U* ?O» l.e The Scio Tribun« General Xeirfi ■ Sacks Sacks Sacks ■Meaai Most Modern Locomotive Serves IFest «Mr. Farmer: Optical Parlor // ’jerybhingfipiioal Bancroft Optical Co. *li W mc r-rM at«*»« amane Ornean EAT TO LIVE You liavc the gram and we have No. I second hand grain sacks. We can save you m. n *y on sack*. Dutt t forget to come and get our prices l>cLrc you buy your sack*. Albany Bargain House .*?$' .*•* Comer 2«l Ä Baker Altxapy, Ore. Phone 411-1 The lietler you eat Tlte I»etter you live Imperial Cafe P at M urphy , Proprietor Albany, Ore. Mrs. Fred Ohietneier came from Portland Monday afternoon t - visit at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. J N. Weddle Mrs J. I. Rodgers. .Mr* A I. Shannon. and Gracie Bashor and Geraldine R>jgers were in Albany Monday. ; ‘Y A- SON SNYDER & 404 E. 2«l st. Albany, Ore. Farm Loans Writ«* for booklet describing our twvnty-year amortised rural ere : ■ ' irtn loan. Insurance compa­ ny rate* are very low. No eom- niisnion or other expense. Under Woetheru rnetfle type lee«tMetl>e .,l n . i,r ,|dc »nd the feed water beater. I* »hewn al _ ___ l.osrr right Front view .bowing the three cyllnde««. «-■>«•.........o !i -,.l- i i the numerous style* in Pea'!» an* item* neceaaar* t<> c »mplele th«- . fit of the Jun. lìti Je. Pearls Pearl* Pear,* Beam Land Co. Albany, Ore. Try Hall's $1.00 Collection of Small Plant* for Porch Boxes, poat- ttaid to your adJraaa. I.ct ua know what you want to aid ua in making a selec­ tion. You HALL'S Floral and Music Shop Pitone Ititi-J •• This ad it addressed TO If you arc on the farm, we have the Albany, Ore. Lumber Let Us Make Your Car Look Like New y«»u ntnl to re­ pair your barn and sheds. If you arc in At a comparatively »mall coat. town, we can supply you with what you nce«l. Call in and let ua tell you about it. We Deliver C. O. Kendig J. W. Copeland Yards A ota Relates 415 Lyon st, Albany, Ore. Q uality : S ervice Seton«! and Calapooia Phone 275 Al aany . O i k . Bring ua vour job Printing. “They are the most modern devel­ I of on* Th* l»< power­ opment In locomotive construction and 1 CHS I'V pounds and have e tractive power of »6.U3U pound*, or weigh ful single unit freight and are good svidehi e of Hout her n I’ , i pa»*ang*r loconiotir* at th»ir efforts to develop and Improve Its 1 lu. kli pound* per one horsepower. facilities to keep pace with th, prog Hi t hauling cat'sclty la one fourth «•rrica Th* first of »Ixteen o*w three- resa of thia Weetern country." J it. nor« >' a »peed of J-'* mile* per hour :ylind*r Southern Pacific type ioco- Oyer, general manager, euld Id cotn - in i 1.3 [»■ r rent grade than that of nollve* ha** )ust raacbad th* l‘a- mealing on the new titan* of the the most powerful locomotive hereto jlflc Coast and ar* being placed in rail*. "The West require* th* be*t ot fore iii uw by the company Th.- hr. . motives are lol feet I Inch -heavy freight and passenger service transportation, tor It* produri* move ■hy South«» Va* Iflc Company In the many mH** to market The new loco IO length and I* feel 3 Inches In They have a 4-19-1 wheel ar­ Siskiyou and Sierra-Nevada moun- motive* r*pr«**ui our de«ire to take h< . it advantage of every worthwhile Im- rangement and a total wheel base of . tains *, feet IS* In, tie* Ks< h of the driv­ The locomotive* are of s dlallactiy provement In railroad Induatry." The outstanding feature <>( the new ing wheel* I* «3*» Inches In diameter. new type, developed by the American third cylinder Th* lender ha* a capacity of 12.009 Locomotive Company In co-operation locomotive* I* th* with Southern Pacific'* mechanical placed inside of th* main frames Ui gallons of water and 4.41H) gaUuns of -•»pert* Everyone has something of slightly above and bet