The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 19, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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Local y eu sa nd Clastñfleti
Page 6
Davidson, instructor in bu»«neaa ad­
ministration al U. of 0. at Eugene,
and D W Dormer, cost accountant
for the Eugene Fruit Growers As­
sociation. were in Scio un buonesa
For Sale or Rent—8-room house
Grandma Neal is quite ill with yesterday.
<»n South Mam Street. See Fred
the grippe
T. Bilyeu.
The dock in the drug store win­
You'll Eind Your Want Here
Women's Misses and Children s
Clothing and Haberdashery
Jess Rodgers made a
trip to Albany Monday.
business dow on which there was a guessing
contest a» to when it would stop,
stopped last Wednesday. It ran 17
a E. H. Hobans of Salem was In
without winding. Gilbert Cal-
Scio Monday afternoon.
avan mails the closest gu«M aa to
Marlon Arnold of Eugene was in
the time it would stop, and wa» giv­
Scio on business Tuesday.
en the ptise.
Mrs. Fred Mumper visited her
The well known and »uceeiuful
parents at Junction City Sunday.
Minneapolis rupture ext*rt. Mr C.
F. Redlich, will be in Salem on Wed­
Joe Mlynar was in town from his
nesday. March 25. at the Manon
home on route 1 on business Tues­ Hotel, and in Albany on Saturday.
March 28. at Albany Hotel. Rup­
tured people come many mites to
see him. Consultation is free Watch
were in Portland on buaioea» Tu*»- Salem and Albany paper» for special
R. M Russell and wife of Albany
viaited W A Ewing and wife Sun-
At our new li<ati<>ii. rext to Peoples Theatre
Cherro Poultry and Stock Feeds
Cherro Flour
If you want many ni*5e white loaves of bread per sock, Chereo
Ilardwhcat Flour will do it.
Cherro Cereals
Cherro Graham ami Whole Wl Flour, with all the bran with
all the flour—always fresh and granular.
The famous CtlRRRO I’.isx \K1: Fun h that makes dad smile and
the kiddies say more—Cherro, the golden brown, delicious
hot cake flour.
Cherro Poultry Feed
Known as the lowest Fibre Feed on the market, clean, whole­
some; a feed for every need.
Cherro Dairy Feed
Cherro Cow Chow, 18 per vent protein
Chrr o Mo’asaea Feed, lb per cent protein
Clierro Kremo Fee«!. 12 j*er «•ent protein
Clierro Call Meal. 21 percent protein
Only one r»f the« f< ■ « that > rrn over 10 ¡>cr cent protein
tl r new W «
I i ’cr pri -»urr tiie molasses is pressed
into the diy f.-cd, thi* .>< uiv-> a uniform feed
and free from lumps.
Several Scio jieooie drove to Al­
bany Sunday to see the new model
home which has just been built and
furnished, and was open for inspec­
tion <m Sunday.
Ì • »;
Call at Mumper’s New Place for
C. M. Donovan, wife and daugh­
ter, Miss Mary, visited Frank Dono­
van and family at Corvallis and
Will Donovan and family at Airlie
over the week-end.
1 1 .*■»
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs Claire McLain on Saturday,
March 14. at the home of Mrs. Mc­
Lain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Shelton at West Scio.
Madeline, small daughter of Prof,
and Mrs. R. li McDonald, is ill with
whooping cough. Helen Godwin of
the same neighborhood is unable to
attend school because of the whoop­
ing cough
if you believe in boosting the Ixxjsters,
if you believe in helping an institution
that spends its money at home, you
will support the Scio I ribune more
substantially than wishing it well.
For Rent 10-acre tract on West
Scio road; alao cow for sale. In­
quire of E L. Sizemore, on place, e
Farm l/'«n« Money at
nominal commission; prepayment
prwiledge« after first year. Wm.
Bain. Albany Ore.
For Sale 50 to fit) tons of good
Cheat Hay. baled. $15 per ton al
barn. Call M. Kelly, Scio-Jeffer-
son road; both phones.
t loh paid for fa* teeth dental
gold, platinum and discarded jew­
elry. Hoke Smelting & Refining
Co., Otsego, Michigan.
Dr. Mellenthin
in Internal Medicine for the
p«»t twelve years.
Does Not Operate
will be in
A lbany , Wednesday, April 8.
Albany Hotel
Rev. J. Y Stewart will preach in
It I» very hard for a senator to
the Christian church Sunday evening. he indignant about nil lease» after
The subject will be ‘'Jacob's New the public loae» intereat.
Name". Service at Ml Pleasant
at 2 p. m.
Cherro Molasses Feeds
For Sale (iood grade C ost , just
cash take« her and calf.
See Cha* Tucek. Scio. Ore.
Sunday school at 10 o'clock every'
The "I Will” community club
players will give their play, "Home Sunday morning, Everybody is in­
Ties", at Jefferson this evening, and vited to attend.
Christian Endeavor every Sunday
no doubt will have a packed house
evening al 6:30.
Fire Marshal Wolfe of Salem was
Prayer meeting every Saturday
in Scio yesterday inspecting the city
night at at 7:30.
fire apparatus. He was assisted in
Mr. Fred Waehlte will preach
the work by Art Shelton and Eiden
next Sunday.
A full lin- of High Class Dairy Feeds.
Cow For Sale -tirade Guernsey
On first cslf
Price reasonable.
See I. G. Faltua.
