on the
bark Forest Queen, bound for Hono
lulu. The opium arrived on the
What Uai Made the Montr?
Have you stopped to inquire what
has made the money in farming for
the last year or twot It would per
haps be easier to U 11 what has not
made mouej for in the tatter cate
gory are to be included our two great
est staph s, wheat and beef. It is the
les-ser staples that huVd paiJ hogs,
fat sheep, potatoes, beans, poultiy,
eggs, and many of the Btill sm. tiler
sources of income on the farm. Core
has been a source of profit to those
who have had that grain for sle, and
especially the few who can now place
it on the market, but the many farm
f-r who have bought it and fed it to
c title have no very cheerful remarks
to make on this score. The average
in smaller product, however, has not
been bad, and do not forget that the
farmer who makes money every year
and there are those who do is the
one who always has eome of these
smaller products for sale.
The new wheat crop of Australia is
estimated at ten bushels per acre,
which is a higher average than any at
tained in the colony since 1S73.
Young shade trees should be
trimmed into shape the first few
years after having them set out. The
beauty of a shade tree depends upon
the shape given it when young.
A bit of freshly burnt charcoal in
the water in which Hyacinths, etc.,
are growing, (in glasses) will keep the
water sweet a long time, and prevent
the necessity of changing it.
Late potatoes can be put in on the
gronnd formerly occupied by peas.
Of all tlllmra which man ran An fir mal?i hei-A I
below, by far Ihe moat momentum, wondarfal I
aud worthy nro the thing we call books. I
Reliable Quotations Carefully Revised
Every Week.
WHEAT Valley, fl 22JU 23
Walla Walla, l 15 I 18.
BARLEY Whole, fl 101 12J:
ground, per ton, 325 0027 DO.
OATS Milling, 3G38c. ; feed, 44
HAY Baled, $18 00.
SEED Blue Gracs. MjQlGe.; Tim
othy, yjlOc; Red Clover, 1415c.
FLOUR Patent Roller, $4 00;
Country Brand, $3 75.
EGGS Per doz, 20c.
BUTTER Fancy roll, per pound,
2.H5. ; pickled, 20325e. : inferior
grade, 1525j. "
CHEESE Eastern, 1620c.; Ore
gon, 14lCc; California, 11 jc.
VEGETABLES Beets, ptr sack,
$1 50; cabbige, per lb., 2c. ; carrots,
pcrrk., $1 25; lettuce, per doz. 20o.
onions; $1 00; potatoes, per 100 lbs.
90c.$l ; radishes, per do., 1520c.
rhubarb, per lb., 6c.
To helD the rtirtlt at. In In nnt ntilv entnrnrtnrl
bblo lu a general po nt of flow, b it Is Judicious
and prudent when that ln-lp U ml at d in De
lia n oi in" nam sine or ine ouay, Juat over toe
lower ritjs in the reirion of the liver. Thu mom'
efficient help is afforded i,y HoateUer'xtitomuch
i micro, an uuu-uiiiuui iiK'inciiio or lncompir
ableetllcacy. Inaction of the liver is accom
panied by constipation. Bick-hetulache, furred
tongue, nausea, oicii-louul stillio, and un
pleasant breath, yellowness of tHo skin and
ball of the eve. 'I he author of the-e nvinu-
toms. liver cnmnlalnt. ro itcd bv fie Hitter m
accompanied by them in I'm flight. Fever and
ague, which always iuvolv. u the liver, dyxpep
Bia. rlituinati-iin, debility and kidney troubles
are all maladies to the early relief and rlnuicure
ui vwui.ii inn Bianuara tuixilclne is adapted.
Uon't use it by tin and starts, but systemati
cally, that its full clIVcls may result lu a per
fect restoration of health.
The taturv of nrodiimlltv lead tn tlilu that
be who w ill not ecouumizo w ill have to agonhco.
Gentlemen: E 'closed Undone dollar for
which i-ei.d me the genuine lilt. C. Mc
LasksCelkbiiaieo I.tvta Filijj. The
druggist here keepi the coimteif it, but 1
mu-a nave iiih genuine. We have lieen
uing your pills fur thirty-three years and
have foun i them batter than any other.
V e use them in cae of ch 11a aud fevi r
dysemary, bad coldx, i!iuuHiira, head
ache and kindred troub'e. We highly
reconimena mem io an - utterera.
Floral C.ty, Fla , O t. 28th. 1887.
JM1W. t. U. 11AMBKKK.
A Queer Arabian Custom.
An Arabian tomb Is a o;t of house, j
more or less luxurious, according to
the family means. There are balls and
rooms or open courts. Mourners spend
the night and part of the succeeding
day in religious exerciies, and distrib
ute gifts and food to the poor and des
titute. Many a poor devil gets the
only square meal of his year on Good
Friday. It was a queer sight the
motley crowd. There were rich ladies
veiled, o: ly their dark eyes
anil a little white complexion others
Telle 1, too, but revealing a skin face of
almost ebon blackness. There were
poor v omen with fares only half cov
ered, and forsaken women with uncov
ered countenances. Thera were rich
men preceded by out-runners, and poor
men on donkeys and nfoot. The alleys
through the tombs nrc only a few feet
wide. This motley crowd would meet
and jostle ngainst e::ch other, all lti
t"iit upon their pious outing. Carter
IL Harrison, in Lhicnga MaiL
The Eaisin-Grape Colony of
the North. .
