»• » 1 * * 4f* I, y - •• ? f./ • .* *<«• Salem, R. M Russell and wife of Albany viaited W A Ewing and wife Sun- day. CREAM AND FEED STATION At our new liii. rext to Peoples Theatre CHERRO FLOUR CHERRO CEREALS Cherro Poultry and Stock Feeds Cherro Flour If you want many ni*5e white loaves of bread per sock, Chereo Ilardwhcat Flour will do it. Cherro Cereals Cherro Graham ami Whole Wl c.it Flour, with all the bran with all the flour—always fresh and granular. / * The famous CtlRRRO I’.isx \K1: Fun h that makes dad smile and the kiddies say more—Cherro, the golden brown, delicious hot cake flour. Cherro Poultry Feed « Known as the lowest Fibre Feed on the market, clean, whole­ some; a feed for every need. Cherro Dairy Feed Cherro Cow Chow, 18 per vent protein Chrr o Mo’asaea Feed, lb per cent protein Clierro Kremo Fee«!. 12 j*er «•ent protein Clierro Call Meal. 21 percent protein Only one r»f the« f< ■ « that > rrn over 10 ¡>cr cent protein I Ms;. tl r new W « I i ’cr pri -»urr tiie molasses is pressed into the diy f.-cd, thi* .>< uiv-> a uniform feed and free from lumps. Several Scio jieooie drove to Al­ bany Sunday to see the new model home which has just been built and furnished, and was open for inspec­ tion a<4 five miles of the wav. four ath Falls are visiting Mr. and Mrs. to those paid by the various coun­ miles from railroad station; one Hide» must Im presented toi A. L. Riddle. Mrs. Rice is a sister ties and one-half miles from good the County Cierk of the County in of Mr. Riddle. schoi I; has good seven room house, which the animal wa« killed and af- : large barn; 80 acres in cultivation Mrs. Jess Rodgers sod davghtcr, fadavit of such killing t»e made and balance in pasture and timber; Geraldine, and Mrs. Gilbert McDon­ forwarded to the State Game Com- has plenty of good water, one run­ ald and davghtcr, Aileen. were Jef­ misaion. All wolf hides must li­ ning stream. Term» can be ar­ ferson visitors Sunday. ranged on part. Address. Owner, sent to the State Game ('ummimion ; care Tribune. Scio, Oregon. for identification. R M. Phillipa and wife visited Mr. Phillips* sister. Mrs. Sarah Hep bum at Silverton, Sunday. Mr» Baptist Church Notes Hepburn remains quite ill. MUMPER’S ' / / The deio Tribuni 9 Mr. and Mrs. Emil Teehans I Miss Esther Humphrey, former teacher in the Scio high school) were in Scio yesterday calling on friends. They were dinner guests at the E. D. My­ ers home A. K. Wight, a senior in the . school af Mines al 0. A. CL. MW. and in S al KM. Thursday. April 9, Marion Hotel Office Hours: ¡0 a. m. to 4 p. m. Globe - Albany ONE DAY ONLY Sunday, Monday, Tuesday March 21-23-24 No Charco for Consultation THE EVENT ?SE YEAR Dr. MelWnthln is a regular graduate - u> medicine and surgery amt is bcenacd by the »late of Or-gon. Redoes not operate for chronir appendicitis. gall atone«, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or . adenoid*. lie has to hl« credit wonderful results ! in utsenaes of the stomach,liver. boweK : blood, tain, r.ervea, heart, kidney.blad­ der. bed wetting, catarrh, weak lunge, rheumalMm. »eiaUea. leg ulcers ami rectal ailments. lekiw are the names of a few of his many Mti«n*d patients in Oregon: Hetwiek Wil-on, Gold Beach. Ore,, varicose ulese*. Frank hoehler. The Dalles, Oregon, ■tomsch trouble. * r». E. C. Hammock, .Myrtle Point, Ore., goitre. Mrs. J«hn McCue, Isdteside. Or»., appenui ilia. Ib-nry Westfall. Ontario, Ore., ulcer of atom»' h Mrs. E. C. Bat«», Raker.Ore , wsema O. M. Ritch ey, Boring, Or»., heart troobi-- laiui« S. Stuber, 3Jfi E. Buchanan. Portland. Ore., ailenouls and tonalb. Douglas Fairbanks in • The Thief of Bagdad" Coming: ‘‘Frivolous Sal PATENTS Obtained. Send model or »ketch and we will promptly »end you a report. Our book on Patent» and Trade-mark» will be »ent to you on request. D. SWIFT & CO. ____ PATENT LAWYERS«—. 305 Seventh St.. Wathmgkm. D. C- O«wr X Y—rs* E«p»e«e<»cs | Remember above date, that consults lion on this trip will he free and that his treatment is dilfrrtnl Married women must be accompanied by their hnabend» Aditrrw 211 Bradbury BHg . Les ▲sgeiea. Cahf. a • ■ ;? I ■** ■ ►i*" « • — * w •î^»3e . - » *7.~ »W&- - g s ■ /. »