• ' • • * 4 F » L 4» f' ja . û • .¿'Ûî .ttìZ.LïÙa. iÆjtf.'_ The Scio Tribune Editorials THE SCIO TRIBUNE INPEX PRODUCE CO. INDEX PRODUCE INDEX PRODUCE COMPANY i*ubii«»MS r:«wr h » - TRA TIUIIUNF. rtmi4»HINU lUMI’A«T U ««ta. Us* OMMS. Or*s z ■e a. Z O ALU AN Y QAtA, HAROLD A I.BRO. Manufacturing Optician Notici 3l Hui SHtlewent ■ I I lia»» *ll*» l »s r» *• no Sas an» ik* H»e*t> He for vlawli I« Ma*4*. N*U«a iMOetaiWa. w.O I .1..O, Jes- Urn for *11 Notkc is hereby given that the under­ signed Administrator of the estate of | la-on* F Goin. >u haven’t seen it? We refer to Tilg COUNTY OF I INN. the new Tribuna sign MPARTMKNT N<». TWO Joe Holub. Josephine Fnidl, Anton Holub and Emm» Holub, hi» wife, and Marnie Herman and Frank Herman, her hu«- band. I'laintiffs, vs. Agnes Ikitson him ] Eli lU-njamin Dotson. her husband, Frank Holub ami Emil Holub, Defendants. Notice i» h«r»by given that under S'd by virtue of a decree ami order of sale duly made nmi entered of record in the above entitled Court in th* »!«•«<• t-nli tied cause on the 27th day of August. 1926. authorising ami directing th«' un deraigned a* ren-ree t«> make »»¡‘ <’f the real property hereinafter described. I will on Saturday, the ioth «lay of Or tober, 1925, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of tbs County Court House uf l.inn County, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, offer for sale for cash in hand to the highest bidder all of the right, title ami interest of the plaintiffs and defendants abov«« n«mnl in and to th«- following described real property, to I'-eginning in the center of a County nx- Dated thia 2fith day of August. I92\ Nn.i. R ii . vku . Administratrix. L. M. Ct'Rt., Atty, for Admrx. Date of first publication Sept. 3, 1925 Date of last publication Oct. I, 1925 Order Your Envel­ opes Now—$5.00 per Thousand » Opponents against the candidacy <>f young l.aEollette to succeed his father as U S senator from Wiscon­ sin have faded away, and the reason is Coolidge would take no hand in a state fight. His plurality also had a great deal to dr with the fading away of an opposing candidate. The republicans can find no abler man fur the governorship of Oregon than Jay Upton <>f Bend. He is honest. cai>able and knows the state and its needs. While he has been in politic«, it is not hie sole business he is a business man. and would Utopia was short-lived for state house employes Monday when Ru­ dolph Paschfskoy. who told them he had purchased the state house and informed them the men would work only two days a week and the wo­ men three hours a day. Probably he had been watching the amount of work each employe was doing. Any way, Paschfskoy was taken in charge by officers and he has been assigned to headquarters in the big h<>»pita! on the hill in east Salem. Ye editor received a bunch of ties from a mail order specialist the oth­ er day and quickly sent them back with the postage he was so kind to send along. If he hadn't, the ties would remain here until he did. Wt think we know when we want any­ thing from a mail order specialist, when we do will order it. Until the recipient learns this sort of proced­ ure by mail order specialists is pure graft, said specialists will live off of the suckers. We'll buy ties from our advertisers they responsible and pay taxes here, in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Sentimentalism broke out in press again over the accidental kill­ ing of Ed Louisignot by Traffic Offi cer Talent last week. when it con­ demned Talent for shooting The proof has come that the dead was a desperate character, with a prison record and in possession of a stolen car It placer the press in a serious light when it condemns an officer of the law after discharging his duty and laments the death of a despers- do—ths dead man's kind believe they have friends in the leading newspa­ pers of the state. Louisignot's rep­ utation was so bad that his mother nor sister would claim his remains. And none of the papers that eon- demoed Talent did. either. Some of the new*paj>er fraternity think they are "charitable” when they refer to Coi. Wm. Mitchell as “insubordinate” to his superiors in his recent criticism of the weaknem in the army and navy air service It may be insubordinate to criticise at a time list the disaster to the PN-9, and it would be criminal not tn, if a weakness is pointed out that could be avoided when a new one is built. No one is above criticism, and patri- • ousm is not in submitting meekly to a higher-up. Both may be wrong, and it’s a cinch neither ia always right. A fair and truth-seeking in- auiry will reveal who is in the right. Before condemning anyone, we will await the outcome of the inquiry. Mitchel) might win. and his criti­ cism would break us; or the depart­ ment heads may win and we would be shot aa a traitor. Marvelous is the bravery of some editors. - % if rny farmer is in need of explo­ sive for blasting purposes, he can secure same through C. R Briggs, county agent, at Corvallis. The price ia I” 95 per hundred pounds. It will be necessary to send cash with yg Hauls. Cable QMvsyors and Rofis Fe«-d Work. Phone 61 Albany, Oregon I---------- ALBANY ABSTRACT COMPANY I Al Atr.vcters of city aiul country pr -jx-rty in l.inn county. Work I quickly completed. Our certificates guarantee safety. Prices I conform to the e«-tsl>li*hi-«l rate* throughout the country (L eila Min hell . L. M. C url . I’reridint Secretary Attorney and «Manager Public Sale As I have decided to move to the state of Washington, I will *cll at public a mt ion, to the highest bidder, at my residence on the Mt. Pleasant mod (on the olii Dart farm), 2J miles north­ cast of Scio. Oregon, on Tuesday, September 29, ’25 Beginning at 1.00 o’clock sharp, the following: One Cow. 5 years old. One Binder, in grxxi shape. One Grain Drill. One \\ licelbarrow S« c«lcr. One Buggie. fine set Harness ami Collars. (hie N<>. 50 Plow. |(> inch. Some Took and Other Article*. TERMS—ST RHTLY CASH Paul Belcoe, Owner J- s. s ICHA. Clerk Scio Independent Cash Produce Co FOR RESULTS *