Abandant Balnfmll X Jroagbt.
three miles ewt of Redding, the counter
seat of Shasta. The surface of the land is
level and gently rolling. The soil is particu
larly adapted to the production of ItaUin
Grapes. Ail Citrus and Tropical Fruits do
well. The colony consists of 1480 acres, and
has been subdivideoMnto 20, 40 and 80 acre
tracts. Bnad avennaa, running north and
south and east and west, have been laid out
l.-imber can be obtained from miles in vicinitv
of Keddtng at 310 and 12 per I.U The climate
is very even. Extreme cold is unknown.
lric6S range from ff'M to $-V3 per ct. Terms J
easy, for full particalars, etc., apply to
HONEY In comb, per H., 18c; L 'LT. ?r T K t,e;,dacef wiiousne.
ulD t Tt- - i i i. . .a, .i... : ...
steamer Farthia from Victoria, aud "T. r;1 " .
was transferred to the batk. ler-, " umel u"""i UUW'8W
Plantation Philosophy.
Widout trust dar ain't nuthin gain
ed; widont trust dar ain't nuthin lost.
When er man puts hisse'f ter gre't
trouble ter show me dat he has tol' de
truff, I knows dat he has tol' me er
De 'oman dat doan hate kain't leve;
aride straunger she hates some man,
de . straunger she lubs some udder
man. '
I neber did think dat de sharp man
does de country any good. De fox is
er good deal slier den de boss, but he
-ain't nigh so straung.
Wu thinks mo' o de man dat neber
would eomerdate us den we does do
man dat 'comerdated us three times
but failed n the fou'th.
jS'o one can hurry through early
and middle life, filling his days witk
exciting business and much of his
nights with exciting pleasures and
hope to enjoy a vigorous and valuable
old age. Moderation, temperance, a
calm mind and an unburdened con
science are among the first- essentials.
The best possible care of the physical
system is also requisite. Montreal
James Leary, stumbled and fell in
front of a cable car at San Francisco.
Before the gripman could apply the
brakes the car passed over the man's
leg. He was taken to the receiving
hospital, and died from the shock in
about an hour.
Giovanni Bistano, an Italian, was
killed a Sau Francisco by the caving
in of a sewer. The trench, which was
eight feet deep, caved in and covered
the man with sand. His fellow lab
orers succeeded in digging Bistano
out, but life was extinct.
John Murphy, 13 years ol.l, was
drowned in the San Joaquin river,
near Stockton, Cal., while bathing.
Murphy and another boy had been
ducking each other. During the
sport Murphy ventured beyond bis
depth and was carried away by the
Haywood Reed, of Sacramento, Cal.,
conveyed two small boys across the
river in bis boat, and on reaching the
other side they commenced wading in
the water. Both went over a step-otl"
and were dragged into the current.
The younger, aged 9, a son of Wm.
Laniphey, was drowned.
The Otago, 870 tons, Captain W.
Collins, left Seattle with 1331 tons of
coal, bound for San Francisco. While
three and a half milts north of Point
Reyes, she became lo&t in a heavy fog,
and before the captain could locate
her position she was among the break
ers, and had strck. The vessel and
cargo are a total lef s.
A disastrous fire occurred at Santa
Fe, N. M., by which the Catron build
ing, containing the opera bouse, pest
effice, Mfxican office, a book and news
stand, and an extensive law library
and offices, was destroyed, and several
other buildings were badly damaged.
The los aggregate f TO 000 ; insurance
George Grassc-l and Rhiwold Frye,
two coopers, had a fight at San Fran
cisco, and the former was badly dam
aged about the head. Ha retired to
his house, followed by Frye, who at
tacked him with a cooper's axe and a
long knife, burying the knife in his
groin and nearly severing Grassel's
arm with the axe in an endeavor to
reach his head.
Charles Jansen, of Los Angtles,
Cal., committed suicide in a ni'iet
shocking manner. He used a double
barreled shotgun, and tied a handker
chief from the toes of his right foot to
the triggers, so that both barrels were
discharged at once, blowing one side
of his face and half of his head off and
spattering his brains against the ceil
ing of the room, making a most sick
ening sight.
At a ma3S meeting of citiiens at
San Francisco, a memorial was drawn
for presentation to congress setting
forth that 9,000 Chinese have been
landed on writs of habeas corpus
since 1884, and that the violation of
law has been accomplished through
the agency of federal., courts. The
memorial further charges that there
are now 4,000 Chinese in San Fran
cisco without certificates, wno have
been landed on writes of habeas cor
pus, and who are now out on bail. In
conclusion the memorial demands the
impeachment and removal of Lorenzo
Sawyer, judge of the United State
circuit court of the ninth cireuit, and
George M. Sabin, district judge for
the district of Nevada.
J. E. Harrison, a policeman, tried
to arrest a Spaniard at San Jose, Cal.,
when the man drew a pistol and shot
at the i fficer three times. One ball
nipped a piece out of Harrison's ear,
one went through his vest under his
left arm and the other went between
bis finger.-", breaking a cane in hi
hand. The efficer then drew hie
weapon and began firing. He put
three bullets into the Spaniard, one
through the body near the heart, one
through the bowels and one through
the thigh. The Spaniard died a short
time af ter.
struiucd, 5 gal. tins, per lb. S$ j.
FOULTRY Chickens, per doi.
$3 505 50; ducks, per doz., $5 00&
7 00; geese, 6 O03 00; turkevs,
per lb., 12c.
Fills never fail tu Klve relief -for both
texcig and al aore, tliry are compounded
wun regard to even ihe mmt delicate con
sitHitoin. Sold by alt driicgists Price
cents. "reparei only b r If minor Bros..
