• » « • A • • 9 w. • r 7 • * A- **« THE SCIO TRIBUNE í. i N. ?<*A « wl r.‘ j of those that I think know and tieiievs j these facto. I am nut writing this to show my »cltol- arsbip. or my literary attainment« aa an orator or writer. Neither am I a ramleiat« fur office, my friends know that. N.fiber am I trying to show you how smart or how foolish I am; you suaaeaimoM. in auvanck SI.76 know me for 23 years, and I hope you 1.00 have long lUx khxl that I am not seeking an months a pie««- of gix«l fre« advertising for my Entered at ths OMtolH«» at Scio. ixisil.es» I .Jo not need that, tut most Oregon as second class matter. of y«u> know ¡-«rsonally what we have, what we o<- with u» you will find that aa badly bisplay advertising - f-irat insertion a« we are pi. lured that we had not per inch ..... ...,26 hypnotix-»< ientiously say for them selves. I am willing to pay for my advertis­ ing. as th«>r» .« where |>art of the M |ier cent n-fil g.x-s a>id Is for, and I think our worthy editor cae use the ■mount Further, I am not writing T hvrhuay . J an 2'i, 11'22 thia to < r.al- sympathy on my part, as I II gt-l that at mv funeral, but I want Facts Worth laowm? Itiimg know it, m it will at fair living prices that I uct find» a ready market at ell tin>. • Scio is ckuMi to billions of f«et of ‘■ '■i • ‘p- ,i ur holy, but not olher- standing timber, and »■ --i. !■:>• mill* will w I ->w that the auccsea of my- be busy making it rea-ly for market. -.-lf, ir li * an ! i -mmunlty depends ■Scio ha* a hospital second to not e Scio if you want to know more about I on th <-« • rati- n of all of ua, and that Scio and the surrounding roiintry. write our succoMi or downfall depends on co- to the bank, the may-.r < r to tn« «-ti<«»r r - rdcr to be and stay of thia paper. ■ >n the map we must not cady have and « pica- h it. but practice iL Will >< ., I 1 reader of these lines, | PMIPLF. S COLUMN shown - wh«-r. anyone that ever was l-u»ii • » in ck > ever quit, died or 4- in has a fori.ii.«’, or i« on easy street hav- (EMItor'a Not»—W* »re glad to Ing ■ t-««I ti-: <■? I bar no one, dead or give space to the people of our com­ alive, in th- i... t ur al present. 1 bar munity on topics of the dav, but no line <>f bu«in«'M. If y«u - u not -how me that, can you ask them not to Iwcome personal or abusive. Each contributor must «how r... if these buxineae men or fuaails sign name, not for publication, but drank thru i0 per cent profits up in for our protection J m«>-r..'.iii.-. g»mb!«-d it off, spent it on Ixjr-e ra- • feat women, vacations, The following is the Aral installment fin«-