The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, March 10, 1911, Image 10

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    More new spring and summer dress
goods have arrived at Wesely & Cains.
Vetch, grass see<l». clover, land plas­
ter and commercial fertiliser» at J. F.
We»t ly's.
A dandy fine line of mens drees shirts
for spring have just arrived at Wesely
4- Cains.
See Morrison for Myers Spray Pump«
Planet Junior Garden Tool», Hoes,
Rake«, Etc.
Marell 23,24,25
The stores have <k-cided to hold
Fog ‘■Al.r. too bushels of vetch »red,
ready for seeding, at ll.lo per bushel,
at Kantiam Farm. M, W. G ain EH
their Annual Spring Opening» on
the tame day.
will be
Tiiomas Topics
Fred Mcsphelt went to Portland cn
Foa H aik 20 head cf Cotswold ewe»,
business Saturday.
full blood but not registered. R <'•
Mrs. J. G. Holt came home from
Daniel, one-half mile west of Xio.
Albany. Thursday morning, when- »he
Chas. Wesely handles the John Deere
had been visiting with her mother, who
and the genuine old Oliver Ch ><d
has been quite sick.
plows the two best plows in the world.
M »« Daisy kchieman is •laying at
L ost On the streets of -cio, a ladies home for a while.
gold neck chain with erw« appendage
Mrs. Hickman is quite sick with
The finder will please leave the same
at the B an TI a M N'xwa office.
Grandma Reiley, who has been quite
Farmers, of every locality arc mak­
poorly for some time, ia going to
ing good use of this fine weather.
Albany for medical treatment.
With the usual amount of rain, the
H Struckmeier went to Portland on
Willamette valley is sure of a good
business I riday.
crop, this year.
first Style Show and
every effort will be put forth to
make it a big treat for all those
who attend.
The People’s Store
Make your arrange­
ments to lie there.
CDatnùtrs & Mc?mt
$ E Toonf I Son
Mrs. Ira Phelps came over from
1-ebanon, Sunday morning as a guest
of Mr». Walter Bilyeu. The Phelps
family are now residents of the state
ooonooooooooooooooo of Washington.
We have ju»t received a car of Ban
ner buggies. We will have, also, a car
of Melbum wagons and a car of Mc­
Beautiful post cards at Heyne's.
Cormick cutting machinery. Korinek
New spring suits for men at Wesely A Mielke, Stay ton, Ore.
A Cains.
If you contemplate building, it will
F or S a IJC Plenty of fine hay. V. pay you4 t<> get ..<¡1 | ri <•» >.n lumb« r
before buying. Lumber for »al«- at the
Books, magazines ami Postcards at mill yards, about two miles south of
Scio. A. Kraynik. Prop.
C. G. miKiH.
When you hav<- rhrumatism in your
Wesely A Cain have a large line of
or instep apply < hambcrlain's
laces and embroideries.
Liniment and you will get quick relief.
C. G. Gough and Al Elder were Al­
It costs but a quarter. Why suffer?
bany visitors, last Saturday.
For sale by all dealers.
Egg» from pure bred Black Minorca»
The most common cause of insomnia
at 50 cents |>er 13. R. W, Gill.
is disorders of the stomach. Chand-cr-
F ur S alk I n »boat», weight from Iain's -tomach and Liver Tablets cor­
50 to 75 |>ounda. Inquire of R W. Gill. rect these disorders and enable you to
Wesely A Cain have one of the sleep. For sale by all dealers.
largest ami best lines of shoes in the
Now is the time to »pray your frui*
trees with lime and sulphur solution.
Lee Bilyeu, the I rbanon liveryman, We handle the 100 per cent, pure
came over Monday to transact business quality. For sale in quart, gallon or
in this city.
barrel quantities nt Wesely'» Grocery.