Fit abureh. Pa.. l xk out for an imitation
PROVISIONS Oregon hams, 12Jc made in St, Lauis w hich is often palmed
tier lt. : Kasvsrn. Hfil SJc. : K:tter!i "uulc'"' iuniiwni as uu o,
1 l.f 1 13 1 . ,k
,,i.f.. pi iU., mcrn Industrr has annexed thereto the fairest
LVUij ; JliJStern laru, J.t.'(j)l l CJ. per fruits and the richest rewards.
lh t)rMrin. 10A(V
. , . . . , A I" it Oil l r. r .MKKCMANT
tiiir.,. rittus Appios, z wi iiiuiule.
(S2 50; Sicily lemons. 7 50(39 00 ; Old moneybag mope i.i hU offlce all day,
rr j... t-.- - .... . . v-' 'I As n muish and cixjss as a bear:
ainotnia.SJ OV(SJ w; aval oranges The tlerk know euoiuh to keepoutof Ida way
A contented spirit is the sweelness
of existence. Z,ce.".
Much fashionable extravagance is
niaiutu'.ned at the expense of unpaid
Doubt is the v-stibule which all
must pass before they can enter the
temple of wisdom.
Some temperance men are so punc
tilious that they will never permit them
selves to aj per in good snir ts. Bos
Ion l'osi.
If the regrets which too often lie
at the end of life could be put into firm
resolutions at the beginning, they
would alter the aflairs of life.
All the possible charities of life
ought to be cultivated, and where we
can neither be brethren nor friends, let
us be kind neighbors and pleasant
acquaintances Iiurkc
Each man sees a truth for himself;
no two see it in precisely the same
way. The people who require absolute
uniformity can not get it without a
change of human organization. United
Cut off all diseased limbs from the
pear ttees should evidence of blight
appear, and swab the limbs with lin
seed oil. Barn the branches taken ofl
and keep the soil stirred.
Late corn for fodder can be planted
now. Sow it thickly in the rows, so as
to have tha stalks small and Under.
Sorghum alio makes an excellent fod
der crop, and is highly relished by
A correspondent at Albi.m, M
savs "our farmers are the most iotelli
eent, frugal and industrious itt the
State. Our town is free from debt and j
has but three paupers, taxes are low
and consequently we have not the
Western fever."
Melons will now 6-nd out shoots,
while the eatlier kinds will blossom.
Do not work them in the hi la to xs tu
disturb the roots, but work the ground
around them and in front of the
shoots. Should weeds or grass appear
in the hill pull them up.
All young animals are more eacily
stuuU d while they are dependent up
on milk as their principal ftnxlthan at
any other time, and for this reason
considerable care should be exercised
to see that a steady growth is main
tained. A stunted animal is not de
sirable, to say the least.
After your first crop of clover is re
moved apply 100 pounds t-f dry-land
pi tstei per acre over the field, and it
will improve the second growih. Ou
some soils plaster is a special fertilizer
for c!over. On light sandy soils a
mixture of two parts wool ashes and
one part plaster is better.
Corn endures drought as well as any
crop grown, but only when the held
is kept clean. A thorough cultivation
of the field after a shower is bettet
than a coating of manure, as it pro
tect? the roots and affords a great sup-
! ply of moisture. The work is easily
done under the check-row system.
It will soon, be time for the hens to
molt. Keep the hens that begin to
molt earlv, as thev will be reioy for
winter laying before thoe that do not
molt until late in the season. Sell oS
all the extra mal-js and late-hatched
chicks. Feed very little corn, and
give fre3h meat three times a week.
The Ohio Station, having tested
nine different kinds of tomttoes, viz:.
Acme, Advance, Buist's Beautv, Liv
ingston's Beauty, Cardinal, Clim.ix,
Favorite, Mikado, and Perfection, findi
that the Cardinal, from Henderson,
gave the greatest weight of tomat'jes
to a given number of plant, and
Livingston's Beauty, from Livingston,
It will cost but llttlo to keep the
surface of the ground around young
trtes well sprinkled with fine lime
Many insects will avoid the lime, and
on tome soils the lime will prove bene
ficial. An excellent mixture for such
purposes is two parts wood ashes, one
part lime, and one part coarse salt.
Only a email quantity need be used at
each application.
This is the season for growing root
crops. Beets, parsnips and carrots
are now well advanced, but they re
quire clos' attention in order to keep
the rows clean. After each rain the
ground should be cultivated, and if
grass has taken hold between the
plants it will pay to use the hoe. By
so doing it the roots will be larger,
better in quality, and a fair yield se
cured. It should be noticed that when
small seeds of tender plants, such af
purslane, are buried deep in the
ground, they will lie dormant unt.p,
by the working of the ground, they
are brought quite near the surface,
where the temperature and free access
of air favor their sprouting. After the
first shower they will usually cone up,
aud should be kdled before thy show
more than two or three leaves. After
they liecome an inch or two long it it
hard to keep them from going to Beet!
without lugging thm out of the field.
It Woke Him Up.
"You seem thoughtful, this evening.
Bobby, said the minister, who was
making a call.
Mr. Goodman," inquired Bobby,
rousing himself, "wiat is vocabu
lary P"
The minister kindly told him.
"1 heard it this morning," Boby ex
plained, "and I didn't know what it
meant. Ma said she had no iile.i what
a vocabulary pa had until she heard
him taking down the parlor stove.
Harper1 Bazar.
$6 00; Riverside, f I 00; Mediterra
nean, f-l 2a.