wevu the tw•• fuel Oil In addition to th« slxlrvn thraa- the small boy's Interest In locomotives outside cylinder* The adding of the aad wherever the new locomtxlve* third cylinder ha* an effect similar to cylinder locomotivea. lb* Southern have been seen they have attracted that obtained by increasing the num­ Pacific I* further Increasing it* mo­ anasual interest, both from the pub­ tier of cylinder* In an sntomoiil* eu tive pow,-r by building In It* own ■hop* eighteen 4-1-1 mountain type lic and railroad employs* on account gin* from four to six In addition to providing Inrreasrd locomotive* to be used In It« trana- ut their *l«e. power and design. The new locomotives will all be In power and economy tn use of ».cam. < ontinental patio near traffic. Th*** service before th* peak traffic move­ th* thltd cylinder will dlatrihut» th«' locomotive* have I»« u making through run* ut sis lui!*» •tree*»* on two driving axle* ment in the fall. O Furls 1er tin lue Bud: 24 Families Located From all points of the eotnpa«i. he rneaeeker* come pouring into Ore- go«l. A total of LN‘-i families, desir­ ing to locate on Oregon farm*, have bswn reported by the brunch «ifllceu of tue Portland Chamlwr of cum- tner.JV, since June 1st. Fortv-on«' of these proapective settlor* have called personally at the officw i»f the [.and Settlement De- parton >nt in Portland, and Iteen giv­ en information and ns«iatanee in lo­ cating So far for the month of June. 24 families* have been located on the ' land in various part* of the state, represent *ng a capital iinvestment ot over |ISO. 00«. W. G. Ide, manager, •latrs that complete report* for the ! month have not yet been received from the var ious countie*. and that no doubt»thi» number will be in- t-reaaed. These settler» have come from all over the United State* and have lo­ cated in varioM eountiea in thia '«tale. The Cxeel»«»-Slovak (’hamber ■ of Commerce of Chicngo ha* located fen families in the Willamette Val­ ley during the m<*tL. Recruiting Office Moved On and after Ju ly 1. 1925, the U. ' 8. Army recruitin < office In Port­ land, will be local, rd in room 209. Commercial Ruildi nr, 2d and Wash­ ington streets, a id in addition to th* regular routin« t of recruiting for moot all branches, camp* and eta- Dr. Geo. J. Kenagy SttKrne Chiropractor A uut , O bkox tions of the army, will continue to turni*t veterans wit h their adjusted compensation appli eattnna, etc. If une of the I'ribunv ml vert i-or1- ‘sting 1 you, tell us; if he treats yon right, tell him. —ALBANY ABSTRACT COMPANY— Al>strac-ters ut «il.v and omit,v ,»«. js-rty in Linn county. Work quickly Completed. Our o-rtibc.iti , guarantee safety. Price* conform to the cstabli-Jird rates throughout tlte country. L eila M iti iiri i L. M. C url . Pmidsnt Secretary Attorney and Manager DR western Mates. J P. HOW I I LS Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Oil«*«' Phone 6 Rea id«* nee: 210 Send for Osteopathic Literatur« I>ilice First havings Bank Building A i . hany , O rkcon tn vKLiHtj Call in an«l «ec mir select line of $ap«t ÿainb an? The only exclusive Paint an«l Wall Pajwr »tore in I.inn county C. DANNALJS Third St Albany, Or. Albany Planing Mill g. W SCARS, Prop. Sash, Dtuvrs, Moulding. Glans, (««neral Mill Work, Windshields, Kitchen Cuplmarda, Window an«l Door Sctecna, Hardwood Flooring, etc. Bring Vs Your Estimates Phone 140-R Prompt Service Albany. Oregon Ail kind* of Iron and Bran* ('eating» Fruit and ftop Furnaeea Repair Work and Bl*ek*mtthing Albany Iron Works Engine«, Mill and Mining Machinery Lire Rolla. Head Block*. Log Turners, I og Haul*. Cable Conveyors and Rope Feed Work. Jacob Slai*. brot ber of Mr» Matt Dvorak. returned t*o years' ad A Sunday after a Phone 61 Albany, Oregon