The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 10, 1921, Image 4

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The baleni Am. rican IwgUMi poet
Rebel kah Con vent sen
prepared a »pl< tdid program for Armis­
tice Day. which will b>- given at ? an
The district «-onvenUon uf the Rebek
D. m. toBMirruw at the anwory. space hah lodges of Detríut, Gatea. MHI (Tty
pubbshi-g the program,
progrsrr which l.y-na. Stay ton, Aumavilis arai Scio
*orbid» pubhahi'g
I I» worth goi.ig
to ’ hear
..* ttar pe«>t >ar» » I I- h- .d m Un» city neat Wednsw-
Ro> Shelton »(»•ni Monday in Al­ especially in» Iteri •
da,. Nov 16. A full de leg at KX m eg-
j i- cted and arrangementa have teen
tan* <«n biftinca»
R C. Peppe ri i ng. nf Route 3. waa mmie by tb. locai Leig« to ruvailv en­
tertain the visitor» Thia is the first
Jenny I’atrny was a Scio visitor
in the city on to'slncs» Fnday
Mr meeting of the coo»ration here in eight
Tuesday morning.
Pepoerling t» one of th« many pro- year», a» the convctitmns rotate so that
• II have ths honor uf entertaining A
Kalina and Stove Young made greaaive farmers in the north fork» t.vnqort ha« been prowled for st Hotel
., trip to ludswmdsnca Sunday.
|<>f the Santiam
He keep« un with Scio, which aasurva a lawnteoua fsed.
ru’ Shu r On ProJuft»
Mrs t ora t'alavan is prrstdsnt of tbe
Dnyton E Caaper spent Sunday ”* t,m** b> keeping hie machinery diatrvct and Mr». Julia Bilyeu secretary The all »hell frani» with the Invisible
joint and the Zykimtr frame with ths
1> i.iin m with hi* wife and fami- up to date
inner rim toth are attracting favorahis
st tention by its neatness and »tr« ngth
Mr». Retirees Morns returned
A normal nerve supply to any organ
or part nf tbs boriy gsnaratss nor
msl fun«-lion and maintain» hi aiih
If we undi rstaod why and how twri. »
•ra interfered with we woul>l th> r> un
dsrstand and appreciate mrU.i»l» of
spinal treatment. Spinal lrettn>eni
remove» interference with nerve»
and this rectore» normal funciior
which promol«-» health tn either
acute nr chronic *»»«•».
Dr. H. H. Peters
eiisas 13SA3
Mr», Floyd Shelton, of Jordan.! Monday from a visit to her »on on
war in t«-wn Monday on a shopping the Crow Stage Route out uf F.u-
■ gene
road» are looking fine, and that she
for a
■u «t <iie hoe pi tai tai
* i
a visit with relatives In Port­
I. Huntley, a Thoma» farmer,
I a *)i rt visit to Scio stores last
C K Netbert, Ptamt iff,
A C Brown and Sarah I,
Brown his wife; F’.. M ■ St’MMoS
Sherlock; It. D. Norton
and Alice E Norton hi»
I '
wife, liefrnriants.
To I M Shertock. «me of 'he ilefen
darts above named'
In tin- Name of tb< Slate of Or« g«m
You are hereby ri iiiir« : '
( j .
answer tbe «Wnplaint filed against v
In the almve entitled <'■ ori m-f «««
un or l-trfore »1» w«-«-K» from th«
of the first r>ut>lirath>n f H » .
