The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, February 23, 1922, Image 4

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F <•
Lee Highway Will Be All-Year
Paved Route, Wnshington,
D. C„ to San Diego.
Road I« or Bnmary Importane« to
g»cb Bvat« »nd It« Completion
Further Development.
Tfesplte the fart that thl« la th«
motor «ge. that the automobile ha«
been universally adopted ■■ the high
way vehlcl«. and that federal, «tale
and county agruete* have for »en-ral
year* acretontted road building, actual
touring «apertene» «how* that lli.rv
ha» not lievii developed a «pigli* Iran*
continental rond making an autom»
Idle trip from roa»t to ruant a i»«
■Itilllly at all time» In order tn make
»urli a trip p odhir throughout t'u-
your a program I« now taking •ha f>e
Under the auaplrr» of the I .er llUh
way »•»••'ialini' ««»l«trd by the Amer
id.n Automobile a«aoclntbm
able dtatance In either direction «nd
In many «action« the pavement ta
continuons for a hundred mile« or
mora Thl» «erte» of pavement I« now
tn be connected The road I« of prt
roar y Importance tn each «tate, and
It« ci-in pl ctloo will he a main factor
In the further development of the
It I« a mad of great local Im­
portance to a «erte» of town« and
rifle» at retching acron» the continent
and the connecting of thear vartoua
•rettone of pavement will tie a prime
factor In the further development of
the nation «Ince It will facilitate in­
tentate travel and promote the free
commingling of the people of the
Pta.t «nd the Weet
It will probably
he «horter than any other Kouthem
tnineconttnental highway end ron
therefore be completed more quickly.
Within the next three year« «nd (»■•
•ll-lv «ooner. there I« every re»Von to
anticipate a modem motorway be
tween the capital city of the nation
end antithem California."
The lee Hlghwai aa««»ciaf1rm I« ime
of the youngeat of auch organlaatloti«
having begun It« work
onlr 70
month* agn C II Hinton «••l«’»nl
•eerrtorv of commerce I« pre«!doll of
the organltatlon
Greater Pare le Neceeeary Dur
ing Winter Weather.
Faw Simpl« Inatructiana. If Faithfully
Fotiowod, will Add Materially to
Lifo of Import»"! Btactrtcal
Now that rold wrath«* la h*-ro. yoi
■tumid loot your tiattrry «ver eiery
two week« Throe few «Imple Inaline
tlowa faithfully followed, will leiigtlien
the life uf « tiattery:
1. I Hurt ley Proto uf anything H-e
on tup of your battery.
2 Ixm'i «pin yu«r engine «everai
mtnutro at a time
3- If your engin» doe« not «tart
promp’iy. <er that th* Ignition «witch
la rm and the cartiurrtor intaturv suf
flclently rich before using Harter
A Mee that engine I« «uthcimily
primed In ruld weather. Thro* your
switch off. push «toner lo turn m
TO COVER UP PEDAL SLOTS gtne once or twice; throw »witch on;
| thi n «tart «gain and your cylinder I*
Bravent Draft« In Winter by Tacking l>r|ioed
Bieca of Heavy Material Ovar
ft If your car «tarid* Idle for a
Hole« In Fleer.
month or mure, take the battery <mt
’ and leave It at the service viatn-n
Tn cloee up the fiedal «Iota tn floor
<1 fae nothing but distilled water
hoard» to preven’ draft» In ctdd
7. I«rt an expert add the arid for
» nathnr, tack a piece of renvaa or
the electrolyte.
•heel rubber on the under aide of the
M. When the «olutlou »prat* or
hoard over the »lot
Cut a «Ut In the I «pill«, wipe clean witb a nudat »ponge
material lti«t Isrge enough for the
Nome battrrie» make uo jituviMoa te
pedal lever» tn paaa through making
keep the ••■lutlon from »|>l»»liiiig. ao
aure that their motion 1« not Impeded
thta rule lo given
W. Kw|i metal i-art« of connect b«.
TIRE LOG WILL HELP OWNER which are not Iced rroted, cvvirwl
with a thin mating of vawllne.
10. trim light* are eotm-tliui-» warn
Ing »Ignat* uf «hurt circuit« or
prtqwr charging
LM the eerilce
tlon make an Inspect hm when you
Ito you keep • tire logt It will ronfuaed.
help a lut when you go to the adjust-
Vse a
er with your tale of woe.
Clean» &ilv«r.
Binali m>te book and gl»« « •epa rate
To k«*cp ptatnl «liier ••Iron «nd
page lo each tire
Iluta off Uve i«e-
Urol col uniti« Label them «« fol Iowa:
aplch I» »<» liijurluu« to plated »H j
I tat» put on. »pcedoiueter reading,
tic!«« dluulie a »rulli handful >t
date taken off. apeedumotvr reading.
