The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, January 26, 1922, Image 2

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?<*A «
j of those that I think know and tieiievs
j these facto.
I am nut writing this to show my »cltol-
arsbip. or my literary attainment« aa
an orator or writer. Neither am I a
ramleiat« fur office, my friends know
that. N.fiber am I trying to show you
how smart or how foolish I am; you
suaaeaimoM. in auvanck
SI.76 know me for 23 years, and I hope you
1.00 have long lUx khxl that I am not seeking
an months
a pie««- of gix«l fre« advertising for my
Entered at ths OMtolH«» at Scio.» I .Jo not need that, tut most
Oregon as second class matter.
of y«u> know ¡-«rsonally what we have,
what we <to, and how we treated yun
in the |«ast
if you don’t, plewte come
Local advertising per lino first in­
sertion .......... ....................... ............. 1° in and get acquainted. When you get
Each subsequent Insertion per line .06 «h>o<- with u» you will find that aa badly
bisplay advertising - f-irat insertion
a« we are pi. lured that we had not
per inch .....
hypnotix-<l nor »andbaggwd you and
Advertisements should n ach thia office
not later than Tuesday to insure publi­ t.«»k y»ur money and gave you nothing
in return. We will have in most in­
cation In the current Issue.
All transient advertisements must be stance«, at kuuit. a goud word to you.
paid for in advance of publication.
for you. our town and its community-
that is a lot more than quite a
few can <-««>»< ientiously say for them
I am willing to pay for my advertis­
ing. as th«>r» .« where |>art of the M
|ier cent n-fil g.x-s a>id Is for, and I
think our worthy editor cae use the
Further, I am not writing
T hvrhuay . J an 2'i, 11'22
thia to < sympathy on my part, as
I II gt-l that at mv funeral, but I want
Facts Worth laowm?
know it, m it will <ki no gutxl. I am not
Scio is the trading center uf th. north trying to g«t ix-taonel, although to do
forks uf th«- *antian
this justice I «hould. and I am sure I
Scio has population of about fiOÖ,
Scio is in the heart of th«- best dab y­ would hit th«- liull’v eye several times
and not even get uutelde uf the city
ing section of Linn county.
Scio farm« grow most anything that limits of Hcio.
can be grown from soil.
I realise th« fact that I need your
neto owns Its water and « lectric light
planto- plenty of power at a cheap rat«’ buain. a», your help, your cooperation.
y..iir fn. -x »» ., h . .| your sueeeas, that
for any number ut enterprise*
Scio has a milk eumh-nerrv, ai*l no your H--- -■■<■ » for mi benefit and that
better milk is canned an. a ■ i<
Scio has a ffounng nuli, ai
it* prod tf I show you proper aervice, treatment
■nd go<> at fair living prices that I
uct find» a ready market at ell tin>. •
Scio is ckuMi to billions of f«et of ‘■ '■i • ‘p-
,i ur holy, but not olher-
standing timber, and »■ --i. !■:>• mill* will w
->w that the auccsea of my-
be busy making it rea-ly for market.
-.-lf, ir li *
an ! i -mmunlty depends
■Scio ha* a hospital second to not e
Scio if you want to know more about I on th <-« • rati- n of all of ua, and that
Scio and the surrounding roiintry. write our succoMi or downfall depends on co-
to the bank, the may-.r < r to tn« «-ti<«»r
- rdcr to be and stay
of thia paper.
■ >n the map we must not cady have and «
pica- h it. but practice iL
Will >< ., I
1 reader of these lines,
shown - wh«-r. anyone that ever was
l-u»ii • » in
ck > ever quit, died or
4- in
has a fori.ii.«’, or i« on easy street hav-
(EMItor'a Not»—W* »re glad to Ing ■ t-««I ti-: <■? I bar no one, dead or
give space to the people of our com­ alive, in th- i... t ur al present. 1 bar
munity on topics of the dav, but no line <>f bu«in«'M.