■ ■>
ami if y«ai fail so to an-wrr. f< • »
tb«ri*of. th« plaintiff «
a; I '■ <«. t
Court for th« r« !ii f j is. i !..«
complaint, to-wit; I hat plain?iff I
judgment against th«* siud def.-
A C. Brown, fur th«* »urn of i
Lfnited States gold coin, with li t<- • »1
at the rale of eigh I*r rent • a
of I el.ruarj.
ami for the further sum uf I 1
taxes paid by th«- plaintiff, ami f- • *
further »um of lllii ?») attorney*« f. .
amt for the plaintiff’s co»!«« »• il L
buraemente ineurr«d herein Tt at
usual decree may be msd<* for tl.< »«« «
of said mortgageii premise» a«-, .«rdh ,
to law amt the pracine of tin» ' • mi
and the proceed» applied in paym* * t of
the amount due to plaintiff
D t • -
defendanta. and all per«on» iln n
under them, or either of th. m. »utai.
qm-nt to the «-xecutnin ■•( »n«l tn *t
gag.* upon »aid premi»«*». eitta r «• t ■
chaser», rneumhrnt.eer». or other* *
m«y I. barr«d ami for«'«.-« «I ■ f
right claim, or «-quit* of r« l< n
in the »aid premia«», ami .-very part
Tint the nlaintilT. or
other parties to suit, m «y be.-um« pur
chaser»; and that the »aid purchi<»< r tn-
let into the poaaerslon uf the ) rern>
on production of th«’ »herins ih
And for ar
fuiti i
different relief In the pr« mi«« ■> «• to
this < ourl msy »■••
meet .md
able to equity. Said mortmain -I pr. ■
is«w are describm! as full« «», to wit-
The east half uf the rorthwsal quarter
and the wi-«t half of the north« a«’
quarter of Section S« ven. in Town»ki|
Thirteen South. Range One We-t of
the WiHamrtte M- rnlian. in C« un
ty, tirwgun, containing h'«** acre*
Thia summon* is aerye«i upon you by
publication in Tbs Scio Tribune, of Sc-e
Oregon, by order of Hon. Percy It
Kelly, Judge of tb<- above «*i«tiii.
Court, date I (leliJvr 4th. F'.!l
first publication of thi» summon» >-
Octola-r J'tth, 1921, ami the la»t i««il-
cation will lie November I7lh. 1921.
V. A. Gooiik.
Stayton, Oregon, Attorney fur Plaintiff
Morrison & Lowe
Everett, uf McMinnville,waa
-ling bun ue »• in Scio last
J t
K A II Itnn and Mr» Al-
.J »to it Saturday shopping
in the county seat.
W i lace 11« we Ixe. of Albany,
i* at the Christian church
'■day morning.
Art >ld and
to l ortiand
in the livr-t<K-k show.
| i
Burton is reported to
w from an infection that apt in
1 «•
tin birth <>! her child some time
X 4. « a VV*
Manuf act unrig Optician
mighty fine br-rrie». too.
the vines are loaded
(< rt -t«ii in an automobile race.
She says
with berries,
know more about it. at- anti all that ia needed to make them
ripen quickly is a few warm »un­
!• d next Sunday morning.
shiny days, and she would have Iola
Al i » o« -|H«nt Ihuraday in Al­
of them
Thi» is quite out of the
banv ii banking busmess. While
ordinary for ratplierries
there he i-aiird on the new manage-
So far the building committee of
f th«- FirM National and First
the Baptist church ha* not done
Saving* lianka.
anything definate, but it understood
'' ■
August Itendrr, of Jordan, that J C Austin, nf the State Rap
| . rated <>n at the local hospit-'
A-wwibtom. will Im m Sen. agam
i in a few day* and at that time a
al M««n«1av. Dr Prill and [>r l>avis
final conclusion will la- r«-acb**«l and
of Albany doing the work
Sha is plans made for the building. If the
getting along nicely.
I State Asn>»ciation aid ia given, it will
1 probably amount to one dollar fur
Mr*. Mary Baker and daughter every dollar given by the local
'<■ ■
J Salem. »jK-nl Sunday at the church,
nf their m ice an<l cousin.Mrs I
The Mill (Tty Athletic club, or-
' ■ eltun
Tins waa their tin«! I
ganixed to handle th»* Itaaket hall
m- cling m many year».
and Ka»hall game» in which that
D. Densmore and wife are city’s teams participate. ia also giv-
lakelng In th«' Livestock »how in Ing a "hign jinx’’ in its hall once a
.- t t
This is st riet b a »tag af­
fair, and much looked terward to
by tns hoys
A public minstrel ia
1 being arranged and will I* given
¡»ime time in Itocemher
I He Baptist church ia planning a
Red CroM Meeting Sunday
You'll Hod Your Want Here
The ci t lien» of Scio and surrounding
country are urged to attend a meeting
In the intercut nf the Red Cross at the
Christian church Sundae afternoon at
F rkbh Guernsey Cown for Ml«.
