The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 24, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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The Scio Tribune
i*ubii«»MS r:«wr
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U ««ta. Us* OMMS. Or*s<Mi
I V. M*A4w.............................................. ..........
Mr« I. V. Mr GX*» ■ H a*i*— A Ci m i MU ** Mat
give the state a business sdminiatrs- I
tion. We hope his friends will urge
his entry at the primary next year. z
We need men like him in the gover­ a .
nor's office.
Index Produce Co
Our phone number it 42-5; call us.
G ptom e trust.
Manufacturing Optician
Notici 3l Hui SHtlewent
■ I I lia»» *ll*» l »s r» *•
no Sas an» ik* H»e*t>
He for vlawli I« Ma*4*.
N*U«a iMOetaiWa.
w.O I .1..O,
Urn for *11
Notkc is hereby given that the under­
signed Administrator of the estate of |
la-on* F Goin. <ircea«<-f, 1st«' of I n r
county, Oregon, has til«-«) hi» final »
\\ *tch the date following your
count in said estate matter »‘th the
Clerk of the County Court <-f l.inn roun name on this paper. It tells when
ty, Oregon, ami »aid Coutl ha» lixe-l F’ri- your time expires. If a blue penal
day,the 23d day of October. 1925, at the« mark in under your name, it means
hour of eleven o'clock in th«- morning ' vour paper will stop in two weeks,
of »»Hl day. in the county court room i
of the county court h«»u»«- in the city of uni«-» renewed, Starts when paid
Albany, Linn county, Oregon, »« lhe for. slow at expiration.
time and place forbearing of ohjretiona ’
to »aid final account, if any. and ll.<
Tiu i :; ji » ay , Sept- 24. 1925
final settlement of said estate.
listed ami first puldishvd this 17th
day of HeptrmlM-r, 1926.
"The beat ever" is the verdict of
hTKRt.iNG I! G oin ,
Administrator of the estate of those who have attended the county
I-eons F’. Goin, deceased.
A K. .M c M ahan ,
Attorney for Administrator
»17.24'«d-fi 15
Thanks for the compliment. Yea.
it does look better than the old one
and can lx- seen farther. What?
Y>>u haven’t seen it? We refer to
the new Tribuna sign
Joe Holub. Josephine
Fnidl, Anton Holub and
Emm» Holub, hi» wife,
and Marnie Herman and
Frank Herman, her hu«-
Agnes Ikitson him ] Eli
lU-njamin Dotson. her
husband, Frank Holub
ami Emil Holub,
Notice i» h«r»by given that under S'd
by virtue of a decree ami order of sale
duly made nmi entered of record in the
above entitled Court in th* »!«•«<• t-nli
tied cause on the 27th day of August.
1926. authorising ami directing th«' un
deraigned a* ren-ree t«> make »»¡‘ <’f
the real property hereinafter described.
I will on Saturday, the ioth «lay of Or
tober, 1925, at the hour of one o'clock
in the afternoon of said day, at the
front door of tbs County Court House
uf l.inn County, Oregon, at Albany,
Oregon, offer for sale for cash in hand
to the highest bidder all of the right,
title ami interest of the plaintiffs and
defendants abov«« n«mnl in and to th«-
following described real property, to
I'-eginning in the center of a
County nx<i 67.60 chains North
of th«« Kmithwest corner of Sec­
tion 17, In Township to. South
of Kangs I Weal of the Will-
amrtte Meridian. Oregon, run
rung thence North Mb degrees
Float along the center of «aid
road a distance of 0.52 chains;
thence South ItM feet: thence
North Kb degrees Ksal ¿42 tv. I;
thence South chains;
thence Meat IA.06 chain* to the
Western boundary line of sai«l
flection 17; thence North along
the Western boundary line of
said Section 17 to the place of
beginning, containing S3, kb
acres, more or leas, situated in
l.inn County, State of Oregon.
Said sale to be made subject to the
confirmation of the above entitled Cir­
cuit Court.
Hated Utia Nth day of September,
Next week comes the big state
fair and its many attractions, not
the leant uf which is the horse show
in th«- big arena
It's a big affair,
and Linn county will be there.
A great picture is coming to the
People« Theatre next Saturday and
Sunday. It is «aid to be as good as
"North of 341,” and the snowlide is
most thrilling. See front page.
A dispatch from liend says the
operators of stage lines will try to
keep the McKenrie Pass open this
winter for travel. A herculean task
is before them, but where theri's a
will there’s a way.
Efforts are being made just now
to reorganize the Maccatiees here.
A flourishing tent once thrived here
ami can again. A half page ad on
another pape tells you of its salient
points. Tbs' editor has lu-en a mem
ber since 1008.
According to the Oregon States­
man. Dr. K. II. Hobson was arrest­
ed Monday and fined f5 for speed­
ing. How come? We thought doc­
tors. like Red Cross cars and some
editors, were allowed to speed, But
times do change.
In a letter to the Tribune, a lady
friend and a staunch reader, compli­
mented us on our story condeming
F rank R khaho ,
the language of a recent lecturer who
add reused a large audience of men
and several boys. She is a mother
Mniiislnini' lilici
and sense» what talks of that nature
Notice is hereby given that Nell Ihl-
feu ha* been, by the County Court of mean to the young.
.inn county, Oregon, duly appointed
administratrix of the ««state of C, C.
Rilycu. «iseeased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to the un­
dersigned. either at Scio. Oregon, or at
the office of L M. Curl, in Albany, Ore­
gon, with proper vouchers therefor,
within six months from the date h«-r>-
Dated thia 2fith day of August. I92\
Nn.i. R ii . vku .
