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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1916)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 5 UNN MAY IMPROVE 200 MILES OF ROAD 11.26 THE YEAR St TO. LINN tXMJNTY. OREGON. Al GUST 31. IVI« NO. 12. Pythian Piena Il is not necessary for |>roplr to go awav from horn«- in order to have a good time. This fact wu demonstrated yesterday afternoon by the K. of P. ami Pythian Sisters PlM ti SplMUtlCt llflhUJ fwl is in a picnic on Thotaas creek ru-ar | the mill race dam. Plenty of good, PrwtsW ■ PttitiMS ta things to eat and music by the K. < Casati Caart of P. band was the order. Every person present reporta having had a most enjoyable time It is little impromptu and inex A plan for systematic road im pensive stunts of this character provement. which contemplates the which add much to the pleasure df hardsurfactng of moat of the lead life. ing road« of Linn county ha» been I * ” Most of th«- harvesting will be worked o t bv a committee repre Only the senting the Farmer«' Union and completed this week. petition* have lieen prepared for latest of spring grain will I m * uncar- circulation to »'«certain popular e«i for. opinion on the matter. ROUMANIA LINKS FATE WITH ALLIES a •if Btdiftfl o> Arina. G ihdm ) It taiiatis - The Ar«y Eaters TfMvrtvaMi l/ondon, Aug. 2N. Roumania is al war with Germany and Austria Roumania dedan-d war « hi Austria last night. Ixi« than twelve hours later Berlin declared wnr on Rou mania. Turkey and Bulgaria are ex|a*«*ted to follow Germany without delay. A Roumanian army has cro»Md These petitions ask the county court to adopt this plan of improve ment, which it will require several year» to accomplish, and in order to provide for an increased tax levy, which is necvwiary. to submit to the voters at the next general election, under the terms of the Bingham tax limitation law. a prop«»al to increase the levy for this purpose. Though voting directly on the increaaed tax the people of the county will be voting, directly, as to whether or not they favor the plan propose«!. No bonding is contemplated in this project but the plan is to devel op the system of paved roads gradu ally by constructing a portion each year, building only such an amount each year as the county can pay for from its current levy. The committee has suggested that the present levies for r»ad an«i bridge improvement be reduced un til there is just enough for necessary repairs. It has estimated that 24 mills could be taken from the prew ent levies and with an additional two mills levied, the money realised from a 44 mill levy would lie suffi cient each year to develop a system of (Hived roads. For the first lime in many months the ScH« Milling Co. is shipping flour. A car was loaded for San Franciia-o the first of the weak. Manager l>. C. Thoms went to Port land Tuewlay to look after the mill's interests. Attractions Arrive CMfrtss Called ta Avart Strike Bratlac- betd Nat Afraad Wkethi Ei»ct- ■nt C m CkM|a Outcome The flying machine, which is to d>> the aerial act during the fair, arrived from Tillamook via exprtw Monday The machine will make two flights daily during the fair. The sliows are billed to arrive today. ♦ • Washington. Aug. 29. Preaident I Wilson, laying the railway strike situation before c<>ngr««MH teslay with recommendations fur legislation, ad- vanced the C'isis to a stage when* the next developments depend u|sm "Slow down to 16 miles per hour" two points. They are: signs havi- tas-n erected at the city Whether th«1 legislation he pro limits on all roads leading into Scio poses can lie |«aMs*<i. If enacted, will it be effective to prevent a strike already called for 7 a. m., Septrmlier 4? The brutherhiHMis. announcing their intention to fight certain portions of the president*« program, arc al loggerheads over whether Ils enactment would prevent the strike. The railway presidents favorable to President Wilson's plan in th«1 main, think it would make it diffi cult for the strike to begin. Meanwhile, although negotiation» between the employers and men were broken off today by the re jection of the railway presidents' latest proposal for arbitration. Presi dent Wilson is continuing his effort» to bring the two sides together on some form of agreement. Efforts which might be described as "al most superhuman" arc being exert ed to that end tonight already into Tran»> Ivama and ,» engage«! in battle with Austrian» in the mountain |>a*s» ■» on the south eastern frontier of Hungry On the Pruth and the Ihtnula1 a large Ru»sian force is concentrated ready to move down the Hanub«- and march through Roumania into Bulgaria Thu» a Russian aledg«* soon will be battering the Bulgarian» against Sar rail’s anvil. The Countv Board of Equalization will meet at the court houae at Albany, Oregon. Monday, Septem ber 11. 