Local New sa nd Classified Page 0 ■■^ - - ---------------------- SESSION AT SALEM ENTERS FINAL WEEK Lawmaker« Confronted With the Usual Jam of Unfln* Ished Business. — — — —— —yjn ; -u appoint meat to the t-wrd of eoairol Instead of th* governor war* la lbs boo**- for final action. Th« Mills post primary bill which pa»s<-4 the house ha* been slumbering for long days In the senate Th* pre primary Mil still la sleeping la crea mlttee swaiting the fate of lhe Milla blU. ---- !“ no *ptme4 epsvchmakttig except that ef Henacor Joa*pb tn *opp*«lUou tb* Rltn«r flab commission bill passed tb» s*t>ste with U favorable vote* This I« the measure which proposes to take from th* governor the power of ap pointing the m*mb»rs of the state fish commission and lodging that p«rw er with the alate board of control Th* commercial flah code hill pass ed the bouse la the face <»f a bitter end fight by Mott In which charg«w and peraonslltlM were bandies! about fraely. A suppl«un«ntal tax levy for stats pvrpueae may be promulgai«! by the stat* legislators to cover up a de flciaacy bet wean the flnaacial n«*wds of the stat* and ibe funds avallatalo under th* levy made by the alate tai commission Members of th* ways and neaas commitlee have espreseed thaSSselve» favorable to th* plaa and Attorney Geaaral Van Winkle waa to be ask«-«t for an opinion on the legality of su- h a levy. Divert F*** te Grnersl Fund Ousting Cleaver Urged. In forth- enn that the law. un-l th«- department, be left as 11 la at i-reai-nt without change. The other Is that the law be «henge«! and th« prohibit ton enforcement work be giv«*n Into the direct charge of sheriffs and dletrld attorneys; that provision be made fur a "flying squadron" of train««! and «iperiencsd operatives, to l>« appoint««! by and under the direc­ tion and control of lhe attorney g«n oral. to be sent by him when, •nd where. they are n«-«-ded within tha •tat« to aid local officials Dry Law Changes Aafcea. t Salem —Th* pre»«mt legislator* la on» respe«-t at least has follow««! pre- «•deal for It Msnel out oa th»- rins­ ing w««ik of the session with the l«s .-httlv* huppw eloggad with un Pnlahed basluess Both bouses were l-«dty «xmgvsied with work and th* Coring days will witness th« usual • > nfusKm. heated srgurarnta and alrennngta efforts to Bare pet bills Tb-.- tnresur«» which ran the gaunt let of both bouses during th«- first five wm-ks wvr-- mostly ttnbnportani and of no great Iniurest lo tl>e state at large As a mailer of fact, t w really big measures of state wide la- lereel have been offered during Che In an »ffort to raise sufficient present session monay lo m»«‘t lhe slate's financia! Thar« was plenty of fuel fur <- n roeuiretnaat* during the pre««ni Maa troversy when th* legislature started nium th« Joint ways and m«mn* com on the last lap of the session Mon­ milt«« of lhe *«nate and hou«« w«n day. No action had been taken by on record favoring th® peonage of a either boas* oa lb* ret ort ->t tl ■ Mil requiring that all *tat« aMlvftiea Cleaver Investigating com tn lit««« and supported by f«*«a, with th« «i-«|-tl<»n ratification of the child labor «m-tul of the state highway d«-partm«-nt at-I meat to the federal constitution whs a few of the lea a Important commia­ still In tb* air. The senate resolution following a report of the finding •lune turn ov«-r to the general fun-t to prohibit inb«rtiaa<-e or Income tai anal rv-’omiuvndaiIons of the special a per«wnta*e of tholr recel pt*, rang ard the fish cumiulasion hill, giving committee inv«-«tlgaUng the state pro lag from 10 to 15 par reut. blbitiun department, two bills affect­ By a vote of li to 1 the Ixtinn ing that d«partm«-nt w«re