Hazel Philippi of Scio has I* mi
Mrs. P. H. MacD-.nald and Mr»,
nominated for editor of the co-ed
E. G. Arnold wore »hopping in Sa-
barometer. This issue of the school Fur Sale About 500 Cedar posts at
lem Monday
15 cent* each, if you take the
paper is iMu«*d once a year in the
whole bunch thia week. D R.
John Densmore Jr came out from spring term and contains only arti­
I’earre, route I. Scio,Ore. 32e
Portland and spent the week-end at cle* about and of interest to co-eds.
his home here.
Mias Philippi has been pre»- nted a 1’otat < n fur Sale — Both for table
u*e and we«!. Netted Gems and
Guy McKnight and C M Coffey prize of S5 for living the moat etfici-
Sunrise: also good feed grinder.
ent day editor on the staff of the
were on a business trip to Eugene
2 horse power. See Chas. Chrs.
! Bai »meter,
On Uwt Scio road.
over the week end.
Editors were judged both on speed
Any girl in trouble may communi­
Wm. Wirth and Ernest Lsaka left and efficiency.
cate with Ensign L m of the Sal­
Saturday for Washington state to
M im Philippi is a senior in com­
vation Army at the While Shield
work in logging camps.
Home. 565 Mayfair Ave.. Port­
merce at O. A C.
land. Oregon.
A. L. Riddle and wife were in
F t Sale Beat quality Netted Gem
Additional Bounties
from their home on route 3 yester­
Seed P latoes. price 2c per pound.
day shopping and visiting friends.
All you want; nice and smooth
Effective April first. 1925 the Ore­
Al* ‘ table potatoes
See Ed Ka­
Fred T. Bilyeu and wife and C.
gon Slate Game Commistinn will
lina. route 4. Scio, Ore.
E Hunt and wife drove Lo Dayton. pav additional bounties a* follow«;
F r Sales*"* 814 acres of good land,
Newberg and McMinnville Sunday
Wolf. 825 00. Cougar. »25 00. W Id
six miles from live town i.f about
Mr. and Mrs. A L. Rice of Klam­ Cat 11.50. The above i» In addition
1 non population; good graveled
r<>a<4 five miles of the wav. four
ath Falls are visiting Mr. and Mrs. to those paid by the various coun­
miles from railroad station; one
Hide» must Im presented toi
A. L. Riddle. Mrs. Rice is a sister ties
and one-half miles from good
the County Cierk of the County in
of Mr. Riddle.
schoi I; has good seven room house,
which the animal wa« killed and af- :
large barn; 80 acres in cultivation
Mrs. Jess Rodgers sod davghtcr, fadavit of such killing t»e made and
balance in pasture and timber;
Geraldine, and Mrs. Gilbert McDon­ forwarded to the State Game Com-
has plenty of good water, one run­
ald and davghtcr, Aileen. were Jef­ misaion. All wolf hides must li­
ning stream. Term» can be ar­
ferson visitors Sunday.
ranged on part. Address. Owner,
sent to the State Game ('ummimion ;
care Tribune. Scio, Oregon.
R M. Phillipa and wife visited
Mr. Phillips* sister. Mrs. Sarah Hep
bum at Silverton, Sunday.
Baptist Church Notes
Hepburn remains quite ill.
' / /
The deio Tribuni
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Teehans I Miss
Esther Humphrey, former teacher
in the Scio high school) were in Scio
yesterday calling on friends. They
were dinner guests at the E. D. My­
ers home
A. K. Wight, a senior in the
. school af Mines al 0. A. CL. MW.
and in
S al KM. Thursday. April 9,
Marion Hotel
Office Hours: ¡0 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Globe - Albany
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
March 21-23-24
No Charco for Consultation
Dr. MelWnthln is a regular graduate -
u> medicine and surgery amt is bcenacd
by the »late of Or-gon. Redoes not
operate for chronir appendicitis. gall
atone«, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or
. adenoid*.
lie has to hl« credit wonderful results
! in utsenaes of the stomach,liver. boweK
: blood, tain, r.ervea, heart, kidney.blad­
der. bed wetting, catarrh, weak lunge,
rheumalMm. »eiaUea. leg ulcers ami
rectal ailments.
lekiw are the names of a few of his
many Mti«n*d patients in Oregon:
Hetwiek Wil-on, Gold Beach. Ore,,
varicose ulese*.
Frank hoehler. The Dalles, Oregon,
■tomsch trouble.
* r». E. C. Hammock, .Myrtle Point,
Ore., goitre.
Mrs. J«hn McCue, Isdteside. Or».,
appenui ilia.
Ib-nry Westfall. Ontario, Ore., ulcer
of atom»' h
Mrs. E. C. Bat«», Raker.Ore , wsema
O. M. Ritch ey, Boring, Or»., heart
laiui« S. Stuber, 3Jfi E. Buchanan.
Portland. Ore., ailenouls and tonalb.
Douglas Fairbanks in
• The Thief
of Bagdad"
‘‘Frivolous Sal
Obtained. Send model or »ketch
and we will promptly »end you a
report. Our book on Patent» and
Trade-mark» will be »ent to you
on request.
305 Seventh St.. Wathmgkm. D. C-
O«wr X Y—rs* E«p»e«e<»cs
Remember above date, that consults
lion on this trip will he free and that
his treatment is dilfrrtnl
Married women must be accompanied
by their hnabend»
Aditrrw 211 Bradbury BHg . Les
▲sgeiea. Cahf.
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