"KlEU KUHS Sun dried ap
pies, lis. per lb. ; machine dried, 10
11c; pit'ess" plums, 13c,: Italian
prunes, 1014c. ; peaches, 12J1L
raisins, $2 402 50.
WOOL Valley, 17lSc: Eastern
Orecou. y15i;.
HIDES Dry beef hides, 810j.
culls, G7.; kip and calf. 8(U0j.
Murrain, 10 12,;.; tallow, 33e.
LUMBER Rough, per M, $10 00
edited, per M, f 12 00; T. and G.
8he.ttliini;, jwr M, $1J 00; No. 2 Cooi
ing. per M, IS UU; INo. z ceiling, per
M, 18 00; No. 2 rustic, perM.flS 00;
clear rough, per M, f 20 00 ; cler P. 4
S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flxinng, per
M. HI 50; No. 1 ceilinir, i-r M,
$22 50; N. 1 rustic, ier M, $22 50;
stepping, per M, $2a 00; over 12
incites wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to fiO,
xtra.fl 00; 1 lath, per M, $2 2
1J lath, per M, $2 50.
BEANS Quote small whites,! t 50 ;
piiiks, $3; bayos, $3; butter, $4 50;
Lnnas, $4 oO per cental.
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 33Jc;
dressed, G;;. ; shep, 3c; dre-sed, C. ;
hogs, dressed, Syj.; veal, 8c.
luttti, ttiote ffaivauor, He
Costa Rica, 1820c. ; Rl 1S20;;
Java, z tc; ArbuckleV reasted,22
SALT Liverpool trades of fine
quoted $13, $19 and $20 for the three
sizes; stock salt, $10.
PICKLES Kegs quoted steady at
SUGAR Prices for barrels; Golden
C. 7c; extra C, 7.Jc. ; dry granulated,
cc. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
powdered, SJc; extra C, 5 :. ; halves
and boxes, if. lusher.
ion are a jewel." said the rnb
Ing young man to his girl; "and I'm
going to hare you set." And then he
quietly took her in his lap. Yonkers
in:a thing Is gittin conta
gious!"' said a boy who had several
times been told to 20 to bed. "What
do you mean?" askd his father. "1
mean that I shall catch it if 1 don't
move on:" The Teacher,
"Clara," said the old man from the
head of the stairs, "hasn't that young
man gone jet? "o. sir.' came
back an exceedingly prompt reply, and
it wasn t m Clara s voice 1 i her, hut
he is going at once, sir." The Epoch.
Cousin Arabella "Well, Kittv,
what did you think of Lohengrin '
last night?" Kitty (from Oshkosh)
"I uou t like to give any opinion, as
the only operas I've seen at home
were 'Unclrt Tom's Cabin' and 'Ten
.igiiis iu a tsar-room, ami incv re so
different, you know." Harvard La tn-
"1 hear they are going to have a
lonkev partv at B '3." sai l a Par
smvil'.e man to hU neighbor. "Sol
understand," was the reply; "are you
going?" "Of course I am." said the
Parsonvi'le man, " they couldn't have
the party without me!" And he
couldn't make out what tho other fel
low was laughing at, St. Allans JA j
sen jer.
Husband (to wife) "I've been out
half the day trying to collect money,
and I'm road enough to break the fur
niture. It bents nil how some men
will put off and put off. A man who
owes money and won't pay it isn't fit
to associate." Servant (opening the
door) "The butcher, sorr. is down
stairs with his bill." Husband "Tell
him to call again." Life.
Love's Hy etb le She ' Here it
my new photograph!" He "Beauti
ful, thrice beautiful! Showing you an
angel, but the limner an earth-born
clod." She "Why do you say t lint,
swoct?" lie "Because." She "Be
cause what, foolish?" He "Because,
why, because darling, with you as a
subject I could take a better pieturt
than that with an accordion." 1'uck
"is niei-e any sueii tiling as law It,
this country I should like to know?''
said an irate individual as he rushed
into the prosecuting attorney's office.
"Yes, of course there is," was the re
ply. "Whereabouts?" "Just glance
through that copy of the revised stat
utes over there." Merchant Ttaveler.
Augustus Popinjay (to his country
cousin) who -is on a visit to the family)
"Do you object to ihe weed, Bella?"
Bella: "2Jo. but pa does. He's at 'em
with the hoe early and late." Burling
ton Free 1'rest.
Lest the in. n hint ahould eruinbleand swear.
even ltioy. me c it. ii in lor oi a cull.
Or a Ick-k. if she venture too near;
They all nww the ma-tt-r m apt o be rough.
Anu nia iriKj uutxpecieu anu.q leer.
What makes the old fellow no nurly and grim
And behave bo conf'.iundcdly meant
There' certiiuly something the. matter with
I it tlomarh. or liver, or sulwn?
we've gutrftacl it - his liver i nluKish and bad.
Ill Dloo 1 1 ni-iOrd --teI aud loul.
It's enough to til-ike anyoua hopelessly mad.
Ana greet tit fe-l Iriena witn a itrowL
'the world-wide rented v. 11.-. P.erce' tiolden
.Mul cjl Uiseovery, will correct a il'ior.lered
uver and purify Hi bliiod. toae your byaleru
ana duiij up j our n-sn ana atreuigw.
General Lew Wallace, the author
of "Ben Hur," Is said to be distressing
ly absent-minded. He has been known
whfeti at breakfast to put two heaping
teaspoonfuls of sugar on a soft-boiled
egg. and then, almost before the laugh
ter had died sua v. to salt his coffee
with great deliberation.
OAX UXDErtW EAit, at 1 aod tX.Ut per nit.
