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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1916)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE St IO. l.INN COUNTY, OREGON. OCTOBER 19. 1916 11.50 THE YEAR WILSON SAYS CRISIS THE MEXICAN PROBLEM IS FACEO BY NATION The Albany Roundup r Of course our Alluuiy friends ex- l>ect» The Tribune to «ay something nice stout her Harvest Festival and hound-Up. of last week ami we are inclimd to do so. In the first place we si*eak ol the rrwwd Never in the hbtorv of the "Hub" has there In-en such crowds of out of town people there. A modest estimate would 1« 15.000 outside of her <>wn population, all of whom seemed to 1« behaving themselves in a decorous manm r though all wemed bent on trying to have a got«! time And they did Every face seemed to have the glad smile and the shaking of hands ami hearty greetings of friends, were a joy to «r While everyl«*dv Jolly, no disorder wa» obtwrvable. The handling of the crowd« teemed flawless, giving 15 to 2o policemen little to do. Mayor Curl and the city council desrrve credit for the method in W. E. PARKER which the fete waa earned out. A uiany . O rf . The stock exhibits were excellent Democratic Candidate for Sheriff and the school childrens feature at the armory was most gratifying. He is a son of a pioneer family, Any Linn county citizen must feel is a successful business man. is proud of what our boys and girls honorable and upright, a heavy tax-| can do. Hut the main drawing card payer and. if elected, will make an of the whole business was the Round efficient «heriff You will not make Un. This feature brought the crowd a miatake if you vote for him because of its novelty. It waa un We make a »penalty of Friend- usual. Most people here in the •hip. Engagement and Wedding valley knew little of cowbov and Ring». F. M French £ Son. Albany, ■cowgirl methods and they were anxious to see. All of the stunts Oregon. . carried out were interesting, though the danger to both man and beast and the absolute cruelty to animals : in some of the features, destroyed the enjoyment in the minds of many persons. It partook ton much of the nature of the Mexican bull fight, At the orchard at Gilkey something which does not appeal to the average American. APPLES 25c, 50c APPLES 75c, $1 Packed Í. o. b. car». Gilker. Ore. Address C. D. MINTON. Thomas, Ore. Phone 3-5 Scio In lhe minds of republican politi-; of Mexican guns On that occasion cian» and editors there is consider-' seven American« were wounded. able confusion with rsstwet to' Governor Sloan, of Arizona, called DMMCfiti Held Only Nipt il nifrtH modern American Mexican history. ‘ upon President Taft for the protect Some of them seem to think that I ion of American« The president OiHutiM Ltid«rili| F k I iii I the Mexican problem is the creation replied declining to take military it M CHigricy at the democratic administration ( action and that <t is a "Witaon problem " On October 10 and II. 1911, The truth is it is America's problem ; Mexican rebels attacked and captur and it wa» as much a Taft problem I ed Juarez Long Branch. N J., Oct 1«. liMHi American troops President Wilson today told a dele- as it has Iwen a Wilson problem, patrolled the American border ami gallon of indefiendeats. that the snd^in the went of Mr. Hughvs In El Paso. Texas, five Americans demociatic party is the only instru election it would be a Hughe« were killed and 17 wounded. mentality now at hand for the enact- problem It is very likelv that a* On May 12, 1911. Secretary of meet of “genuine, humane, just ami Mr. Wilson handled the problem State Knox sent to Mexico City a Orogressive legislation." much as Mr Taft did, Mr Hughe»* note denying that the United States The members of the delegation method of handling it would not intended to intervene. •aniv here to tell the president they differ materially from that of Mr. On March 29 1912, rille» were planned to campaign for him "from Wilson. , •ent to the American legation in the Battery to Buffalo" in New York let us take a glance at the record Mexico Qty for lhe i>n>tecUon of stale, because they fell he had given Mr Taft Ix-came president on March American citizens. American colo the nation "a square deal " 4. 1909. Within twenty months after nists in northern Mexico flocked lav! by Amos Pinchot and Rabbi Mr. Taft's inauguration, trouble in serosa the border, and there was Stephens Wise, of New York, lhe serious form broke out in Mexico, great damage to American property delegation remained with the presi and during all of the balance of his by the Mexican mobs. dent longer than an hour He talked administration, this trouble con On April 14. 