a xr ->r a ', Z' * • Railroad Time Table CITATION Why Nut Publish It? When you want a fact to become general)) kuown. th.- right way la to In tliv County Court of th« State Arrival an* Departure at Paii«ng«r publish it. Mrs Joseph Kallen*. Peru, Oregon for the County of l.inn. Traina lixl, waa troubled with belching, eour in the matter of the e»t*te | WiM.ibum-Spmiftleld Branch of Citation. stomach and frvquer.t headache*. She WE»T SCIO srilfi "1 feel it my duty to tell other* Matt Lol«-rifvr. I>w«-a».si I To William Ixjbergvr arxl to ALL N -th 7 65* m what < hambertains tablets have done South 5.M P m for me. They have he'p«-d my difes­ OTHER HEIRS AND DEVISEES of| lion and regulate«! my tx>wvl*. sine« •axl dreeaMNl unknown, if any *u«-h: ( orvalli* 4 Eastern using them I have been entirely w»lL" there b*t Ml NKERS Wh«-rvM application having been : For sale by all dealers. Albany. made in due f irm to the above named ! ...................................*7.38 a m Court on October 'JU. 191!. by K »be! .............................. . .12:10 p m I ton, adminialrator of mm ! <-*t*tv for an f Mill City ................................. 19:06 m If you haven’t already t 8tll>- onler and licen»e directing, authormng - m .............................. ’6:12 p scribed to a club of our i maga- an 10. South I News office. Range I at d 2 W«-»t of the Willamelt-- ' Meridian, Oregon, and running thvr-' ■*rst 20.46 chain*. lh<-m-<- »«mth 9. > | chain*; thence vast 20 45 chain» to the ’Th« Old Beast.' “** boun ,'ary line of »aid Claim; An old story concerning Ix»r»l Beaconsfield is worth repeating, | thence north along the east boundary One day, while walking about hi» ■ line of »aid claim 9.78 chain* to the country place tn the c*«y coat and nine« of beginning, containing 20 acres Lcavo call* for meeting evening motor general curcle*« attire he liked to more or lea* all lying and being in Linn adopt when among hi* farmer*, he County, state of Oregon. Stax»1 meets all Munkera trama, Ami where** sai l court flxed on Mon- encountered two women, strong leaving Scio Hotel at 8:15 a m lay, th-» 7th day of December 1914, at' parti-,in* of Mr Gladstone. Suppo- and 2:40 p m ing him to be the keeper or garden­ 10 o'clock a ni. a day of the regular I er or something of that sort, they December P-rm of said court, at the i inquired if he would »how them I court room of this court in the Court f. I r*nk < ’ SbdlnK’.chi'r, candidat'- fop.Count) t'h-rk. nomi­ over the place. While thev acre 1 Mouse in Albany, Idnn county. Oregon, i aalking about tiny overwhelmed ' a* a time and place for hearing any nated ul the Dunocratic primaries. Six ymr in the County him with question* a* to the habits i and all objection* to said petition and Servin- four yar ' deputy County Clerk tirid» r 1» N Payne, t AO of the ma-ter of the manor. “I'»» the granting of »aid order ami license W. A. Ewing, A. E. Randall. years lb ( uty Sheriff under D S Smith. you think you could manage to get I of sale Presidi' nt Vice ¡’rea. THEREFORE IN THE NAME Oh i ns a sight of the old beast him­ For the last six years he has been with M Sternberg »nd self?" asked on«» of tlu-m "Mad­ THE STATE OF OREGON, you am! Company of Albany', Oregon. am,” replies! Lord Beaconsfield, each of you are hereby cited, directed Docs a general banking business, “the old beast has the honor to ami required to he and appear al naiti Has b civil and military record of merit. Served with the rcceivta money subject to checa, pa> Sei : J. (h < : 01: in ti c Philippines during the Spanish-American wait upon you now’” — London lune an-! place then ami there to show cause, if any you luivc. or if any exist, interval on lino- deposits, and is Graphic. war and is now in command of the Department of Oregon, why an order of sale should not Li­ regularly inspected by state bank I litvd Scan sh War Veterans. Served over twelve years in the 6naK*> In th» 8outh Sea Islands. ma )e, a* in the petition prayed for, examiner*. Ori-.;on National Guard, six years of this time bein ' in command In many of the south sen islands arid why Mid petition should r ot I - the snake is often held to lx* sa­ grant«-«! ami said onler and license of ot th'1 Company as Captain. Is now a member of the Reserve cred, us it is thought to be connect - »ale should not issue. Cori's of th» tale and subject tn duty, de with a »pint. At Valuwa there WITNESS the Hon. D B McKnight, II s service was without partisan or political consideration are snakes which strangers are not Ju Ige of »aid Court with th«- aval of allowed to nee lest some misfortune sail Court affixed this 20th day of and as • eh is t ed to receive as fair and impartial treatment should follow. Those that are held October, 1914. at the polls. arc not fed or worshiped, but such (US.) W. L MARKS. Clerk Tulephune; 27-7 I I'ai i Advt rti»en»»nt) as are the familiar* of individuals By L. O. McCoy, Deputy, oreqon alio know them receive aneriiicrs. SCIO In the New Hebrides snakes are highly regarded. A native of Pen­ . As this is a good time of the tecost island if he eves one in a year to jiaint, I will make you sacred place or tn a house will think some special prices on high that there is some reason f»>r it* ap­ grade paint. N 1 Morrison. pearing to him. Il»* a ill pour over hiniM-lf the juice of 4 young cocoa- nut and ever after» *rd expect to find the world go well with him through tin» influence of th»* spirit. Administrator of Estât«-* BRYANT C. ATTORNEY AT LAV, ALBANY WINKERS STAGE F. C. STELLMACHER i: DS. T. K. SANDERSON DENTIST R. SHELTON Real Estate _x>siii Negotiated. Abstracts (*btaii>«-d and Exammi-d Physician J3 Surgeon Teli phone, I schangr Xo. 11 KIO • : /\ Congressional Blunk Notary Public : : OREGON «Rk 8ÄRUX. Prep. Hacks connect with all train* at Wot Scio and at Munk» rs (*ur rifa finit ciana and our horse» good drivera Price* Reasonable. As it in about time to get your i heating Btove you will make a mistake if you don't take a look at the new designs at Morrison’s hardware store. High class heaters at a moderate price. I defy any mailorder house to compete in price or quality. Yours for business. N I Morrison. Get one of those warm, dressy Mackinaw coats at the People's Store for less than half what others charge. W C llnwley i* a congrvaeional blank file«! away in the dusty archiw* of the national capttol and i* u»cd for refer­ ence whenever the "ok! guard" m-«-d* a reactionary vote. He has Imen can! indexed and tagged. He i* clas»it'ic I a* harm)« *». but netv»»ary. He ha* 1» - n taught tu rat out of th«- horny ham! of former "peaker Joe Cannon and i* one of the few remaining cogs in the bent and bruken wheel which waa built un der the Cannon- Payne regime, if he­ wer performed any r» al nervier to hi* eonatituent*. they never heard of it. If he ever made a brilliant »peeeh it Yra, Williams ha* been expunged from the congr«»- I’i! i t II \ 011 U liy 1 •ional record. If he ever did anything \\ on't Invest ,cl*c of value a«i miMion of officr. Th«- lblican* of ! I k ally a d« 4iopulalion ’em tiwy muldn I drmh brer, e.rn trvsdrralrly an they had ' of the district was “stung" again wh<-n I we’ll d<»ing Men who ««»uldnt j he was elected. even get l»err tn rrwfWM table I m rr The great majority of newspapers in 9alw»7r, $«■■ $ x ( 'onfvet ioncrv Post (’ai'tls a Speciali v SCIO. OREGON tt'swwsa jaaaia No Route South Can Equal r • of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC Through Oregon and California THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY ■•>h»»t* Limit««!'' I*>ave» Portland.....................8.N1 p. "• an Frani *. m. Dir«n-t connection at San Francisco with trains East via < >gden or south through I xm Angele», |'.l Paso or Sew Orleans S55 Partlafiij to Los Angeles and Return i » n sali : daily , i . i . mii X months Corresponding l.oa Wound Trip I area All Other S I’ Point* Ticket* tp all point* south and east on sale daily. Litera­ ture descriptive of California, the Exposition and the trip San Francisco to New Orleans on application to ncan st Agent, or John M Scott, General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON '‘Manufacture« and Land Product» Show, Portland, October lot 1 to November 14th" 1 Ì six I V I