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About The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1914-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1915)
4 ». *»• ftir - THE SCIO TRIBUNE S(’|(>. I.INN COUNTY. OREGON. JANUARY 7. 1915 THE REAL SLAYER CLEARS PENDER Well W» Sd. THE / '•'1 r v..:* I* resh Meats b >. • • • M a » ■ ’’i à’X. ’ ■ Í* <*> '*.* - >. - > ■ h • * 0F SC|0 Canal Trip Plan* Go On BRITAIN’S REPLY FRIENDLY. IS BEUEF Washington, Jan. 5. Secretary Yesterday thin writer **« in John Daniel* «nd t<«iay that plan* fur th«*: W«* m *I v ’* dry good» estahlishmcnt, iii*|>atch of the Atlantic fieri to San ' n<>l Io buy good*, but just to look Francbco by way of the Panama' around ami to gather in a »tray ('anal in conrn-ction with the tanal' local or no. Mew Cite Cmcil ah Other Officers <>;»*ning n-reiii-mi«-* arc going fur île Ottime el th tavor is Sett ti Mirderer Steaks Otwt Wien Cltseled While the «torr was not crowded, hMC«- -ltlh hKhs ward, notwithstanding the report) all the clerk* were busy Th«- p»*e Were Swan m m FrKey, Witl Ch*lem wd Tells the pie »ifl> to know when a bargain i* of Governor Gcothal* of Panama Alitimeli liiiiq 1 Stan Ml Bttari that he coubi not guarant«-«* the offered them ami th«* mark«! down price* at Wrsrly’» »urely are bar iMUHag«- of the battleships through th«- canal in March Itrf-auae of slides. gain« Ixtndon. Jan The British Salem. Dr., Jan. 3. A lock of hi*' Scio, nevertheless after warrant* Secretary Garrison dua-ussed with Mr W«-*»ly *tat«*i that a» the governm«*nt ’ * reply to th«- American due are |>aid leaving a talance of own hair, taken from th« hami of i scarlet fever scare was *l»ml over, th«- pr«-*ident and cabinet today th«* not«* c-inc«-rning contrataml pmtal»- only a>M*ut 3 150 to run th«- city • one of hi* victim*. w-h-> hail fought i G««-thals rrjMirt ma«le to him yestot he wa* receiving a lilwral patronage ly will ta sent before the «-mi of the during the year, i* in a very hvalthv <lc*|x*rately for Iter life and that of . ■ - ii~.i . d * . - and hi* clearance sale wan proving week. financial condition Sopietime last though l»attl« »hi|>* could not pa.** h«-r child, h«-hl l*-f-*r« hi-••>•». c» .- a success If you want ladir* suit* It is thought the answer will be ed John G H Swrkt. a f«**l*l«- mimi or men* wuit* at half the regular »tiring an ordinance wa* enacted# through tin* canal, the trip of the frirndly J «egTvga'ing the revenue arising from president and other official* through ci inmate of it,« »tate insane «avium, price, get busy at once and supply An outline of th«- reply ha* been tin light pl,«ni II I th«- Panama to th«- San Francisme X|M*li- tonight to the kilfftu* <>t your want* while the *ah- is on. submitted to France. which i* grval- general fund Now onlv th«- ex turn n«**l not lx- interf«*re«l with, Mr» Daisy Wehrman and her littl« j !y increase,! Ix*cau*e of the activity pense* fur o|*-rating the light plant since the |>arty could be taken tay tn their cabin, near .Scapj»«»»«-. •if Fr«-nrh *hi|«* in «-arching Medi can lx- expended from this fund, ; wound the »lid«-« by rail. the night of Septemlx«r I. 1911 terranean cargo*-* th«- balance or profit arising to "<m- Thus, th«- authorities my. i« J>»hn •— A statement will protably be ia- stitute a sinking fund with whi A. i'rn«h-r. «unvicten <»f <h«* crim«* «m-d shortly, showing ih*t Italy ha* to take up the l*md* for buihlmg am! sentenced to be hang«*i. pr«>v«*i to rived *' an undi standing with th«* plant a* they mature. guilti«-».