\ icious Measures Mrs. Jehu Here Oregon News Notes New Subscribers Oregon Development New» in Line of Mr* E R iisbc U Jcdin. With the -lb.« lute certainty that Ihc The News has received a nice Industries, Payroll*, and Producís "Water cr- ut" Constitutional Amend- R rv W ( » Ma« Î 4frn. fuuuder and list of renewals as well as the meni number and it* companion general .uper ntcndcht *.d the Pacific of Labor and Lnlrrpriar. follow ing NEW subscribers since bill number 3JH uii e II«me for erring girl» and the A Van t built up Lost I reck to tupi ly tinibi-r tina Ker* any tide land* or any submerged land* \lbcitina Kers Xuri Nursery Home, tmth G M Bilyeu for Springfield sawmill* the navigai le stream* and bay* of ■I Portland At \t ihr thr time of w mtig (‘has Kandla Or rgon, the State 1* confronted with therr .it,- thnl) : tir little one. tn the I he $' Gallier hotel > tnr o , R« m U Shephard h.-.5 mot td thr th* - prospect that all industrial devet Nursery and the I ouive Home is car I. • incorporated at Bandon Janies Dubrovsky I rr fourteen girl«, thr majority >' John Egr j|«ifd4M t<» K’ k Ct evk 4ih! is Scio 1» to have a $l»’,t.B<> ho.'.: thi. I w ill speedily come to an end Th»» is whom are re under Cl eighteen year* On- Jos E Simanek J repairing tl»v r«M. -I* î: • ig* into 'I year Joe Holub and bill .talc institution, and tin* year fifty Rev Mc Leod ha. b> < n lo Albany XX < II known lawyer* in Portland and ight young men have been parol I Tunnel work 1» progressing on the Edd Stepunck attending I’rc.by trrian Synod other citii « 111 the State have potutc ' •o th« . < icty Of thl. tninler f 1 ty M> »» Pgr* mine in Lake county Krank Bartu Mr Piatt of \|l>any. with a ere« out that tin proposed amendment have been sent out to other citte, to Will Beran The legislation industry a. repre­ of men I. plastering the I hid I ■ II ■» «' contain* a pruv «i >n that tide land’ work Thi MKirty 1» non sectarian sented by abuse of ihc imtuttvi' and h ill in Milt « it) J T Brock iu..y be II* door* arc o|>rn day ami night timi referendum i- liable to have hard A B Hathaway site* on to build dock’» Lhi « Mr Plunkett. avi i»»r tbe no needy girl >r boy i* ever turned *l< thbng November .M iiieai * that the State Land Board will 11.uuniond to. la «ritti) lhl”to»l S S Stewart a w a y not be permitted to grant any permit h«»in 4 v.H «»li 4 tluwil gi.nl« .tli«l The defeat <»? all ratinai l «Ih . Mi. John I* planning to com t>> to dike <>r re , Lum any overflow lam's in hl* If you will subscribe to the th«- it «tilt m an file lurgc Scio in Oeccmber to give her lecture the ballot will be an mimi , th hi to « * or tide land«, or any right to utihz tight «itili " 1 ah » b|«»k«n ..?»«« the ita! an»! iiive«tn*ctiti in * on ”1 lie’s Shadow, on the Pacific News or runew your subscription tide land« for Looming purpose», fish *a*hus un«! ulna l»on« * «»i thr lower Coast Arrangement* have been put we will include three standard ari»! Mirre Irai tur« d He ha* won. « i 4 The California Oregon Power t cry piirp< or a* site. for indu.tri.« or for any other industrial develop •n the hand* of Mr* \\ A Ewing nakmg .1 (Ltil.tW improvement iic.ii ma;,azinc . all one year. lor only li-ine t«> 'liinki v tu rrinain a“ hil< I' I. hoped ’hat every one will avail < ile tidal c mi nt purpose 25c extra. Write or call at this We ai> to have thi , h im - to vote In in address recently delivered in them- lv< . ,«f the opportunity to hear office. l he best butine«, men in lile »lite Ion a bill to elec t delegate* Io inn t III the lecture and sc< the picture* I'- rtlaml by c\ Senator I \\ .Mulkey, ! i onv enti, n to name i .mdidaii > for of* Mr John wish, « to thank rlic liu.i f «ay that the |va**4ge of the "Water who w.tli C S Jackson of the Journal ■ Front" bill, would cripple the devil , . 11 ' ii i < ’ > '•<' in -* men of Scio for the courteou* and prop, ,»,-regon litio,I sold Ink- lands and f«»rc*h<>re of n.tv always received her, and extend* a I nni Holub, (’rablree, Oregon. system again? I .hall vole .155 X No ««rdial invitation to all to visit the *' ¡> ig.dtle stream* will ■ . 11 .'I I ■ The State Imluvtrtal Coninii.vioii Harry .Ma*"ii. who manipulate, a erty of the State They will he an home when in Portland lias settled k-4 claim* in three month» ab-gotis to timber land, in the Na John W Richardson died at an battery id in. ular < ut • df >.i« « in the 1 !n II ll.M claim* were filed ihc fust tion.'l I «ret Reserve I three rtoiith* and the claim industry early hour Tue lay morning af­ Ikamm nd null. r< «iv11 lor a Th »e who have made 1 -tudy <‘f fourth of the |M*pulatiou >>f Europe The new highway being liuill % 14 buried at Providence Wednes­ I couple of day * It is an itilcri - mg the amendment ..ml the bill give Mr are eontputii) to h.ive died of the Falls < ity and Silcti 1« to cut ihc dl*. day, Key. V