The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 22, 1923, Image 1

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NO. »
Three Month* Old Babe Die*
All-Star Team Choarn
Isut Friday morning about two
As a result ot the recent county
• ' K*k. as near aa it can be figured baskrtball tournament. th* all- tar
out. Evelyn May. the little three tram and the second team have been
m -.the old babe of Mr. and Mrs lehoaen. The s|->rt editors of the
lawmakers Unable to Com
K* neth McDonald, passed away. Albany papers were the judge« of
plete labors Within Con­
pr< *umably from heart failure, with the men to compose them* teams
n<> warning to the grief stricken Il may bo sai l that the judges u*«*d
stitutional limit.
parents. A little before that time good judgment in th«ir selection,
the mother had burn up and si­ for tbev just naturally ha I to give
Salem—Th« constitutional today
te: ded to the little tot. tucked it the plums to Sci •
There is n thing period prescribed for l«<1«lsttve see-
it nway comfortably In its bed covers, to be gamed in the honors thus be- •ion» «spired with the Important flues*
ai. I went back to bud. When they stowed, because it had no authority I lions ot consolidation, taxation and
I Incom« tax unsettled, so It wss nsces-
ar •« in the morning they proceeded to place game« with other commun­
«ary to extend th» •-'««Ion over into
with breakfast and not hearing any ities on try-outs
The following this »eck
Even th« appropriation
-•und from the little one went to were selected on the first team. blits 4M not make their appearance
investigate and found that Hfe was Holland of Scio and Mae n of Al­ until Saturday
Th« pay ot mrmbers «nd», they work
extinct. The doctor was immediate­ bany. aa forwards. Sima, of Scio,
: for nothing, and th« !vgt«lslors <*sn
ly called and from the beet he could center; lx-r Powell, of Crabtree and
remain aa Ions a« they pl««»«, with
figure out the babe had died shortly John Cox. of Albany, guard«. Sti ff out ««pan«« to the »tqie ln»ofar «• tb«
after the time the mother had of Mill City and Phillip« of Albany, pay of th« senators end represent«
waited upon it The sympathy of utility men
The <u-con4 tram m tivM 1« concerned Th« compsnsstlon
of the entire commnnity goes out composed <»f Knauf of Scio an*< of the house «nd c«nate stuffs. which
to the parents in this sad affliction. Brandeberrv of Albany, a» forwards. include everything down to the steno­
graphers end pa««« continues until
Th»* funeral was held Saturday Shaw of .Mill City, center; Hubbard
sine die adjoumm-'nt
morning at Franklin Butte cemetery, and Rollev. both of Albany, as guard
The question of consolidating var-
w ere the burial took place. Rev. Haseman of .Mill, City anti Hermit Mu» departments of the «tats govern-
meat wss In s ch« ■ « <
Htl.m end
W II. McLain officiating.
of Gates, utility men
A good plan for the promoters of
tournament to toilow would I*
Women From Ireland
to arranage a game between th*
Mrs Hanna Sheey Skeffington. first and second teams, ai d thus
M im Kathleen Boland and Miss Lyn­ have a real county championship
da Kearns. reoresenting the Irish team.
Women’s Mission in America, will
arrive in Fortland next Sunday.Feb.
Had Party—Good Time
25, and will address a public me—
A little late is this p ee of neiv«.
in- •ting that evening in Hibernia
(In Sa <
340 Russell street, at 8 o’clock bu t better 1st«* .han never
I urtlay night, Feb 10, nl-out fifi y
th it evening. A special conference
will be held between the ladies and pe< »pie gathered at the h<>mc of W m .
fro nd« of Ireland In the Portland Rhoda and enjoyed a real old fa»h ■
hotel at 2 p. m.. to which a cordial lotted party and all r»-| rt a good
invitation ia extended all friends of tione. Game» ‘of all - >rts were
Ireland to be present and personally played and at midnight a bounteou
Such gatherings
meet the delegates. The ladies are lurtch was served
ti<i to be fluent «peakers. The as these always help to o uient ge-d
United Irish Societies of Portland fellowship, and pity 'tie there arc
not more of them
are in charge of arrangements.
C>ur boy« trimmed the Lelutnon
boys in a fast game of bi«»ketba!l at
Lebanon la«t Friday nigh
33 to 3. Ihe Lebanon girl» then
cleaned up on the Scio girls by a
large score
The gam- i Kiween
the Willamette U f reel» men ano
the Tu rner girls also caused a slip
backward for our team«
But it
tak< more» real sportsmanship to In*
a good losr-r than a victorious win-
Turner w..n B to 7. and the
Not so
freshmen won by 11 to 9.
