The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, October 22, 1914, Image 1

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    \ icious Measures
Mrs. Jehu Here
Oregon News Notes
New Subscribers
Oregon Development New» in Line of
Mr* E R iisbc U Jcdin.
With the -lb.« lute certainty that Ihc
The News has received a nice
Industries, Payroll*, and Producís
"Water cr- ut" Constitutional Amend- R rv W ( » Ma« Î 4frn. fuuuder and
of renewals as well as the
meni number
and it* companion general .uper ntcndcht *.d the Pacific
of Labor and Lnlrrpriar.
follow ing NEW subscribers since
bill number 3JH <m the ballot proposed Coast Rescue and Protect ne Society,
oí the
for adoption at the next elect»- n. will I m * b cefi m Scio in the inter«
our last issue:
A ten-mik logging rixad is I i be
depriv c the State of authority to . II U> uii e II«me for erring girl» and the
A Van t
built up Lost I reck to tupi ly tinibi-r
tina Ker*
any tide land* or any submerged land* \lbcitina
Kers Xuri
Nursery Home, tmth
G M Bilyeu
for Springfield sawmill*
the navigai le stream* and bay* of ■I Portland
\t ihr
thr time of w mtig
(‘has Kandla
Or rgon, the State 1* confronted with therr .it,- thnl) : tir little one. tn the
I he $'
Gallier hotel > tnr o ,
R« m U
Shephard h.-.5 mot td thr
th* - prospect that all industrial devet Nursery and the I ouive Home is car I. • incorporated at Bandon
Janies Dubrovsky
I r<K‘k irufthcr Bum lh< nd^e sihotc
opincut requiring acct»* to the water ing I >r fourteen girl«, thr majority >'
John Egr
j|«ifd4M t<» K’ k Ct evk 4ih! is
Scio 1» to have a $l»’,t.B<> ho.'.: thi. I
w ill speedily come to an end Th»» is whom are
re under Cl
eighteen year* On-
Jos E Simanek
J repairing tl»v r«M<h
the opinion of practically ever) at- little girl i. but thirteen, while another
J W Shiinanek
M r» B 1 iraní» a l<i»ng hiiiv re*’»lent
torucy who ha.« made a careful exam- lifteeii i* soon to be a mother
St Helen* «hipyard* have ci ■ nliai
Mill i ity, died re«ently
illation of the proposed amendment I ’-lac 'n .« -il-
ehiipLiin <1 th,
r V. >. -I*
î: • ig* into
'I year
and bill
.talc institution, and tin* year fifty
Rev Mc Leod ha. b> < n lo Albany
XX < II known lawyer* in Portland and ight young men have been parol I
Tunnel work 1» progressing on the
Edd Stepunck
attending I’ trrian Synod
other citii « 111 the State have potutc ' •o th« . < icty Of thl. tninler f 1 ty M> »» Pgr* mine in Lake county
Krank Bartu
Mr Piatt of \|l>any. with a ere«
out that tin proposed amendment have been sent out to other citte, to
Will Beran
The legislation industry a. repre­
of men I. plastering the I hid I ■ II ■» «'
contain* a pruv «i >n that tide land’
Thi MKirty 1» non sectarian sented by abuse of ihc imtuttvi' and
h ill in Milt « it)
J T Brock
iu..y be
II* door* arc o|>rn day ami night timi referendum i- liable to have hard
A B Hathaway
site* on
to build dock’»
Lhi «
Mr Plunkett. avi
i»»r tbe
no needy girl >r boy i* ever turned *l< thbng November .M
iiieai * that the State Land Board will
la «ritti) lhl”to»l
a w a y
not be permitted to grant any permit
h«»in 4
v.H «»li 4 tluwil« .tli«l
The defeat <»? all ratinai l «Ih .