Latent designs la PERCALE SUIUTi. tare latMt
at ! Collan and una pair Cn9. LM eaca.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
232,:Keaniy St., near Bush.
Send tor ill nitrated Catalogue. .
. Tjpfas 0LDZ5T KiDICISE la tha WOBUrrt
I Is Probably Dr. Isaac Thompson's II
Thto artl-U fa a dreftilly peitd pfardrf" ' p
aoiftloo, and ha Wea In eomuol ae tt b -h m
OEUtur. aujl notwttljsUndlo( the waay other pf itn-
UuCia UiM bave Deeu liiwuucea uui uiv win. .
aI of UJa art id jafr-nsrauUrtmavMUAs:. If tidi
r etioM are follfd It will imer fil. We pjrtlc
laily iu rite thr aMeoUoa ot phvuciaiu n H imnjk.
Jcta L. Thorn i son. Eons ft Co.. Tito Y. jv. Y.
SucoBMora to
415 3I05rr03IKRY STREET. .
Call or n Cninnav A Pn 183 First 8t
address " wmuw j " v'Portlim,
It is not true thnt love tnakr ail things easv
it makes us choose w hat i dilfl.:u'l.
It it afe to take BitAXDRKTii'a Pills at
any time, but to get the best results they
should e taken on an emp'y stomach be
fore going to bed. For Constipation or
Dyspi-psia one or two taken every ii'rIu
nil!, in a f-hort time, pM form an abaolute
i-ure. it Ih well to take a uuriritive at
least once or twice a month as a prevent
ive of disease. Urasoheth's Tills are
rutirr ly v gctahle, and the na'et a d mot
ell'ective purgative, ever introduced to ths
public. lhev have been uaed in tins
country forever titty jear.
It Helm's cavalry equals that of Germany and
Austria combined.
To the man or woman who ha never been
ill, the word "hvahh" U mratiiiiKh'&j. But to
Hie one ho has guttered and deMiiaired. health
appears as a iiri- li-m bjon. To the thousauds
oi unfortunate women ho are Battering from
some of the many ft-rms cf weaknesses or ir
regularities peculiar tu thttr sc. iJr. Pierce's
favorite rresciiption himts form the promise
of a tpacuy restoration of this "priceless
The Australian savasres are iwnlnz out of
existence faster than any other aboriginal race.
Diseases can be cir-d. if properly treated In
lime, as shown by the tollowimr statem- nt from
li. I'.iKEEMnx. e-ydnej: -Having been a gret pulmonary attacks, and gradu
ally waKtiriK away for the lul two yea s, it af
lords me pleasure to teti-y that !etft
Kmulxion of C'ld Uver Oil with Lima and
avjda has given me irreat rltef. and 1 cheer
fully recommend it to til sult'rrinir in a similar
way to nylf. In addition. 1 would say that
It Is very pleasant to take.
ctheVarbt firmament 1
. 1 ON HIGH," M
Sang Addison. Bat hadn't yon,
for a few years at least, rather
look at the firmament from the .
underside. r
gbj observing Ihe lavs of healthy
and resorting to that cheat the
grare medicine -
Ton are ont of sorts; a splendid
feeling and appetite one day,
"r while the next day life is a bnr-4
den. If yon drift on in this
way you are liable to become
I mane. "Why T M
Becaose poisoned . blood on
the nerve canters wherein the
jmental faculties are located,
paralyses them and the victim
becomes non- responsible.
w There are thousands of people,
to day In Insane asylums and"
graTes, put there by Kidney
Viilainail Itlaan
. . a M-O M" vwa
7 Tnaanitr. RRftnrd
tics, is increasing faster than
any other disease. . Is your eye-
"Tsight failing! "Tonr memory-
becoming impaired 1 An all
gone feeling on slight exertion
4r.apon you! If so, and
know whether this is so or not,
do cot neglect your case until
reason totters and yon are an
JCimbeciK but tosy while TOUc
hare reason, use your good
sense and jndfrment by purchas
melicines warranted to do as
represented, and which will
cure you.
M PRVntlfi DeolUtr.Loaaef Vieor.tVmlnal
V WO LtHUu i, Weak iIei..orjr, Xteapua
cency, he. doe to excaea or aloae, cured.
YOUNG MEN tlHntt tro-m tha e!?-ta
sv W m m 11 Ctl of juntLfnltolliea or Inclia
eretion shontd avail themiwivea of onr treatment.
A positive cure jruaranteed ia every cae. Syphilis.
L n nary and Venereal Dineasf-s all nnnatiiral dis
charKea, promptly and safely cared.
eww of Kidneys or Bladder. Weak Back, Nervous
lability. wini of beiuj Strength, elcU cored
and resured to Dealt ny viKor.
B. feraona unable to Tiait na war be treated
at tneir nomea. by eorreapendence. Aledicibea anc"
instradiona aent by ma. I or exrre. Coaaoltmtlos
tree. Beodtceats in stair pa tor 'a be Yoaca Jaaa'l
rlend or Uuida V. adlocJc
To es a Day. Samples worth 11.50, FREE,
tines not under the homes feet. Write Bsrw-
sra's SaraTT Rant Hourn Co. . II oil v.M leh.
AJfArrirn agbjt
the market. Address F. PEttfeUX. Koom TT,
Flood Building. San Francisco.
Sold on Trial !
lnrettment pntalL protitm
liaviva. Ssrutt SDc fur
isrich full particalart. Mmj
i tsfaCareaJ Uy
1 1ST tc ! Lake St
A singed cat dreads the fire. I p'ead guilty. I am selling a "new-fangled" machine
On the average lW.uro people.