- lb will lí i» I» I h - vi -I ! England and the other allies con- There is. when the outstanding lie fn**l by executive onici in a ice rmng contrataml satisfactory to few day*. Is th First Year el Preseti Treaserer warrants are paid, less than $loil fall th«- countries effect*d of the general fun«! on hand, to p:<*. That St Midi Mas Beet Who Know* ol a Crippled Child? th«* city expense during th«* preat nt it can I m - *taU*l authoritatively year. A* Mayor Ewing vetoed the] Th Strrehet el Prmleft. Even Under i that only five cargoes destined for on Hah tax levy ordinance, there will Is- no County Su|ierintemh-nt Jacknon Italy have been *t>ip|ie«| at Gibraltar Gearaatee, Held ta Imite oilier fund* for gen«*ral expense* I i since November IS. Two of these has r«^-iv«-<i an at>|x*al from th«* Smettimi except th«* rille which will I»* c««l- wen- rel«*amxl within thr««e «lay* and Oregon State Fc«leration of Womena That l.inn county is not only en- lected from license and line*. ¡the others a* *»m a* the alleged (lulm. asking him to tell their boo- tirelv out of debt, but in addition The total value of city property, contrataml could lie removed. pital commit t«-«* about any crippl«*! ha* $20.429.99 on thr credit able of l#>mlon, Jan 5. Although th«* children in thi» county who could the le«igrr. i* th«- *tat«-m«*nt ma«!«- inclumng light and water plant*, Since December 4 no carg<<-* de tie aided by a stoto-erM«» »rganixa by Treasurer V\ W. brancts. wh«» fire a|>t>«ralu», city hall, city park, foreign office regard* with high stined fur Italy have been intercept- ti«>n to furnish free tm*dtcal treat finish,-d talancing the bouk* of his i etc., i* $ I r»,.r>na.3h. Th«- total of favor the Ariu-rican government’« e<l by the allies. | iwlebu .ln«*** is *5,O*.I2.< hi , leaving plan of certifying rarg<x*x lixidai ment of th«* m<»t mmlvm «rhmtific Th«- rubber cargoes destin«*! for office thi* morning, Mr. Fixiicm under the direction of official* ot kind in ail caw-" where th«* family ha» t*-rn in office for the last six ' the city» net teaoureef fill,416.3H American firm* and held in English During the past year Mayor Ewing the lr«*aiuiry department ami destin inr»»me la not suffiro-nt i««r expensive year*, but say» that in all this time port* p«<4«ably will •»- release,! *oon wh<> *uec«*e<i» hiniM*lf. a|>nrm«*d ••<>«- ed for Euroix-an port», it wa* sai l i consultation with «pecialtists. there ha» never tx*-n a year when or purchased by Great Britain, who Th«» E'ederation. which includes a | the county has lM«en in such a pros ' ordinance enact «»I by the council, today that England cannot accept [ need* rubla-r for manufactur humlred women’« clubs in all tiarl» perous comlilion Most of this time i vebied four ordinance* and |MM*kei such certification a* an absolute I tire*, boots, etc. guaranty of the nature of the cargo I of the state, a«k« anyone who know* th«* c«»unty ha* been in debt, and i vetue«i five mure Constant negotiation* are in pro- Our premnt city council wh>> in case any cause for «u*pici«>n aria- of a little victim of an accident, of Mr b rancis said that as far a» he igres* betw«**ti the alliea and the •pinal meningitia. of infantile par knew, there had never l«*en a n«*w were sworn in last Friday are Frank e* after a vessel l«*ave* America. neutral countries situated n*mr Ger- In other word*, the right of alysis. of tubercul«»M* in tin- Ixmes year opeiwd when the county wasao Mcltonald. W E Arnold, J. R Gill • many looking to a tightening of the Wm. Garland. A. I. Plummer. A. search cannot la* waived, lx*cause of or joints, or any other cripiJing well fix«*! as it i» now. j export ri-gulatom* which will pre !.. Taylor and J. N tlie (xiMiibihty of shifting cargoes at cause, to writ«- th«- detail» of th«- thie of the m*w asset« w hich the vent American shipment* from caae to Mr* M i II k R Trumbull. county ha« had during U m - year ot Stieha ia recorder. J. N Weddle.I sea ami of the imixsaubility of hav reaching Germany and Austria Secretary Child Welfare ' -inmi» 1914 wa» interest <»n nmm-y deposit* rnaiohal and Roy Shelton, treasurer ■ ing the treasury officer who issue« ; The following is tin- report of i the certificate acvoinpaiiy the ship through iM-ighiM>ring countri«*other Mor., 25<H Third St.. Portland, Ore ied in the banks This interest was than Italy. to her d«*stin«ition to guard against Tht* club women maintain that coll«-ct«*i at the rate of two per the city offiwr»: A l«*>M*ning of th«* regulation« ap Reconler* report, ending Decent-i smuggler* who mav carry copper or th«**- little crip|»h*s. Ix-*id«*» lx*ing cent, ami Mr. Francis cvll«*ct«*l plying to American cargo««*, it i* other contraband* on small ships to the must pitiful of all cast-» of help- S3005.41, tx*mg the returns on over her 31. 