’■or»* In a ba«ln with a little hot wa* '
mileage Mak« the partial total« tn
r and a little aoap put the «liver tn
the last column and add any uthaf
• nd let ft stand for three or four
Information ueceaaary, «web aa stud
hour«, then |Miur ‘><7 the »uil*. rtn«e
of weather, etc.
with < lean, cold water, and wipe with
Moat F«a»'bta Rout«
A» a rv»ult of thl» co operation the
I tie
feier« I
fulled Blate» hureun of public road«.
■ ml the •ta^l•« of Virginia, Tenne»-»-«,
ArkanMi». Oklahoma.
through their «tate mad d«-.»ribo-nt*.
■ re now etigiigoil In the «election of
the moat direct feasible route from
Wa«hlng1un. If <’ to Man IHeg°. <’al
Fubvequetitly effort I» tn tw roncen
trnted for the «prody complet Ion of
all unflid«hi*d »iH-tinna, and for ihe
«y«teniatir maintenante and the wld-
•tilng and »trengilienlng of the pave
ment a» retftiired hy the volume and
charartor of the trafflr the pavomMt
will fie required to carry
Already Ihe route liaa been rolened
from lV»*hlngtiin In a «<iuth*i*«i dtag
onnl down the valle»« of Virginia and
Tenmwoer through Itimhoke Bri «tul
and hnoivllle to l*liatton»ig»
nell «tep I» to fll the route 1 friHii
Chattanooga to Han IHegn
Statement by J»hn»on
tn ■ atafenient rotating to the
Inventor Wolf Rewar<t«d
lilrw-tor General Johuaon
Fwr hi» Invoniion of babbitt matai, a
•aye: “From prartlrqlly every rounty
«•ft. «nil flirt ( imi alloy itami fur bear­
•eat In the «crie« of Coiintle* between
ing* l»a«c Italddtt reel ve<| « reward
the national capital and Nan l»iegu
•if from ertggroa
the div |Miem««>t rvtetid« • roti«i '»*
---------- -
Extraordinary Values at Very Reason
able Prices
This U no special sale- -just plain etcry day prices
M*t.’« Im»*
.1 V •
. .. i. »r w.P
Men'» browr calf dn«» »Iw»-«, English last, <»«.»i>»ar welt», fin*
<p.«l lift«’
p ti lls 5 M
- tic,
to *S, 7 43. • BS
Ladtok' dr*«» »h«w«
II75. 145.1*5. ♦-•$
Boy»* *cbonl »h .< <
Cl. 5L*o, 2 >'». 3.Ä, 3 6Í»
I juin-«' high tmar
. . .,
2faf. I1*. ®Dc
Bova’ heavy h«r
...... 30e
Mm'a wool nuked uivtarwrar. the auit
N6 ar«! S3.&0
Men'a blu« bib overall*
. .... . .
............................ .
.... Sl.lft
Men'a pants of all kind»
............................................ .. IlMftlolANft
Wr alvo carry a mee Hne of picce rotai« gingham«, out­
ing. percate». mu lina. curtain ecrim« ana "umr woolens.
H7w n
in Albany call and see us
( ’.J. 1JRI EK < < >.
37 Mtore»
OFrrMniMf nper)V| Vh’ **CX'TOOjSTS
soft chrth
Largv Victory
Begin with «II thta. a. a «mall de-
float that mmn« targe vlrt r-
l one»
I at»« Allen
Ilrmiklyu. are punished m a Hither novel manner
lliejr are compelled to
llateti to a bla>»b<wird leeiurr de! vered hy Polli•
in John M Finnerty on
fra 01c
attd the nil** of th* nmd it* •hm»» in th* photograph.
Ford and Fordson
n w r n
Vi -Z-
$348 Regular Equipment
f. f o. b. Detroit
$492.85 delivered on your farm
When you buy a Fordson Tractor
or a
Ford Car
you are buying the best all around Car or Tractor there is on the market, and < at the lowest possi-
ble price, with the best after service obtainable. Service means Satisfied owners
„j. I hink it over
Buy a Ford for your next car and your Tractor a Fordson. Order today and do not delay
Fisk and Goodyear Tires, both fabric and cord, at the lowest possible prices
A full line of genuine Ford repair parts carried in stock at ail times.
When your Ford or Fordson needs repairing bring it to the Ford Garage for genuine Ford or Ford
son service and repairing. We are always at vour service.
Authorized Sales and Service
* A>‘
■-Z ?
Phone 27
Scio, Oregon