Mi. John I* planning to com t>>
to dike <>r re , Lum any overflow lam's
in hl*
If you will subscribe to the th«- it «tilt m an file lurgc
Scio in Oeccmber to give her lecture the ballot will be an mimi , th hi to « *
or tide land«, or any right to utihz
tight «itili "
1 ah » b|«»k«n ..?»«« the
on ”1 lie’s Shadow, on the Pacific
News or runew your subscription
tide land« for Looming purpose», fish
*a*hus un«! ulna l»on« * «»i thr lower
we will include three standard ari»! Mirre Irai tur« d He ha* won.
cry piirp<
or a* site. for indu.tri.«
or for any other industrial develop •n the hand* of Mr* \\ A Ewing nakmg .1 (Ltil.tW improvement iic.ii ma;,azinc . all one year. lor only li-ine t«> 'liinki v tu rrinain a“ hil<
I' I. hoped ’hat every one will avail < ile tidal c
mi nt purpose
25c extra. Write or call at this
We ai> to have thi , h im - to vote
In in address recently delivered in them- lv< . ,«f the opportunity to hear
Ion a bill to elec t delegate* Io inn t III
I'- rtlaml by c\ Senator I \\ .Mulkey,
! i onv enti, n to name i .mdidaii > for of*
Mr John wish, « to thank rlic liu.i f «ay that the |va**4ge of the "Water
who w.tli C S Jackson of the Journal
■ Front" bill, would cripple the devil
11 ' ii i < ’ <!■ •< «
' >> '•<'
prop, ,»,-<! the amendment and the bill.
Wanted Eiftoen head of ewe
\ • pmrnt of future manufacturing m
1 thr liuti.itivi and r< fvicmliiin null and
Mr Mulkey used thi« expression “Un- generous manner in which they have
•theep. Muet be youtiR. Addrcua I void? Do we want the ■ 4'1
I < >regon
sold Ink- lands and f«»rc*h<>re of always received her, and extend* a
I nni Holub, (’rablree, Oregon. system again? I .hall vole .155 X No
*' ¡>
ig.dtle stream* will ■ . 11 .'I I ■
The State Imluvtrtal Coninii.vioii
Harry .Ma*"ii. who manipulate, a
erty of the State
They will he an home when in Portland
lias settled k-4 claim* in three month»
ab-gotis to timber land, in the Na
John W Richardson died at an battery id in. ular < ut • df >.i« « in the
1 !n II ll.M claim* were filed ihc fust
tion.'l I «ret Reserve
I three rtoiith* and the claim industry early hour Tue lay morning af­ Ikamm nd null. r< «iv<d a blow on
They w ill be
Or-pn of Qwarantin«.
a heritage L r future generations.”
In tlx ! mrtei nth century <*nr- I is growing
ter a lingering Hint a. and was 1 the head from a »ti«.k that ile» Lai k
' mil pul Inin out of o.nuni• .1 >11 lor a
Th »e who have made 1 -tudy <‘f fourth of the |M*pulatiou >>f Europe
The new highway being liuill % 14 buried at Providence Wednes­
I couple of day *
It is an itilcri - mg
the amendment the bill give Mr are eontputii) to h.ive died of the
Falls < ity and Silcti 1« to cut ihc dl*. day,
Key. V K Allison of I «ight to w afeli I iiiii handle the <»
Mulkey credit, vime he is ««tie of ih-- bulmnii p .0 ue. introdu cd from
tance to Newport by 16 milts.
authors of tm- in >.nr< ,. w th km.w
Brownsville having charge of There arc 25 11 culai .an. m a rio
the ,-a»t.
I hc find mcu*ure» to
Electrification work on the I* E
1 & the services. The News will fastened on crook ncikcd .laudarli«
mg what they mean an«! when hi say* ■heck it* »|irviii| were adopted by
I In
that the ui’.old title land* and fore the city of Venice, w hich appointed ! E Ry 1» to be completed by nest
¡contain his obituary next] week. with air pic "Ui< attachment«
saw* are the length of g .ink of «Inn
shore can only be leased for docl pur, m I I IS thru- guardian* of the pub­ -.pniig 4* far a, l-.ugciie
«‘««I apart, all in .1 row, and running
pose*, it become, perfectly clear that lic health.