If y«u - u not -how me that, can you
ask them not to Iwcome personal or
Each contributor must «how r... if these buxineae men or fuaails
sign name, not for publication, but drank thru i0 per cent profits up in
for our protection J
m«>-r..'.iii.-. g»mb!«-d it off, spent it
on Ixjr-e ra- •
feat women, vacations,
The following is the Aral installment fin«- <!--th.-. jewelry, «peculation or
of the letter which »»« promised ls«t t.sveling arouid the world. There may
week to appear this week from the pen have b«-en an isolated esse or two In
of J. F. Weeely The beading ami all S- lu in ll><- past, ixit not dunr< my
H hla, and merit« careful reading aixl quarter of a < - ntury that I have lived
study in order that a better understand­ in thia community.
ing between th« mcrrhanl and public
Were si! these business men, or are
may be had. Editor.
wc ail uam fix»!« that we Ju not know
T hs R avinos or a S cio Fossnazao the market price of g«xida that we aell
or try to sell y<«U »owe can compete with
To the Editor:
.•ur bargain price c.>mj«titor? Are our
After carefully reading the articles n.
g cxp< »■ e t<>o high? Or arv we
of our worthy editor on the Trade at rvalli r-.l-te-i» aa pictured? If you can
Home question, and the two opinion« <>r show and pnrv«- me this, I shut op for
expressions from our cash customer grsw . Y"i »i o* they and we all «tone
and cash buyer, in the Scio Tribune, a good bu«H
lait whe-e are our
and after reviewing also what ha» Ix-vn sup|«>».-d rti >>.-« we made on this great
said in the past in our home paper on m-,lum<-of l.ueim-ss at a 60 per cent
thia, after a thorough study on the profit? I can’t see them. Can anyone
subject, I deceided to give my few show m«-?
(Continu«*!-next week.
frienda and patrons my 19 years’ expe­
rience and knowledge that I hare
gleaned on the matter while in bu»ineea
The Gaine With Shedd
among you.
1 am doing thia as well aa I am relia­
In a return match at She id, Friday
ble and know how,and the wav I see It.
Jan, 2u. Scio won by a 23 to 22
Of course, I admit,! may lie wrong in
some cases, but absolutely right Inmost score. A twm by four fi<x>r ami the use
of them. I intend to stay within the of cage rut«* made the game very rough.
lines of truth as near as I know how. I Inexperience of the Shedd team was
mean no personalities, anti will keep in shown by th fact that they fouled al­
mind to try not to offend any one ■nd most every torn two men came togeth­
■till give the facta ns I see them ■nd er. Not u«*-d to such playing. Scio’s
think 1 know them, and that I can team did not ih-w to much advantage
prove and substantiate aa near as any Densmore, th« new forward, shot six
baskets and ah. wed that he was capa­
one can if neceasary
1 came to the conclusion that there is ble of holding down a first team posi­
no one especially among our patrons, no
We cannot exactly congratulate Shedd
matter bow loyal to us or th«- town of
on the spirit which the audience showed,
Scio, that will take the time to take our
although we r< a!lie that their action
part to defend ua from wrong or mis­
was the revolt of lark of knowledge of
leading statements ami views of others.
the gam-i and of the intentions of the
1 know it is up to us to say something,
visitlira. We t>eticve that an audience
or keep still. If we keep still, aa we
ahould be h--«pliable enough to discour-
have no far. some will say: "You m-e
age one-ulccli eaa and sensible enough
the facta and the evidence an» so Strang
to encourage tx-are and friendliness
that they have nothing to say.” tf we
rather than rutfia* ism.
say something, others will «ay: "You
We arv glad Io pass from thia ua-
see. the «log got hit and cmunquently
plea-ant dim uaaion to remark that,
he yelps.” Sure*
however in« *pi table Shedd fans may
However. I know that we have a
be, they are certainly neighborly la a
good many loyal, sensible people among
social way. We thank them for their
us that will listen to reason and will
generou* reception after the game.
know. appreciMa and believe that I am
at least writing some truth and that if
Debate Here Feb. 3
any of ua want to succeed, or st I. sat
partially succeed, in any avocation, we
must dig and dig matter wheth­
The debate n «-duie for the North
er farmer, mechanic, laborer, editor, Willamette dr met ha« been flxsd, and
miller or grafter, or in the correct lan­ Scio, which I« in group five. will debate
guage, a good-for-nothing profit.-« ng with Slayton high tn thia city on Fab.
fossilised merchant of Scio
I am. 3d. on the «pxration "Resolved, That tba |
srritli g thia fur the resu g Plum Plan tut th« control and
ment of railroad» should 1« enacted into
Thue« representing the Seto
team are. Maurice White. Liellatea.
