The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 19, 1925, Page 7, Image 7

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    Local New sa nd Classified
Page 0
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Lawmaker« Confronted With
the Usual Jam of Unfln*
Ished Business.
— — —
—yjn ; -u
appoint meat to the t-wrd of eoairol
Instead of th* governor war* la lbs
boo**- for final action.
Th« Mills post primary bill which
pa»s<-4 the house ha* been slumbering
for long days In the senate Th* pre
primary Mil still la sleeping la crea
mlttee swaiting the fate of lhe Milla
---- !“
no *ptme4 epsvchmakttig except that
ef Henacor Joa*pb tn *opp*«lUou tb*
Rltn«r flab commission bill passed tb»
s*t>ste with U favorable vote* This
I« the measure which proposes to take
from th* governor the power of ap
pointing the m*mb»rs of the state
fish commission and lodging that p«rw
er with the alate board of control
Th* commercial flah code hill pass
ed the bouse la the face <»f a bitter
end fight by Mott In which charg«w
and peraonslltlM were bandies! about
A suppl«un«ntal tax levy for stats
pvrpueae may be promulgai«! by the
stat* legislators to cover up a de
flciaacy bet wean the flnaacial n«*wds
of the stat* and ibe funds avallatalo
under th* levy made by the alate
tai commission
Members of th* ways and neaas
commitlee have espreseed thaSSselve»
favorable to th* plaa and Attorney
Geaaral Van Winkle waa to be ask«-«t
for an opinion on the legality of su- h
a levy.
Divert F*** te Grnersl Fund
Ousting Cleaver Urged.
In forth- en<e of lhe cause of law
enfor - meat. George U Cleaver, state
prohibition «ummlsskmer. should b*
remove«! or his resignation should be
d«mand«-d. Is th«- «oncluslrm of the
sptM-ial legislative -nraiulileo invea
ligating Clesver'a depart meal.
No charge of dishonesty Is made
against Cleaver.
In addition to the "findings of tad.**
two distinct "<onclttsioas“ were sub
tullt.-d for the couslderatlua of the
One Is thv r<M-atiiiuwoda<k>n that the
law. un-l th«- department, be left as 11
la at i-reai-nt without change. The
other Is that the law be «henge«! and
th« prohibit ton enforcement work be
giv«*n Into the direct charge of sheriffs
and dletrld attorneys; that provision
be made fur a "flying squadron" of
train««! and «iperiencsd operatives, to
l>« appoint««! by and under the direc­
tion and control of lhe attorney g«n
oral. to be sent by him when, •nd
where. they are n«-«-ded within tha
•tat« to aid local officials
Dry Law Changes Aafcea.
Salem —Th* pre»«mt legislator* la
on» respe«-t at least has follow««! pre-
«•deal for It Msnel out oa th»- rins­
ing w««ik of the session with the l«s
.-httlv* huppw eloggad with un
Pnlahed basluess
Both bouses were
l-«dty «xmgvsied with work and th*
Coring days will witness th« usual
• > nfusKm.
alrennngta efforts to Bare pet bills
Tb-.- tnresur«» which ran the gaunt
let of both bouses during th«- first
five wm-ks wvr-- mostly ttnbnportani
and of no great Iniurest lo tl>e state
at large
As a mailer of fact, t w
really big measures of state wide la-
lereel have been offered during Che
In an »ffort to raise sufficient
present session
monay lo m»«‘t lhe slate's financia!
