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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1915)
THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. 3 NO. 41. GRAND JURY RECOM MENDS CHANGES SCIO, LINN tXlUNTY. OREGON. MARCH 4. 1915 The German* Are Keeping Pad in Beigli RESERVE ARMY IS TO DE ORGANIZED Cases SI.25 THE YEAR Dismissed by Judge Kelly Monday SCIENCE TO TREBLE GASOLINE OUTPUT The following cases were act«**! upon Monday afternoon by Judgt* Kelly: State of Oregon vs Grace Green Aamactiaeat is MWt By Sacratary W»rt si th Cutty Officers ate Cea* wood and Thomas Alvin, defendants tiu if th Caaaty Offices ligNB-lttMa el 10.000 L in Tbt Pracass is ta Ba were disrharg«*d on motion of the district attorney. They were held Art Freiste is PlM Mtea Fraa under bonds to k«*ep the peace State of Oregon vs C. IL Linde man, «-»mplainant failing to appear, Many thing» are recommended in New York, Feb. 2H. Formal an Washington, Feb. 2M. Two dim the defvmlant was discharged and the report filed Saturday afternoon nouncement was mwle here tonight cover!-.*«, both of vast importance to «• the formation of an organisation his bondsmen were exonerated. by the grand jury. The report ta American Industries ami one r«-gnrd- State of Oregon vs Tom Lewi«, <«l also as a prio-lrm,military asset, in part ax follow»: of first rewerve«. to lie kn«-wn ax the "Among other caw» inv«-ntigau-«i American i«rgion, to be comt>«>M*d amault. dismiss««! on motion of th«* were announc«-»! today by S,-cr«-tary of former army, navy and milita- district attorney la-caum* of al>m*ncr Lane, of the Interior denartment. was a caae involving th«- alleged un men. which will better insure the *’F prosecuting witm*M lawful killing of deer in Linn coun Th«-y are chemical procvi«w->« develop- nation's preparedm-ss in cam- of Slate of Oregon v« (rank Stem «*«1 after years of r«-w*arch by Dr. ty. In thia caae we did not indict, war. gramlt. a«aault; defendant discharg Walter Rittman, «-hemical engineer for the reaaon that it was impoastble Captain Gordon Johnston, aide-de «1 and bondsmen exonerate*! <»n of the bur»-au of mim-s hi secure evidence which, in our camp to Major General W«»od. com-1 molten of district attorney Iwcaum- judgment, would justify it. One is «*X|s-ct«^l to enable oil r«*- mandmg the deparament of the alwen«*»- of complainant, "We have examin«-«! into the con- finer» to increase their output of east, made th«- announcement on K Wade vs I*. E. Strong, suit gasoline by 200 per cent; the other dition of the offices of the county tiehalf of a group of army ami navy1 te recover money, default and jodg- tnak«*« p«saiiblr th«- pr«s|uction from and alm the poor farm. We have nien, who in an unofficial capacity ment to se|) attached property found all officers diligent and at crude petroleum of toluol and I m - iv R. L. Iievaney vs City of Scio; lol, bases for dye« and high explosi tending to duties and have found are acting with civilians in promot nonsuit on motion of plaintiff ing the movement. the records ami papers well krpt ve«. fur which in th«- past th«- United Captain Johnston said that it was and in proper order. States ami th«- rest of th»* world has planne»! to «>«tabli»h within a »bort "In our examination of the court depemled almost exclusively on time a first reserve of between 2f>0,-! house, jail and poor farm, we have Germany. Dr. Ritftnan ha- applied for iHMi ami 3(Ml.lSK) former army, nsvv found certain improvements, which, ami militiamen for instant call in in our judgement, should be marie iwtcnts on his priH-t-iw«-» to prevent and recomm«-nde»l to the county cum - «>f emergency the iMswibilitv of any monupnly in Major General Wood has al reati y court as follows: their use ami will dwlicate them to imlorse- given the plan his unofficial "That the safe ami books which The First Pülic Sates Day Attracts the American paople. ment and ex-l ’ reaident Ro-wa-velt ha» "Them* processes,” said S»-cr«-tary are in the county judge's office, not Ite Allies Flett ti Stig All th Stops NatereOs al Visitan ta written a letter approving th«- pro I Jim- today. "ar«< fraught with the belonging to the present judge or E> Iute Bntui’s