The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 22, 1914, Image 5

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Railroad Time Table
Why Nut Publish It?
When you want a fact to become
general)) kuown. th.- right way la to
In tliv County Court of th« State
Arrival an* Departure at Paii«ng«r
publish it. Mrs Joseph Kallen*. Peru, Oregon for the County of l.inn.
lixl, waa troubled with belching, eour in the matter of the e»t*te |
WiM.ibum-Spmiftleld Branch
stomach and frvquer.t headache*. She
srilfi "1 feel it my duty to tell other* Matt Lol«-rifvr. I>w«-a».si I
To William Ixjbergvr arxl to ALL
N -th
7 65* m what < hambertains tablets have done
5.M P m for me. They have he'p«-d my difes­ OTHER HEIRS AND DEVISEES of|
lion and regulate«! my tx>wvl*. sine« •axl dreeaMNl unknown, if any *u«-h:
( orvalli* 4 Eastern
using them I have been entirely w»lL" there b*t
Wh«-rvM application having been :
For sale by all dealers.
made in due f irm to the above named !
...................................*7.38 a m
Court on October 'JU. 191!. by K »be!
.............................. . .12:10 p m
I ton, adminialrator of mm ! <-*t*tv for an f
Mill City ................................. 19:06 m
If you haven’t already t 8tll>- onler and licen»e directing, authormng -
’6:12 p
to a club of our i maga- an<f empowering him to sell at public !
Daily. (Daily except Sunday.
xines do it naw. You will en- •ale on th* premia«*, fur ca»h. certain ;
joy trading these magairitnt. We real estate belonging to the eatatc of ,
•aid dre«!ent and de*cnb<-d a* follow», ■
will sell you three magazines to wit:
and the News »11 one ><ar for Beginning at a point 29.235 chain» I
only $1.25.
mirth from the »outh« »»t corner of th«-
Donation I .and Claim of Nathaniel
and Susannah Crank, hl* wife,
2J1-2 New Flint National Bank I'.ld»-
Best typewriter ’arlnin pajH-r Crank
emg Notlllca’.ion No. .’-»is ami Claim ,
made, two sheets for 5c at th- No 40 nnd 5i in Town»hi|> 10. South I
News office.
Range I at d 2 W«-»t of the Willamelt-- '
Meridian, Oregon, and running thvr-'
■*rst 20.46 chain*. lh<-m-<- »«mth 9. >
| chain*; thence vast 20 45 chain» to the
’Th« Old Beast.'
“** boun ,'ary line of »aid Claim;
An old story concerning Ix»r»l
Beaconsfield is worth repeating, | thence north along the east boundary
One day, while walking about hi» ■ line of »aid claim 9.78 chain* to the
country place tn the c*«y coat and nine« of beginning, containing 20 acres
Lcavo call* for meeting evening motor general curcle*« attire he liked to more or lea* all lying and being in Linn
adopt when among hi* farmer*, he County, state of Oregon.
Stax»1 meets all Munkera trama,
Ami where** sai l court flxed on Mon-
encountered two women, strong
leaving Scio Hotel at 8:15 a m
lay, th-» 7th day of December 1914, at'
parti-,in* of Mr Gladstone. Suppo-
and 2:40 p m
ing him to be the keeper or garden­ 10 o'clock a ni. a day of the regular I
er or something of that sort, they December P-rm of said court, at the i
inquired if he would »how them I court room of this court in the Court
I r*nk < ’ SbdlnK’.chi'r, candidat'- fop.Count) t'h-rk. nomi­
over the place.
While thev acre 1 Mouse in Albany, Idnn county. Oregon, i
aalking about tiny overwhelmed ' a* a time and place for hearing any
nated ul the Dunocratic primaries. Six ymr in the County
him with question* a* to the habits i and all objection* to said petition and
Servin- four yar ' deputy County Clerk tirid» r 1» N Payne, t AO
the ma-ter of the manor. “I'»» the granting of »aid order ami license
W. A. Ewing,
A. E. Randall.
lb ( uty Sheriff under D S Smith.
you think you could manage to get I of sale
Presidi' nt
Vice ¡’rea.
ns a sight of the old beast him­
For the last six years he has been with M Sternberg »nd
self?" asked on«» of tlu-m "Mad­ THE STATE OF OREGON, you am!