Thar« was plenty of fuel fur <- n
roeuiretnaat* during the pre««ni Maa
troversy when th* legislature started
nium th« Joint ways and m«mn* com
on the last lap of the session Mon­
milt«« of lhe *«nate and hou«« w«n
No action had been taken by
on record favoring th® peonage of a
either boas* oa lb* ret ort ->t tl ■
Mil requiring that all *tat« aMlvftiea
Cleaver Investigating com tn lit««« and
supported by f«*«a, with th« «i-«|-tl<»n
ratification of the child labor «m-tul
of the state highway d«-partm«-nt at-I
meat to the federal constitution whs
a few of the lea a Important commia­
still In tb* air. The senate resolution
following a report of the finding •lune turn ov«-r to the general fun-t
to prohibit inb«rtiaa<-e or Income tai anal rv-’omiuvndaiIons of the special
a per«wnta*e of tholr recel pt*, rang
ard the fish cumiulasion hill, giving
committee inv«-«tlgaUng the state pro lag from 10 to 15 par reut.
blbitiun department, two bills affect­
By a vote of li to 1 the Ixtinn
ing that d«partm«-nt w«re Introduced Joint resolution dlrertiil against in
by lhe senate committe on slcohottc come and Inheritance tax«** p*««*d
the e«r»ate
Th« r*sa!ntion prutHMee
tin«* of those pro« l«les that the to aetamlt to the peopt» a < nnatl
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
ni- ix-ys derived from fines under the tut tonal amamdment to prevent tb«
Feb. 22-23-24
prohibition act
be divided •*4itm,n( of Income and lnh> rttance
«quail y between the counties and the tax law* until the year IM®, and
If **Tbc Covered Wagon" and
•tala, whereby tha prohibition depart
would repeal th« prw «nt inheritance
‘‘North of 5t>" were combined
meat will haw 50 per ««at Inalead tax
in one Fig picture it truly
of IS per rent tor «nfor.omaat of tha
B«b|* Raadtng ft It Pa
would be great! Such is
The other half la divided be
The Garland bill providing for the
IwiH'ti tha sheriffs and th* dlotrtcl
reading of portion* of the Bible In the
attorney. 75 and Ik per <woi respec­
public achool* of the stMa waa pa»-
«d by the senate with only five rule*
The other bill would repeal the
pri-fo-nt law whereby the governor Is
The bill provides for the appoint­ i
allowed to take fronF thv prohibition
ment by the governor of • commla
Cecil C. Dg.Mille’a
fund for enforcvm«-nt uf lhe aarootle •ion of nine members to include the
drugs law.
•tate superintendent of public Inatruc
Flab Bill Passes Senate.
tlon. a Catholla. a Jew. a Chriattaa
After a v«ry br' -f d.-bate and with Helen11st and Dve Protestants, no two
of whom »ball be of the «am« de
The comMlssum is to
•elect portion* of the Bible suitable
for reading tn th« school* with a view *
to avotdtntt sectarian teachmga. and
the paaaa*«« au »«Ivcted are to be I
rwad by tha teachers without com
2) mile* north of z\ll-aiiy, on Pacific Highway
FoUewing the l«sd of the bouse, tha
senate, with« rt a dlaeenting vot«,
passed tha bill appropriating 1100,040
foe tb* matntaaiaae* of the commte
■*«* the next two year»
The gev
eruae la hjs maesas* had opposed any
of San Francisco. Nine ntu*ici.ins pLiving 14 instruments. Two
direct state aid for the commleaion.
entertainments, combining thou ami <l.i!nr, for the price of one.
■uggiMtlng rather that It be support
Admission: Gcntk-tiicn $1 10. luobc* 50c.
ed from f«-«a collected from public *
Th* bwdget committee also failed to
Utah* any allowaac«« for its support
kb its rwcomuivndstloa*.
Globe - Albany
A Golden Bed
Saturday Night, February 21
Novelty Entertainers
Cool, Clean Milk
Prevents souring. Avoid this
loss by cooling quickly and
keeping milk where plenty of
fresh air circulates, preferably
in the open.
Oregon Milk Company
Condensery, Scio, Oregon
This bill make« It
lite $do TrŒaM
i S JmU..,JLllB.U
fi>r •
traffic officer to be Is uniform end
make* Ms evM«>u<w aseivss If obtain-
wl by suMvrfns«
The senate kdh-d by IndaHalte
poet poa* meat, a bill proposing to Hay Colter, either hand or power
drive, for eale cheap
See Chas.