1912. the state de- with the delegation in lhe reception tinued. i partment warned Madero and Orozco room of his summer residence. On November K. 1910, there was against further outrages io Ameri ‘Shadow Lawn. rioting in Mexico City. The Ameri can Ilves and property. The president declared the time can Hag wa« destroyed, the windows That all occurred prior to the has come for America "to unite her ; of American residences and buainem presidential election of 1912. progressive forces." He said the houses were broken. A street car On December 4, 1912, President leaders of the opposition want only containing American school children Taft, in a message to congress, de three things, "the scalp of the pr» s i was stoned and the son of the scribed his Mexican policy, which ent controller of the currency. John 1 United States ambassador was as- was practically the name as Mr. Skelton Williams, to get control of isauited. These disturbances con Wilson's has been, and he called it the banking system of Ue country, tinued during Nntwchwr ». Use txWiey of part lent non-inter ami to put the army and navy of On Novemher 10 there waa riot vention." the United States hack of their ing in Guadalajara On February 9, 1913, there was The American financial enterprises in Mexico and dag was borne«! and windows of an uprising against the Mexican throughout the world " American lauiks and stores were government in Mexico City. Many The problem that America has broken Tlirse disturbances continu-1 days of street fighting followed had to face for some time " said the ed two or three days. ' i Several hundred Mexican civilians president, “has tieen to unite and On November 10. 1910. there was were killed. Including two American organise her progressive forces rioting at various oointa in Mexico j women. They have been present in the nation American consulate» were wrecked It waa in February, during Presi- for a long time They have l»-en and the records of the consulate« dent Taft's administration that running like undercurrents They were destroyed. Madero was killed and Huerta de- have been ascertaining themselves November IS, 1910. the Mader« manded recognition, but there was here, there and elsewhere in some revolution broke out and fr»m that no recognition of Huerta and no time» unexpected quarters, but not dale on there was general diaorder intervention under the Taft admin- until four years ago did they disclose in Mexico. latralion their numerical forces " On March 15* 1911, a few day» On March 7. 1911, 20.000 United more than two year» after President States regulars were mobilized along Street Work Begun Taft waa inaugurated and about the Mexican border. On April 13. 1911, Mexican forces) two years before his term expired, Last Saturday work at leveling up the grade on Main street wwle- gun and on Monday the hauling of crushed rock commenced. A heavy steam roller haa lieen hired to roll down each coating of the crushed rock Three layer« of the crushed rock will l>e applied, with the coarse at the bottom and the line on top After it all haa been rolled down thoroughly. the street will l>e oiled. This should give ua a street almoet aa good aa if it was paved. President Taft addressed a letter to Arizona. In Douglas, throe Ameri- the chief of staff and in that letter cans were killed and five were he declined to do the very things re wounded. publicans are now denouncing Presi- On April 24. 1911. Mencan. sgsin <JefJt W||-tm for dolng attacke«! Agua Prieta. half the town -.......... ........ of Douglas, Arizona, waa under flre| (Continued next week) 1< h £ Agua Prieta. oupoaila liouglaa. Sudden Death It Growing in Favor Tuesday afternoon the dead body of Emanuel Bloom, of near Crabtree was brought to the undertaking parlor of Chas Wesely. to I* pre- parod for burial. Judge T. A. Rinehart, democratic candidate, of Salem, is rapidly grow ing in favor. Aa people are begin* ning to know him and hia reputation they feel assured that be la of final class judicial timber and that the 3rd judicial dbtrict will not make a mistake If be b aeircted aa judge of department No. 2. Of course every body in both Marion and l«nn counties are fully satisfied with Judge Percy Kelly aa judge of de partment No. I and he will l>e re elected by a large majority. The race b for judge of department No. 2 and moot people are aaying Judge Rinehart is the man to elect. Mr. Bloom has been employed as 1 a wood chopper by E. C. Riley and ' others, of the vicinity of t'rabtree. Washington, Oct. 17.—Prices of 1 for the past three vears. He was meat animals, hog», cattle, sheep , considered inoffensive ami attended and chickens, increased 4.1 per cent , to his own business. His age was. from August 15 to September 15, probably, about 55 years. compared with an average increase Tuesday afternoon he started for However, we must write down of nineteenth of 1 per cent in the Thomas, supposedly to take the train the Albany Festival and Round-Up same perio^ the last six years. I for Albany. His body was found on as a big success, well managed and The department of agriculture the road. Appoplexy was the cause that Albany people are princely; announced today that th«* index of his death. ! entertainers.. figure price paid to producers for. He had some money Good printing can be obtained - in his - pocket ------. Srio and lhe Scio country were ( those meat animals waa about 23.71 per cent higher than last year. 10.5 an<1 »" insurance policy which was only where the proper types, press there in full force. It is aafe to say per cent higher than two years ago. | pay hb funeral expenses, es. material and expert workman- that more than double the people The * burrial ship is found. The Tribune office 1-1 occurred * Wednesday ‘ I from this section were there than and 22.5 per cent higher than the ■ Albany and vicinity have ever at- i average of the last six yean on afternoon at The Franklin Butte poaseaars all of these requisites and j cemetery 1 the prices are right. I tended the lion county fair at Scio. ( September 15. Meat and Poultry Higher I XV A