Richardson Gap dance Saturday easy, either
night. Feb. 24. Arnold Janera.
Do yo o want to sell all nr part of
Everybody invited.
27-t2c your fat m? Do v >u want to buy a
small a rrsage or a large or medium
sixed f arm? If you do. ace the edi­
It is of very great interest to
learn that on Feb. 2, Dr. Simons N.
Flexner, director of the Rockefeller
Institute for Medical Rssearch. an­
nounced the discovery of the cause
of infiuenxa. Investigations have
resulted in discovering a previously
unknown, very minute germ which
i« pr« vent in the nose and throat the
first 36 hours of an influenaal Infec­
tion. Thi« small bacillus has never
l>eef, found in healthy persons, or
those sick from other diseases.
tor of the Scio Tribune, he might
have something good to offer you
Mavbe yo<i have a
in si1 Jhcr event
chic’ sen ranch for sale, soitl »bi« al«»
for raising turkey«. if so we have
an inquiry for such a pla<*e.
and see us, it won’t float you
eent to find out. and migh t be the,
Mrs. S .M Hubbard. • «’Salem,
ma struck Satmd«> Mur !’•■■■ n by
■ automobile in S: •on ar I ■■■ in
jjared that dir died Si.’ ■!» . after-
iSenn in a hospital
.Mr- I lubbard
«■aa <»n her way to snrnd S aturdav
•night with relative« in anotl ter part
•erf Salem a hen the accident * occured.
•ad her condition we not known
by her huatmnd until hr rs ad of it
to the papers Sunday mornin, ?. when
he called at the hospital and ideati-
find his wife
Lyle J. Ficklm, he who hi » done
much for the Scio, school, was in
i Scio ovni Stsaday visiting ht» m other.
Mrs. M. J. Ficklin. Lyle IS now
general "manager of the Coh imbla
Distributing Co., with h«*adq••» rters
• to Portland
raany believe nothin« wilt be done st
this »«»elos
When the leslslature adjourned over
Suadsy the Carkin bill was ths oaly
consolidation m«*s«ur» pending. «• the
Hall bill had be on killed in th« ««nnte
and the sensts compromise hill was
defeated la the hfi«e
The Carkin
bill was lying on the house tabla and
«v«n if It Is «ent over to the aenaie
It Is vary doubtful t it will g«t through
that body
Al the close of ths Sixth week of
the session a total of «124 bills had been
Introduced A total of 227 bill« origin
•ted tn the senate and S99 In the house
In all. 117 bills had I «u approved by
both bouses and signed by ths gov­
One Mil has b« «n vetoed
There remain 7« bills which have
piaeed both houses and which await
. txecutlva actios Of these. 34 are sen
a is bills sad 3v are house b Ils
Th« joint ways and means commit
te a, upon ooni ludtng its work approved
appropriation» for ths present Men­
an ua aggregating »•.’I10.04S. or »449.-
JJ7 leas than had been recommended
by ike State budget commission The
budi let commlaeton had recommended
sppr »prlatlons In the amount of »«.*
7k» U. after lopping oft »«40.000 from
the amounts requested by the «late
depart snenta. hoards and commlaslona
Appimprwtlone authorised by the
ways amd means committee two years
ago a<iiregnted more than M 000,000
R«v*trul member» of the committee
had a i-ftamge of heart and rescinded
their previous action with relation to
the dea«rt land board and the sealer
of weights and m-m-uree department.
The desert land board had requested
an appro prtnems of IS&00. which was
decilnad at a previous meeting <X the
The committee allowed
thia activity an appropr atlon of ».toon
Th« request of th« sealer M weights
and measures for »10.000. lamed down
at a previous meeting, was allowed by
the committee
Finans» Body BUI Passed.
After a bitter debate the senate
passed a bill authorising th» crnetlon
of a stats finance commission. Tbit
bill originated In th- house and was
one of n number of tneaeutee baaed on
the report of th« state tax Investigjit'
(Continued on page 8.)
