The Scio Tribuni ( ou ri try Corre »pon den ce it 1« on her face. a • - . . i eyes. and on her hand«. She ia get­ ting rid of it now. h w< ver. and feel» better. Mar. 17 The old man has been quite gen­ The Home Talent Dramatic Club erous of late, aa he ha* a lot <«f >ni n are tn entertain at the opera house aeta. onion teed*, ami fine Engltnh in Stayton next Friday evening. cluster pc#», which he ha* I«« n giv When you patnmixc our adver- A few new case« of measles have ing them away to anyone wishing ti«crs you are |Mtro>u»in< mutual come to town Orville Peek. George f friend#. W ley and little Maxine Huber have them. There were five hu*hr > a'l t>een out of school the past week. seta, 20 lb* of seed, and 25 Itw. uf duster peas J. H. Johnston and wife were Thursday the Bengal Hounds of GILKEY STATION \ Scio and Stayton visitors Monday. Scio were out for a time «>n the G« Mr. E. E. Trask and wife were A. Griffin hill, tearing «»ut a • Sunday visitors in Salem. Mar 17 among the long tailed jack rabbits, A Mr. Robertson and family are I every few minuta* bringing m Mrs Samual Stewart panned away moving Into the house on the W. R down through the Pie Eat«-r‘» gar Sunday morning about 6 A. M after Surry farm above town. The man den. head and tail up. an i mak­ a lingering illnsw. The funeral will i* a partner of the Roberta-Robert- ing more notee than a bra • band. lie held at Crabtree church Wednes­ ron-Smith Mill Co. who are cutting She leave« her The Santiam Farm ha* » l«an.«n Satuniay evening to visit family bought the store at Thomas relatives, returning Sunday evening Oregon Msthc.'«*« B«»hcp A| -« » I f but soon lost it by fire and then Aid tor Starving Garmin Ch Iran Mrs John Warden was a Lyons moved to the present home one mile Bishop W O. ■ t 1 . <>• caller Thursday. with headuu*rt»ra In I' r!l.«. <1 .» north of Crabtree .Mrs. Stuart While handling a bell at Balsiger's keen sympalhixer with and ■oil. -r had many friends here. null. Alex Bodeker had the misfor­ of the rfforta now In pr> „>■ • » Everett Ridgeway of Newberg oat the atria and to >< a tune of getting the thumb on hia! fond of money for th« r» lief of atarv preached at the Riverview school right hand badly tom and pulled lu< Gorman children, nt »Lorn th-«rv h use Sunday morning and evening. .. i>*rd off. so it wa* necessary for I)r are several million* I -hop la a member of tt»— On on • iai we nl»<> Monday. Tuesday and Wednes­ B«-suchamp to amputate it near the whip it mil tournament and meet a nephew of I Ilona la Germany at.d ■ « - r . . The boys completed their basket­ enter the winter with «HI i.'fb t< ut Mrs. Holt’s who is with the Bend food waa newa th»: did ball »eticdule by playing Iatbanon (team. me at all It ia a p n High School at l^tianon last Friday one which d«aerv»« Mrs Fred M*«pelt*# relatives of .< «» : > evening. Scio was defeated 12 to 5 and response from 'b They !■ ‘I .oy Smith. John Miller and sons was also there from North Santiam. Mr. McAdoo met the Sphinx staff ar« paying a terrible «< n > fur thing they knew a< ’ t It «JI Nora Holt and IJoyil Whetstone and Student body officers Monday gvee to »how how terr.' 1« >■ I vouted here Sunday. LJoyd re-1 morning for a conference. The financial state of the Sphinx and mained with his grandparents, T-i M Holte. plans for the annual were discussed. Base bail is the fad at achool these Dinner guests Sunday with S. B. Holt and wift» were I. N. Lemon, dajf* as all the grade and high school I pilbils are on the park whenever the weather will permit. The first I « practice game will probably be played this Friday with the town New» From Lyon». j ¡Bring Your Job Printing to I ribune I teen. The gym dance given by the student t>ody last Saturday was bet­ ter attended than the one before it. Ike music and conduct were excel- ent Another dance will be given eugn. ' The eighth grade bovs are making wixxi of the oak tree removed from the park and will soon have