'tatherland. Mary Shimarwk, fur the
affirmative. John (lensmere. fttb.-i Zvs- 1
aet and Tommy Smail for the negative.
Sils ti lati hutni
u ■ fiftcu.-i«
■ w
l w tw^S
a w
Notice is hereby given, That' by vir
tee of an execution duly- Issue«! out of j
the t'Arcvit Court of th« State of Ore i
gon. for the County of Linn. Mai to n><
directed on the 24th day of Ih-e.rnlx-r j
1981. upon a )u«lg ment and decree duly |
rendered, entered of record and «kick •
eted in and by »aid Court on th. 14th !
at of Ikecemlx-r, 19®. in a cert«.’
I then in «aid Court yrt - r » ’ •
la C P. Neibert was plaintiff and A C I
Brown and Sarah L Brown, hi« wife,
E M bhertock. R D Norton and Aites
E. Norton, hia wife, were uefendants
in favor of plaintiff and.agaii.»! -aid
defendants. by which execution I am |
eommamied to sell the property in *awl
execution and hereinafter lescrilxvi to j
par the rum due the plaintiff. of 9202» .M>
with interest thereon al the rate of x ■
per rent per annum from the 26th day
of February. 192U; and for the further i
sum of 9** 77 as taxes paid by »aid
plaintiff, and fur the further sum of
91M.0D attorney’s fees together with
coots and disbursement* of sa.d suit
taxer! al 92> 90 and «--at» « -I expct »• ■
of said execution
I will on Saturday,
the 11 th <tay of E«-bruarv.
at th«
hour of II o’clock A M of »aid day, at
the front door of the County tuurt
House In Albany, Linn County, Ori­
gan. sell at public auction to th«- high
eet tuddrr for cash in hand on day of
sale, all the right, title, interest and
estate which said de fend* nt. and all
persona claiming under them subae-
quent to the date ut the mortgage in
of and to asxi preml*«« her.-int-fore
mentioned are descrilied in »aid execu­
tion as follows, to-wll:
The East Half of th«- Northwest
Uuarter ami the Weat Half of th«
Northeast Quarter of '-«■rti-.n Seven, n
Tow nah i ti Thirteen. South Kang. On«
West of the Willamette M-
Linn Couuty, ( containing
acres, in Lum County. Oreg .n
Said sale being ma<1e subject to
demptl.m in the manner provided by
bated this 10th day of January. 1922
C M K knpall ,
Sheriff uf Linn County, Oregon
V. A. <««x»l>K. Attorney fur ITaintiff,
Roy Building.
Slayton. Oregon,
Now i- the i'itiH’ to i’lirclia*«* Your
Ask th«-»e well known men why th*y purchased our plant:
I H. Copeland, ffrabtr«-«’; Wm Volkrnan, Crabtree: Walter Blackburn,
*<-io. <>>-orgr Schlerth, Crabtree; O. B. Kcebler, lA’banon; Walter Po­
land, She<Id
Ami many others.
Paul Automatic Water Systems
Perfection Milking Machines (Natures Milker)
Anker Holth ( ream Separators.
at ced Bowl
I he Only Self Bul­
Electric Wiring by Licenser! and Bonded Men—Estimates
Cheerfully Furnished
327 W. Hrst at.
At Sale Prices
< *
I’bone 20.
Old I’. O. Building
If Your Grocers Doesn’t Have
< »
Meadow Shade Butter
Call me up and I’ll deliver it ■'It’s Better
We have given a special dis­
count off the regular mar­
ket price -for this sale only.
Remember, if you buy now
you save money.
Route I
E. A. Wagoner
Scio, Ore.
weeeeeosooseeeeeeeeeeeeeaoaeveeoeoee **«***»♦*♦<«*♦<*«
Men*» Daylon do
Logger. 10 in. 4>0.33 •
Men's Bi'iginann Q 3C
plain toe,heavy 0*33
Men’« Bergmann *7 nr
cap, heavy ............ ■ .03
h e a v v
Above are only a few of the
Shoes you can **ve money
10- 12- and 16-inch
veal Shoes of the best qual­
ity at prices that are really
very low
♦ ♦
Men's black
chrome, two
full soles
The Blain Clothing Co.
Valve First
Albany, Oregon
Store with a Square Deal
for Ferry Customer
j Subscribe now
* *
. r
$1.75 the Yeaf