A swell line of mens spring suits in
We have to make room for our new
sll the latest styles have arrived at spring stock of wall paper and carpets;
Wesely A Cains.
so we are compelled to sacrifice on our
An apprentice wanted. For particu­ prices for the next 1X1 days.
C hah . W khkly
lars call on Mr». E. Cyrus, at Wesely
A (gins store.
Clean-up sale In wall paper Prices
J. R. Gill went up to Eugene, last for the next twelve days, cut one-half.
Friday evening, for a »hort vieil with Our stock consists of many choice
patterns, which must t-e sold to make
hi.« his son Byron.
for spring stock. E. C Peery
Doug Hamilton made his usual trip
to Albany, la»t Saturday, nevertheless druggist
T. M. H<>lt went to Albany Monday
t.. ntt. nd the road supervisor»
Mrs. J. N. Jones
visitor last week.
was an Albany
Chas. Freeing and wife are visiting
their daughter, Mr». Dodge, near
R uwksa
I »I..\\l\l
The farmer» of thia vicinity have
appreciated the good weather the past
few days, and a great deal of farming
ha« been done.
h i
.Manufacturera and Dvah-ra in
Sash, Doors, Moulding, Frames, Shingles Etc.
The boys of this neighborhood went
to band practoce Tueaday night at
I acomb.
Estimates and Pians for Bnildinzs fnmisbed on snort notice
I jk I week 'Ira. C. P. Hantier ac-
c -mpanied Mr». Wm. Davenport of
Prineville as far as Salem to visit her
friends and relatives.
Mills Located on South Side of Bridge, Scio, Oregon
C. P. Hassler was an Albany visitor
last week.
Cl a uti Compton haa been unable to
get arouns on the account of a crippled
J. J. Barnes, W. F.Oill,
J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barns»,
C. A. Warner.
Some of our people attended the
funeral of Fred Richardson of Lacomb
Henry Hassler ami family visited J.
II. Hassler over Sunday.
We expect fine roads this season by
capable management of W. W. San
Mrs. J. L. Davenport
relatives at St. Johns.
ia visiting
Sam Shanks expect» to get hi* new
engine from Portland soon.
Chamoerlain's Cough Remedy
Bonen Hollow Notes
IM X iMI*( »I« A II- I>
1 >b « KM IIKK UN. 1U<>4.
A Great Clubbing Offer
Jordan Joltings
Scio, Oreflon
J N. Reiley sold some of his land to
W. J. Turnidge.
The Farmers Meat Market will pay
Mr. ami Mr». Frank Shindler called
A full line of Lilly's guaranteed the highest market trice for beef,
garden seeds, chick feed, bone, shell mutton, veal, pork, hides ami eggs. at the Dolexa! home Sunday afternoon.
They dont want the earth, but they do
The hoy» of this vicinity were out
and grit at Wesely'» Grocery.
want your produce and are willing to Jack rabbit hunting last Sunday but
The Spray and Well pumps they talk
pay for it
Daley A McDonald Props. ha<l no luck.
about is the Myers. You know what
Now is the time for our road super­
W. F. Larwood made a trip to Salem
they arc. For Sale by N. I. Morrison.
visor* to get busy in smoothing up the last week bringing back with him 1350
The sale of the Scio hotel property,
rutsand holes in our roads. If done poumis of powder to lie used on the
aa announced a short time ago. has
now the dirt will pack. Done later on roads of this district
la-en called off. A cloud upon the title
when the dirt is in dust form, most of
F armer J oh »
was the cause.
' it will blow away through the summer.
Special sale on wall paper, carpet and
We handle the Van Brunt and Ken­
linoleum for the next 30 days.
tucky grain drills the standard grain
and ace us before you buy.
The weather has been quite nice for
drills on the market We have a car the past two weeks.
C har . W khrly
load of them in stock. Come and see
W hen the North Santiam bridge at
The farmer's have most all of their
us before you buy elsewhere.
Shelburn ia erected, lots of travel up
grain in.
