The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, March 20, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Scio Tribuni
( ou ri try Corre »pon den ce
it 1« on her face. a
- .
. i
eyes. and on her hand«. She ia get­
ting rid of it now. h w< ver. and
feel» better.
Mar. 17
The old man has been quite gen­
The Home Talent Dramatic Club
of late, aa he ha* a lot <«f >ni n
are tn entertain at the opera house
teed*, ami fine Engltnh
in Stayton next Friday evening.
which he ha* I«« n giv
When you patnmixc our adver-
A few new case« of measles have
to anyone wishing ti«crs you are |Mtro>u»in< mutual
come to town
Orville Peek. George
f friend#.
W ley and little Maxine Huber have them. There were five hu*hr >
a'l t>een out of school the past week. seta, 20 lb* of seed, and 25 Itw. uf
duster peas
J. H. Johnston and wife were
Thursday the Bengal Hounds of
Scio and Stayton visitors Monday.
Mr. E. E. Trask and wife were
A. Griffin hill, tearing «»ut a
Sunday visitors in Salem.
Mar 17
among the long tailed jack rabbits,
A Mr. Robertson and family are
I every few minuta* bringing m
Mrs Samual Stewart panned away
moving Into the house on the W. R
down through the Pie Eat«-r‘» gar Sunday morning about 6 A. M after
Surry farm above town. The man
den. head and tail up. an i mak­ a lingering illnsw. The funeral will
i* a partner of the Roberta-Robert-
ing more notee than a bra • band. lie held at Crabtree church Wednes­
ron-Smith Mill Co. who are cutting
She leave« her
The Santiam Farm ha* » <r.e fine day at 10 A M
timber on the mountain southeast
l'u«l»an«l and son* Carlos and Wca-
loose hay for aale at fib per ton.
of Lyon*, on what Is known aa the
PIE EATER. l ver of Loa Angel«-» and Ell. ami
Berge place.
«laughter, Mr#. Frances Kelly of
Henry Talbot an J wife drove to!
.Munkrrs. A few years ago the
• I>l«an.«n Satuniay evening to visit
family bought the store at Thomas
relatives, returning Sunday evening
Oregon Msthc.'«*« B«»hcp A| -« » I f
but soon lost it by fire and then
Aid tor Starving Garmin Ch Iran
Mrs John Warden was a Lyons
to the present home one mile
Bishop W O.
■ t
. <>•
caller Thursday.
with headuu*rt»ra In I' r!l.«. <1
.» north of Crabtree
.Mrs. Stuart
While handling a bell at Balsiger's keen sympalhixer with and ■oil.
had many friends here.
null. Alex Bodeker had the misfor­ of the rfforta now In pr> „>■ • »
Everett Ridgeway of Newberg
oat the atria and
to ><tle>< a
tune of getting the thumb on hia!
fond of money for th« r» lief of atarv preached at the Riverview school
right hand badly tom and pulled lu< Gorman children, nt »Lorn th-«rv
h use Sunday morning and evening.
.. i>*rd
off. so it wa* necessary for I)r are several million* I -hop
la a member of tt»— On on • iai
we nl»<> Monday. Tuesday and Wednes­
B«-suchamp to amputate it near the
whi<h 1» endoavorti . tor»
day evenings. Good siied crowds
second joint. This happened about In thia »tale and la living It his pvr
welcomed him.
5 o’clock Tuesday.
Hia hand is soual attention.
Mi«»* Audry Ferri* and Roy Nea-
•*1 can readily appr. elate th«' situ*
mending nicely.
tlon In Germany. aalii Bishop Shep
»it of Kelso, Wash, are visiting at
"With «Mh.-r- I tn.
Orville Gilkey's
study of condition* In Europe. in«lu«i
S. B. Holt and wife went to Sa­
ing Germany, in I'-'"
it ».
High School Note#
apparent that Ju«' »u l i so«.
<. aa lem Friday to attend the banketiall
now ellata would rh-vel«>p
it mil
tournament and meet a nephew of
I Ilona la Germany at.d ■
« - r
. .
The boys completed their basket­ enter the winter with «HI
i.'fb t< ut Mrs. Holt’s who is with the Bend
ball »eticdule by playing Iatbanon
me at all
It ia a p
High School at l^tianon last Friday one which d«aerv»«
Mrs Fred M*«pelt*# relatives of
.< «» :
evening. Scio was defeated 12 to 5 and response from 'b
... Albany visited her Sunday
at were E C. Smith ami wife. Fd
in a fast and furious game. This •to help, for it ahonld m i r be
little onea who have had no poiobte
was the last high school game for connection with what be.»
Smith ami wife, and Mm Minaie
i ■ a-d
four of the boys as they are seniors. over there eh «lid »i:lfer >!■ ‘I .oy Smith. John Miller and sons was
also there from North Santiam.
Mr. McAdoo met the Sphinx staff ar« paying a terrible «< n > fur
thing they knew a< ’
It «JI
Nora Holt and IJoyil Whetstone
and Student body officers Monday gvee to »how how terr.'
1« >■ I
vouted here Sunday.
LJoyd re-1
morning for a conference.
financial state of the Sphinx and
mained with his grandparents, T-i
M Holte.
plans for the annual were discussed.