People’s Theatre
A splendid Picture in
‘The Sky Pilot’
You must
Also Ben Turpin in
Love’s Outcast”
A Comedy
International News
February 24 A. 25
Admission 10c-25c
New Ruling Announced
i 1.75 I HE YEAR
“Brown’* In Town"
A play east from Albany college
will prt-senl a 3 act comedy,
“Brown’s In Town." at th«' Scio
High School Auditorium on Tuesday
r.ight Feb. 27. It ia unusual event
for a college play to be given in so
«mall a town; but due to the fact
benefits are disbursed, prevents that facilities for presenting amateur
awards on account of dependent ret performances at«' better in Scio
stives of veterans from twing made ’ than in Albany, the high school atü«
effective more than on«* year prior l dent body has been able to seeuru
to the date when claim for addi­ this excellent entertainment.
tional compensation for such depen-1
Youthful love, an eloping couple,
dents was made. Mr. Jcs»«*ph say» comedy in rapid succession and a
many vetrrans who had. while in' pair of newlyweds in a bungalow,
training under the federal board for feature the Albany College Literary
vi»catlonal education, claimed addi­ 8«icieiy Play.
tional training pay for dependents,
Walter .MaeCanlon thought he
failed until long afterwards to file ' had one too manv when he tried to
with the Veterans* Bureau or the j handle the part of acting husband
Bureau of War Risk Insurance, any to two beautiful yonng women in
claim for additional compensation An effort to protect the eloper from
on account of dependents.
discovery by the irate father. Ardis
Mr. Jesseph stated that the new Elerle and Vernon Henderson take
ruling permits a claim for additional the part of the newly wed« and the
training pay to b** construed as a ca«t aa a whole ia of excelhmt
claim for additional comitensation quality.
also. and. if presented on or before
The following article app»-ared in
Aug 9. 1921. to I t considered filed the Alliatiy Democrat following the
with the Veterans' Bureau as of date of the play then.
that date because the vocational
The Albany colleg«» students in
training records were then place»I Brown's In Town made a big hit in
under the jurisdiction of the Bu­ Albany. The students in the Eune-
reau. As a consequence. Mr. Jes* tian aodoty of Albany college pre­
•eph explained, additional cumpenre- sented “Brown’s In Town", n thiee
tion for dependent relatives may, in act comedy and come thru with (ly­
a considerable number of can««, be ing colors Friday. l>ec 15th at the
extended back to Aug. 9. 1920. and Globe theatre in Albany.
where that can legally lie done the were critirally watched as aome of
beneficiaries effected will l»e msile<l them will form th«* nucleus for later
checks to cover the additional plays
Many beneficiaries of the U S.
Veterans’ Bureau will be paid addi­
tional compensation as a result of a
new ruling announced by L. C. Jes-
seph. Pacific Northwest Manager of
the Bureau.
The act of congress, under which'
amounts accrued under this new in­
Expressing their appreciation by
terpretation of the law.
laughter and applause, the students
and town«pcot»l«* indorsed the train­
Commissioner D C. Thoms say» ing rr.Bthodaof Mrs. Childs, Instruct­
• he county commissioners are going or in expression and dramatic art
to do everything they can to put at Albany college
Semites are again to benefit by
the roads of Linn county in good
»hai»e, and that the road to Green’s the enterprise of the High School
bridge will Iw round««! up ao that Student Body. All are curious to
water won’t stand on it and thus see a real College Play in Scio.
cause so many pit holes to accumu­ The High School will benefit finan­
cially by the performance.
Prof. H E. Tobie and family and
I. V. McAd» o am! wife were in
Salem Sunday evening and saw the
latest picture produced by Mary
Pickford—“Tess of the Storm Coun­
try.” Considerable snow was yet
on the ground near Salem.
The Parent-Teachers Association
will give an entertainment at the
school auditorium this evening, in
which the grade pupils will take
part. This entertainment is a com­
bination Lincoln Washington cele­
bration. and should l»e well psttron*
The first sign of spring hereabouts ixed. The admission price ia small —
was Monday, when Frank Bartu. Jr., 10 and 25c. Everybody invited.
was seen riding down .Main street
“Billy“ Sunday came into the
on his Cletrac tractor with a plow
limelight again last Thursday when
bshind. Spring work will soon lw
he was permitted by the authoriliea
in full awing if the present g<»od
to smash 30 stills on the lawn of th«
weather maintains.
courthouse at Knoxville, Tenn.
"Billy" save he delights in attacking
the devil, and this time he "knock-
cd the tar out of him."
A couple of Scio eitixens were
heard arguing on the streets of Al*
bsnv lately about how much coffee
I the husband had drank while eating
a meal at one of the restaurants.
Finally the husliand said,“Wife I iiad
to drink a lot of that cuff«*« to get
I one good cup like you make at home".
I Thia ended the argument.