Brooklyn bridge every dav.
cross the
spnoks an;
11 with ter
To till with terror all the tiiitht
Thai stalk abroad in hideous dreams
With which dvspep-ia' lancy teeiua.
ill never trout. ie with their ills
The man ho trnt it I'ierc-'s Pills.
Dr Pierce's Pliatant l'urgitive Pclleta: veg
etable, liarnilesa. paiu'.rss. sure!
A pun firirir "even 100 lh. shell? a minute ha
just been completed by Armstrong.
neHIHG rlXHS. -Srnr-roWH
MnLrtarr; Interne Itching and stinging,
moat at night; virae by aoau-hing. If allowed to cou
tmue tumor form, wbich irfUza Meed and ulonate,
toiming ery aore. SaiTsi's OintmknT stops the
l-chixig and. Heeding, heals ulceration; and io many
eaues remutea ti.r ttimura. 1 1 la t-tuallv eTneactoua to
curing all lixin liiaeanea. PR. SWAVXK a SON,
Proprietors, I'hi alflhia. buiTHEa Oimtmmt eaa
be obtained oi drugi.t,. Sent by mall fur 50 Cvota.
1 - tt::
OlCllinnit RAIH. Oabler, K-wnisi
Ptaaoa: Bttfdett Oramna. band tastrnaMnta. Largeol
stork ot 8hee Muds and Reeks. Bands neettad at
.. ft
Kaatero Friom.
1 (ma ran fee the 5ew-Faarlrd .tdTiare Mrurstsr to be the beat arain-aavinv. rant.
I est Threaher and mort dnrable 6e part. tor evir made. Bnt, resweanber. it is not an exprri-
T;t. . ,stii niactiaie, as the s)a!jr machines are. Yon are well aware nt the tune lost (that
insanity, accoraing IO StSUS- r- j hBTe to J91T for( ln xpt-nmeiitir(r with ld t try machine. TkeKew'aaslr
Xhreolirr leads the way. The Rrowimfr and kicking- of the Old t oy agents ia only equaled
by the amount of pa n kicked nnt in the straw by the O 4 Fsgy macbi-ea. Of conrse. if you
w Iah a cheap mcchiae. Old Focries will supply yon at your own price; bat their machines are
dear at any price. Yon cannot afford to boy a thresher without examining the AOVAStK.
I K not be talked 'nto baying a machine be anse it is cheap and Old Fg$ ih. Ask the tlt
Fog;y I'nt if they will set beside the wew -fancied ma. hine and let you see whkh ia the
experiim ntal machine, and sold on iUBfr.ta. 1 have never yet had to tall on any court to
help decide the merits of the new fan jc l-d mact ine. Please exai-ine the court records in ref
erence to the Old Kojtle'B plan. Stanv years ago a man built a Biew-rawclea machine,
called a steam engine. Old sjles ihen. as row. stood heck and said they would rwisi tke
ewn at Ir. Its yss sot wast is be talsrd ia tke swe ws) I Ii m.n.ber, the wew
fnwsrled machine is part all riiierlsirsllac. while Old Kecry's machinea are being ex
perimented with all the time, and at y awr exprase. Io not foot with tttem any longer, white
your grain is going to w ate.
Krmraibrr the arw-fntlr narhlsr Is Mid Its anerftn ewtlreljr. Re
member, yonr whole depenrtenc-t is npon yuur crop proceeds, and if yon allow Old Fmgf ma
chinee to wawte onr craisi. you are jostthat mu-h cat of pocket- To prevant tiua. ace
that tie party that does jour threshing procn-esa new-fangled ADt AXl'KTkieskrr,
as they are constructed se ss to save your grain, and hare a better record than any old-fosy
r lachina. Write 'or farther particulars. I am prepared to prove alt my statements L e The
AHVAXt E wiaehl Re will d more and better work than arv other.
hrrrhy ekallrace amy aid focj agrewt tm aaair A eaute where tbe
AIITAKIE marhlar has railed ts ds as re pre sea ted siaee itsa istrsdsetlsat
a ttiiw CssnI. Nhsw p sr shst si p.
Heniember lhat old frw aarenta savina- ttia eenfiai doea sot vnak-A It av Tt m-iTl mv vma m
investigate. I ess prove all I May.
I ab-o sell the well knon hlt.ER WOOIBl'RT POTTER. A number of manu
facturers make them on a royalty but I do not know of any IsMif alioaw. bntam alwava in
clined to look out for those that talk of imitation. I also deal in Lanndry and Marine
Machinery. Farm. Church and School -bells. General Machinery, bwift Oilers, Orme Safety
Valves., Hancock Inspirators, Park Ai Kenn.dy Injeators. Acme and Aliurator
Wrenches. Blacksmith Drills. Pelf-Healing Bath Tuba, the Westinghoose Knginea. See the
prices: 10-horse on wheels, JdO; Traction. $1075; 15 horse Traction. SliOO. Special discount for
rah. (General Agent for Cdourns llysaass and lamps for Eleetrle l.isfe tiwa; 5 tm
T Q... lut it J4 rar.-r. I.irrr IrTicx.r. X&ic a.,4
Ajtor lie.a. Tli Cr.t Ittiwn eotifalBlns lwo adr
ttMSiaasKclea. .r,al,
J. H. FIH.AKayeraBd Analytical
' he an i at. Laboratory, 106 r'irst su, Portland.
Or. Analyses made of all .substances. Itatea
for asaaying gold and silver ores 11.50. Pack
ages sent by mail or express promptly attended
to, and returns made.