it ready , for sale. The epidemic of measles haa its course and all the pupils back making up the work SOUTHERN I’ACIEC SPENDING ' $90,000,003 TO SERVE WEST COMPREHENSIVE and tmprr » re program for const rad Ion wort. n«w faciliti«*« and impri.vamniil* « ■ rally to maintain ndaquats transporta­ tion sarvlca tor Paclils (’• - »Gues haa b«M>n launchad by Uta #outh«ra Pacific pompar, it waa annoi: > ‘ hem today. Eipnndtturea totaling in < of HO tWO.ono ara Involve.! tn tha Im- #rwv«cnani program, whi. • to ba <• rriad into »fleet aa rapidly a* possible Thia program la In l'.l in to tha re» rot pore has« by ths Aiu Giara Pa- at*« company of a r<-»<> nate’.-r of ght and piuisangnr cara, reirlgervtor owra and powerful : t ■ <« al a « not ug#r«g«tlrg »tb.nOO.OOS Ths announcen «ailing for r tewed activity Ihroughow* the territory served by tha ralle ' >■ u:< n <>.<• •• » of the 4»<»sal>«n of g»«vvrn- ■MWt oflj. lais al t, , . ( the t lilted -Unlaa court decisimi aAraUag the .Ho >rn Fu< ■« t.uual Pacific merger SANTIAM FARM NEWS March 17 Mrs Jennie Ixivejoy of Dallas re­ turned home Sunday morning after »[tending a week with her mother. .Mr«. 8. W. Gainea Rolla Griffin, wife and son nulled <>ut Monday morning for California, Mr*. lx*e and granddaughter. Mr». Lucas. called at the Farm after Sunday school for a abort chat with Mrs. Gainea. Mrs. Lee ia superin- tendant of the Sunday school. I learned Saturday that my daugh­ ter. Mr* Ida Graham of Woodburn was taken to Salem Friday, where on Saturday morning ahe waa oper­ ate*! on for removal of a tumor. Mrs. Joseph Kalina ha# been hav­ ing a hard time with poison oak, aa ■ . (iood Boil. Roast. ... Steaka.... Bo-lOo 12« 13« ia«iBo Roast.... ( hops* .. Salt fork I4o-I6w . .. 16« Meat .. 23« ..!•< 2«< .. 26« Summer Sausage Choice Light Bacon Hvai y Racon Harn ........... Shoulders. ■ Bologna... : ■ Every Saturday Is Bargain Day Look in our window and sec how cheap and wh«t good meat you can get lor your money. I Scio Meat Market Holechek Bro#, Prop#. -v. *s * X ■ Scio, Oregon We have a large quantity of No. 2 Dimension Surfaced two sides. 1 his includes sizes from 2x4 to 2x I 2 Price $12.50 per Thousand First come, first served Scio Logging & Lumber Company _______ ■ ■ I Floyd t’rcn»haw took a load of i«e««ple to the Price meeting Tues­ day evening. They left Crabtree after achool to be sure to get in. YEM! w« have ‘‘600” Score rani« 2c each. At the Tribune Office. . - SHIPLEY’S w omen # Mmes and Children’s Clothing and I labcrdaahery Popular Price# Salem, He will measure in dollar# and cent# the safety of the train a# well a# the com­ fort# it provide*. He will spend hi# money where he know# his home town will get the greateat ben­ efit- with the railroad a big factor In the development of his community. He will capitalize on the fact that the train will run re g inflow* of unfavorable weather conditions and get him to hi# destination safely. For any railroad Information ration your ticket agent he will gladly aaaial you in every way poaaibl*. J ohn M scorr mongrr Traffic Manager, Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines v. * «Vf* a -••• K,. .AC? and wife, E. B. lemon ami wife and two sons, James Patiron and wife and daughter, all of Corvallis, and Mrs. Holt’s niece. Josephine O'Brien of Wahinieia. but now a student of 0. A 0. Helen Revel is a now student at River View school. -r* » a j*« . «.y* H»* can save money hv purchasing1 ■ round trip ticket at reduced fare. Abeve I* «bowa sac of ike manj curtir* of workme# ««Ing «frasi «»•tele other eqeipMeat to «pea the way throavh iho faatoa« Kmlgraat Gap for additional trackage. (Below) Track iaylng rrew orltfag a fa«t vtrMo twee« ■•atelia and Loray la Votada, kagioeer Otia Week» Alreellag •* Pork Beet The thriftv man when making a trip will USt THE TRAIN bwauae: I '■ Meat -X ’ The Thrifty Man Buys in the Be^t Market ! * + • ♦ ♦ ♦♦ i Prices A missed. : Every Dey : .4- »•> » t '< f. ■ I*