Introduced Joint resolution dlrertiil against in by lhe senate committe on slcohottc come and Inheritance tax«** p*««*d traffic. the e«r»ate Th« r*sa!ntion prutHMee tin«* of those pro« l«les that the to aetamlt to the peopt» a < nnatl i Sunday, Monday, Tuesday ni- ix-ys derived from fines under the tut tonal amamdment to prevent tb« Feb. 22-23-24 prohibition act shall be divided •*4itm,n( of Income and lnh> rttance «quail y between the counties and the tax law* until the year IM®, and If **Tbc Covered Wagon" and •tala, whereby tha prohibition depart would repeal th« prw «nt inheritance ‘‘North of 5t>" were combined meat will haw 50 per ««at Inalead tax in one Fig picture it truly of IS per rent tor «nfor.omaat of tha B«b|* Raadtng ft It Pa would be great! Such is law The other half la divided be The Garland bill providing for the IwiH'ti tha sheriffs and th* dlotrtcl reading of portion* of the Bible In the attorney. 75 and Ik per r • traffic officer to be Is uniform end make* Ms evM«>u< stuff, price 80c per pound. Se* tenas "doctor" or the nbhr«vigtion F. T. Thayer. Scip. Ore. Z7tf "Dr." without having such IPenee Lse’sUUvv Brevities The revised bautklng s»s «■4 the Randall bill prohibit lag the use of atete own«-d vrhicl«i* for --th*r than Mate business R «presos tai ire Woodward a bill calling for abolishment of th« pr-> party qualification for school el«-ctors lost In the house by five »u««-s So far *• «he hcusc Is r-ottcerned the child labor Issue has b««-n «ll»pos <er. IMS Establishment of th«- printipl««* of commercial vehicles l-aylng for uw <4 highways In proportion to their traf flc and business over them, is ef­ fected in bou»«- bdl ill. passed by the house with four dissenting votes The legislature, with only one 41« seating vote tn the two bouacs. np proved a bill introduced by Senator Davis appropriating lll.uoo with i which to cleanse and disinfect that part of Malheur county which •of t«r*d recently from flood conditions A bin passed, by the house provMes hat in a suit for divur«« lhe plain- lift must be a bona fide resident of the • ounty lu which the suit is commenc- ••4. al the date of the > onmi<-n< cment thereof, and fur not less thaa six mouth* prior thereto. Fpr Nal« Goood ¡sooae Straw at $3 lier l ai; oerfectlv dry. See A. L Arnold, route 1, Scio, Oregon. Wife For Sale Rhode Island Red Figgs for hatching; setting of 15 eggs for 75e. See Ifi-ryl Shelton. Scio, 27 tie Oregon. For Sole Auto Knitting Machine, good as new. for $40; c<>*t $70. See or phone Franklin VanHrunt. Scio. Or-g-n 27t3p Farm I an* Money at with nominal c -mnnssi-m; prepayment priviiedgtrs after first year. Wm. Bain. Altumy Ore. 26-e Bring tn vour veal and dreaaeii hog*. We pay you Pornland price* leas express charges. No eommiasion. J. F. Weaely. 22-tf F’or Sal«* Y -ung horse, coming five y- arg old this spring, broke to work. Call or phone Fred R<>ad- artnel, Scio. Oregon 27tf C * -h paid f<>r false 1eeth. dental gold, platinum and discarded jew­ elry Hoke Smelting & Refining Co.. Otsego, Michigan. 25-tf For Sitl« -Lo.-te Hay, at the barn or deliver«11, at market price for kind you want. See Chas Chrx. 1 mile wist of Scio, on West Scio M if N o Buby Chix this year, but can fur- ri-h • ggs for batching. 15 00 per l(i> S. C. While leghorns, Hanson's Strain. R C. Fetlil, Scio. Ore. 29-p For Sale Rosenkranz strain Brown ghorn i gga, i I 00 BM* 15 or Art Shelton and wife visited in $5.75 i»*r 100; Bfl*y Chicks $16.50 Salem Monday. per 100 Hanson strain White Ix*ghorn Egg* $5 00 per 100. E G. Arnold and wife were in Sa­ ( hicks $15 00 per 100. Mr*. J. lem Friday. H Johnston. Lyons, Ore. 26tf Mias Mary Donovan is confined to Eggs For Hatching. $5.00 per 100— From two-v«-ar old hens with a her bed with the grippe. fl -ck average of 224 eggs in their Miss Vesta Sherfy spent the week­ pullet year; mated to cocks from end at her home near Ijebanoo. a p< n of hens with records of 277 I Earl Carlton of Hrvwalcr station lo 299 with male's darn a 299 hen. R H. McD-nald, route 4. Scio, was tn Scio on buameaa veaterday. Oregon. 