2:31) o’clock, at which Dr. Wallace H. Swift Produce Co., nf Albany, will deliver an addreaa.
Ail shoukt make a special effort to he
FT' rninheh R oomh — For Rent.
present, for you cannot help the needy
in a (letter way than by helping the Inquire of Enoch Shelton.
American Red Cross.
W' antei » Three tons of grain
Swift Prodace Co.
Additioail Sbelbiri Nears
F ob S al * Old papera. 10c per
Rob Miller and daughter Dosha ac­ , bundle at the Tribun» office.
con.|>siiic’l by a lady triend of Albany
have lieen visiting with J W. Miller
W anted
Ei|erieno*d poultry
ami family.
Swift Produce Co.
Mr» Edward Jm
ha» returned from
a visit with her daughter, Mrs. R M.
Shelton & C<> . of the Sanitary
Russell st Albany.
will call
Fluid Gooch and family ami Clinton Market, want your veal and
George were Sunday dinner guest» at for It; and poultry of all kinds.
the Carl F'oih» home in StayUin.
J. W. Hir>«ns and family took in the
T he Oi l» M an ha» a new Hickory
•how at Stay Um Sat unlay night.
Buggy, with two tongues, doulde-
Marion Kendall ami wife attended
H«w. whiftleiree and neckyoke, all
the football g»m> in Scm Friday
John Ort wine and wife, accompanied i complete for $7.00, half uric«
Mrs Bella Crum«» ami Mrs Jean Mil
10 4c
8. W. G ain »».
h r motored to Albany Saturday.
Mr», lx*- George has tiren visiting
E ok S al * Big Duroc Sow with
her mother. Mr*. Trollinger for a few eight piga. also shoats and wean-
C ha * C D avin .
Calvin ami Joe Trullirtger and A. •mg pig»
Scio, tlregon. route 3.
Shanks moUind to Salem Sunday eve­
li miles east of Crabtrea.
ning to nttend a vaud>-illle show.
George Piatt and wife left thl» morn­
ing f<>r Portland where they intend to
Wg have »old the blacksmith shop
make their home.
and would like all those who are
Will Hirons and family attemis«! I
owing us to please come into the
church at Kmgslon Sunday.
Mrs. Will Miller was a Scio caller •hop and pay up. a* we need tha
money. Ten [>er cent interest will
Charlie Is-ffier and family spent Sun­ be charged on all outstanding bill»
day with home folk» in Scio.
Marion Brown was »hopping in Alb­ from this date on. Nov 10. 1921.
any Saturday.
N’EAt. & C rahtnek . and entertainment for Thanks
i g evening,
a committee
<- i i-vn apaolnted >o make all Br­
ian ementa
We hope to he alilo to
all almut it nevi week.
i we i-k ago Tuesday J W Hirons
• I in an su
ad «o
tn me
the Tribune
t bl -bed in last week’s paper,
and Monday Mr. Hi rone cellari at
' i'r t ■ toil u* that he hati wild
I rt! une want ad* bring quick
R M Fhillqis. Thi*. Smail, IX C.
und John Frost went to Mill
• ’ 'v Saturday night to assist in in-
• ting a Masonic lodge there.
' ft< r the initiation a srlendM ban-
wa> served. with over a hun-
«ted around the table
Advertía» is Th» Scio Tribuaa and gvt
& pt'om e trist.
Brownsville was surely »urpri«ed
evening as she expa-cted to defeat the Scio
About |73.<KMi of the last half of
from Chico. Calif., for a visit with team easily last Friday.
the Unn county taxes have not yet
her falber. F. T. Thayer, and other
The crowd at the football game tiren paid, according tu Sheriff Ken­
Mabel w»a married amor last Friday wei« all satisfied wiQi dall. This amount came under the
heading of delinquent taxes Oct. 5.
going to California to Mr. Hollis, a the result.