State posal Numerous other publi«* men utm<Mit importance Th«- Standard county, should be removed by the th City have indorse«! the oroject ami an Oil company luts had a log advant- owner as the space occupied is need Rataliatary announcement by th»- promoters age over the inde|M»ndents in pro ed in the office. We recommend say that ex-Secretaries of War and duction of gasoline, having a t»at»*nt- that linoleum I m - placed on the floors Centuries ago the people of Eng in the offices of the county clerk, Ijondon, March I. If the cum- of the navy have imiicate<l their land ami <>n the continent of Europe e«i pro«*«» obtaining three times the recorder ami school superintendent bmeti fleet of Great Britain ami willingm-M to act in an advisory used to gather at selected places amount of gasoline from a given quantity of petroleum than th»* inde and that th«- spittoons in the latter France can prevent it no com modi- ! capacity. ami hold market fairs ami guilds, Asnerting that he and his four * pendents now obtain. office la* removed and that smoking ties of any kimi except thorn* now I'hey journeyed from far distant sous will I m - coiih - memtiers of th«- "Now the Federal g>iv«*rnm«*nt, not lai allowed in this office. on the seax shall henceforth, until I points, driving cattle, sheep ami through the efforts of Dr Rittman, legion. Colonel Roosevelt, in a letter . "We find in the attic of the court the conclusion of th«- war. reach or j swim«, bringing foods, clothe« and propow» to make free for th»* um * tn the organizers, says that in the house a large amount of rubbish leave the shore« of Germany, j various other articl«*a to (tarter, of all a pro»-»-«« confidently expected event of war h«- iutvmls to ask con- This is England's answer to Ger and debris and recommend that the ' trade or sell to |«*<iple from other to incr«««Mr their yields of gnxolim* gress for iM»rmifsion to raise a ill- j same I m - removed. We recommend . many's submarine blockade and it „ ... sections. These occasions were al- fully 200 per cent and (M-rhapa more. vision of cavalry Mr. Rooaevelt a ... , . that the womien addition to the jail, is to tie effective forthwith. I ways accompanied by celebrations Dr. Rittman a*M»*rts his process is letter in part follows: Premier Asquith, reading from a be repaired.** during the days of the fairs, and . "I am! my four sons gladly will j safer, simpler and more t*conomical. everybody was merry. As to the condition of the county prepared Statement, mad«- this an ln-c«>rti« ‘ members I very earnestly Th«* amount of merrymaking was poor farm, a splendid report w*» nouncement in the Housr of Com ; hope ami pray that there will I»- u<> Oregon Building at the mons this aftermsiii at a araaon hardly on the same scale as were the made but a few improvenw-nu in war; but the sur««st way to avert Exposition Dedicated Monday days of old, but from a commercial the equipment were recommended, j which will In- historic. Stixiioualv ! war is to I m * pr«-(>ar«-»l for it; and standpoint th«* stock sale will stand Among the things recommended waa avoiding the terms "blockade" and ‘ tiie only way to avert disaster ami comparison. From distant points in that the farm be supplied with two "c«>ntral>and" for these words occur San Franci«i*u, March I. The disgrace in war is by prejiaration. Ijnn and Renton counties the crowd Or«*gon building of th»* expttetion daily papers, as it waa found that nownere in the prepare»! statement, Iioth military and naval. In advance poured into Ali-any all morning, ami was <l»-«iieatr«l with a gr«-at ceremony the inmatt-s shoul^ have more read the Premier explained that after this day the allies eonshlered them by 11 o'clock it wad practically im- t>wlay, Juilg«- Wolverton of the ing matter. New Grand Jury selves justified in attempting, an«! possible to obtain livery stable ac- Unit«*d State« aupreme «murt. pre According to the report, the grand would attempt, to 'detain an<! take commodations By the time Ben siding Hon R A Booth represent There lining no busine«« tn lx* into port, shqai carrying go»»!» of (Continued on |>age 21 Sudtrll start««! the sale, hundreds of ed Governor Withyc««mls-, who <lr- presum«-«! enemy destination, owner brought before the new grand jury, peopl«* were gatherer] around the liverr«! th«* address It is universally last Monday, the jury adjoume»! in ship or origin." selling stand. admitted that Oregon has about the a short time to lie called together The sale waa opened by a parade finest building on the grounds again one week prior to the time Has Located at Molalla through the princijial streets, head s>-t for the June term of the circuit ed by the Albany high school band. G t is Coming Nearer A private letter from George court. W A Barrett of Albanv. is Following the band were calm con Blatchford informs The Tribune that i foreman; 0. G. Wyman. Shelburn. taining Mayor Curl, city officials Cambridge, Mass . March 3. PKAUtlLS IN he has located at Molalla. Clackmax W II. (ondra, Halsey; J. L. Sharp, ami members of the city council. Mcllish's comet. whi«-h to visible in county and will engage in the hard Brownsville; Elmer Fag, Crawfords Then came a Itorsster brigade of the morning skum through a small ware busirw-M. He says Molalla now ville- and G. M. Bilyeu of Scio, con small boys earning banners. Next tel«wco|H-. is increasing in hrillaney stitute the new jury. has a population of 500, two rail came the Albany Are department, ami will make its t«eriheliott pa>»age roads and a good surrounding i automobihw, a float liearing a troup around the sun <>n July 20. accord country. The prospects for the i of acrobats from the Y. M C. A., ing to computations mod« by Prof. town to good and Mr. Blatchford i law renn* Compton left Momlay stock to I m * sold ami a brigade of Crawford and Mias Young of the expects tn do a good busines« ile for Loma, Montana, to join a ______ rela- horse back riders. Student’« Oliservatory, Berkeley, We are installing a Roller waa formerly with the firm live, George Devaney, ami perhaus The parade ended at Seron»! ami Cal. and Grinder, which will Blatchford Bros, of Shelburn. lie was locate. Loma has become h«-a«l Feiry streets, where the This was announced at the Har enable us tn do Custom quarters for a large settlement of held. Mayor Curl opened the cere- vard Olwervatory today. work on very short notice AU Have Knackers former Linn county people, probaldy monies with an appropriate addre* Call and give ua a trial. fifty or sixty in all. Mr. Devaney in which be welcomed the people to Wm. Brenner is the first to get Scio, like all other towns, ha» has 185 acres in wheat and with Albany and tuched on the purpose at making garden, so far as we have a few knockers. ’Tis a pi tty (hat high prices prevailing, han anticipa- of the stock sale day. He announc seen. He may have to provide a all knocker« cannot he congregate»! lH»o« of a golden harvest, with a ed that Market day will be held the stove or some other heating procea« in one town, no that they would lie- number of others filling their soil to last Saturday of every month, The to keep the stuff from rotting. It Phone Ind 336 - SOO. ORE. come disgusted with the knocking ibe limit wUh wheat - All*any auctioneer started the selling at 1 to a month yet to garden making habit. ; Democrat. Albany Democrat. i o’clock. time. London. March I. li t*. Hoover; chairman of the American Belgium relief committee, todav issued the following statement: "It is dt-mrerl that certain facta be perfectly clear in the discussions going on in the American pr«*«u with relation to the work of this com mission "First The German authorities agr«*ed with us in Ih-cwmbrr that lh«*rv should lie no further requisi tions or purchas«*» of foodstuffs by the German army in the occupied xom* of Belgium The occupation zone comprise« th«* wh<»b- of Bel gium with th«- exception of terri tory immediately adjacent to the fighting line The German author!- ties have cairied out this umlet tak ing with scrupulous cart* There never has been any interferrno* by them with foodstuff» imported by this commiasion, and th«- whole of these foodstuffs or their equivalent have gone to the Belgian civilian population. ElIMAN’ rc LOSEI ) TO ALL TRAFFIC FIRST MARKET 1 PROVES A SUCCESS Scio Feed Co. Flour, Mill Feed Grain, Hay and Poultry Supplies SCIO FEED CO. I