THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. XXVI NO. » SCIO. LINN COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1923 Three Month* Old Babe Die* All-Star Team Choarn SESSION AT SALEM RUNS OVER 40 DAYS Isut Friday morning about two As a result ot the recent county • ' K*k. as near aa it can be figured baskrtball tournament. th* all- tar out. Evelyn May. the little three tram and the second team have been m -.the old babe of Mr. and Mrs lehoaen. The s|->rt editors of the lawmakers Unable to Com K* neth McDonald, passed away. Albany papers were the judge« of plete labors Within Con­ pr< *umably from heart failure, with the men to compose them* teams n<> warning to the grief stricken Il may bo sai l that the judges u*«*d stitutional limit. parents. A little before that time good judgment in th«ir selection, the mother had burn up and si­ for tbev just naturally ha I to give Salem—Th« constitutional today te: ded to the little tot. tucked it the plums to Sci • There is n thing period prescribed for l«<1«lsttve see- it nway comfortably In its bed covers, to be gamed in the honors thus be- •ion» «spired with the Important flues* ai. I went back to bud. When they stowed, because it had no authority I lions ot consolidation, taxation and I Incom« tax unsettled, so It wss nsces- ar •« in the morning they proceeded to place game« with other commun­ «ary to extend th» •-'««Ion over into with breakfast and not hearing any ities on try-outs The following this »eck Even th« appropriation -•und from the little one went to were selected on the first team. blits 4M not make their appearance investigate and found that Hfe was Holland of Scio and Mae n of Al­ until Saturday Th« pay ot mrmbers «nd», they work extinct. The doctor was immediate­ bany. aa forwards. Sima, of Scio, : for nothing, and th« !vgt«lslors <*sn ly called and from the beet he could center; lx-r Powell, of Crabtree and remain aa Ions a« they pl««»«, with figure out the babe had died shortly John Cox. of Albany, guard«. Sti ff out ««pan«« to the »tqie ln»ofar «• tb« after the time the mother had of Mill City and Phillip« of Albany, pay of th« senators end represent« waited upon it The sympathy of utility men The mc of W m . fro nd« of Ireland In the Portland Rhoda and enjoyed a real old fa»h ■ hotel at 2 p. m.. to which a cordial lotted party and all r»-| rt a good invitation ia extended all friends of tione. Game» ‘of all - >rts were Ireland to be present and personally played and at midnight a bounteou Such gatherings meet the delegates. The ladies are lurtch was served tiur boy« trimmed the Lelutnon boys in a fast game of bi«»ketba!l at Lebanon la«t Friday nigh »core 33 to 3. Ihe Lebanon girl» then cleaned up on the Scio girls by a large score The gam- i Kiween the Willamette U f reel» men ano the Tu rner girls also caused a slip backward for our team« But it tak< more» real sportsmanship to In* a good losr-r than a victorious win- ner Turner w..n B to 7. and the Not so freshmen won by 11 to 9. Richardson Gap dance Saturday easy, either night. Feb. 24. Arnold Janera. Do yo o want to sell all nr part of Everybody invited. 27-t2c your fat m? Do v >u want to buy a small a rrsage or a large or medium sixed f arm? If you do. ace the edi­ It is of very great interest to learn that on Feb. 2, Dr. Simons N. Flexner, director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Rssearch. an­ nounced the discovery of the cause of infiuenxa. Investigations have resulted in discovering a previously unknown, very minute germ which i« pr« vent in the nose and throat the first 36 hours of an influenaal Infec­ tion. Thi« small bacillus has never l>eef, found in healthy persons, or those sick from other diseases. tor of the Scio Tribune, he might have something good to offer you Mavbe yo Mur !’•■■■ n by ■ automobile in S: •on ar I ■■■ in jjared that dir died Si.’ ■!» . after- iSenn in a hospital .Mr- I lubbard «■aa <»n her way to snrnd S aturdav •night with relative« in anotl ter part •erf Salem a hen the accident * occured. •ad her condition we not known by her huatmnd until hr rs ad of it to the papers Sunday mornin, ?. when he called at the hospital and ideati- find his wife Lyle J. Ficklm, he who hi » done much for the Scio, school, was in i Scio ovni Stsaday visiting ht» m other. Mrs. M. J. Ficklin. Lyle IS now general "manager of the Coh imbla Distributing Co., with h«*adq••» rters • to Portland raany believe nothin« wilt be done st this »«»elos When the leslslature adjourned over Suadsy the Carkin bill was ths oaly consolidation m«*s«ur» pending. «• the Hall bill had be on killed in th« ««nnte and the sensts compromise hill was defeated la the hfi«e The Carkin bill was lying on the house tabla and «v«n if It Is «ent over to the aenaie It Is vary doubtful t it will g«t through that body 42« Bills Introduoed. IV Approved Al the close of ths Sixth week of the session a total of «124 bills had been Introduced A total of 227 bill« origin •ted tn the senate and S99 In the house In all. 117 bills had I «u approved by both bouses and signed by ths gov­ ernor. One Mil has b« «n vetoed There remain 7« bills which have piaeed both houses and which await . txecutlva actios Of these. 34 are sen a is bills sad 3v are house b Ils Th« joint ways and means commit te a, upon ooni ludtng its work approved appropriation» for ths present Men­ an ua aggregating »•.’I10.04S. or »449.- JJ7 leas than had been recommended by ike State budget commission The budi let commlaeton had recommended sppr »prlatlons In the amount of »«.* 7k» U. after lopping oft »«40.000 from the amounts requested by the «late depart snenta. hoards and commlaslona Appimprwtlone authorised by the ways amd means committee two years ago aec 15th at the They extended back to Aug. 9. 1920. and Globe theatre in Albany. where that can legally lie done the were critirally watched as aome of beneficiaries effected will l»e msile