Company of Albany', Oregon.
am,” replies! Lord Beaconsfield, each of you are hereby cited, directed
Docs a general banking business, “the old beast has the honor to ami required to he and appear al naiti
Has b civil and military record of merit. Served with the
rcceivta money subject to checa, pa>
Sei : J. (h < : 01: in ti c Philippines during the Spanish-American
wait upon you now’” — London lune an-! place then ami there to show
cause, if any you luivc. or if any exist,
interval on
deposits, and is Graphic.
war and is now in command of the Department of Oregon,
why an order of sale should not Li­
by state bank
I litvd Scan sh War Veterans. Served over twelve years in the
6naK*> In th» 8outh Sea Islands.
ma )e, a* in the petition prayed for,
Ori-.;on National Guard, six years of this time bein ' in command
In many of the south sen islands arid why Mid petition should r ot I -
the snake is often held to lx* sa­ grant«-«! ami said onler and license of
ot th'1 Company as Captain.
Is now a member of the Reserve
cred, us it is thought to be connect - »ale should not issue.
Cori's of th» tale and subject tn duty,
de with a »pint. At Valuwa there
WITNESS the Hon. D B McKnight,
II s service was without partisan or political consideration
are snakes which strangers are not Ju Ige of »aid Court with th«- aval of
allowed to nee lest some misfortune sail Court affixed this 20th day of
and as • eh is
t ed to receive as fair and impartial treatment
should follow. Those that are held October, 1914.
at the polls.
arc not fed or worshiped, but such (US.)
W. L MARKS. Clerk
Tulephune; 27-7
I I'ai i Advt rti»en»»nt)
as are the familiar* of individuals
By L. O. McCoy, Deputy,
oreqon alio know them receive aneriiicrs.
In the New Hebrides snakes are
highly regarded. A native of Pen­ . As this is a good time of the
tecost island if he eves one in a year to jiaint, I will make you
sacred place or tn a house will think some special prices on
that there is some reason f»>r it* ap­ grade paint.
N 1 Morrison.
pearing to him. Il»* a ill pour over
hiniM-lf the juice of 4 young cocoa-
nut and ever after» *rd expect to
find the world go well with him
through tin» influence of th»* spirit.
Administrator of Estât«-*
Real Estate
(*btaii>«-d and Exammi-d
Physician J3 Surgeon
Teli phone, I schangr Xo. 11
/\ Congressional
Notary Public
«Rk 8ÄRUX. Prep.
Hacks connect with all train*
at Wot Scio and at Munk» rs
(*ur rifa finit ciana and
our horse» good drivera
Price* Reasonable.
As it in about time to get your i
heating Btove you will make a
mistake if you don't take a look
at the new designs at Morrison’s
hardware store. High class
heaters at a moderate price. I
defy any mailorder house to
compete in price or quality.
Yours for business. N I Morrison.
Get one of those warm, dressy
Mackinaw coats at the People's
Store for less than half what
others charge.
W C llnwley i* a congrvaeional blank
file«! away in the dusty archiw* of the
national capttol and i* u»cd for refer­
ence whenever the "ok! guard" m-«-d*
a reactionary vote. He has Imen can!
indexed and tagged. He i* clas»it'ic I a*
harm)« *». but netv»»ary. He ha* 1» - n
taught tu rat out of th«- horny ham! of
former "peaker Joe Cannon and i* one
of the few remaining cogs in the bent
and bruken wheel which waa built un
der the Cannon- Payne regime, if he­
wer performed any r» al nervier to hi*
eonatituent*. they never heard of it.