Utah» It unlawful lo pnotlce My sye
t«m or mw<h««l of treating the sick
or afflicted without having • at ata For Sal«
Red Clover Seed, good
license, and prohibí’lug the use of tl><
stuff, price 80c per pound. Se*
tenas "doctor" or the nbhr«vigtion
F. T. Thayer. Scip. Ore.
"Dr." without having such IPenee
Lse’sUUvv Brevities
The revised bautklng <odt- bill waa
passed by the seaate.
Without dlauobiB th« bouse ¡>s»s
«■4 the Randall bill prohibit lag the
use of atete own«-d vrhicl«i* for --th*r
than Mate business
R «presos tai ire
Woodward a
calling for abolishment of th« pr->
party qualification for school el«-ctors
lost In the house by five »u««-s
So far *• «he hcusc Is r-ottcerned
the child labor Issue has b««-n «ll»pos
<<d uf anti can bob up Agala only after
two years ¡I voted to refer the Issue
to the people In N«»v«ml>er. IMS
Establishment of th«- printipl««* of
commercial vehicles l-aylng for uw <4
highways In proportion to their traf
flc and business over them, is ef­
fected in bou»«- bdl ill. passed by
the house with four dissenting votes
The legislature, with only one 41«
seating vote tn the two bouacs. np
proved a bill introduced by Senator
with i
which to cleanse and disinfect that
part of Malheur county which •of
t«r*d recently from flood conditions
A bin passed, by the house provMes
hat in a suit for divur«« lhe plain-
lift must be a bona fide resident of the
• ounty lu which the suit is commenc-
••4. al the date of the > onmi<-n< cment
thereof, and fur not less thaa six
mouth* prior thereto.
Fpr Nal« Goood ¡sooae Straw at $3
lier l ai; oerfectlv dry. See A.
L Arnold, route 1, Scio, Oregon.
For Sale Rhode Island Red Figgs
for hatching; setting of 15 eggs
for 75e. See Ifi-ryl Shelton. Scio,
27 tie
For Sole Auto Knitting Machine,
good as new. for $40; c<>*t $70.
See or phone Franklin VanHrunt.
Scio. Or-g-n
Farm I an* Money at
nominal c -mnnssi-m; prepayment
priviiedgtrs after first year. Wm.
Bain. Altumy Ore.
Bring tn vour veal and dreaaeii hog*.
We pay you Pornland price* leas
express charges. No eommiasion.
J. F. Weaely. 22-tf
F’or Sal«* Y -ung horse, coming five
y- arg old this spring, broke to
work. Call or phone Fred R<>ad-
artnel, Scio. Oregon
C * -h paid f<>r false 1eeth. dental
gold, platinum and discarded jew­
Hoke Smelting & Refining
Co.. Otsego, Michigan.
For Sitl« -Lo.-te Hay, at the barn
or deliver«11, at market price for
kind you want. See Chas Chrx. 1
mile wist of Scio, on West Scio
M if
N o Buby Chix this year, but can fur-
ri-h • ggs for batching. 15 00
per l(i> S. C. While leghorns,
Hanson's Strain.
R C. Fetlil, Scio. Ore.
For Sale Rosenkranz strain Brown
ghorn i gga, i I 00 BM* 15 or
Art Shelton and wife visited in
$5.75 i»*r 100; Bfl*y Chicks $16.50
Salem Monday.
per 100
Hanson strain White
Ix*ghorn Egg* $5 00 per 100.
E G. Arnold and wife were in Sa­
( hicks $15 00 per 100. Mr*. J.
lem Friday.
H Johnston. Lyons, Ore. 26tf
Mias Mary Donovan is confined to Eggs For Hatching. $5.00 per 100—
From two-v«-ar old hens with a
her bed with the grippe.
fl -ck average of 224 eggs in their
Miss Vesta Sherfy spent the week­
pullet year; mated to cocks from
end at her home near Ijebanoo.
a p< n of hens with records of 277
I Earl Carlton of Hrvwalcr station lo 299 with male's darn a 299 hen.