1914. »aid by British offleiaia, will depend le»*m-*x. and lx*«id«»s Ix-ing entirely lx* tran*f«*rrr<l at ura. kKMouiti 1150, ihhi placed in the county de- without organizml aM*i»tam*e in con ; largely on the aiwuranc«*» received The waiving of the right to m-arch f 2IHMI (Ml Uity Franchise trast wKh th«- greet state institu punitory. i from neutral countries that they shi(«i Ix-aring r>«ntral*mi cargoes, tions which car«* for th«* «leaf, bliml, Until thia year the county ha* laghi and water plant l(l.00o.(Mi1 I will not aaswt in supplying Ger- in the opinion of several prominent feeble-min«l««d and even the delin never ma«le any gam from thi* Fire Ap|*r*tus Britidi officml«, would lx- an invita many. Turkey ami Austria with quenl. are also the mo*i curable if i source, but in 1913. the state h-gi»- Hose 500 04» treated in time and th«* most able tion for .«muggier* to ply their trade munition* of war. lature i > hsm »I a law- making it pos Engine 592 oo when so lr«*at«*i to make gixxl. whert-a* the retention of th«* right 100 Mi strong, useful ettizms instead of Mible for county treasurers io obtain W agon Subornile for The Tribune, 31.25 would tcml to prevent dmhomsity 300 tai charges on public charity all their intert-st on county funds deposit«*!. Hose ('art Thia position 1« precisely the same the year. Some of th«* i>ank* in thr «late were City jiark 250 mi as that taken by the foreign office imwi.iHi unfavorable to the new law and the City hall cimcrrn’ng tlx* certification of mam-1 matter wa* taken to the court* Be Electric «upHir* For all Kind* <>f 357.70 fests of American cargoes by British i cause of th«* litigation on this sub- Account* due city 115.79 consuls at Ameri<*an port*. p*ct. the matter has lx-rn un«h-eid«*l Ext«»nflion of line* 192.90 A deciikxlly favorable impression ■ until thi* fall when the law wa* up has lx*en produ«v«l herv by the Total 3 1 IMI IB held. Albany Democrat. go to Ihr American certification olan. British ' Lumunn« officials r« gard it a« a further mani- * I Aulo* Make Road Quit 3 4500.00 t’itv tamis testation of the d«^ure «»f the Ameri-1 Warrant* 592 oo can government to hasten a «ati»-1 Ashland. Or.. Jan. 5 The South 35029 00 factory netlh-ment of the difference», Total ern Pacific’* motor service today concerning the delay and arixure of tatw«*-n Ashland and Grant* Pas* Net r«*x»urc«"s of City Highest market price | m » i <I for American cargoes. of Scio makes it* exit after a num th of Electric laghi ami W'atrr Plant competition with autom«>bil«w be Fieri. Fat Hogs. UedicalKM Ball Total cash receipt* for tween thi* city and Medford Two Mutton. Etc. private *erv In- 3 1931.29 rival line* are running <m a 3*-mile A dedication ball will he given at utc schedule. Fare one way is 25 Service for city: Meat* soldat the lowest once 5-.MMI watt light* 54.00 the I. O. O. F. Hall, in Seto, Friday cent*. 56 Inc. lights 1129 (Ml evening. January M, by that lodge commensurate with gi»«i »luff Th«- railway fare is 40 cent* one 16 hydrant* 394.00 The tanefits to go toward fixing the way. a distance of 12 mile* Pacific 24.IMI Light* at city hall I 'ash l*id for Hide* Highway paving improvement* make 24 Ml hail. Supper will lx- served al the Light* at Milling to. th«- competition possible Cut* are Good music, good 24 IMI hall at 12 p m Lieht* at School Bldg being made in freight rate* also, FRANK McDONAID floor and a good time ansurvd. the railway tariff tai ng IB rent* a 3:<569 29 Total A cordial invitation ia extend**-! hundred (x>und* The automobile St l". to all. truck* haul for (Continued on page i I SOUND FINANCIALLY CUNTY HAS OVER $20,000 BALANCE ”, <>'. QIJY 31.25 THE YEAR f armers Meat Market H BRITAIN TO GUARD RIGHT OF SEARCH y