L. M. Ct'Rt., Atty, for Admrx.
Date of first publication Sept. 3, 1925
Date of last publication Oct. I, 1925
Order Your Envel­
opes Now—$5.00
per Thousand
Opponents against the candidacy
<>f young l.aEollette to succeed his
father as U S senator from Wiscon­
sin have faded away, and the reason
is Coolidge would take no hand in a
state fight. His plurality also had
a great deal to dr with the fading
away of an opposing candidate.
The republicans can find no abler
man fur the governorship of Oregon
than Jay Upton <>f Bend. He is
honest. cai>able and knows the state
and its needs. While he has been
in politic«, it is not hie sole business
he is a business man. and would
Utopia was short-lived for state
house employes Monday when Ru­
dolph Paschfskoy. who told them he
had purchased the state house and
informed them the men would work
only two days a week and the wo­
men three hours a day. Probably
he had been watching the amount
of work each employe was doing.
Any way, Paschfskoy was taken in
charge by officers and he has been
assigned to headquarters in the big
h<>»pita! on the hill in east Salem.
Ye editor received a bunch of ties
from a mail order specialist the oth­
er day and quickly sent them back
with the postage he was so kind to
send along. If he hadn't, the ties
would remain here until he did. Wt
think we know when we want any­
thing from a mail order specialist,
when we do will order it. Until the
recipient learns this sort of proced­
ure by mail order specialists is pure
graft, said specialists will live
off of the suckers. We'll buy
ties from our advertisers they
responsible and pay taxes here,
in Philadelphia or elsewhere.
Sentimentalism broke out in
press again over the accidental kill­
ing of Ed Louisignot by Traffic Offi
cer Talent last week. when it con­
demned Talent for shooting
proof has come that the dead was a
desperate character, with a prison
record and in possession of a stolen
It placer the press in a serious
light when it condemns an officer of
the law after discharging his duty
and laments the death of a despers-
do—ths dead man's kind believe they
have friends in the leading newspa­
pers of the state. Louisignot's rep­
utation was so bad that his mother
nor sister would claim his remains.
And none of the papers that eon-
demoed Talent did. either.
Some of the new*paj>er fraternity
think they are "charitable” when
they refer to Coi. Wm. Mitchell as
“insubordinate” to his superiors in
his recent criticism of the weaknem
in the army and navy air service It
may be insubordinate to criticise at
a time list the disaster to the PN-9,
and it would be criminal not tn, if a
weakness is pointed out that could
be avoided when a new one is built.
No one is above criticism, and patri- •
ousm is not in submitting meekly to
a higher-up. Both may be wrong,
and it’s a cinch neither ia always
right. A fair and truth-seeking in-
auiry will reveal who is in the right.
Before condemning anyone, we will
await the outcome of the inquiry.
Mitchel) might win. and his criti­
cism would break us; or the depart­
ment heads may win and we would
be shot aa a traitor. Marvelous is
the bravery of some editors.
if rny farmer is in need of explo­
sive for blasting purposes, he can
secure same through C. R Briggs,
county agent, at Corvallis.
price ia I” 95 per hundred pounds.
It will be necessary to send cash
with y<Air order. It is pyrotol, the
war surplua explosive, and a new
pool ia now being formed
We remit for all shipments on day of
Top Market Prices Paid
If you break your gla«-». Don !
Worry! Pick up the piece». We can
match them and give you the same
Prescription that the original pair
were made from
Our manufactur­
ing plant it complete and our work
will bear the closest inspection.
Senator Stanfield forfeited
bond Friday for appearance at trial
at Baker on a charge of being drunk
and disorderly in a cafe in that city
the week tiefore. Less notoriety for
him that way. we presume, and leas
expensive. Some newspapers hoped
it was a mistake and that Bob was
innocent, because he is United States
senator from Oregon. He didn't
disgrace Oregon, but himself only,
and he is not entitled to any more
sympathy than any other drunk.
151 Front Street,
Portland, Oregon
Scio Mill & Elevator Co
Office Hours: ft to 12 a m.. 2 to 5 p.m.
Ami by Appointment.
Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy
££?It» Chiropractor
4t)l-2 First National R*t;k Building
A i . hany , O hbgon
All kinds of Iron and Brass Castings
Fruit and Hop Furnaces
Repair Work and Blacksmithing
Albany Iron Works
Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery
Live Rolls, Head Blocks, Ix»g Turners, I <>g Hauls.
Cable QMvsyors and Rofis Fe«-d Work.
Phone 61
Albany, Oregon
Al Atr.vcters of city aiul country pr -jx-rty in l.inn county. Work
quickly completed. Our certificates guarantee safety. Prices
conform to the e«-tsl>li*hi-«l rate* throughout the country
(L eila Min hell .
L. M. C url . I’reridint
Attorney and «Manager
Public Sale
As I have decided to move to the state of Washington, I will
*cll at public a mt ion, to the highest bidder, at my residence on
the Mt. Pleasant mod (on the olii Dart farm), 2J miles north­
cast of Scio. Oregon, on
Tuesday, September 29, ’25
Beginning at 1.00 o’clock sharp, the following:
One Cow. 5 years old.
One Binder, in grxxi shape.
One Grain Drill.
One \\ licelbarrow S« c«lcr.
One Buggie.
fine set Harness ami Collars.
(hie N<>. 50 Plow. |(> inch.
Some Took and Other Article*.
Paul Belcoe, Owner
J- s. s ICHA. Clerk
Scio Independent Cash Produce Co