The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 02, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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    U* ?O» l.e
The Scio Tribun«
General Xeirfi
Sacks Sacks Sacks
Most Modern Locomotive Serves IFest
«Mr. Farmer:
Optical Parlor
// ’jerybhingfipiioal
Bancroft Optical Co.
*li W mc r-rM at«*»«
amane Ornean
You liavc the gram and we
have No. I second hand grain
We can save you m. n *y on
sack*. Dutt t forget to come
and get our prices l>cLrc you
buy your sack*.
Albany Bargain House
.*?$' .*•*
Comer 2«l Ä Baker
Altxapy, Ore.
Phone 411-1
The lietler you eat
Tlte I»etter you live
Imperial Cafe
P at M urphy , Proprietor
Albany, Ore.
Mrs. Fred Ohietneier came
from Portland Monday afternoon t -
visit at the home of her parents, Mr
and Mrs. J N. Weddle
Mrs J. I. Rodgers. .Mr* A I.
Shannon. and Gracie Bashor and
Geraldine R>jgers were in Albany
‘Y A-
404 E. 2«l st.
Albany, Ore.
Farm Loans
Writ«* for booklet describing our
twvnty-year amortised rural ere
: ■ ' irtn loan. Insurance compa­
ny rate* are very low.
No eom-
niisnion or other expense.
Under Woetheru rnetfle type lee«tMetl>e
<l:rru I'srllli
ni|-nn, I* placing
View» ot
i I. the n«»«i pewerfnl *ln<le milt !•-, no, ■
Fell Irngth ilew of the lecomullve
the top. __
Lowest _ left Itetnll sbobina Ihr five di il.-. "I>.,l
n . i,r ,|dc »nd the feed water beater.
I* »hewn al
_ ___
l.osrr right Front view .bowing the three cyllnde««. «-■>«•.........o !i -,.l- i
<ui* In th, middle.
Glasses for evening wear and any ,>i
the numerous style* in Pea'!» an*
item* neceaaar* t<> c »mplele th«- .
fit of the Jun. lìti Je.
Pearls Pearl* Pear,*
Beam Land Co.
Albany, Ore.
Try Hall's
$1.00 Collection
of Small Plant* for
Porch Boxes, poat-
ttaid to your adJraaa.
I.ct ua know what
you want to aid ua
in making a selec­
Floral and Music Shop
Pitone Ititi-J
This ad it
If you arc on the farm, we
have the
Albany, Ore.
Let Us Make
Your Car
Look Like New
y«»u ntnl to re­
pair your barn
and sheds.
If you
At a comparatively
»mall coat.
town, we can
supply you with
what you nce«l.
Call in and let ua
tell you about it.
We Deliver
C. O. Kendig
J. W. Copeland Yards
A ota Relates
415 Lyon st,
Albany, Ore.
Q uality : S ervice
Seton«! and Calapooia
Phone 275
Al aany . O i k .
Bring ua vour job Printing.
“They are the most modern devel­ I of on*
Th* l<M:omotl*ea
REGION shipper* aad traveler»
ha*« th* world'» ui<>»< power­ opment In locomotive construction and 1 CHS I'V pounds and have e tractive
power of »6.U3U pound*, or weigh
ful single unit freight and are good svidehi e of Hout her n I’ , i
pa»*ang*r loconiotir* at th»ir efforts to develop and Improve Its 1 lu. kli pound* per one horsepower.
facilities to keep pace with th, prog
Hi t hauling cat'sclty la one fourth
Th* first of »Ixteen o*w three- resa of thia Weetern country." J it. nor« >' a »peed of J-'* mile* per hour
:ylind*r Southern Pacific type ioco- Oyer, general manager, euld Id cotn - in i 1.3 [»■ r rent grade than that of
nollve* ha** )ust raacbad th* l‘a- mealing on the new titan* of the the most powerful locomotive hereto
jlflc Coast and ar* being placed in rail*. "The West require* th* be*t ot fore iii uw by the company
Th.- hr. . motives are lol feet I Inch
-heavy freight and passenger service transportation, tor It* produri* move
■hy South«» Va* Iflc Company In the many mH** to market The new loco IO length and I* feel 3 Inches In
They have a 4-19-1 wheel ar­
Siskiyou and Sierra-Nevada moun- motive* r*pr«**ui our de«ire to take h< . it
advantage of every worthwhile Im- rangement and a total wheel base of
. tains
*, feet IS* In, tie*
Ks< h of the driv­
The locomotive* are of s dlallactiy provement In railroad Induatry."