Base bail is the fad at achool these
Dinner guests Sunday with S. B.
and wift» were I. N. Lemon,
dajf* as all the grade and high school
pilbils are on the park whenever the
weather will permit.
The first
practice game will probably be
played this Friday with the town
New» From Lyon».
¡Bring Your Job
Printing to I ribune
The gym dance given by the
student t>ody last Saturday was bet­
ter attended than the one before it.
Ike music and conduct were excel-
Another dance will be given
The eighth grade bovs are making
wixxi of the oak tree removed from
the park and will soon have it ready ,
for sale.
The epidemic of measles haa
its course and all the pupils
back making up the work
' $90,000,003 TO SERVE WEST
COMPREHENSIVE and tmprr » re program for const rad Ion wort. n«w
faciliti«*« and impri.vamniil* « ■ rally to maintain ndaquats transporta­
tion sarvlca tor Paclils (’• - »Gues haa b«M>n launchad by Uta #outh«ra
Pacific pompar, it waa annoi: > ‘ hem today.
Eipnndtturea totaling in <
of HO tWO.ono ara Involve.! tn tha Im-
#rwv«cnani program, whi. • to ba <• rriad into »fleet aa rapidly a* possible
Thia program la In
l'.l in to tha re» rot pore has« by ths Aiu Giara Pa-
at*« company of a r<-»<>
nate’.-r of
ght and piuisangnr cara, reirlgervtor
owra and powerful :
t ■ <« al a « not ug#r«g«tlrg »tb.nOO.OOS
Ths announcen
«ailing for r tewed activity Ihroughow* the territory
served by tha ralle
>■ u:< n <>.<• •• » of the 4»<»sal>«n of g»«vvrn-
■MWt oflj. lais al
. ( the t lilted -Unlaa court decisimi
aAraUag the .Ho
>rn Fu< ■« t.uual Pacific merger
March 17
Mrs Jennie Ixivejoy of Dallas re­
turned home Sunday morning after
»[tending a week with her mother.
.Mr«. 8. W. Gainea
Rolla Griffin, wife and son nulled
<>ut Monday morning for California,
Mr*. lx*e and granddaughter.
Mr». Lucas. called at the Farm after
Sunday school for a abort chat with
Mrs. Gainea. Mrs. Lee ia superin-
tendant of the Sunday school.
I learned Saturday that my daugh­
ter. Mr* Ida Graham of Woodburn
was taken to Salem Friday, where
on Saturday morning ahe waa oper­
ate*! on for removal of a tumor.
Mrs. Joseph Kalina ha# been hav­
ing a hard time with poison oak, aa
(iood Boil.
Roast. ...
12« 13«
( hops* ..
Salt fork
. .. 16«
.. 23«
..!•< 2«<
.. 26«
Summer Sausage
Choice Light Bacon
Hvai y Racon
Harn ...........
: ■
Every Saturday Is Bargain Day
Look in our window and sec how cheap and
wh«t good meat you can get lor your money.
Scio Meat Market
Holechek Bro#, Prop#.
*s *
Scio, Oregon
We have a large quantity of
No. 2 Dimension
Surfaced two sides.
1 his includes
sizes from 2x4 to 2x I 2
Price $12.50 per Thousand
First come, first served
Scio Logging & Lumber Company
Floyd t’rcn»haw took a load of
i«e««ple to the Price meeting Tues­
day evening.
They left Crabtree
after achool to be sure to get in.
YEM! w« have ‘‘600” Score rani«
2c each.
At the Tribune Office.
. -
w omen # Mmes and Children’s
Clothing and I labcrdaahery
He will measure in dollar# and cent# the
safety of the train a# well a# the com­
fort# it provide*.
He will spend hi# money where he know#
his home town will get the greateat ben­
efit- with the railroad a big factor In
the development of his community.
He will capitalize on the fact that the
train will run re g inflow* of unfavorable
weather conditions and get him to hi#
destination safely.
For any railroad Information ration your ticket agent
he will gladly aaaial you in every way poaaibl*.
J ohn M scorr
mongrr Traffic Manager,
Portland, Oregon.
Southern Pacific Lines
v. *
«Vf* a -•••
and wife, E. B. lemon ami wife and
two sons, James Patiron and wife
and daughter, all of Corvallis, and
Mrs. Holt’s niece. Josephine O'Brien
of Wahinieia. but now a student of
0. A 0.
Helen Revel is a now student at
River View school.
-r* » a j*«
. «.y*
H»* can save money hv purchasing1 ■ round
trip ticket at reduced fare.
Abeve I* «bowa sac of ike manj curtir* of workme# ««Ing «frasi «»•tele
other eqeipMeat to «pea the way throavh iho faatoa« Kmlgraat Gap for
additional trackage. (Below) Track iaylng rrew orltfag a fa«t vtrMo
twee« ■•atelia and Loray la Votada, kagioeer Otia Week» Alreellag
The thriftv man when making a trip will
USt THE TRAIN bwauae:
Meat -X ’
The Thrifty Man
Buys in the Be^t
Market ! *
+ • ♦ ♦ ♦♦
Every Dey
: .4-
»•> »
t '<