1910 and remain in m*»»ion six day» for the pur (»we of publicly examining the assewunent roll and to correct error» in valuation, de scription or qualiti«1» of land, lots or other property. All persona inter ested are hereby notified to appear at th«1 appointed time and place and if it shall appear t<> said l»>ard that land», lota or other property I»1 a»- aeflwd twice, or aasesM'd in the name or names of any person or persona not the owner thereof, or aam’iwd Making a Hard Eight under or beyond its value, or any lands, lota or other property not 1 be Pendleton (atiple are making luweMed. »aid lioard will make the a hard fight for the establishment proper correction. of a normal school in their city. Of Earl L. Fisher. course the development and the County AaMeasor aggrandizing of Pendleton is the undercover object rather than a Bowery Dance» disinteri-sted d«*Mre to benefit public school interests. On every evening on the fair The Tribune would like U> aid grounds the K. of P. band boys will our Pendleton fro nd» in anv way it give a Isiwerv dance. It is nevdicas can to bring al»»ut her desired de to say that first da»» music will tie velopment. But duty to our state furnished and good order main in the way of reducing taxation is tained. greater. Roumania'» d««ci»ion to join the allies was reached at a meeting of the Crown Council held at Bucharest yesterday morning. Il follows closely on Italy’s declaration of war against Germany, a proof that the Balkan The Monmouth school already , we would be actively forninst it. drive was to lie a great push of all established and provided for. can About one-third of our stab* taxes th«1 entente powers. supply double the numtier of teach are n«>w consumed in srpporting our To the allied forces have tieen ers she now supplies at a small addi slate colleges and this is more than This ia a enough added an army of perhaps SMMi.tMMi tional cost to the state. Besides, normal depart men and the way is open for a body sufficient reason for not building an ments can be added to the schools blow at Bulgaria and an invasion of additional school at Pendleton or , at both Eugene and Corvallis at Hungary from the east any other point in the state for that small coat. matter. No. brother, another normal When in need of anything in the The temper of the people of tite It is reported that E. C. Peery way of job work, call and see us. state is such, that it is not necessary year, if '-he plan is adopted, on two did quite a bit of electioneering We do first-class work at reasonable for any newspaper to make a fight of these roads. while he was over at Newport. prices. against the Pendleton project, else It is proposed to begin work next CRISIS MAY TURN ON LEGISLATION Equalization Notice The plans for thia work contemp late the improvement of 200 miles of road in Linn county by hardsur- aacmg It is planned to construct a roadway 30 feet wide an«l then hardfurface 1 »* feet in the center. According to the detailed plana which have been developed, seven road» will tie improve«! in thia man Tbc National Game is ner, if the plan is adopted, and then Detonating in Scio a belt mail will be built connecting them This ia the first year for the past The roads which it is proposed tn twenty or more, in which Scio has construct are: No. I. from Albany, had n<> ball team For a number of following the Pacific Highway to years Scio had the crack team of Jefferson, the county line, tieginning the central valley and generally again at (keen's Bridge and run carried off first honors in the various ning to Kingston via Shelburn. No. contests. 2. from Road No. I at a point about Many years ago when Albany gave 11 miles north of Alluinv and run a base I »all contest. Scio's team was ning past Knox Rutte, crossing the so g<s»d that Albany ha«i to import South Saritiam river near Thomas, thence to Scio and on to Jordan a team <the Staver 4 Walker! from Portland to prevent Scio from win No. 3, from Albany to Crabtree, via ning first honor«. But of late years Sanderson's Bridge, and from there when players of the caliber of John to Lacomb via iArwood. No. 4 Wesely. Roll Morris and numerous from Albany to Ixbaoon and thence others, have retired from the game, to Sweet Home! No. 5 from Albany to Hrownsville. No. fi from Albany Scio's ball teams have deteriorated greatly. The training of new play following the Pacific Highway, via ers have not kept pace with the Tangent, Shedd and Halsey to Har game, it would now be difficult to risburg No. 7 from Albany to assemble a nine capable of playing Peoria. via Oakville and from Peoria a reasonably interesting game. east to the Pacific Highway. Shipping Hour school is not now needed and It will be many years liefore conditions change, unies» the population of Oregon grows faster.