The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 22, 1925, Page 6, Image 6

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The Scio Tribuni
General News
More Prizes and Big Free Show
■HMmmaairaMr4MaaM>.r»KgaaB:-*«maaHHXMBaMMHggMMMHgaaMmEu»«gExu.rll ok *« uismri ii”wigi
statar .
HE SECOND PRIZE OFFERING. designed to pat Seio aa the map aa the beet trading point, and to give the
pie «.»m- rung tl> -y want
and can use. l-egan on Monday. Jan 19. at all the store« and business house« listed on this and the n-xt page. t-
< r with «»there
who are cootibutiflg to the enterprise but are not advertising
Those contributing are Scl-> Mill & f - »
. R M, Cain. C E.
Kendlei W. f Gill, J. B. Couev. J. F. Wseely. J. Kelly. Bilyeu Confectionery. Holechek Br«»« , Ser» Cash Produce. S- io lau> fry. >h< itBi ■■* .
L. Jordan. F. T Bilyeu. N. 1 Morrison. Bartu Mor tor Co., Seio Garage, Dean Morris. Thomas Creek ljjml»-r
W J. < hr- uv. Fra a Krun I.
.Mountain States Power Co., Peoples Theatre and L. 0. Porter.
Thia is the proposition atvl the prises: The big prise la a Crosiey Trirdyn 3-tube Radio Set, value ii ■ and will * »n b • n li»|. i> in J F.
Wtwelv*« couth wind <>w, together with th* second prise of $20 worth of groceries, and the third prix»- of » -i •• art»
<• - r arti . -i vs if at $10.
All worth buying for. The camnaign for these prix«« ends Saturday. Feb 28
A free «how will I«- giv«-n ar th«* P<- >pk I'i • atro n W -do«-«-
day afternoon. Feb. 25 res. free. At 10 o’clock that morning th« hour of the drawing for the - •-•i«i »»i third pri. -
• I»-
-I by
drawing the numl*r from a box, and the number drawn set th« hour between 10 and 2 that day, and th- «»me pr
lure wi!l in f
*« i for
Saturday*« drawing
The 10th name drawn wine th* second prise, «nd the next 10th nam- win« th- third pr • at We b ■ la
<1 ».vine; the
same arrangement for Saturday; all drawings to be on the corner of Main «nd Mill Street». All s’ ■ «*•• -.... i**ra’ing
H ha tick- !» i .1 b-i >»t
boxes, write your nano* on the ticket and deposit it in the box. These will be gathered up '»\'*<fr-< day and Satui ‘-c. end mi' in a I x <tr I ar-
rel ami thoroughly stirred up before the drawing takes place. Ask for your tickets with every cash porchv • <-r a
nf , ; <- I h
- lbw to th«*
rules of «ach «tore as to amounts. The winner or a member of his immediate family mu«’ be pr-- nt
o pi -x « r. >r h- d m trust lu i
Wall raper
15c to 50c
Floor Covering
Aluminum Assortment
Double Boilers
3-piece Sauce Pan Set
Your Choice
Dish Pana
Self-Basting Roaster
I-argc Stew Kettles
Tea Kettles
Your Choice
Sec (he 1925 Lang and Universal Ranges
Tickets with everv $1.00 cash purchase or paid on account
starting last Monday.
See the Free Show.
The Ones That Make It Payare
feeding a balanced ration at this time of the year to keep that
cow in shape to do her best when she goes on the gras*
Golden Pheasant Dairy heed
will do that and more. It will pay its wav and put your cow*
in shape to return a profit in the spring. Feed prices are against
the dairymen now, on account oi high priced « and corn,
but this condition of low priced ami high priced feed
must change soon, and f the cow is kept in condition to|»roducc
her licst she will show- her owner a profit far the year, otherwise
she shows a loss. Ask your neighbor why he feeds G ulden
P heasant D airy F exq .
Scio Mill & Elevator Co
Watch 1 he Window«.
We need, want and appreciate your patronage,
and if good service, treatment, credit accommcxla-
trona ami g<xil quality of meichandise at reasona­
ble prices count with you, come and see us. This
is our home anti by all cooperating we can make it
worth while lor all of us.
Ask for 1 ickets
With Genuine Ford Parts
What It Really Means
We ar« ui on the big drawing contest «nd the Free
picture show that will I* put on by th« Scio mer­
chants. So carefully watch the Tribune for details,
k all foe your drawing tickets that we give free
with each 5th purchase or $1(00 paid on account;
produce taken same as cash.
Yours to live «nd let live.
It means Genuine Fort! Parts. 50 ¡»er cent of which
retail for has than 10 cents. It means a repair shop
where Expert Ford Mechanics perform the work.
It means giving Honest, Courteous, Prompt atten­
tion to the Ford Owner’s every need.
It mea .a to constantly supple you with a Ford Ser­
vice that will make you and keep you an enthusiastic
member of the great Ford family.
Ford Batteries. 13 plates, »15 M
Batteries for your Radios.
The Scio Laundry
Is just getting started and wi|l make good if you will send ua
your family washing
Rough dry wash 7c per pound. Press­
ing, cleaning, dj ring, ¡»¡eating. Prices right. We are cwwperst­
ing in ti e ¡-rut» and tree show. Ask for tickets with
cash or ¡»»J on account. starting last Monday.
We will repair your Batteries.
If you want a square deal, we solicit y«<ur patronage*
Phone 27
Scio, Oregon
tickets given with each $100 cash purchase or pud
on account. Ask for them.
See the free show.