If he ever made a brilliant »peeeh it
Yra, Williams
ha* been expunged from the congr«»-
I’i! i t II \ 011 U liy 1
•ional record. If he ever did anything
\\ on't Invest
,cl*c of value a«i<l«- from drawing hi»
pay, the Washington correspondent* (
in \ our Enlrrpriffc
have failed to record it. Hawley ia a
\ ’’Ot *RE ! • 4tr<| in the wrong
lady-like, well meaning incompetent,
J town. Cloaed ae-trnlrrn
lie never meaauted up to hi* job when
Spring, thr fir«t
he waa elected ami 1* no further ad­
institution« to eome •rmat with
their tetr*. \ •»«
vanced at the prevent time than be
wltr« »»lit nf th»»***
wa* when he first received hi* com- ■
ami what ha« it g t y<»u? Free»
> miMion of officr. Th«- l<e|n>blican* of !
I k ally a d« 4i<l b*wn.
i the First CongreMiional district were
Y‘H| tried to deprive men of
: "stung" when they gave him his non»
thetr I»« rwmil nghl*.
i nation. The entire voting |>opulalion
’em tiwy muldn I drmh brer,
e.rn trvsdrralrly an they had
' of the district was “stung" again wh<-n
I we’ll d<»ing
Men who ««»uldnt
j he was elected.
even get l»err tn rrwfWM table I m rr
The great majority of newspapers in
9al<H»n«, got unlttKilrd quant diet
of cheap, «Irongrr drink* in the
the Wlllarm-ttc valley concede that the I
r«»uniir*a blind pig* that your
‘ statements mad»- above arc correct. It I
l»!ue I jwi created.
i i* nut news. It i* merely a statement'
Tb<»«r orderly MiliMvria were
I of facta which are already quit»- famil­
•be Liberty llal! <»f nianjr work­
iar to the thinking people of th»- state. I
men who »ought an hour • relax­
Now the Immocrat* of the h ir»l Con- I
ation. aruu*enirnt, irl|<»w»ln|*. To
them, they were what a elub
, grrssional district have this year nomi- J
i* is* von and me.
1 nat«d a brilliant lawyer ami thorough
denies! the privilege of drinking
business man for the office of congn-ss
an « m ‘< M.psua! glas*. they skulk« «!
tn the rottvenienl *p*ak-eaaiea
man. There can I* no question raised
and became law breaker«.
as to his integrity or hi* ability. He
There rrwi are, William*. None
1* congressional timber in all that the
of mv money f,«r a l,i«n that
name implies. His nomination ia an
clamp* dowu the Ini not on
honor to his party ami a credit to hi*
intern pe ranee, but on li I.IIKM
state. We refer to Hon. Frederick
and wibriety.
— X«/t rri«»rmrnf
Hollister of CV-oe Bsy the flesh and
blood which the Itemocrat proposs-s to
E D Ulrich. ChamlxT of Com- substitute for a political corpse at the
merce, Portland, Oregon.
‘ national capttol.
(Paid adv.)
r "
x ( 'onfvet ioncrv
Post (’ai'tls a Speciali v
tt'swwsa jaaaia
No Route South
Can Equal
of the
Through Oregon and California
■•>h»»t* Limit««!'' I*>ave» Portland.....................8.N1 p.
"• an Fran<i»ro Expr»-*»” l^-av«-» Portland ...8:16 p.
"t’alif mi* Expr***" Leave* Portland............ | :>i *. m.
Dir«n-t connection at San Francisco with trains East via < >gden
or south through I xm Angele», |'.l Paso or Sew Orleans
S55 Partlafiij to Los Angeles and Return
i » n
sali :
daily ,
i . i . mii
Corresponding l.oa Wound Trip I area All Other S I’ Point*
Ticket* tp all point* south and east on sale daily. Litera­
ture descriptive of California, the Exposition and the trip
San Francisco to New Orleans on application to ncan st
Agent, or
John M
Scott, General Passenger Agent
'‘Manufacture« and Land Product» Show, Portland, October lot 1
to November 14th"