The Oregon Trunk railroad moved
Ill I I'l l \ cnice eslab-
teirifie p,, <1
ll.irty «it. on a
b-ggirig interests, fishing in
¡¡«tml a liizarid. or contagious dis- 2IU car* of sheep out of thr Brnd
platform alami Ir, fl in fionl >-i the
t.-rcst* and other
re­ ru*e ho'pital, on a »mull isiand ad­ ituniry this year
saw. Ilv work, ihciit lust .1* a tv pi
quire acre.* to the
op joining the city. Thi* was the be­
The feeling is growing every day
•rations arc to lx
writer 1. worked lie hs« a keyboard
out ginning of quarantine The word
Hon S M Garland of Lebanon
and <an bring «I»” n our or ill th,
of the game »” fat .1* luturr develop itwlf mean* “forty" and implies that if all the conflicting
will addrvM the citizens of Scio .«aw« by manipulating the key« A
nunt i* concerned if these 1111 * (ortv duv*. the period of detention in the Oregon ballot were • -na'
into law. the state would be
vicinity at the City Hull in ! constant «ticaiii of Im- !•« r i. pi.sin,
be.ome la««
ii-.q ■»••d on vi <»<•;■. at this first Ve­
standstill industrially
Another .rriuu» objection to both netian quarantine.
.. io
nt 2.30 ,. p ... m .............
Octo- under hi. platform »idev. i,< to th
I he
of the«e measures, which is urged hy
Smith Pul;- mill al Mar»! ficl
ber 24, UJM»n the IMtIitical issues I »aw*, carried on emllr«« < 1111«
»- -<l
a great many ] -optc in all .citions >1
Evolution of a Word.
■ 1
■ "f the day. E.'-rv I....
any Itimbet that 1» not markriablc
the State, is the fact that the school
. ,, ..
The word “person’’ has had an alii*, contract»
i speciiulv the ladles.
I Sometime, he ha» t” bring «town <>in
fund which n >w derive* considerable interesting ln«torv.
Signifying by
Th< Carman Manufacturing Co o
sometime, more <4 thr »aw ,
1 liti n
revenue from the sale of tide Ian*’* etymology «oinetiung to make a
Portland 1* turning out talking ma
ami the foreshore <>f ihc navigal I-
When rene» ¡ng your sulwerip I 4 wln-li »tick or board I* I' lumini
>u .nd flu- . ;ii, thr lattin ’•persona" hinc* on a large scale
water* of the State will be deprived of
tion to The New» don’t fortfet to I ui>l down cm, , fix 25 »aw. and
I x '- mii by meaning an actor’s mask
The federation of Wumrn’i club, at
I makes stovewood of it in a Iwmkl,
a very large *um of money that i» now
with it* mouthpiece Then it meant
remind us of the big mugazine It take, qui, k a< tio|| on hi- part !■*
Legere endorsed a program of more
I adly needed for the maintenance ot
the character repre.etiled by the
determine whether ca< h «li- k 1* all ’t
the public »H mm .! »ystem of Oregon player —•'»iramati* personae.” Then Libor law. to go before the legislature offer.
partly un*.il..file.
Unless sign* of the timet are mis­
it came to invan the part or charac­
R Shelton transacted bu.iineHs
T Henne», has »own a large acre­
Lyle 1’icUin <>f Albany came over ter one «u.tain* in real life, and so leading. the framers of the proposed
in Albany Tuesday.
age ol alstke clover and cheat >eeJ*
the fir.t of the week and is coaching the ’’per-ona ccile»iae.’' the tnati eight hour law will not recognize it
I It look* fine. The soil is what it
who repreented the church, be­ when the people arc through voting
local talent for a play.
John Gill who haa been visit­ I called »« amp land It teems that al
anie known a* a “person” in a spe­ "No” on the mca.-rc tn November.
