• « • * y • f '•r r a *« ». • it ’ . r V? * #■ • * A* » « V I a- ♦ • • I « « f » * a . « r • • g •• • Ar • 4 • ••• * « » *»•« « • *.t ’ ..V.«* •, , a A * V » • «***• a •» a . •* F t, - -a *•* ’ /?’ ' *’ . *•« * < <• The baleni Am. rican IwgUMi poet I.as Rebel kah Con vent sen prepared a »pl< tdid program for Armis­ LOCAL tice Day. which will b>- given at ? an The district «-onvenUon uf the Rebek D. m. toBMirruw at the anwory. space hah lodges of Detríut, Gatea. MHI (Tty forbid» pubbshi-g the program, progrsrr which l.y-na. Stay ton, Aumavilis arai Scio *orbid» pubhahi'g I I» worth goi.ig to ’ hear _ „■ ..* ttar pe«>t >ar» » I I- h- .d m Un» city neat Wednsw- Ro> Shelton »(»•ni Monday in Al­ especially in» Iteri • da,. Nov 16. A full de leg at KX m eg- j i- cted and arrangementa have teen tan* <«n biftinca» R C. Peppe ri i ng. nf Route 3. waa mmie by tb. locai Leig« to ruvailv en­ tertain the visitor» Thia is the first Jenny I’atrny was a Scio visitor in the city on to'slncs» Fnday Mr meeting of the coo»ration here in eight Tuesday morning. Pepoerling t» one of th« many pro- year», a» the convctitmns rotate so that • II have ths honor uf entertaining A J Kalina and Stove Young made greaaive farmers in the north fork» t.vnqort ha« been prowled for st Hotel ., trip to ludswmdsnca Sunday. |<>f the Santiam He keep« un with Scio, which aasurva a lawnteoua fsed. ru’ Shu r On ProJuft» Mrs t ora t'alavan is prrstdsnt of tbe Dnyton E Caaper spent Sunday ”* t,m** b> keeping hie machinery diatrvct and Mr». Julia Bilyeu secretary The all »hell frani» with the Invisible joint and the Zykimtr frame with ths 1> i.iin m with hi* wife and fami- up to date inner rim toth are attracting favorahis st tention by its neatness and »tr« ngth Mr». Retirees Morns returned BREVITIES A normal nerve supply to any organ or part nf tbs boriy gsnaratss nor msl fun«-lion and maintain» hi aiih If we undi rstaod why and how twri. » •ra interfered with we woul>l th> r> un dsrstand and appreciate mrU.i»l» of spinal treatment. Spinal lrettn>eni remove» interference with nerve» and this rectore» normal funciior which promol«-» health tn either acute nr chronic *»»«•». Dr. H. H. Peters eiisas 13SA3 UM-«- Mr», Floyd Shelton, of Jordan.! Monday from a visit to her »on on war in t«-wn Monday on a shopping the Crow Stage Route out uf F.u- ■ gene trip. road» are looking fine, and that she for a ■u «t ut>lirath>n f H » . ■ ■> ami if y«ai fail so to an-wrr. f< • » tb«ri*of. th« plaintiff « a; I '■ <«. t Court for th« r« !ii f j is. i !..« complaint, to-wit; I hat plain?iff I judgment against th«* siud def.- .* A C. Brown, fur th«* »urn of i Lfnited States gold coin, with li t<- • »1 at the rale of eigh I*r rent • a of I el.ruarj. f ami for the further sum uf I 1 taxes paid by th«- plaintiff, ami f- • * further »um of lllii ?») attorney*« f. . amt for the plaintiff’s co»!«« »• il L buraemente ineurr«d herein Tt at usual decree may be msd<* for tl.< »«« « of said mortgageii premise» a«-, .«rdh , to law amt the pracine of tin» ' • mi and the proceed» applied in paym* * t of the amount due to plaintiff D t • - defendanta. and all per«on» iln n under them, or either of th. m. »utai. qm-nt to the «-xecutnin ■•( »n«l tn *t gag.* upon »aid premi»«*». eitta r «• t ■ chaser», rneumhrnt.eer». or other* * m«y I. barr«d ami for«'«.-« «I ■ f right claim, or «-quit* of r« l< n in the »aid premia«», ami .-very part thereof. Tint the nlaintilT. or other parties to suit, m «y be.