K Allison of I «ight to w afeli I iiiii handle the <» Mulkey credit, vime he is ««tie of ih-- bulmnii p .0 ue. introdu cd from tance to Newport by 16 milts. authors of tm- in >.nr< ,. w th km.w Brownsville having charge of There arc 25 11 culai .an. m a rio the ,-a»t. I hc find mcu*ure» to Electrification work on the I* E 1 & the services. The News will fastened on crook ncikcd .laudarli« mg what they mean an«! when hi say* ■heck it* »|irviii| were adopted by I In that the ui’.old title land* and fore the city of Venice, w hich appointed ! E Ry 1» to be completed by nest ¡contain his obituary next] week. with air pic "Ui< attachment« saw* are the length of g .ink of «Inn shore can only be leased for docl pur, m I I IS thru- guardian* of the pub­ -.pniig 4* far a, l-.ugciie «‘««I apart, all in .1 row, and running pose*, it become, perfectly clear that lic health. The Oregon Trunk railroad moved Ill I I'l l \ cnice eslab- with teirifie p,, <1 ll.irty «it. on a the b-ggirig interests, fishing in ¡¡«tml a liizarid. or contagious dis- 2IU car* of sheep out of thr Brnd platform alami Ir, fl in fionl >-i the t.-rcst* and other re­ ru*e ho'pital, on a »mull isiand ad­ ituniry this year saw. Ilv work, ihciit lust .1* a tv pi quire acre.* to the op joining the city. Thi* was the be­ The feeling is growing every day •rations arc to lx writer 1. worked lie hs« a keyboard out ginning of quarantine The word Hon S M Garland of Lebanon measures and 1 Evolution of a Word. ■ 1 ■ "f the day. E.'-rv I.... any Itimbet that 1» not markriablc the State, is the fact that the school I . ,, .. , The word “person’’ has had an alii*, contract» i speciiulv the ladles. I Sometime, he ha» t” bring «town <>in fund which n >w derive* considerable interesting ln«torv. Signifying by Th< Carman Manufacturing Co o * sometime, more <4 thr »aw , 1 liti n revenue from the sale of tide Ian*’* etymology «oinetiung to make a Portland 1* turning out talking ma ami the foreshore <>f ihc navigal I- When rene» ¡ng your sulwerip I 4 wln-li »tick or board I* I' lumini >u .nd flu- . ;ii, thr lattin ’•persona" hinc* on a large scale water* of the State will be deprived of tion to The New» don’t fortfet to I ui>l down cm, , fix 25 »aw. and I x '- mii by meaning an actor’s mask The federation of Wumrn’i club, at I makes stovewood of it in a Iwmkl, a very large *um of money that i» now with it* mouthpiece Then it meant remind us of the big mugazine It take, qui, k a< tio|| on hi- part !■* Legere endorsed a program of more I adly needed for the maintenance ot the character repre.etiled by the determine whether ca< h «li- k 1* all ’t the public »H mm .! »ystem of Oregon player —•'»iramati* personae.” Then Libor law. to go before the legislature offer. partly un*.il..file. Unless sign* of the timet are mis­ it came to invan the part or charac­ R Shelton transacted bu.iineHs T Henne», has »own a large acre­ Lyle 1’icUin <>f Albany came over ter one «u.tain* in real life, and so leading. the framers of the proposed in Albany Tuesday. age ol alstke clover and cheat >eeJ* the fir.t of the week and is coaching the ’’per-ona ccile»iae.’' the tnati eight hour law will not recognize it I It look* fine. The soil is what it who repreented the church, be­ when the people arc through voting local talent for a play. John Gill who haa been visit­ I called »« amp land It teems that al anie known a* a “person” in a spe­ "No” on the mca.-rc tn November. Union ing his son in Eugene, returned »ike doe* not do well on up land in cial sense arid was eventually spell­ It is tn for a hard drubbing Mr* James Arnold won the range thi* rrgmn. ed a* “parson.” On the other hand, Republican. home Tuesday. which *>..* given away at XL rrtson's "person” faded away to mean just J.^A, Cartwright of Portland 1» tn- What is the matter with • coopers- hardw ire store last Saturday, holding anybody. ________________ vettigating a cannery proposition at five cannery at Sei”? The Eugene ticket N acre project •ti Gontr Lal -* Under the h«-adtng ’’Printed as ar What fine vegetable* ran be bathful to make the purchase himself Received,” a South African journal valley. Lake county, is to be rc< (aimed. raised in the Fori « of the Santitrr prior to his marring* publishes a rejtort written by a na­ After two year* of litigation the It 1* » go,-d pumpkin country tive of a concert given by the Oregon City muiiicipal elevator 1« to Why not spend Sunday PVP. A depot for the mm i< >pal railri d Faun-unit h native choir at a church be built Will Beran, clerk of School Diti ning at the picture show? Finit 1* building at Grant» I'a»- n business Tuesday cite the tram started.” r _ __ Picture show Sunday night 10c and 15 centa. I / APPLES Eor Cooking or Cider or Apple Butter. Twenty-five Cents a Bushel at the Orchard Brin« Your Boxes C. D. GILKEY MINTON, STATION