Union ing his son in Eugene, returned »ike doe* not do well on up land in
cial sense arid was eventually spell­ It is tn for a hard drubbing
Mr* James Arnold won the range
thi* rrgmn.
ed a* “parson.” On the other hand, Republican.
home Tuesday.
which *>..* given away at XL rrtson's
"person” faded away to mean just
What is the matter with • coopers-
hardw ire store last Saturday, holding
anybody. ________________
vettigating a cannery proposition at
five cannery at Sei”? The Eugene
ticket N<? Jfd2, which drew the stove
cannery »hip* car load after car load
It is understood that the ticket be-
An African CrtUa.
ranned pumpkin* and squath each
lunged to her ton Marion who wa* too
A 46.i*a> acre project •ti Gontr Lal -*
Under the h«-adtng ’’Printed as
What fine vegetable* ran be
bathful to make the purchase himself Received,” a South African journal valley. Lake county, is to be rc< (aimed.
raised in the Fori « of the Santitrr
prior to his marring*
publishes a rejtort written by a na­
After two year* of litigation the
It 1* » go,-d pumpkin country
tive of a concert given by the Oregon City muiiicipal elevator 1« to
Why not spend Sunday PVP.
A depot for the mm i< >pal railri d
Faun-unit h native choir at a church be built
Will Beran, clerk of School Diti
ning at the picture show? Finit
building at Grant» I'a»-
10. w • a Scio visitor Tucsdjy
To secure a »ite for a uty hall Eu claiot films, goixl music, and ad­
contributor «ays. “Among the choir
gene will vacate the old high school mission price 15c and 10c. Show
G. D, Rue. Remington typewriter Mi-s Nora Monclio wa« the beat *ile and build two new *<-hoo|.
starts at 8:00 sharp.
agent, wa* transacting butine** in Scio songster, and her cheek* were like
The Spaulding Logging Co at Sa
an apple, her nmfilli wa* like a cel­
lar. her eye« were like an owl’« at lem 1* considering putting in a paper
night, her Iwur was «oft and curly, and pulp null
Public Speaking
Picture Show Sun
clay Night
A Cord of Wood
This 1« for the benefit of some peo­
ple who do not teem to know what
constitutes a cord of wood
A cord
of wood 1« 12H cubic feet, made up a*
follow. N ft Io0|{. 4 fl high, well
piled. »It ks 4 ft long, not .1 ft. 9 !
inches or .1 ft. 10 mchc*. a* some is.
Bulk head* cause* a loss to pure ha s-
er* of from 15 to ¿5 per cent to the
corti Any person delivering less than
ate-ve i* liable to be prosecuted and
will be So dealt with
County Scaler, Lebanon
Weekly Oregonian
her < ax« were like shamrock flowers,
The " vicious seven’’ and the * ♦Ciri»
but she looked like a crane, and her lepers” »re pet name* given by the
name was Jane."
state pre«, to «even initiative m«-as-
urc interfering with industries
Ot Cours« SI’S Would.
The Weekly Oregonian, includ­
ing Comic Supplement until Jan­
uary 1, 1916, more than an en­
tire year, for 75c. Thin offer is
Î A Bilyeu, who ba* I cen ill (or
only during the bargain
•orne time, wa» able to lx down town
period which ends November 30,
the last of the week
1911, to new or present nub-
Mr* M ittil Holland and - »ns havi , ncribern.
Mail or bring your
moved lo their farm one mil« “V’»1' ! gubgeHptiona today to the office
of Scio
of the Santiam Newa.
When the train made its first atop
after leaving home, Mr Simnkins,
who had bren in a brown study for
«eveml minute«, raised hi* even,
which hnd n troubled look in them.
an<l remarked, “Mv denr, are you
«tire we haven't forgotten any­
••of murse we haven’t.” respond­
Henry Myer of Sweet Home and
ed the good ladv cheerfully.
Bilyeu of Lebanon were in town
would have thought of it the mtn
<>n business Tuesday
cite the tram started.”
r _ __
Picture show Sunday night 10c
and 15 centa.
Eor Cooking or Cider
or Apple Butter.
Twenty-five Cents a
Bushel at the Orchard
Brin« Your Boxes