t í* ck The Scio Tribuni General News More Prizes and Big Free Show ■HMmmaairaMr4MaaM>.r»KgaaB:-*«maaHHXMBaMMHggMMMHgaaMmEu»«gExu.rll ok *« uismri ii”wigi statar . HE SECOND PRIZE OFFERING. designed to pat Seio aa the map aa the beet trading point, and to give the pie «.»m- rung tl> -y want and can use. l-egan on Monday. Jan 19. at all the store« and business house« listed on this and the n-xt page. t- < r with «»there who are cootibutiflg to the enterprise but are not advertising Those contributing are Scl-> Mill & f - »nt.ir . R M, Cain. C E. Kendlei W. f Gill, J. B. Couev. J. F. Wseely. J. Kelly. Bilyeu Confectionery. Holechek Br«»« , Ser» Cash Produce. S- io lau> fry. >h< itBi ■■* . L. Jordan. F. T Bilyeu. N. 1 Morrison. Bartu Mor tor Co., Seio Garage, Dean Morris. Thomas Creek ljjml»-r W J. < hr- uv. Fra a Krun I. .Mountain States Power Co., Peoples Theatre and L. 0. Porter. Thia is the proposition atvl the prises: The big prise la a Crosiey Trirdyn 3-tube Radio Set, value ii ■ and will * »n b • n li»|. i> in J F. Wtwelv*« couth wind <>w, together with th* second prise of $20 worth of groceries, and the third prix»- of » -i •• art» <• - r arti . -i vs if at $10. All worth buying for. The camnaign for these prix«« ends Saturday. Feb 28 A free «how will I«- giv«-n ar th«* P<- >pk I'i • atro n W -do«-«- day afternoon. Feb. 25 res. free. At 10 o’clock that morning th« hour of the drawing for the - •-•i«i »»i third pri. - I • I»- -I by drawing the numl*r from a box, and the number drawn set th« hour between 10 and 2 that day, and th- «»me pr lure wi!l in f *« i for Saturday*« drawing The 10th name drawn wine th* second prise, «nd the next 10th nam- win« th- third pr • at We b ■ la <1 ».vine; the same arrangement for Saturday; all drawings to be on the corner of Main «nd Mill Street». All s’ ■ «*•• -.... i**ra’ing H ha tick- !» i .1 b-i >»t boxes, write your nano* on the ticket and deposit it in the box. These will be gathered up '»\'*r h- d m trust f.ir lu i T NEW Wall raper 15c to 50c Floor Covering 48c-68c-98c Rugs Rugs Lineoleum Congoleum and Aluminum Assortment Percolators Double Boilers 3-piece Sauce Pan Set Roasters Your Choice 98c Dish Pana Self-Basting Roaster I-argc Stew Kettles Tea Kettles Your Choice $120 Sec (he 1925 Lang and Universal Ranges R. M. CAIN Tickets with everv $1.00 cash purchase or paid on account starting last Monday. See the Free Show. DAIRYMEN The Ones That Make It Payare feeding a balanced ration at this time of the year to keep that cow in shape to do her best when she goes on the gras* Golden Pheasant Dairy heed will do that and more. It will pay its wav and put your cow* in shape to return a profit in the spring. Feed prices are against the dairymen now, on account oi high priced «hc.it and corn, but this condition of low priced buttcrf.it ami high priced feed must change soon, and f the cow is kept in condition to|»roducc her licst she will show- her owner a profit far the year, otherwise she shows a loss. Ask your neighbor why he feeds G ulden P heasant D airy F exq . Scio Mill & Elevator Co Watch 1 he Window«. We need, want and appreciate your patronage, and if good service, treatment, credit accommcxla- trona ami g