The outstanding feature <>( the new ing wheel* I* «3*» Inches In diameter.
new type, developed by the American
third cylinder Th* lender ha* a capacity of 12.009
Locomotive Company In co-operation locomotive* I* th*
with Southern Pacific'* mechanical placed inside of th* main frames Ui gallons of water and 4.41H) gaUuns of
Everyone has something of slightly above and bet wevu the tw•• fuel Oil
In addition to th« slxlrvn thraa-
the small boy's Interest In locomotives outside cylinder* The adding of the
aad wherever the new locomtxlve* third cylinder ha* an effect similar to cylinder locomotivea. lb* Southern
have been seen they have attracted that obtained by increasing the num­ Pacific I* further Increasing it* mo­
anasual interest, both from the pub­ tier of cylinder* In an sntomoiil* eu tive pow,-r by building In It* own
■hop* eighteen 4-1-1 mountain type
lic and railroad employs* on account gin* from four to six
In addition to providing Inrreasrd locomotive* to be used In It« trana-
ut their *l«e. power and design.
The new locomotives will all be In power and economy tn use of ».cam. < ontinental patio near traffic. Th***
service before th* peak traffic move­ th* thltd cylinder will dlatrihut» th«' locomotive* have I»« u making through
run* ut sis lui!*»
•tree*»* on two driving axle*
ment in the fall.
Furls 1er tin lue Bud:
24 Families Located
From all points of the eotnpa«i.
he rneaeeker* come pouring into Ore-
go«l. A total of LN‘-i families, desir­
ing to locate on Oregon farm*, have
bswn reported by the brunch «ifllceu
of tue Portland Chamlwr of cum-
tner.JV, since June 1st.
Fortv-on«' of these proapective
settlor* have called personally at the
officw i»f the [.and Settlement De-
parton >nt in Portland, and Iteen giv­
en information and ns«iatanee in lo­
So far for the month of June. 24
families* have been located on the
' land in various part* of the state,
represent *ng a capital iinvestment ot
over |ISO. 00«. W. G. Ide, manager,
•latrs that complete report* for the
! month have not yet been received
from the var ious countie*. and that
no doubt»thi» number will be in-
These settler» have come from all
over the United State* and have lo­
cated in varioM eountiea in thia
'«tale. The Cxeel»«»-Slovak (’hamber
■ of Commerce of Chicngo ha* located
fen families in the Willamette Val­
ley during the m<*tL.
Recruiting Office Moved
On and after Ju ly 1. 1925, the U. '
8. Army recruitin < office In Port­
land, will be local, rd in room 209.
Commercial Ruildi nr, 2d and Wash­
ington streets, a id in addition to
th* regular routin« t of recruiting for
moot all branches, camp* and eta-
Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy
SttKrne Chiropractor
A uut , O bkox
tions of the army, will continue to
turni*t veterans wit h their adjusted
compensation appli eattnna, etc.
If une of the I'ribunv ml vert i-or1- ‘sting 1 you, tell us; if he
treats yon right, tell him.
Al>strac-ters ut «il.v and omit,v ,»«. js-rty in Linn county. Work
quickly Completed. Our o-rtibc.iti , guarantee safety. Price*
conform to the cstabli-Jird rates throughout tlte country.
L eila M iti iiri i
L. M. C url . Pmidsnt
Attorney and Manager
western Mates.
Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon
Oil«*«' Phone 6
Rea id«* nee: 210
Send for Osteopathic Literatur«
I>ilice First havings Bank Building
A i . hany , O rkcon
tn vKLiHtj
Call in an«l «ec mir select line of
ÿainb an?
The only exclusive Paint an«l Wall Pajwr »tore in I.inn county
Third St
Albany, Or.
Albany Planing Mill
g. W
SCARS, Prop.
Sash, Dtuvrs, Moulding. Glans, (««neral Mill Work, Windshields,
Kitchen Cuplmarda, Window an«l Door Sctecna,
Hardwood Flooring, etc.
Bring Vs Your Estimates
Phone 140-R
Prompt Service
Albany. Oregon
Ail kind* of Iron and Bran* ('eating»
Fruit and ftop Furnaeea
Repair Work and Bl*ek*mtthing
Albany Iron Works
Engine«, Mill and Mining Machinery
Lire Rolla. Head Block*. Log Turners, I og Haul*.
Cable Conveyors and Rope Feed Work.
Jacob Slai*. brot ber of Mr» Matt
Dvorak. returned
t*o years' ad
Sunday after a
Phone 61
Albany, Oregon