"Browa's ltronrlilal Trorhfa" will
relieve BroncliiUA, Asihuia, and Throat Dis
Hints for Pall-Bearers.
When a ni;m is nsktil to net as a
pall-bearprat a ftitior.-il lie ought to seek
out tho otlicr p;iU-b-:m'i-8 ht-fore thv
assume their crnpe and their niournftil
air, and practice the lock-step with
them for an hour or so, or at least until
he can bo confident that they are goin
to keep step wheu they lift up the cof
fin and start off with it, I was a pall
bearer recently, and my arms and
knees pain nie now with the recollec
tion. When a party of pall-bearer-take
up a coffin and step out of time,
the weight comes principally upon the
two end bearers, and it is no easy thiny
for two men to sustain by the shar)
handles of a coffin tbe weight of tin
casket itself and the corpse within.
St- Loui Qlohe-DemooraL
"ln case of an acciTlent, doctor n
broken leg, for instance what is best
to be done while waiting for the physi
cian?" TWell." said tha doctor, "1
think the best thing to be done is to get
his money ready for him." Puck.
AVithin the psst few m-nth the Bald
win II tel has been refurnished and re
fitted throuehout, nmkiiirr it the most ele
irant house in te country, ltesidea tbe
convenience and elegance of its appoint
ments, the table Is p-onounced by al to lie
unrivaled making it lu all, everything
that ran he def'red. Our readers wi en
visiting San F areisei t-hould, by all
means, stop at ihe H tldwin.
Try Germka for breakfast.
Ihe Kuimg Passion.
Life was e!ibinr fast, nnd his hours
were few. He was a Third avenue el
evated In akenian, and eating his meais
between stations had sapped his vital
ity. My dear young friend," said the
minister al lii-t bedside, "I trust thai
what has been so graciously vouchsafed
to me to say will comfort tt it tt sustain
you. I will leave yuu now for the
"Very well, sir," responded the sick
man. feelilv. "Steo livelv. rtleao."
By reran, mart. Fall De serration
Mses'r's lew TslUt Mjataaa f lima
Cattxas. St 00 ST A C0 Oiarinnaa. O.
Tour village cannot do without one. Ton must have one for your railla,
be w ithoui a small one in your house. Fur particulara, addresa
Ton cannot afford to
Z. T. WRICHT. Foot of Morrison Street. Portland. Oreeen.
&h0&-&''$r&:.W-:-- 3,-1;-ri-?
cessfnlly Treated wiUioat a "
Personal Consultation.
TE obtaia onr know-!eds of tbe patient's 653
aso by the epphcation, to tbe practice of
medicine, of well-established principles of modem
eek-nee. The most ample resources for treating
lingering; or chronic diseases, and tbe greatest
skill, are thus pieced within tlj easy reach of
invalids, however distant they may reside. Write
and describe yonr symptoms. Inclosing- ten cents
to stamps, and a complete treatise, on yonr pan-
in.iuur wm oe sect ycu, with cur opia-
E3 w no uaiure anu CuraDliity.
HiSAL, Throat
Luns Diseases.
Tbe treatment of Disease of
the Air Passages aaj l.nnco, purh
as Chronic Catarrh in Ihe t3eul,
Iar) tittilt, Rroiiebitls, Act n ma,
and Consiimpllou, both tlirouuh
correspond:iice and at our institutions,
constiiuti-s no importunt snecialty.
We nilblish three flcmritA Iw t.Va ,n
Nasal, Throat and Lunar Disea., which grivv niu h valuable in
formation, vis : (1) A Trefttisa on Consumption. Lafvnsritis and
Itmnehitis; price. post-uid, ten cents. (2) A Treatise on Asthma,
tr Fhtiiisio, arivinir nuir and 8ucc:-5sful treattnent; price, port
pnld, ten cents, i'-ii A Treatise on Curonio Catarrh in tiio Head;
pnoe, post-paid, two cents.
1 1 Nebvous
j Diseases.
Diseases cf
Dyspepsia, I.lver Corn pint nt, Ob.
tluate Conatt pntion, Chronic Dlar
Its superior excellence proreii tn millions of homes for
more than a quarter of a ceutury. It ts lifted by the
United Btates Uovernmeut. Kndorst-d by the heads of
the Ureat liuiverRilies as tha Strongest, Hureat and moat
Healthful. lr. Price's Cream Bakins Powder does not
ooutain Ammonia Lime or Alum. Hold only iu cans.
leaw tork. omicaoo. ai. Louis.
IOO to
t54IO a
niOulh easily made st UiiiK t lie Fai niers' Friend,
a bag holder and scalescombined. Jn"t niiam
thin. tSend for circulars. E. E. BA lit. Mnatjer
t'niret Pound Mfsr. Co.. Tacoma, Wash. Ter.
N. P N. U. No. 213 -S. F. N. U. No 820.
rhea. Tape-vrorma. and kindred afrectiona.
are ainnutr tue clironio diseases In the suo
oessf ul treatment of which our specialists hnve
attained ereat sncs. ur Onmnitn Tret
on Diseases of the Dint-stive Ora-ans will bo sent tv any address
on reoeipt of tea oenta in postairtt stamps.
kindred nialiuties, have been vorv litnrelv treatt-d.
and cures effected ia thou.aand of cases which
hMd been pronounced bc-eond horws. Thrwo rtia-
eoses are readily dinimosticated. or determined.