C has . W kski . y
and down the Willamette valley will
Gen. Thomas has sold his place in
park block
pass through Scio.
Jordan. We have not learned where
Have you noticed those little red if our citixens will take hold of the he will go.
books "When you were born” aeries. matter properly. The soil of the block
Mr. Clifford Trask ia working in
Ju»t the thing for "Character Reading is exceedingly rich and in just the right
shape for sunken garden, etc A
Parties. For »ale by C. G, GOUoH.
Miss Marie Hannah was an Albany
movement to this end should be inau
The Scio Milling Co. cannot manu­
visitor last week.
gurated at once.
facture bran enough to supply the
The people haue begun
demand in this locality. A car of bran
Fruit spray (lime and sulphur) one
their orchards.
haa just been received from Portland.
gallon makes 12 gallons ready for spray­
Recommended by Oregon Agri­
Ask to see the big book at Wesely A
cultural college .15 cents per gallon,
Cams. It has a sample of all their
IM Spill Log Drag
you to furnish the container. E. C.
embroideries ami laces in it. You can
Between this city and Lebanon. '
find what you want in a few minutes.
farmer» are commencing to use the
Have you lx-en in yet to see the Chi-
Some dog or dog», without the fear
split log drag to dress up the roads |
Namel varnishes ami stainea? You can revengeful own« r in hia hetr , visited
after the winter wear.
boll it, hot dishes nor hard knocks will the chicken yards of Em eh Shelton ami
All that is necessary to make the«-- 1
turn it white nor spoil the gloaa. Call Uncle John Richardson, on Thursday
cheap ami simple tools most serviceable
ami see the different testa made. For night of last week, Out of more than
is to first bring the road up into a
sale by N. I. Morrison.
t vo docen, Mr. Shelton did not have a
rounded grade, wite sufficient fall to
With good prices for every thing chicken left. Uncle John had three to drain the water from any portion of J
produced on the farm, as at the present
the roadwoy. Then the use of the I
time, there is no reason to prevent our body haa a dog or dog» which merit split log drag, afthe every rain of con-1
farmer» to soon be riding about in severe treatment.
so|uenee will All all ruts and holes and I
automobiles. And they deserve this
Do you know that of all the minor place the road in a condition so that a 1
enjoyment, too; for no class of people ailments colds are by far the moat few hours of sunahide and air, will
work early and late aa they do.
dangerous? It is not the cold itself that place it in an almost racetrack condi­
IxiRT One 2-year oki heifer, and four you need to fear, but the serious dis tion. The N kwh eopcs that the use of
1-year old steers. Marked with a round rases that it often leads to. Moat of thia cheap and most serviceable road
hole in the right ear; color red. except these are known as germ disease». maker, will become generally used
one »teer is roan.
Parties notifying Pneumonia and consumption are among upon our dirt roads.
me of their whereabouts will be re-! them, Why not take Chamberlain's
warded. John Spring, Foster. Ore.
<ough Remedy and cure your cold I
while you can? For sale by all dealers, j
Vuie« Cultl* Croup and WTkuoptim C
the Limburger cheese.
We conatantlv keep on hand
a fretih clean stock and always
aim what is right with
our customers, Call and see
We will be
what we have.
pleated to quote you prices,
Senn-Week v Orem Journal one nr
Tbe Santiam News one year. . . . . . . . . . .
Both Papers
One Year
ThL weekly
JOURNAL Pub,‘*h~and most
-■ ..i, i .i ———— complete telegraphic news of
the world; give» reliable market reports, aa it is published at
Portland, where the market new» can be and is corrected to
date for each issue.
It also has a page of special matter for
the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or
more of comic each week, and It goe» to the subscriber twice
every week 104 time» a year
Gives all the local newa and
happening» and ahould be in
every home in thia vicinity.
The two paper» make a good
combination and you save fl by sending your subscription to
We can also give our subscriber» a good clubbing offer for
the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday Journal with the NEWS.