-um« pur chaser»; and that the »aid purchi<»< r tn- let into the poaaerslon uf the ) rern> on production of th«’ »herins ih therefor And for ar fuiti i different relief In the pr« mi«« ■> «• to this < ourl msy »■•• meet .md able to equity. Said mortmain -I pr. ■ is«w are describm! as full« «», to wit- The east half uf the rorthwsal quarter and the wi-«t half of the north« a«’ quarter of Section S« ven. in Town»ki| Thirteen South. Range One We-t of the WiHamrtte M- rnlian. in l.mn C« un ty, tirwgun, containing h'«** acre* Thia summon* is aerye«i upon you by publication in Tbs Scio Tribune, of Sc-e Oregon, by order of Hon. Percy It Kelly, Judge of tb<- above «*i«tiii. Court, date I (leliJvr 4th. F'.!l IK« first publication of thi» summon» >- Octola-r J'tth, 1921, ami the la»t i««il- cation will lie November I7lh. 1921. V. A. Gooiik. Stayton, Oregon, Attorney fur Plaintiff Morrison & Lowe UNDERTAKERS Everett, uf McMinnville,waa -ling bun ue »• in Scio last J t . 1hurwiay. Xu K A II Itnn and Mr» Al- .J »to it Saturday shopping in the county seat. t W i lace 11« we Ixe. of Albany, i* at the Christian church '■day morning. arion Art >ld and to l ortiand family today to are takr in the livr-t! her child some time U W (Bill) Miller and Mt SCIO Joe arrived X 4. « a VV* • HAROLD AI.RRO. Manuf act unrig Optician Monday mighty fine br-rrie». too. the vines are loaded (< rt -t«ii in an automobile race. She says with berries, If know more about it. at- anti all that ia needed to make them ripen quickly is a few warm »un­ !• d next Sunday morning. shiny days, and she would have Iola Al i » o« -|H«nt Ihuraday in Al­ of them Thi» is quite out of the banv ii banking busmess. While ordinary for ratplierries there he i-aiird on the new manage- So far the building committee of f th«- FirM National and First the Baptist church ha* not done Saving* lianka. anything definate, but it understood '' ■ August Itendrr, of Jordan, that J C Austin, nf the State Rap | . rated <>n at the local hospit-' A-wwibtom. will Im m Sen. agam i in a few day* and at that time a al M««n«1av. Dr Prill and [>r l>avis final conclusion will la- r«-acb**«l and of Albany doing the work Sha is plans made for the building. If the getting along nicely. I State Asn>»ciation aid ia given, it will 1 probably amount to one dollar fur Mr*. Mary Baker and daughter every dollar given by the local '<■ ■ J Salem. »jK-nl Sunday at the church, nf their m ice ansiiic’l by a lady triend of Albany have lieen visiting with J W. Miller W anted Ei|erieno*d poultry ami family. picker» Swift Produce Co. Mr» Edward Jm ha» returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. R M. Shelton & C<> . of the Sanitary Russell st Albany. ______ will call Fluid Gooch and family ami Clinton Market, want your veal and George were Sunday dinner guest» at for It; and poultry of all kinds. 8 the Carl F'oih» home in StayUin. J. W. Hir>«ns and family took in the T he Oi l» M an ha» a new Hickory •how at Stay Um Sat unlay night. Buggy, with two tongues, doulde- Marion Kendall ami wife attended H«w. whiftleiree and neckyoke, all the football g»m> in Scm Friday John Ort wine and wife, accompanied i complete for $7.00, half uric« Mrs Bella Crum«» ami Mrs Jean Mil 10 4c 8. W. G ain »». h r motored to Albany Saturday. Mr», lx*- George has tiren visiting E ok S al * Big Duroc Sow with her mother. Mr*. Trollinger for a few eight piga. also shoats and wean- days. C ha * C D avin . Calvin ami Joe Trullirtger and A. •mg pig» Scio, tlregon. route 3. Shanks moUind to Salem Sunday eve­ li miles east of Crabtrea. ning to nttend a vaud>-illle show. George Piatt and wife left thl» morn­ ing f<>r Portland where they intend to Wg have »old the blacksmith shop make their home. and would like all those who are Will Hirons and family attemis«! I owing us to please come into the church at Kmgslon Sunday. Mrs. Will Miller was a Scio caller •hop and pay up. a* we need tha Friday. money. Ten [>er cent interest will Charlie Is-ffier and family spent Sun­ be charged on all outstanding bill» day with home folk» in Scio. Marion Brown was »hopping in Alb­ from this date on. Nov 10. 