I bv chemical analysis f the urme. without a
personal examination of patients, who eavai, therefore,
feuerally be aneeeaatully treated at their homes,
he study and practice of chemical annlvsis and microscopical
examination of the urine in our consideration of cna-a, with
reference to correet diaamogis, in which our institution lonar niro
became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practioe
ln diseases of the urinary organs.
rT 1
I riiririere I
Cahtioi I
These diseases should be treated only br c special
fat thoroughly familiar with them, and who is com
petent to ascertain the exact condition and statro
of advancement which the disease lma muM
fwhlch can only be ascertained by a careful chemical and micro
scopical eiaminatiou of the urinel, for medicines which are
curative in one stajre or condition do rsnitlve injury in others.
lieina- In constant receipt of numerous inquiries for a complete
work on the nature and curability of these maladies, written in a
style to bo easily understood, we have published a In-e, Illus
trated Treatise on these diseases, which will be eent to any ad
dress on receipt of ten cents in postago stamps.
tirnvel. Enlarpc-I Irost.ite .land.
Retention of t rine, and kindred aEco
tions, may be Included amona; those in tbe cure
of which our snecialiita fasvn aohinwH Tir.nK.
These are fully treated of in our Illustrated
nt by mail for 10 eta. in stamps.
Pamphlet on Urinary X)iaeasea.
Stricture. ;
XUIjAS. Hundred of rasa of t S wnra ra-m
, of strictures, many of them R-rently afrravated
' bv the enrplocfl lioAnf Inemmnnta I-, ui K-n-
of Inexperienced physicians and si i irons, causing- ttili passaires.
urinary UstuUc, and other compl lent ions, annually consult us for
relic' euro. That no enso of this class is too diCloult for the
skill pf our specialists is proved by cures reported in onr illus
trated treatise on these maladtea, to which we refer with pride.
To intrust this class of cases to physicians of small experinee,
is a dangerous pmceedinar. Many a man has been ruined for
life by so doing:, Tilo thousands annually lose their Itvrw throuch
unskillful treatn.. .it. Send particulars of vour case and ten
cents ln stamps for a large, Illustrate Treatise eontaiuina maay
lat "vinlrt
i is-
Epileptic ConvnlKiono. or rifo. T"a-
st.itu a Dance, Insoaiaia, or inal.tirt?
tuSTR- threatened inanity. Ner.iai
P U. ?' anA Vlry variety of nV rvous affec
tion, are treated bv our nui.u. '
eaw with unusual success. See numerous cases rcDortod 'in L
different illustrated pampbkts on nervous dSealr one r.f
for them is aecoiiipanicd wiili a statement ot a cSe for con2ilt
tion. so th.-t we may knew which oneot our Treati&i to eSd.
. . naTe a Fpec'al Department, devoted
urchi&rtiy to tbe uwtimnt of l)i-!4 of
whether by ktter or in person, is sriveSthS
most careful and consi.lemtA itt,
, portant eases (and we jr. t few which have Vet
!rcady baffled the skUl i of all tu home phTsiciane) haVelhe 'bcn?fi!
?f a','V i sk;ikd speeinlistsT Kooms for todies totj
Invalids- Houl and urgical Institute are vr V rr "te? s,l
wnJntV!L6,?!'iI,"-,r ou,C tompkte Treat on rVaseof
Women, illustrated with wood-eu ji and coiored plate aSeS
Radical Cube
of Rupture.
matter cf bow k.nvr siandina-. or of wiuit lize.
is promptly and permanently cured b
SF.SmKruVaa- wl'ho he katife aiii
wlthont ttraendFure aseu tresses.
Abundant rtlcrcaoca. Send fan awTl
our Illustrated Treatise.
., M J! 1 ' ? ana other diseases rfectina- tbe lewev
i-e worst cast s cf
bowels, are tree.ted with wonderlul tunxes.
a i
pue lumors. are prrmencntly cured ia tlteea to tsrentvdiva;
Send ten cents for lilusLrated Treat iwenty oays.
Orsranle weakness, nervous oebilitv. rrcirsrm-i
decline of the n:anly powers, in vol tin tray
i"D,'nl7l. wtal anxiety, al r.o
eTiih.pow'' mj tancioly, weak back, and ail affec
tions arifinir from routhful indiaeretini.. .diT
sasasBBBwaaasBaB nipmiic niitora , , ' '
and permanentlv cerTdT " iXuy. morougtuy
. y-'f- mnny ytrs apn, established a Fpecial Departroeni for tbo
treatment of there diseases, under the tnanazc DM-rtof some tr
the most skillful physicians' and suraM onur ttaff. tord?5
that all wl:p apply to us mia-ht reetlve all tbe aUvantirca of I
full Council of toe most expeneaced apecialists.
TTe offer no anoloarv for Amti-mr
, , . " - ;v 11 ' .uio ur: n.ei-u caia or
We Offer
ocuavinir 1
t"0 wretched
that no condition of humnitT
to merit the Drn...rfh
best servicos of thn ncl io ihi.;i .
. . . '-'vs- uy any mocical man.
intent on doing; good and alleviating; suScriafr, should shuil
such cases, we cannot imag-ine. Wliy any one should consider
it otherwise than most honorable to cure the worst cases of
these diseases, we cannot understood ; and yet of ail the ot! er
maladies which afflict mankind there is prcbably none abocfc
which physicians in general praetico know so hule. We shalL
therefore, continn. as heretefore. to trcct with our best ornJ
mderation, sympothy, and skill, all applicants who are suffericr
from any of these delicate disrasra.
Tlir?!! IT PhVC Most of these cases con be rrented bv us when
UUh.U Al iiUilt. at a distance as wtOl as if here ia person.
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