R H. McD-nald, route 4. Scio,
was tn Scio on buameaa veaterday.
Cecil Batea of the loaak sawmill I jkk Bkt.iTS L ikk Head your herd
with a well-bred registered Ayr­
was in Scio buying furniture yester­
bull. We offer:
1 2)-year »Id
..................... $125
Ellis Donovan and wife of Port­
I 18-month* old ...................
1 15-months old........ ............. 75
land spent the week end at C. M.
Scioliri Farm, Scio, Linn county,
Miss Hazel Philippi, who is atten«!-
"1 control 163 70 acres in the Linn-
Ing (). A. C., spent the wct»k-en«i al
haven District, known as the L.
her home on route 3.
M. Rover farm. To any one In-
tercted in buying I will sell fora
Lor«-nz Isaak has InetfUled a tele­
small Davmenf down, long time
phone in his home, being needed in ;
on I dance, with a low rale of
connection with hi* Hawmill.
H B Cusick, care
First Saving* Rank, Albany. Ore-
Full line of hulk and garden
Governor's Veto Ovrrriddsn.
aveds. land plaster and fertiliser
The leglaiature overrode the veto
Wesely’s Grocery
of Governor Pu-rcr ou th«- Bend water
supply bill. The senat* pn-.w«l the
Riley Sheljon and wife and E. D.
bill ov*r the veto by a rot« of 25 to Myers and wife attended the funeral
5. while In the boa*« «wily t«R> vmes
of A D. Elder at Shedd Tuesday
uptaald the govnrnor.
The measure
authorise* lhe city of Bend lo eg
ebsuge 11 second feet of water taken
The iw » small children of Mr. t»nd
from the Deechutes river for a similar Mrs. Floyd Shelton are quite ill w ith
quantity of water from Tumalo cr«ek
whooping cough, and lhe younger
The water taken from Tumalo creek
has pneumonia.
will b* uw-d for munSetpal pwpose*
champions of the dog won In the
Miss Mary Donovan won the con-
bouse when they killed house bill 29*.
bent put on last week bv the Floret's
providing for an effective •tats Wld«
Comedians, aa th«* most popu'ar lady.
dog licensing law
Every <li>g with-
out the required license would ba The price was a $25 silver set.
classed as an outlaw under the term*
County Surveyor C. H. l-eonard
of the bUL and would be the lagitl
of Albany was in Scio Wednesday
mate prey of any offtewr'a gun Hepre
grade* for draining
•eatatlvea from the slock raising conn establishing
try pointed out that the license law property on Sou tit Main street, and
wonld work a hardship on many herd Main street north of Thomas creek.
Willard I-on« of Tillamook canto
Supreme Court Salaries Raised.
pleas that to Scio Sunday to get his mother.
strict economy should be practiced by Mr*. J. N. Long, who will spend lhe
the Oregon state legislature durlnc next few days at Tillamook and near*
Its pmeent session, the senate, by a by place* visiting her children and
vot* of 15 to 11. overrod« the adverse
other near relative*.
report of th* joint ways and means
•ommtttee and passed a bill increasing
Andv Jr.,
•t five year old son of Mr.
the salari«* <4 the eeven )«Mll<«e of and Mrs. Andy Hetxendorf, who un­
the state supreme court from 15200
derwent an operation for apiwndi-
lu I7SSS a year
at lhe Albany hospital <«n Jan­
Speed traps thro«sgh<mt the stat*
17, was able to tie brought
will b* owllawed if Governor Here*
bill No. «.
by the home last Nature ay.
Subecribe now. $1,75 t-er year.
V eai
We want your produce
and guarantee you top
moras t price*.
l-usim- established 44
years am». Reference:
Bank ul California.
Authorised kurt’on Sale and Interstats
Phones;—I'alac* F «rd >hed. IM- J
Kvsiucnc«. MJO-R