1921. any Saturday. He N’EAt. & C rahtnek . i.il and entertainment for Thanks i g evening, and a committee <- i i-vn apaolnted >o make all Br­ ian ementa We hope to he alilo to all almut it nevi week. served. with over a hun- ’■•d «ted around the table \ Advertía» is Th» Scio Tribuaa and gvt resulto. ba»k«rt & pt'om e trist. Brownsville was surely »urpri«ed evening as she expa-cted to defeat the Scio About |73.rother of Ito-1 Hoili*. Mr. Thayer A party composed of boys and al.y will lie charged, the two per melhia daughter in Albany girls from the freshman and »opho- it^t inter.'«t required of delinquent If present plan« materialiae, Scio more classes *i< given in honor of taxpayers will continue. will have enough women* lne time saver Ex. leach- A Convict. escaping from the law Marion Arnold spraineri hi» anklr | er • in physics elaaa): "For tumor- A I ugitive, coaling on a liner rather bari Monda* morning by fall­ | row’s le*M.n work and hand in the A Haro, aaving a girl’» life I. ine oof of hi» l ord while deiivermg 'following exatnule* un page K7: A Fighter, struggling to come back A Man. justifying hi» love mali. The door of the car «qxri« 2. 3. . 5. «.7. . 9. 10. IL" Joa- Why didn’t you tell us Slifi hard, and Man< n is tn the habit of eph Roller: which one» to omit?" gle of hi» n Ixaketball game Iwtween Scio and At The Peoples Thentri «hors and he Iqtped off of thè run- Mill t’it^ to tie played on a neutral Saturday Night Sunday Night R epohtkr . Marton floor DeF 23. ning I m « hì tnto thè ditch Thayer, Frank Rartu ta to lie return - The Baptist Sunday wlhool is in- Surtm ORE. The High girls practiced l-all Tuesday evening. last Thursday Mr» C A. Eve i stt • I i t her h<>m*- Sunday, a* Dr Hob- brought a sprig of ripe r«*l raspber­ » i . nvv ■ * »tie has recovered asitfi- ries to this offic«* that were grown nt‘s from her operation. on her lot in this city, and they were DR. A. G. PRIU. Day or Night the cards signed and returned. ^.^ììleade Mr» Guv Hidlia. formerly Mabel g me in Portland taking carv I i -li. « ¡i they have on exhibit at went on with thè delivery, though i ; he IriVeatoCii show there. thè »prain wa* very txinfv! .IL t'alla Attended The reoort cards were given out “HALF A CHANCE” Toriland today. John Jr. consider- (alls Attend«*! to Promptly ■ I the h tbsll game at Wmaiburn Dav or Night h im|>ortant so he ta going there OREGON SCIO instead. Pbvsician ni iful mountainous country around the mill. Jr* Ed Myers returned Saturday SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of l.ir State of Oregon. iJepartm« ■ three weeks ago. The faculty wishes Mrs N Ender» i» asmstiag with had a wonderful Hme in the l-esut- I •r Or»onn She aay» the crop* along the High School Notes Don’t overlook us when in need of Eastern Corn We have a supply of No. 2 Eastern, 1 I mois­ ture Test. J. D. DENSMORE. £> & & (> £> & t> ’ ! -40'11 of a Man*« b-^htanal a Woman« Kai th “HALF A CHANCE ». V Ms' •» .ha» i»n »aS UUtes lab tl Th«- Fioples Theatre ■ur iv Night Sunday Night Corn B- & & I ^ÇQQÇÇÇÇjÇÇÇçQÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇQ^ Ç1^