Beginning Nov. 5. five per cent pen­
t>rother of Ito-1 Hoili*. Mr. Thayer
A party composed of boys and
al.y will lie charged, the two per
melhia daughter in Albany
girls from the freshman and »opho- it^t inter.'«t required of delinquent
If present plan« materialiae, Scio more classes *i< given in honor of taxpayers will continue.
will have enough women* l<a»ketl«ll Kenneth Wcstcnhouse last Friday at
A. n Weir. H. E Tobic and Rev. H.
It Iler stt« ded tl,<- men» meeting at
teama to whip the world, including the home of John Neal.
the Baptist church in Albany Tues­
Brownsville and Lei anon
There ia
Scio will play Woodburn, there, day evening, and enjoyed » splendid
to lie a high school girl» tram, a
on Armistice I lay
It is hoped sev­ evening. Dr. Milliken of Salem was
single womans tram and a married
the »peaker, anti left a firm impression
and root on his hearer*.
womens tram
Th«- opening prac
lice night was Tuesday. and an en­ for the home team.
thusiastic turnout marked the cam
Th«* High School boast* of having
See Million Hamilton
ming nf a Buct-nsful season
at least <>ne time saver
Ex. leach-
A Convict. escaping from the law
Marion Arnold spraineri hi» anklr | er • in physics elaaa): "For tumor-
A I ugitive, coaling on a liner
rather bari Monda* morning by fall­ | row’s le*M.n work and hand in the
A Haro, aaving a girl’» life
ine oof of hi» l ord while deiivermg 'following exatnule* un page K7:
A Fighter, struggling to come back
A Man. justifying hi» love
mali. The door of the car «qxri« 2. 3. . 5. «.7. . 9. 10. IL" Joa-
Why didn’t you tell us
hard, and Man< n is tn the habit of eph Roller:
which one» to omit?"
g<Nng over it. hot thia time there
Arrangements are under way for
was a little muri <»n the *>le of hi» n Ixaketball game Iwtween Scio and
At The Peoples Thentri
«hors and he Iqtped off of thè run- Mill t’it^ to tie played on a neutral
Saturday Night
Sunday Night
R epohtkr .
Marton floor DeF 23.
ning I m « hì tnto thè ditch
Frank Rartu ta to lie return -
The Baptist Sunday wlhool is in-
The High girls practiced
l-all Tuesday evening.
last Thursday Mr» C A. Eve i stt
• I i t her h<>m*- Sunday, a* Dr Hob- brought a sprig of ripe r«*l raspber­
i . nvv ■ * »tie has recovered asitfi- ries to this offic«* that were grown
nt‘s from her operation.
on her lot in this city, and they were
Day or Night
the cards signed and returned.
Mr» Guv Hidlia. formerly Mabel
g me in Portland taking carv
I i
-li. « ¡i they have on exhibit at went on with thè delivery, though i
; he IriVeatoCii show there.
thè »prain wa* very txinfv!
t'alla Attended
The reoort cards were given out
Toriland today. John Jr. consider-
(alls Attend«*! to Promptly
■ I the h tbsll game at Wmaiburn
Dav or Night
h im|>ortant so he ta going there
Pbvsician ni
iful mountainous country around the
Jr* Ed Myers returned Saturday
In the Circuit Court of
State of Oregon. iJepartm«
three weeks ago. The faculty wishes
Mrs N Ender» i» asmstiag with
had a wonderful Hme in the l-esut-
She aay» the crop* along the
High School Notes
Don’t overlook us when in need of Eastern Corn
We have a supply of No. 2 Eastern, 1 I mois­
ture Test.
’ ! -40'11 of a Man*«
b-^htanal a Woman« Kai th
». V Ms' •» .ha» i»n »aS UUtes lab
tl Th«- Fioples Theatre
■ur iv Night
Sunday Night