More new spring and summer dress goods have arrived at Wesely & Cains. MAKE YOUR PLANS Vetch, grass see get ..<¡1 | ri <•» >.n lumb« r before buying. Lumber for »al«- at the Cladak. Books, magazines ami Postcards at mill yards, about two miles south of Scio. A. Kraynik. Prop. C. G. miKiH. When you hav<- rhrumatism in your Wesely A Cain have a large line of foot or instep apply < hambcrlain's laces and embroideries. Liniment and you will get quick relief. C. G. Gough and Al Elder were Al­ It costs but a quarter. Why suffer? bany visitors, last Saturday. For sale by all dealers. Egg» from pure bred Black Minorca» The most common cause of insomnia at 50 cents |>er 13. R. W, Gill. is disorders of the stomach. Chand-cr- F ur S alk I n »boat», weight from Iain's -tomach and Liver Tablets cor­ 50 to 75 |>ounda. Inquire of R W. Gill. rect these disorders and enable you to Wesely A Cain have one of the sleep. For sale by all dealers. largest ami best lines of shoes in the Now is the time to »pray your frui* country. trees with lime and sulphur solution. * Lee Bilyeu, the I rbanon liveryman, We handle the 100 per cent, pure came over Monday to transact business quality. For sale in quart, gallon or in this city. barrel quantities nt Wesely'» Grocery. A swell line of mens spring suits in We have to make room for our new sll the latest styles have arrived at spring stock of wall paper and carpets; Wesely A Cains. so we are compelled to sacrifice on our An apprentice wanted. For particu­ prices for the next 1X1 days. C hah . W khkly lars call on Mr». E. Cyrus, at Wesely A (gins store. Clean-up sale In wall paper Prices J. R. Gill went up to Eugene, last for the next twelve days, cut one-half. Friday evening, for a »hort vieil with Our stock consists of many choice patterns, which must t-e sold to make hi.« his son Byron. room for spring stock. E. C Peery Doug Hamilton made his usual trip to Albany, la»t Saturday, nevertheless druggist KALINA A. T. M. H<>lt went to Albany Monday t.. ntt. nd the road supervisor» Mrs. J. N. Jones visitor last week. was an Albany Chas. Freeing and wife are visiting their daughter, Mr». Dodge, near Syracuse. R uwksa I »I..\\l\l The farmer» of thia vicinity have appreciated the good weather the past few days, and a great deal of farming ha« been done. h i .Manufacturera and Dvah-ra in Sash, Doors, Moulding, Frames, Shingles Etc. The boys of this neighborhood went to band practoce Tueaday night at I acomb. Estimates and Pians for Bnildinzs fnmisbed on snort notice I jk I week 'Ira. C. P. Hantier ac- c -mpanied Mr». Wm. Davenport of Prineville as far as Salem to visit her friends and relatives. Mills Located on South Side of Bridge, Scio, Oregon » C. P. Hassler was an Albany visitor last week. Cl a uti Compton haa been unable to get arouns on the account of a crippled ankle. ItlMKC-TOHK J. J. Barnes, W. F.Oill, J. A. Bilyeu, J. R. Barns», C. A. Warner. Some of our people attended the funeral of Fred Richardson of Lacomb Friday. Henry Hassler ami family visited J. II. Hassler over Sunday. We expect fine roads this season by capable management of W. W. San dere. Mrs. J. L. Davenport relatives at St. Johns. ia visiting SCIO ROLLER MILLS Sam Shanks expect» to get hi* new engine from Portland soon. Chamoerlain's Cough Remedy i I M Bonen Hollow Notes IM X iMI*( »I« A II- I> « 1 >b « KM IIKK UN. 1U<>4. A Great Clubbing Offer Jordan Joltings I PROCHASKA, Scio, Oreflon J N. Reiley sold some of his land to W. J. Turnidge. The Farmers Meat Market will pay Mr. ami Mr». Frank Shindler called A full line of Lilly's guaranteed the highest market trice for beef, garden seeds, chick feed, bone, shell mutton, veal, pork, hides ami eggs. at the Dolexa! home Sunday afternoon. They dont want the earth, but they do The hoy» of this vicinity were out and grit at Wesely'» Grocery. want your produce and are willing to Jack rabbit hunting last Sunday but The Spray and Well pumps they talk pay for it Daley A McDonald Props. ha