25-tf Cecil Batea of the loaak sawmill I jkk Bkt.iTS L ikk Head your herd with a well-bred registered Ayr­ was in Scio buying furniture yester­ shire bull. We offer: day. 1 2)-year »Id ..................... $125 Ellis Donovan and wife of Port­ I 18-month* old ................... 90 1 15-months old........ ............. 75 land spent the week end at C. M. Scioliri Farm, Scio, Linn county, Donovan's. Oregon. 2Sc Miss Hazel Philippi, who is atten«!- "1 control 163 70 acres in the Linn- Ing (). A. C., spent the wct»k-en«i al haven District, known as the L. her home on route 3. M. Rover farm. To any one In- tercted in buying I will sell fora Lor«-nz Isaak has InetfUled a tele­ small Davmenf down, long time phone in his home, being needed in ; on I dance, with a low rale of connection with hi* Hawmill. interest.” H B Cusick, care First Saving* Rank, Albany. Ore- Full line of hulk and garden gn. 26t4c Governor's Veto Ovrrriddsn. aveds. land plaster and fertiliser The leglaiature overrode the veto 2Htf Wesely’s Grocery of Governor Pu-rcr ou th«- Bend water supply bill. The senat* pn-.w«l the Riley Sheljon and wife and E. D. bill ov*r the veto by a rot« of 25 to Myers and wife attended the funeral 5. while In the boa*« «wily t«R> vmes of A D. Elder at Shedd Tuesday uptaald the govnrnor. The measure forenoM. authorise* lhe city of Bend lo eg ebsuge 11 second feet of water taken The iw » small children of Mr. t»nd from the Deechutes river for a similar Mrs. Floyd Shelton are quite ill w ith quantity of water from Tumalo cr«ek whooping cough, and lhe younger The water taken from Tumalo creek one has pneumonia. will b* uw-d for munSetpal pwpose* champions of the dog won In the Miss Mary Donovan won the con- bouse when they killed house bill 29*. bent put on last week bv the Floret's providing for an effective •tats Wld« Comedians, aa th«* most popu'ar lady. dog licensing law Every
  • g with- out the required license would ba The price was a $25 silver set. classed as an outlaw under the term* County Surveyor C. H. l-eonard of the bUL and would be the lagitl of Albany was in Scio Wednesday mate prey of any offtewr'a gun Hepre grade* for draining •eatatlvea from the slock raising conn establishing try pointed out that the license law property on Sou tit Main street, and wonld work a hardship on many herd Main street north of Thomas creek. owner«. Willard I-on« of Tillamook canto Supreme Court Salaries Raised. Despite impassion.-«! pleas that to Scio Sunday to get his mother. strict economy should be practiced by Mr*. J. N. Long, who will spend lhe the Oregon state legislature durlnc next few days at Tillamook and near* Its pmeent session, the senate, by a by place* visiting her children and vot* of 15 to 11. overrod« the adverse other near relative*. report of th* joint ways and means •ommtttee and passed a bill increasing Andv Jr., •t five year old son of Mr. the salari«* <4 the eeven )«Mll<«e of and Mrs. Andy Hetxendorf, who un­ the state supreme court from 15200 derwent an operation for apiwndi- lu I7SSS a year «cilia at lhe Albany hospital <«n Jan­ Speed traps thro«sgh PAGE ibON DR. J W. GOIN. Veterinarian Authorised kurt’on Sale and Interstats Inspector. Phones;—I'alac* F «rd >hed. IM- J Kvsiucnc«. MJO-R Al.RAXY. OREGON If